Help For The Diet (mostly About Vegetables)


Aug 12, 2018
I have pssd and severe neurological problems. Also I have terrible bloating problems and I think it’s probably IBS.

What do you prefer about my daily regimen?

My mother literally forcing me to eat vegetable. Mostly cruciferous veggies. She thinks all the reason that I have terrible IBS symptoms is because that I don’t eat enough vegetable. Whereas, I’m eating veggies at least 2 days at a week.

What’s your opinion about:

- green vegetables

- cruciferous veggies

- Pastry

- Refined sugars

- Fruits

- sulphur rich foods

- Probiotics


Mar 15, 2014
- green vegetables
good if cooked. Younger ones are better.

- cruciferous veggies
also fine if cooked. Some say broccoli has unique antiestrogenic compounds

- Pastry
not good

- Refined sugars
refined sucrose is good. HFCS, not sure. There's a taste difference and I prefer sucrose anyway.

- Fruits
if ripe good

- sulphur rich foods
no opinion

- Probiotics[/QUOTE]
probably bad, but could have a good effect in limited doses


Feb 18, 2018
Don’t eat the vegetables if you don’t like how they taste.

I love my vegetable soup. I put lard in it and is one of the most nourishing additions to my diet that I’ve added. The salt, water, electrolytes, and other micronutrients from the veggies plus the fat brings such warmth, hydration, and feelings of well-being.

+1 for yummy vegetable soups. I don’t think there is a single person who would dislike a properly prepared soup. I don’t use any cruciferous veggies. I usually put onions, green onions, mushrooms, spinach, tomatoes, peppers, salt, and garlic in it.
Aug 21, 2018
- cruciferous veggies

- cruciferous veggies
also fine if cooked. Some say broccoli has unique antiestrogenic compounds
Cruciferous veggies are full of anti-thyroid chemicals. Endotoxin and gas promoting fiber too. Strictly avoid.

- Probiotics
Depends on type. Could be from beneficial to extremely harmful.

Actually every category you mentioned contains dozens or even hundreds types of food or supplements. You have to find what you can tolerate from each category. Not that easy I know.


Sep 15, 2017
As a general rule the younger the leaves the higher the noxious compounds such as goitrogens, particularly in the brassica/ cruciferous family. Older plants have less of the noxious compounds. Sprouts are by far the most concentrated. Also, specific species of the brassica are more concentrated then others. The red russian kale, as per travis, and studies seems to be the worst.

Boiling for extended periods of time is the only way to get rid of the bulk of the goitrogenic compounds. There arent many quality studies in humans but in livestock feeding certain species of the brassica family, especially if not cooked, and especially if in large quantities, can lead to thyroid issues, fertility issues etc. The nitriles seem to be more potent than the glucosinolates.

I ate boiled broccoli (boiled for atleast 15 minutes) around 8 oz-12 oz for 3 months straight and wound up shedding my eyebrow hair, my head hair diffusely and getting cold hands and feet. Once I stopped eating it the symptoms subsided in a week or two. These symptoms line up with hypothyroidism. I was eating a decent amount of seafood concurrently to get adequate iodine to compete with the thiocyanate from the brassicas and I still developed the issue over time. I didnt get endotoxin symptoms from the broccoli tho. Just the hypothyroid symptoms.

Cooked spinach is safer in this aspect but it is high in nitrates. Lettuce is often higher.


In my experience pastry and refined sugar can cause issues on the background of gut problems. I’d stick with low fodmap fruit juices that have a 1:1 ratio of glucose:fructose such as grape, pineapple, orange, pomegranate, cranberry etc.

The sulphur rich foods such as garlic and onions can cause digestive upset in some people from what I read as well so I’d be careful.

I think probiotics may be over marketed in the research and commercially. I have seen hit and miss reports and have never gotten good results myself. Bifido gave me eczema which I have never had in my life....

What about fat sources and protein sources?
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