Perimenopause, Fatty Liver, Sleep Apnea, High Cortisol



Thank you for your comments. Yes, I am trying a little OJ here and there. And the milky coffee is very pleasant and feels good for me so far. I am watching my blood sugar by having more frequent smaller meals/snacks...the starches are working for me at the moment, rice and potatoes are very satisfying to me. Also making sure I get protein during the day as well...I realized that I was feeling breathless because of too much thyroid. I have not taken it for 36 hours and will re-introduce a much smaller dose tomorrow.
you might want to take more of a 2 meal a day approach in terms of blood sugar - more of a intermittent fasting thing and see how you do. glad you are lowering your thyroid meds- i may have been raising your cortisol.


Feb 27, 2017
Hi! I do lemons like this - 2 lemons, one with with , no seeds, and one with half the peel on ( after washing etc ) . I mix those with water and white sugar in my Vitamix. Then I strain it. It makes like a base lemonade that is strong. You can add water or sparking water etc depending on taste. I consume 2 lemons a day. I am not able to eat seafood . I add kelp ( 3 seaweed blend ) to my rice when I eat it. For me- iodine was the thing that made my temps go up - that and a LOT LOT LOT of sugar and honey and fruit. I buy frozen fruit mostly and blend it most days. I dont do a lot of oranges... I do them once in a while and always mix with milk and sugar . I use spray magnesium a lot too. I do 3 days on the Master Cleanse with the salt water flush twice a month too. I also feel that colonics and coffee enemas are key to really try to detox the colon- liver. xx
Thanks :) I used to that with peeled oranges. I think I'll get some lemons xx and maybe blend frozen fruit in with the lemons for work. I'm in for the benefits of coffee but never been into enemas, personally. I haven't done kelp recently but it used to activate my brown fat stores - note to self. Apparently, the iodine in it isn't as available as in milk and something I can't remember (probably cheese) but I wasn't drinking ANY milk at the time (for many years) so no real comparison.
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New Member
Oct 16, 2013
Hi Katelove- I can chime in on this. I had mild fatty liver , have O pos blood type, used to have high cortisol and I went peri meno early. I was lucky to have a medical doc who was a blood test hound and told me my Prenegnalone was super low. I was already on Progest E for a while before that discovery. He put me on 50 mg pren. and told be to ease up on the Progesterone because the hormone cascade would convert that first. Of course I didn't believe him because I was mad that he could not diagnose a parasite infection that I clearly had... different story. The first time I took Prenegnalone - I noticed that my cortisol started lowering and I could finally sleep . Because of the high cortisol and stress from a whole bunch of loss in my life probs- my adrenals , which were never great in the first place, were wiped out. I did take thyroid from Natural Sources for a couple years off and on before that - but after a while it was amping me up too much. I took only the following - Prenegnalone 50 ( cycled it ) Epsom salt baths, and a Vitamin D spray and a B12 spray. At that time, I did try the blood type diet. It did not work for me. Why ? honestly -my liver did not like all the protein at that time. I have never been able to do Paleo, or Atkins or whey at ALL. I was still convinced that my thyroid was low so I started to really follow Ray Peats work . When I started all that my temps were like 97.6 low low low. I added a bit of Nacent Iodine each am, ( low low dose ) and sea salt- and my temps started to go up , my estrogen seemed to go down and I started to " de puff ". I went to more of a vegetarian diet as well. No more slabs of meat- more dairy , fruit, coffee, more fruit, less veg, more plain 'ol WHITE SUGAR and honey, and more citrus. My temps went up to 98.2 . I do eat some starch as well once in a while. I don't eat rice or potatoes. I eat sourdough bread and pumpernickle from Germany. I do eat cheese , i dont really drink milk but do add a lot to my coffee. I drink a LOT of coffee. I also at the time started focusing on two things for my fatty liver. Lemons and Coffee Enemas. I blend up 2 lemons and day with sugar and water and drink that everyday. It's yummy. I took a product still called Liver Edge ( drops ) which is dandelion and milk thistle- and drank Liver Cleanse tea by Dr. Stuart. I did coffee enemas at least 4 times a week for a year. I got another liver scan after all that and no more fatty liver. These days - I stay with lemons, drink TONS of cofffee, have added in aspirin, I take MSM in my orange juice ( I squeeze my own only ) and also take good grade DE for my gut. In terms of fat, I totally try to avoid as much PUFA as possible but I am not perfect. Compared to the PUFA monster I was before, im sure its lower. I drink Yellow Red Bull, and Liver Cleanse Tea still . I am not loving Progesterone as much as Prenegnalone but I flip back and forth on those. My temps these days are 98.5 ish, and I am trying to push them higher. My sleep is not perfect - ( I have a deviated septum ) but much much better. And one more thing about Progesterone- when I was using it , I used to super high doses that Dr. Peat recommends at first. I really made a big difference doing it that way. As for the blood type diet, I think it is valid but if you liver is compromised= the type O diet , IMO is not going to work. I follow Dr. Peat with a lot of self experimentation.
I LOVE YOU for sharing this!!!!! Thank you so much. I'm the same blood type, and had slightly elevated liver enzymes. I'm going to try your recommendations. The lemon sounds especially yummy. Thanks again:emoji_relaxed:


