Hashimoto's (Autoimmune Diseases) And Peat Protocol


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
jnhermann said:
He is definitely not Peaty in terms of diet and supplements. He is anti-sugar, pro vegetables and animal proteins. He recommends supplementing with an EFA made from several nuts. But whatever....his treatment protocol makes so much sense.

On that note. I would ask you to keep Dr. K stuff out of the Ray Peat section. We are here to discuss the philosophies of Ray Peat.

I will be moving most of this thread to the non Peat section in the near future.

I understand some of you are new. And on the "search". That is totally fine, I get it. I was there at one time. But we must try to keep the Ray Peat stuff on topic. There is a section for non Ray Peat philosophies.

Thank you for understanding my position on this.


Feb 13, 2013
Charlie said:
jnhermann said:
He is definitely not Peaty in terms of diet and supplements. He is anti-sugar, pro vegetables and animal proteins. He recommends supplementing with an EFA made from several nuts. But whatever....his treatment protocol makes so much sense.

On that note. I would ask you to keep Dr. K stuff out of the Ray Peat section. We are here to discuss the philosophies of Ray Peat.

I will be moving most of this thread to the non Peat section in the near future.

I understand some of you are new. And on the "search". That is totally fine, I get it. I was there at one time. But we must try to keep the Ray Peat stuff on topic. There is a section for non Ray Peat philosophies.

Thank you for understanding my position on this.

Wasn't talking about Dr. K there. It's another Doctor that is Peat-like in his treatment of the thyroid. I was just commenting on the fact that his recommended diet, however, is not Peat-like and therefore is NOT good.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
Ok, I apologize about getting the Dr's confused here.

This thread has went all over the place and I am not sure how to save it. :lol:

Just a quick reminder again. This is the Ray Peat section. Lets please try to keep it on topic.


Feb 11, 2013
:protest :threadjack

Charlie, this is a very good conversation, I wouldn't split it... We got your message, but you are overreacting here, for some reason... Our health is more important than talking about Dr. Peat exclusively. I did not enroll in any Peat debating cult, I am looking out for "help" here... Or maybe this "Ask for help" thing should not be under the "Peat discussion" umbrella. Help is help, ideas will spark freely, Peat or no Peat.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
I have moved this entire thread down to the non Peat section. There is too much discussion of non Peat theories in this thread. Someone who is new to Ray Peat could find this thread and get totally confused.

Please try to keep the Peat stuff Peat, and the non Peat stuff in the correct section.

Thank you. :)


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
Isadora said:
Our health is more important than talking about Dr. Peat exclusively. I did not enroll in any Peat debating cult, I am looking out for "help" here... Or maybe this "Ask for help" thing should not be under the "Peat discussion" umbrella. Help is help, ideas will spark freely, Peat or no Peat.

I think health is extremely important. And I also think its important to keep the Peat stuff in the correct area as to not confuse people. The original thread title asked about "Peat Protocol". There is not much Peat protocol in this thread.

This is not a cult. This is a well organized forum that people enjoy because we keep it on topic. This thread, is not on Ray Peat topic.


Jul 22, 2012
Charlie said:
Isadora said:
Our health is more important than talking about Dr. Peat exclusively. I did not enroll in any Peat debating cult, I am looking out for "help" here... Or maybe this "Ask for help" thing should not be under the "Peat discussion" umbrella. Help is help, ideas will spark freely, Peat or no Peat.

I think health is extremely important. And I also think its important to keep the Peat stuff in the correct area as to not confuse people. The original thread title asked about "Peat Protocol". There is not much Peat protocol in this thread.

This is not a cult. This is a well organized forum that people enjoy because we keep it on topic. This thread, is not on Ray Peat topic.

(I'm sure the South American, Arch-Anarchist, Libertarian "j." is behind all this insurrection! :lol:)

But seriously: this seems fair to me.
You're not saying people must only discuss Peat here.
You're just saying that, if they want to discuss non-Peatian stuff, they should do it in the proper section.

