I Think Eating According To Blood Type Might Be Very Important


Feb 13, 2016
I skimmed through a book called "Eat Right 4 Your Type" by Peter D'Adamo and Catherine Whitney that says different blood types have different antigens that affect the digestibility of various foods.

I'm blood type A, and the book says milk and OJ greatly elevate serotonin and impair digestion for my blood type.

I switched to getting a major part of my calories from white rice, blueberries, and feta cheese instead of milk + OJ for the past few days and noticed a major deepening of my voice and improved digestion. I think the switch might have lowered serotonin and caused my androgens to go up. I drank a lot of OJ again today and my digestion is noticeably worse. So I think there is definitely something to this.

Substituting feta cheese for milk seems like it will work in the long-run, but rice has a lot of arsenic and iron, and I did feel a negative impact from the PUFA in blueberry seeds because of the massive quantity I had to eat to get enough carbs, so I still have to work out the optimal carb source for me (grape juice and guava juice seem to be OK for type A, but grape juice is high reservatrol which Dr. Peat doesn't like, and guava juice is a bit hard to find). Still wanted to share my experience so far though with eating according to my blood type.
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Aug 15, 2015
This is interestong thanks for sharing. I also have trouble with OJ and many brands of milk and I am type A like you. Drinking Cola, Red Bull, eating rice, lamb, beef, and cheese seem to be working well for me so far. Does rice have a lot of iron? Never knew.

How do you eat your feta cheese? Usually I put maple syrup or honey on it and eat it with toast (I know wheat is bad but that combination tastes good for me). Do you have trouble with eggs?


Jun 13, 2019
that book has been proved wrong by countless sources. The evidence the authors use were extremely poor designed studies


Nov 22, 2016
Maybe the improvement in digestion is from replacing all that liquid with solid foods.


Aug 23, 2018
I might need to revisit this since I was doing my best health wise after encountering the blood type diet and Grant's theory.

I have improved several health issues, but still have signs of chronic inflammation that did resolve for a short period in october/november of last year right after looking into D'adamo and Grant.
Aug 14, 2019
The Lone Star State
that book has been proved wrong by countless sources. The evidence the authors use were extremely poor designed studies


If you've ever skimmed through that book you'll find that it's full of BS. The most glaring bit of drivel that stands out in my memory is D'Adamo's claim of knowing Christ's blood type. He said it was AB if I recall correctly. The whole book is comprised of spurious claims and recommendations. The blood type diet fad should have died a long time ago.


Dec 17, 2018
I skimmed through a book called "Eat Right 4 Your Type" by Peter D'Adamo and Catherine Whitney that says different blood types have different antigens that affect the digestibility of various foods.

I'm blood type A, and the book says milk and OJ greatly elevate serotonin and impair digestion for my blood type.

I switched to getting a major part of my calories from white rice, blueberries, and feta cheese instead of milk + OJ for the past few days and noticed a major deepening of my voice and improved digestion. I think the switch might have lowered serotonin and caused my androgens to go up. I drank a lot of OJ again today and my digestion is noticeably worse. So I think there is definitely something to this.

Substituting feta cheese for milk seems like it will work in the long-run, but rice has a lot of arsenic and iron, and I did feel a negative impact from the PUFA in blueberry seeds because of the massive quantity I had to eat to get enough carbs, so I still have to work out the optimal carb source for me (grape juice and guava juice seem to be OK for type A, but grape juice is high reservatrol which Dr. Peat doesn't like, and guava juice is a bit hard to find). Still wanted to share my experience so far though with eating according to my blood type.

You without a doubt decreased your excessive liquid consumption. A lot of people cannot handle straight up dairy like milk though they think they can. Disruption of digestion by milk is common. Blood type diet is bogus, but perhaps ethnic background may have something to do with it. A european eating a more european diet will likely feel better then eating orange juice and milk as staples for example. A lot people do good with fermented cheese but most cant tolerate milk. Try some foods from your ethnic background and don't cling on to Peat approved foods. You drop milk and orange juice and feel better, don't limit your food choices just because it is not a typical Peat food. Be mindful of your own cravings and hunger signals.


Jul 23, 2012
Ethnic arguments for milk consumption are eugenics based. Racist in origin. Excess cortisol destroys lactase. Combine that w crappy added vitamins and you have a recipe for blaming the overworked for their ‘natural’ inability to consume a cheap food that can restore vigor.


Dec 17, 2018
Ethnic arguments for milk consumption are eugenics based. Racist in origin. Excess cortisol destroys lactase. Combine that w crappy added vitamins and you have a recipe for blaming the overworked for their ‘natural’ inability to consume a cheap food that can restore vigor.

And yet europeans who drink milk with all these vitamins added in are just fine and the prevalence of lactose intolerance in most european populations is very low and in the case of Swedes is almost nonexistent. Masai are an exception as well among africans and I believe there are a few others. This is fact whether you like it or not, you can't just say its racism and create some bull excuse like excess cortisol as if only non-white populations have excess cortisol.
Aug 21, 2018
Primates have same blood types. There are even chimp-human blood transfusions been done. According to that logic we have some chimps evolved as farmers and they have to eat grains. That book is nothing but modern astrology based on Barnum effect. Someone has to get the D'Adamo to court for quackery.


Jul 18, 2018
Another BS fad diet. Tried it back a long time ago, also attended one of D'Adamo's seminars, guy was only interested in selling his Blood type supplements. Also remember one of the attendants asking if blood type A diet can help him regrow his hair back, and D'Adamo looked at him in dismay and just pointed to his own head.
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