I LOVE YOU for sharing this!!!!! Thank you so much. I'm the same blood type, and had slightly elevated liver enzymes. I'm going to try your recommendations. The lemon sounds especially yummy. Thanks again:emoji_relaxed:

Thanks for the thanks! One more thing I am into right now is Grey Celtic Sea Salt on Vanilla Haagen Das at night. That really is the only way I can deal with salt that I know I need. If you are going to do coffee enemas- I recommend that you google Optimal Health Network and learn the best way . Also get a stainless bucket and some tangerine oil to add to - opens up the bile ducts. - they are on amazon. WAY better :) xx


Nov 28, 2016
So, I took some time away from this forum and the principles in general. I feel I got worse this past summer after going on T3 and eating cheese and drinking OJ and adding more sugar and coffee.
However, I am appearing to be going through perimenopause. I am 44. This past year my cycle is changing, skipping periods first for a month, then two months and then now over 3 months now...I am tired, bloated, breathless on exertion, and very weepy, cry very easily.
My body is changing and trying to find what I need right now feels difficult. I have had some relief from taking tyrosine and a raw thyroid product from Natural Sources as well as a liquid colloidal mineral supplement. I have been following the Type O diet, which is no wheat, lots of protein, some white rice, sweet potatoes, olive oil, some feta or mozzarella, fruit juice at times, whey protein smoothie with berries/banana sometimes, and occassional junk food (salty chips are my downfall).
I have dark spots under my armpits and some skin tags, also a floater in my eye that does not go away. I think I have a fatty liver. I don't really go to Dr.s and haven't tested for it.
I have fat around my belly and face, lean, muscular legs. I have pretty bad sleep apnea and have been using a cpap for 10 years. I believe my sleep apnea triggers cortisol release. The cpap helps but its not perfect.
I am just hear to ask for any suggestions or insight.
I have some questions about endotoxin. I feel I resist this because I feel that I get so hungry without starch like rice and potatoes.
Thank you
So, I took some time away from this forum and the principles in general. I feel I got worse this past summer after going on T3 and eating cheese and drinking OJ and adding more sugar and coffee.
However, I am appearing to be going through perimenopause. I am 44. This past year my cycle is changing, skipping periods first for a month, then two months and then now over 3 months now...I am tired, bloated, breathless on exertion, and very weepy, cry very easily.
My body is changing and trying to find what I need right now feels difficult. I have had some relief from taking tyrosine and a raw thyroid product from Natural Sources as well as a liquid colloidal mineral supplement. I have been following the Type O diet, which is no wheat, lots of protein, some white rice, sweet potatoes, olive oil, some feta or mozzarella, fruit juice at times, whey protein smoothie with berries/banana sometimes, and occassional junk food (salty chips are my downfall).
I have dark spots under my armpits and some skin tags, also a floater in my eye that does not go away. I think I have a fatty liver. I don't really go to Dr.s and haven't tested for it.
I have fat around my belly and face, lean, muscular legs. I have pretty bad sleep apnea and have been using a cpap for 10 years. I believe my sleep apnea triggers cortisol release. The cpap helps but its not perfect.
I am just hear to ask for any suggestions or insight.
I have some questions about endotoxin. I feel I resist this because I feel that I get so hungry without starch like rice and potatoes.
Thank you
@Katelove I believe thiamine/B1 deficiency may be your answer.
Also, google Dr. Lonsdale and you will find abundant material on the modern epidemic of thiamine deficiency. Here is another link..
Vitamins In Absentia: When The "Death Angel" Comes To Visit
I have never done cpap but did have 2 doctors recently recommend a sleep study. I had the distinct feeling that my body was forgetting to inhale if you can believe it. From my limited understanding, Allithiamine (Ecological Formulas) will be your best chance to raise levels in your brain and nervous system apart from injectable hcl form. It is what I am taking after trying benfotiamine with mixed results. Benfotiamine will raise blood levels dramatically but apparently does not penetrate the brain and nervous system well or at all.
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