I understand Isadora's point about ideas springing up spontaneously--this is true.
You're not saying that Isadora should not spring ideas forth.
You're just saying that if she does, and the springing ideas are persistently non-Peat,
then the ideas should be located in the non-Peat section.

The fact that this simple and rather obvious point
seems to some like Big Brother Authoritarian Censorship
is just further proof to me that as Peatians many of us have exquisitely prickly attitudes about authority.


Feb 11, 2013
Well, Charlie, most threads in "Ask for Help" aren't kept on topic, then, I can give you tons of examples. And it figures, because, again, "help" is "help" and maybe Peat isn't the answer to everybody's problems. You could have changed the topic's name if you didn't think it reflected its contents, to something like: "Hashimoto's (Autoimmune diseases), Peat Protocol + Dr. Kharrazian, Dr. Haskell"

Or, as I suggested, move the whole section to a place where one can indeed "Ask for Help" without worrying that one should also keep the said help Peat-related (!!!)

When you were having issues with constipation, you reached a point when you didn't care if the suggestions coming your way were Peat related or not... And who could have blamed you? Everyone kept throwing ideas at you, it was, well, beautiful.

If you want to be Peataritarians, be Peataritarians then...

Peat would probably be appalled.

This goes for you too, narouz. I appreciate your trying to sweeten the pill, but the bitter core is there.

I grew up under communism and this brought back some memories. And no, it wasn't the pregnenolone...

Fine. Be that way.

P.S. What's j. got to do with anything?

P.P.S. I write less and less happily here and probably will stop soon. I can sense when I am not welcome anymore.


It's just a different section on the forum, in my opinion. I read the whole forum, I personally don't care which part of the forum things are posted.


Jul 22, 2012
Isadora said:
Well, Charlie, most threads in "Ask for Help" aren't kept on topic, then, I can give you tons of examples. And it figures, because, again, "help" is "help" and maybe Peat isn't the answer to everybody's problems. You could have changed the topic's name if you didn't think it reflected its contents, to something like: "Hashimoto's (Autoimmune diseases), Peat Protocol + Dr. Kharrazian, Dr. Haskell"

Or, as I suggested, move the whole section to a place where one can indeed "Ask for Help" without worrying that one should also keep the said help Peat-related (!!!)

When you were having issues with constipation, you reached a point when you didn't care if the suggestions coming your way were Peat related or not... And who could have blamed you? Everyone kept throwing ideas at you, it was, well, beautiful.

If you want to be Peataritarians, be Peataritarians then...

Peat would probably be appalled.

This goes for you too, narouz. I appreciate your trying to sweeten the pill, but the bitter core is there.

I grew up under communism and this brought back some memories. And no, it wasn't the pregnenolone...

Fine. Be that way.

P.S. What's j. got to do with anything?

P.P.S. I write less and less happily here and probably will stop soon. I can sense when I am not welcome anymore.

Oh Isadora: of course you're welcome!
Charlie's just trying to figure out how to run a forum in a reasonable way--
nothing against you.

Well, I hadn't thought about the "Ask For Help" angle.
Is this thread or was this thread in "Ask For Help"...?
If so, I see where you're coming from, Isadora.
I mean, I guess from your viewpoint you think it should be called: "Ask For Peatian Help." :lol:

Just giving my opinion here--I'm not a moderator or anything:
it would seem to be a bit of a gray area.
I see what you're sayin', Isadora.
On the other hand,
if you come to a Peat forum
and the forum extends itself by having an "Ask for Help" section...
well, it seems to me the implication is
one is asking for Peatian-type help.

