5 Days 5 Different Results - Why?


Jan 15, 2017
Im struggling big time. Been at this for about a year, no improvement. Hair still shedding, still freezing, crappy temps and pulse. Sleeping 8-10 each day ready for bed after 6 hours.

Long story short, ive been doing the same thing literally the EXACT same things and measuring temps(my pulse is pathetically stuck at 60 no matter what).

I cannot maintain my temps. Its 65 out, i step outside(fully insulated mind you) temp drops to 96 sometimes high 95. So enragingly frustrating. A year of this for no results.

So ive been doing the same thing, same diet full of fruit sugar juice salt protein calcium rich blah blah blah. Waking temp has been different each morning 98, 97.2, 97.4, 97.6, 97.2. Temps hardly budge with a good meal. Bedtime temps all varied.

Literally the same stuff every single day. Please help me understand why. What the hell am i supposed to do?


Mar 7, 2017
Without seeing your diet specifically, I would guess that you're just not getting enough calories.

Re-feeding + Thyroid might be necessary to get you back to normal.

Also, here is an interesting breakdown from another thread earlier this week about raising Co2:

Depends on cause of CO2 being low.

If it's PUFA fatty acids in blood - fructose, aspirin, niacinamide, vitamin E.

If it's because you avoid sugar - increase sugar and carbohydrate consumption

If it's high lactic acid in blood - thiamine.

If it's due to hypothyroid - eating foods with thyroid such as chicken neck soup, or thyroid supplements together with progresterone and pregnenolone and dhea (proper dosing is important, though I don't know how to go about it), vitamin E, magnesium, vitamin A, and lowering estrogen levels - lowering endotoxins, avoiding radiations, using red light when subjected to radiation

If it's due to poor oxygenation of tissues - methylene blue, increasing retention of CO2 thru nose breathing and avoidance of mouth breathing, Buteyko methods, detox of mercury as mercury displaces the oxygen-carrying capacity of hemoglobin

If it's due to lack of enzymes in general - increase protein consumption, with emphasis on having more gelatin, and minimizing on tryptophan, methionine, and cysteine, and having adequate levels of taurine

If it's low glycogen stores - this causes the body to undergo stress at times when sugar levels go low and causes body to rely on fat metabolism and thus produce lactic acid instead of CO2. Make sure to have restful sleep ( milk, gelatin, GABA, sugar and fats the blend of which needs to be personalized to your context), taurine

There's really no hard and fast answer, as you need to look into the context of each person.


Jan 15, 2017
I crono everything im in a calorie surplus(body composition confirming this too). I was using myfitness pal before

Some quality red meat here and there
Beef liver
Well coooked potato
Some mushrooms lately
Occassional yogurt
Some eggs
Scallops when mone allows
Coconut oil

Many carbs, many sugars, very low pufa intake, only sat fats really. Eggshell Ca, some vitamin k, e, d, redlight recently and more than just that

Do people who go on thyroid(im assuming we are talking non rx) have to stay on thyroid?

Its insanely annoying
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Jan 15, 2017
Also with two isolated exceptions back when i first started feeling like crap. I have almost no digestive issues, toilet time is like clockwork, no indigestion, hardly gassy.


Mar 7, 2017
What's your height, weight, and Caloric Breakdown (%Fat/%Carb/%Pro)?


Jan 15, 2017
5'9 175lbs(much softer though and less vascular compared to when i was chronic weight training).

Split averages 25/50/25 fat carb pro

I shoot for the fats that come with some coco oil, eggs and butter and aim for 125g a day protein filling the rest with carb.

I also bring a salted large container of oj with gelatin mixed in it to sip. Been doingbthat for probably 8 months.


Jan 15, 2017
My intake is probably 21-2300, maybe more when i can pack it in. I think my maintainance at this activity level is 2100ish. Im 32 by the way

I went from full active(physical stressor) lifestyle to gym 1 hr per day 2 days a week. Its weird watching all the hard work kinda trim away and its certainly weird eating less and still slowly softening up


Mar 7, 2017
My intake is probably 21-2300, maybe more when i can pack it in. I think my maintainance at this activity level is 2100ish. Im 32 by the way

I went from full active(physical stressor) lifestyle to gym 1 hr per day 2 days a week. Its weird watching all the hard work kinda trim away and its certainly weird eating less and still slowly softening up

You're starving.

Should be around at least 3000+ until your temps improve.

When you start to use energy more effectively/efficiently, then you will need less calories.

Also, here is a list from member VOS of the Peat daily recommendation ranges for different macros + micros:

Thyroid: 40 mcg T4/10 mcg T3 once a day; 3 mcg T3 every few hours. Chew it up before swallowing.

