Have I Pushed Too Fast?


Jan 27, 2015
Hi all, I recently received my first package from Idealabs and decided to give a variety of products a whirl...

I started on a regimen of 3 drops of Tyromax at Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner (Clear hypo symptoms, cold temps, cold hands after sugar, low pulse and lethargy),
100mg of Pregenenolone,
1 Dose of energen (B1, B2, B3, B6 and B7)
1 Dose of Estroban (A,D,E,K)
And I am also using solban on my face/hairline morning and night.
1 very small drop of Oxidal both the first and third morning.

Anyway, the first day I felt nice, warmer temps and my pulse would speed up for a short time (About an hour or so), the second day was OK also however my face was redder than usual and a few more spots had appeared although nowhere near as severe as they normally are, I also felt a little sleepy after the drop of Tyromax.

However today I have been seriously suffering, my pulse and temps are still a little better although my pulse is in the 87bpm so a little over, but spots have come up all over one side of my face pretty badly.
I have had a splitting headache all day, it feels like my head is in a vice and my body feels tender to the touch all over, I also started this with a cold which has progressively got worse and today my throat is killing me. I'm thinking spots from lack of A and maybe some Estrogen symptoms? I also have had some serious lethargy although my mind is still working fairly sharp.
Strangely enough though the bags underneath my eyes have improved despite having decreased sleep the past 5 days or so (About 6 hours).

I'm hitting about 3000 calories a day with the following...

500g of Haagen Daaz Vanilla,
1.4 Litres of skimmed/semi-skimmed milk (Skimmed/semi depending on availability),
400g of potato (Skinned and boiled for an hour then coated in lots of slat and coconut oil)
100g of cod
Around 30g of Parmegiano Reggiano Cheese,
3 Organic Free Range eggs fried in coconut oil,
1 litre of OJ,
3-4 Oranges,
2 cups of weak coffee (3 sugars and half milk half water)
Occasional shrimp, mussels or oysters (Depending on availability, maximum twice a week),

I'm also supplementing with Magnesium Carbonate morning and night and taking 4g of Taurine daily as well as 2g glycine along with every meal (totalling to about 10g a day).

I'm going to back of the Tyromax and Oxidal completely until I re-stabilise and look at getting some extra A in, unfortunately organic beef liver is hard to come by at the moment so I'll have to wait for a decent supplement.
Does anyone have any rough ideas as to what happened? Or any similar experiences?


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Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
Ideally I think it's best to make one change at a time so you can better judge the effects of a particular supplement or dietary change. In reality I haven't always been good about doing that myself and I've chosen to stop all supplements before and start from square one a couple times. The cold you're experiencing can definitely make it hard to judge what is what in this situation. I think many of us experience a similar situation and that is when we really have to apply the ideas of context and personal experience to our own life. Going back to the basics of just good nutrition and adding one supplement at a time might be helpful.


Mar 29, 2014
If this is the first time you are using all these substances, then I'd suggest slowing it down. I'm not an expert, so this is just my thoughts from reading.
I like Peata's suggestions.

What were your temps and resting heartrate before you started with these? Now?

There are probably many ways to do it, but one possibility would be:
  1. Add the energin for 2-4 days and notice any reactions. If possible, split doses - at least 2, but 3-4 doses through day with meals or at least carbs is likely better. I take my B-vits twice a day for logistical reasons, but may be I'd benefit from more frequent too. I think I notice benefit within 15 mins. I would expect it to be all good. But if it's not, it's useful to know.
  2. After a few days, ditto with solban. Or maybe this could be simultaneous with energin - my guess is this one might make a small positive systemic difference, as well as as being good on skin, but not enough to confuse the picture.
  3. Then ditto with estroban. But the fat-solubles have a longer half-life, compared with the water-solubles. My take a little longer to notice effects?
  4. If any of them seem to mess with you, back off - but I don't expect the vitamins to cause trouble at these doses.
  5. Is this your first go at sypplementing thyroid? Do you mean you are taking tyromax 3 drops/day, or 3 drops x3 times a day? If the latter is your starting dose, it seems very high. Then if you have not used thyroid supps before, 1 drop of tyromax/day, or possibly 2 drops if your metabolism is clearly low. Have you seen the reports of ho much more effective tyromax is compared with other brands? Preferably split to at least 3-4 doses through day. Monitor temps and pulse for 2-4 weeks, and assess whether another drop is warranted. Keep monitoring. Etc. Remember T4 has a slow half life, so if you take a steady dose, it can take up to 2-3 weeks to get a stable blood level. The T3 part has a short half-life, so splitting doses through the day helps keep that more stable.
  6. Once thyroid is up, consider trying some pregnenolone. I'd start at a lower dose (eg 10-20mg?), and increase if it seems good - you may be good with 100mg or more, but some people say they do better with less. It could be other factors, but my hunch is the pregnenolone may have been a key trigger for the headache. I and one or two others have had a rough time after starting pregnenolone, though not enough data to be sure that it wasn't other factors. Maybe more likely to cause a problem in the absence of adequate thyroid. (Or possibly the thyroid could have been the trigger. If you try introducing one at a time, you may be more likely to be able too tell.) I think pregnenolone has a longer half life, so you may not need to take it every day.
  7. A drop of oxidal somewhere down the line once you've got more of an idea how the others are treating you.
Is that taurine supplementation something you've been doing for a while? If so, maybe no problem. But 10g a day seems like a lot - maybe fine for you, but a lot of people say they are getting benefit from less than this, and small number may have struck trouble with such large amounts. If you've just added it in along with all the other things, maybe back it down to 500-1000mg per meal, and work up later to see if more is better (not at the same time as changing everything else)?

All the things that increase metabolism can increase sugar burning, so important to make sure you have fuel on board when you take them - e.g. tyromax and energin is probably better after breakfast than before, etc. A sudden drop in blood sugar can be stressful, and one way to get a headache.

I have to say, I'm not always as systematic as what I suggest here. But I want to increase my thyroid gradually to a good level, not have to deal with the extra complications of having to bring it down after taking more than I need. And unless there is severe thyroid damage, I favour getting the nutritional components in place before adding extra hormones etc. :)

My 2 cents. Good luck. :)
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