But--on the other other hand--I see your point, Isadora:
that the help offered shouldn't be censored--all non-Peatian help automatically deleted! :)

But finally--on the other other other hand!--
it also seems reasonable to me
that if an "Ask for Help" thread starts evolving into what is clearly
a discussion thread on a non-Peat topic...
well, it seems reasonable then to me for Charlie to move it to the non-Peat area.
He's not deleting or censoring it.
He's just relocating it.


Feb 11, 2013
I care if admins derail a valid conversation into whether or not it pertains to the Peat stratosphere... Look at this thread, it's in shreds! Now, it's about where in the forum it belongs... Wherever it was started, so people get to it easily... At least while they are still debating. And then, well, when it's old, relegated to secondary pages, it may be switched around, silently, without all the drama and positioning and obvious interference.

This was so unlike Charlie I cannot but think he had some serious beef with something going on in the background -- was it pulled up in search engines in ways he didn't like, I don't know?!? But I think it deserved another fate, really.

And really, narouz, if you even bothered to read Haskell's article, if not see the video series, you would have seen how he is Peatian. And the conversation is really sprinkled continuously with Peat ideas as well and permeated by them -- so why ditch it into a "Non-Related to Peat" area, with Peat in its title and in very many of its postings?


Jul 22, 2012
Isadora said:
I care if admins derail a valid conversation into whether or not it pertains to the Peat stratosphere... Look at this thread, it's in shreds! Now, it's about where in the forum it belongs... Wherever it was started, so people get to it easily... At least while they are still debating. And then, well, when it's old, relegated to secondary pages, it may be switched around, silently, without all the drama and positioning and obvious interference.

This was so unlike Charlie I cannot but think he had some serious beef with something going on in the background -- was it pulled up in search engines in ways he didn't like, I don't know?!? But I think it deserved another fate, really.

Isadora, you're taking this too personally and seeing conspiracy where none exists.
Charlie chops and moves my threads all the time
because I inadvertently tend to hi-jack threads! :lol:
He's just trying to keep the forum functioning.
I haven't kept track of this thread enough to know what changes its gone through,
but if you feel something valuable was under discussion
you could start a new thread
in addition to letting this one continue to run.

It's not perfect
but Charlie's not Stalin or Mao. :lol:


Feb 11, 2013
Did I say Charlie was in any way like Stalin or Mao?

Living under communism had very little to do with those guys. Believe me, it was a daily affair in which you had to put up with all kinds of itty-bitty limitations and you had to keep your mouth shut in so doing. So you see, I paid my dues and I no longer do that, at the risk of being considered lacking in "people skills" -- which did happen to me in the context of working for the man, especially in the US. But I was too thrilled to be able to voice my opinions, I can't get enough of that.

So I do come across somewhat strongly for my fellow Americans. But hey, it's a free country, that's what I was told, and I believed them.

You know, one of my most unexpected discoveries regarding Americans is how... meek they really are. Truly. They aren't daring enough. And when they come to Europe, they keep excusing themselves for everything, they are the most self-effacing people! What's up with that?

And I didn't see any conspiracy, you were hinting at j. being behind something (what?)...

Charlie, is this off-topic enough for you now? :) I guess now you'd have to move it in the Lounge, or something.


Isadora said:
You know, one of my most unexpected discoveries regarding Americans is how... meek they really are. Truly. They aren't daring enough. And when they come to Europe, they keep excusing themselves for everything, they are the most self-effacing people! What's up with that?

Well, yeah, this is a topic for another thread, but the whole country is going to hell in all possible ways, morally, educationally, financially, nutritionally. They haven't kept their great traditions. Don't you know that in New York you can't order a 2 liter coke with your pizza? Because it's too big and will make you fat? Have you been to the airports? Peat is not wrong in claiming that the U.S. is a very authoritarian society. There are great forces moving the country in the direction of communism, e.g., universal health care.


Jul 22, 2012
Isadora said:
Did I say Charlie was in any way like Stalin or Mao?