Coffee: equivalent of 18 cups regular strength, 4.5 cups at 4x strength

Aspirin: 1 gram either in morning OR at bedtime, .5 grams every four hours through the day

Sleep: 8-8.5 hours, sound without panic, nightmares, or frequent waking

Red light: 750 watts clear flood incandescent, as needed depending on season for a total of 15 hours daylight.

CO2/bicarbonate: supplement with breathing or ingestion as needed, until 5-6% in exhaled breath;
Magnesium: 2 grams spread over the course of the day, to bowel tolerance, preferably in milk (27 mg per cup) , coffee (7 mg per cup) or magnesium bicarbonate (~50 mg per ounce).

Calcium: 5 grams spread over the course of the day, to bowel tolerance, preferably in milk (305 mg per cup) or calcium bicarbonate (~35 mg per ounce).

Sodium: salt food generously to taste

Potassium: one quart of orange juice.
Progesterone: men - one drop men (3 mg); women - three drops (10 mg). frequency: as needed to resolve symptoms, provided thyroid (and for men DHEA/testosterone) is also supplemented in balance.

DHEA/testosterone: men - trace amount (5 mg) mixed with drop of progesterone; frequency: every few hours as needed to resolve symptoms (i.e., low testosterone).
NAD+/NADH (anti-lipolytic)
Niacinamide: 250 mg every few hours

Aspirin: see above, uncouplers.
GSH/GSSG (Tissue oxidation)
Thiamine: 300 mg every few hours

DMSO/MSM: if needed for therapeutic purposes

Methylene blue: suggested dosage not yet referenced in Peat's email. Studies say 2 mg/kg of bodyweight is safe.
IMPORTANT: 0-2% unsaturated fat!!!

Coconut/MCT oil: a teaspoon several times throughout the day, depending on activity and energy requirements.

Egg yolks: for fat soluble nutrients, one or two, depending on bodyweight

Liver: for fat soluble nutrients, once a week, or every few days, depending on bodyweight
2-3g/kg of body weight, divided into doses every two hours.* More if very active.

Gelatin: 6 tablespoons a day (42 grams protein)

Nonfat milk/cottage cheese: the rest

Potato juice: if digestion is impaired.

Very lean meat with cartilage intact: occasionally.

At least equal to protein intake. More if high cortisol or adrenaline.

Orange juice: 1 liter per 70 kg of bodyweight; ripe, no pulp.

Nonfat milk (lactose) or fruit sugar (fructose): the rest
A: 5,000 IU; increase as needed if high stress

D: 1,000 IU; in 5:1 proportion to Vitamin A.

E: 100 mg/70 kg bodyweight, increasing with age when iron stores increase [Edit per johns74: can in theory decrease to 0 when PUFAs and iron are minimal]

K2: 15-45 drops depending on liver function.
A few oysters once a week, or scallops.
Raw carrot; 1 per day, grated and then rinsed chewed well, with salt and coconut oil.

Activated charcoal: if digestive upset, 1/4 cup.

But sugar is protective and a stress antagonist. The simple thing to do when you can't sleep, is try more sugar, perhaps with gelatin and aspirin and salt. And if you still can't sleep, try more of the same. And :partydance like that until all stress fades away, and you fall asleep. And then you may sleep the sleep of angels.



Jan 15, 2017
I will literally go tachycardic if i have that much coffee.

Regarding the calorie number, i dont know if i can get that much down. And i fear i will balloon. Financially i cannot afford to buy all new clothes.

Regarding that list: where does someone even start so they can quantify if something is working?
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Mar 7, 2017
I will literally go tachycardic if i have that much coffee.

Regarding the calorie number, i dont know if i can get that much down.

Regarding that list: where does someone even start so they can quantify if something is working?

Inability to handle high-dose (up to 400mg every 4hrs) caffeine is usually a sign of poor liver health, which would also explain why you're not using your calories efficiently.

Everything on the list is just a range (usually VOS uses the high-end doses), but it's a good starting point to make sure that you're not missing anything major. Just start small and experiment using labs/temps/pulse as your measurement tool.

As for calories, adding more honey/fructose powder or even white sugar can boost your calories, but just be sure to watch your blood sugar closely. If you're having any swings in energy throughout the day = blood sugar issues.

This is one of the reasons that Peat suggests to add milk + oj to an existing diet; it provides extra calories + micros/macros.

Finally, starch without some antibiotic/antimicrobial (carrot salad/mct oil/charcoal/etc) daily is a recipe for high estrogen. Cheers!:D


Jan 15, 2017
Inability to handle high-dose (up to 400mg every 4hrs) caffeine is usually a sign of poor liver health, which would also explain why you're not using your calories efficiently.