No, but it was fun to exaggerate: there's something funny to me about thinking of Charlie as Pol Pot, say. :D

Isadora said:
You know, one of my most unexpected discoveries regarding Americans is how... meek they really are. Truly. They aren't daring enough. And when they come to Europe, they keep excusing themselves for everything, they are the most self-effacing people! What's up with that?

I guess it depends which country. My (American) friend doesn't go to visit Japan with his Japanese wife anymore
because the Japanese--including her parents--get so freaked out when he speaks out or gesticulates strongly as is his nature.

Isadora said:
And I didn't see any conspiracy, you were hinting at j. being behind something (what?)...

The fiendish freedom fighter "j." stalks this forum like a demon,
like Moriarity behind the scenes! :eek:


Feb 11, 2013
j. said:
Well, yeah, this is a topic for another thread, but the whole country is going to hell in all possible ways, morally, educationally, financially, nutritionally. They haven't kept their great traditions.

j., that's so sadly true...

j. said:
Don't you know that in New York you can't order a 2 liter coke with your pizza? Because it's too big and will make you fat? Have you been to the airports? Peat is not wrong in claiming that the U.S. is a very authoritarian society. There are great forces moving the country in the direction of communism, e.g., universal health care.

I agree wholeheartedly with Peat. I have lived and worked there for eight years, I've been to many places, I became a citizen -- because I truly love that place and its people! I pay my taxes every year, I have family there, I plan to return one day.

But indeed, I have worked in a few places that made me think we are in very bad shape... I witnessed lobbying, policy making, I saw the insides of a huge corporation, I joined a party and was appalled at the way it functioned and how disciplinarian everything was... :(

And the people do nothing... They just keep building "people skills"... What are they thinking?

narouz said:
I guess it depends which country. My (American) friend doesn't go to visit Japan with his Japanese wife anymore
because the Japanese--including her parents--get so freaked out when he speaks out or gesticulates strongly as is his nature.

narouz, that is simply being "loud"... Americans tend to be meek and loud, if you want. Loudly unaware of their meekness. What a pity!


Jul 22, 2012
Isadora said:
narouz, that is simply being "loud"... Americans tend to be meek and loud, if you want. Loudly unaware of their meekness. What a pity!

"Loudly meek Americans."
Food for thought...food for thought.... :roll:


There are lots of Americans who aren't though. When you go through the TSA, you'd think Americans should laugh at the idiocy of the whole security theater and change things, but the people in government often aren't reflective of the beliefs of the population. I read a poll that found that 75% of Australians thought that the incandescent light bulbs ban was silly, yet it was enacted, apparently without vocal opposition from other politicians. So government has a way of attracting the sickest people in society, and one shouldn't assume that there is no significant difference between them and large fractions of the rest of the people.


Feb 11, 2013
You know, I don't want to single out Americans for being meek... The whole world is going in that direction. Europe isn't faring much better, what to say of Asia... The surprise, for me, was to discover people in the US meek, since they are really the *loudest* when it comes to defending democracy, and freedom, and all those great values, coming to the rescue of other people, even inflicting war in their name. So you go to the States, you expect that these folks are really some fierce freedom fighters on their turf as well.

And they're more like :shh: :shifty: :silent: :hiding :yawn:


Isadora said:
You know, I don't want to single out Americans for being meek... The whole world is going in that direction. Europe isn't faring much better, what to say of Asia... The surprise, for me, was to discover people in the US meek, since they are really the *loudest* when it comes to defending democracy, and freedom, and all those great values, coming to the rescue of other people, even inflicting war in their name.

I think most Americans don't even vote, or at least the percentage who votes in presidential elections is not much higher that in other countries, so the pretense of loving democracy seems to be just something created by the ruling class. There is a group, called the neocons, which includes people like McCain, that are ready to go to war any time, for any reason, or for no reason. Just bomb somebody somewhere, and they make up any excuses, from "defending democracy" to destroying non-existing WMDs.

George Carlin illustrated that mentality fairly well.

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