Everything on the list is just a range (usually VOS uses the high-end doses), but it's a good starting point to make sure that you're not missing anything major. Just start small and experiment using labs/temps/pulse as your measurement tool.

As for calories, adding more honey/fructose powder or even white sugar can boost your calories, but just be sure to watch your blood sugar closely. If you're having any swings in energy throughout the day = blood sugar issues.

This is one of the reasons that Peat suggests to add milk + oj to an existing diet; it provides extra calories + micros/macros.

Finally, starch without some antibiotic/antimicrobial (carrot salad/mct oil/charcoal/etc) daily is a recipe for high estrogen. Cheers!:D
See my concern is of the general stessor response that caffiene gives me. Ive been slightly caffiene sensitive since i was a child.

I do recall preworkout products that were used once a day(with a morning coffee that seemingly had no effect) that would send me into orbit but obviously who knows what else in those.

No real swings BUT what i did find is that ever since feeling like junk last summer, large meals had no effect on me. By that i mean i can recall being groggy after a big meal, SINCE this all happened i dont ever get that sluggish feeling anymore. I would expect it to be the opposite.

Ive also been doing research on cloudy urine, finding only limited information even here. I had a urinalysis done (all good) because its been cloudy for a while now.

This brings me to what are other liver markers of low function and what other things can cause cloudy urine? Im certain im getting 2000mg to 2500mg Ca per day


Mar 7, 2017
See my concern is of the general stessor response that caffiene gives me. Ive been slightly caffiene sensitive since i was a child.

I do recall preworkout products that were used once a day(with a morning coffee that seemingly had no effect) that would send me into orbit but obviously who knows what else in those.

No real swings BUT what i did find is that ever since feeling like junk last summer, large meals had no effect on me. By that i mean i can recall being groggy after a big meal, SINCE this all happened i dont ever get that sluggish feeling anymore. I would expect it to be the opposite.

Ive also been doing research on cloudy urine, finding only limited information even here. I had a urinalysis done (all good) because its been cloudy for a while now.

This brings me to what are other liver markers of low function and what other things can cause cloudy urine? Im certain im getting 2000mg to 2500mg Ca per day

Caffeine tolerance is really easiest way to gauge it, but I don't know of any others outside measuring glycogen stores.

The cloudy urine might be the release of free-fatty-acids which can wreak havoc on your entire body, and usually happens when your body runs out of sugar (glycogen stores). Aspirin + Niacinamide can block their release.

If you have a history of eating large meals, I would bet blood sugar issues (I used to house massive amounts of food in each sitting).

My father has a similar history with caffeine, and recently he started to feel like hammered-sh*t. Come to find out it was blood sugar issues that started after he began his new low-carb diet (funny how that works).

Start by eating enough food to feel normal (low pufa if you can), then you can start to tackle the other issues. Cheers!:cool:


Oct 15, 2016
How do wacky potatoes, white rice and sourdough bread affect you? Do you drink lots of fluids?


May 3, 2015
Dr Morse believes cloudy urine is a good sign. He says Kidney filtration is the removal of acids from your lymph system. The acids are toxic so better out than in. Often the lymph collects all the acids into a tumour to be dealt with later, but removal via skin or bladder is best!

Leave urine in a glass for 2 hours to settle. Take a litmus test to see if it is acid or alkaline!


Jan 15, 2017
Probably because it's only been five days.
I dont think you read the entire ramble of a post :). I should have specifically said I recently chose 5 days to measure out of the year(ish) that i have been doing this.

Point of measuring was to gauge results, and frankly whether progress was made or not, i expected consistency considering the boring consistency of my days
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Jan 15, 2017
How do wacky potatoes, white rice and sourdough bread affect you? Do you drink lots of fluids?

I dont really have access to sourdough, i tend to eat jasmine riceand russet/red potato, baked or pan cooked in coconut oil, salted. I actually enjoy potato alot and i feel like they may give me a tiny bit of gas sometimes(strong maybe) but i do feel warmer when eating them

As for fluids, i would say i drink to thirst, i dont pound liquid(oj being exception) because i try to keep an eye on whats going on with my urine, but over the course of this year there has been no change


Oct 15, 2016
i expected consistency considering the boring consistency of my days
I think this can be a bigger issue than you think. Like trying to inflict a particular diet upon yourself even if you don't see results and it's extremely boring, or ignoring the boredom of your life (diet aside). I'm not saying this is the main reason behind cold temperatures.
Nov 21, 2015
are you enjoying your life? You sound like you are not. It is all so anal, being logged etc.

I think you are very stressed out and this makes everything so much worse.

Ice cream might be fun.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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