My Sister Cured Hashimotos, Type 2 Diabetes And PCOS Diagnose Within A Month



Apr 13, 2019
If her TSH is still high after T4, I would think the liver is not successfully converting T4 to T3. (Either low selenium for deiodinase, low Vit D, fatty liver, etc) Therefore the hypothalamus still “sees” low T3 in the body and tells the pituitary to increase TSH. She may need to try cytomel or T3 direct. Should signal the hypothalamus that there’s enough T3 in the body and should lower TSH.

Free T4 was above reference range Free T3 was as high as it can get but still within range on lab test same time as her TSH was 16. So thats not true. The diet completely removed her TPO ak antibodies. And restored all her values.


Apr 14, 2013
How do you supress TSH? thyroid medications did not work for my sister. her TSH was always high even when she developed hyperthyroidism from thyroid medications.
Different brands work differently for people. I got hyperthyroidism from Naturthroid, but I'm good on levothyroxine plus liothyronine, synthroid didn't not work for me at all. Doesn't matter though IMO, if AIP alone got her thyroid panel in good range then that's awesome, although you are still going to have to monitor temps and pulses to get a true sense of thyroid function, blood tests are only part of the picture. Doc RP does frequently suggest to avoid foods that cause health issues. So AIP is in line with that. He does also mention ways to increase tolerance to foods like milk and eggs so I think it's possible to eat these foods again once you get cell respiration more efficient, blood less viscous and lower fibrin, get vit D up to 50 or 80, get phosphorus in blood serum low and PTH in bottom range, get B vitamins and fat solubles in range and then start very slowly reintroducing those foods.


New Member
May 11, 2019
[QUOTE = "Beefcake, post: 439573, member: 10126"] Zoek gewoon naar "AIP-dieet" en je krijgt lijsten van wat je kunt en wat je niet kunt eten. [/ QUOTE]
Ik volg ray turf sinds januari en februari 2019 met overgewicht spijsverteringsproblemen nog steeds onvruchtbare hersensmist en ik heb pcos het is ook goed voor mij ap dieet? Dat dieet dan doe ik en ik heb suplimenten melk progesteron wegschrijven en andere mag ik al nemen


Jun 28, 2019
Hey guys. Been a lurker for awhile and finally created an account. Had lab tests done and had high peroxidase antibodies 93 (Hashimoto). About a week ago I decided to take 200 micrograms of selenium daily to see if the antibodies go down. I’ll follow up and post results. I’ll have another test July 9 and inform if antibodies went down.

Its been a while can you post your experience with selenium.


May 29, 2019
Ill be going for a test this week. However, my results may be messed up now cause I ended up getting a doctor to finally prescribe me T3 generic.


Jun 28, 2019
Ill be going for a test this week. However, my results may be messed up now cause I ended up getting a doctor to finally prescribe me T3 generic.

How long did you take 200mcg selenium daily for? Did you notice a difference in how you felt, improvement in symptoms? Im interested in how you felt your symptoms improve, how long you used selenium for, what form of selenium it was and your overall diet and supplement intake


May 29, 2019
How long did you take 200mcg selenium daily for? Did you notice a difference in how you felt, improvement in symptoms? Im interested in how you felt your symptoms improve, how long you used selenium for, what form of selenium it was and your overall diet and supplement intake
Unfortunately no real difference. Neither with the T3, I still get sleepy, maybe need to increase the dose but I don’t think the T3 is working either. I took selenium for about a month. It was selenium methionine 200 micrograms/daily.


Jun 28, 2019
Unfortunately no real difference. Neither with the T3, I still get sleepy, maybe need to increase the dose but I don’t think the T3 is working either. I took selenium for about a month. It was selenium methionine 200 micrograms/daily.

I dont think increasing the dose will help. There must be something more. Some other nutrient, or issue


Jun 28, 2019
Unfortunately no real difference. Neither with the T3, I still get sleepy, maybe need to increase the dose but I don’t think the T3 is working either. I took selenium for about a month. It was selenium methionine 200 micrograms/daily.

Did you get iodine toxicity, or get hashimotos in response to iodine? If yoi didnt, you might want to try 200 to 250mcg iodine alongside that 200mcg selenomethionine. You arent sup posed to be megadosing selenium unless you're deficient on it, or also taking iodine, or trying to fix antibodies or iodine toxicity. Otherwise selenium would cause hypothyroidism, not the autoimmune kind though.
If you dont get much iodine you could just do 50 to 70mcg selenium a day, or the 200 2x a week. What lead you to use that much selenium daily? Is your diet low in iodine and selenium


May 29, 2019
Did you get iodine toxicity, or get hashimotos in response to iodine? If yoi didnt, you might want to try 200 to 250mcg iodine alongside that 200mcg selenomethionine. You arent sup posed to be megadosing selenium unless you're deficient on it, or also taking iodine, or trying to fix antibodies or iodine toxicity. Otherwise selenium would cause hypothyroidism, not the autoimmune kind though.
If you dont get much iodine you could just do 50 to 70mcg selenium a day, or the 200 2x a week. What lead you to use that much selenium daily? Is your diet low in iodine and selenium
I don’t think I’m low on iodine. I have plenty of salt to my food and I think most restaurant salt has iodine. The 200/day was from studies I read as a supplement to people.
I meant increasing T3 dose not selenium dose. I think I feel a little better taking (2) 25mcg T3 pills daily in (1) morning and (1) evening, but I don’t want to do that too much cause I only have so much supply.


New Member
Jul 6, 2019
Can you give more details on the diet? How many carbs/protein/fat does she eat daily? Any supplements? Exercise?

I am kind of in the same boat as her!


Jun 28, 2019
I don’t think I’m low on iodine. I have plenty of salt to my food and I think most restaurant salt has iodine. The 200/day was from studies I read as a supplement to people.
I meant increasing T3 dose not selenium dose. I think I feel a little better taking (2) 25mcg T3 pills daily in (1) morning and (1) evening, but I don’t want to do that too much cause I only have so much supply.

the salt you use says its iodized?
im not sure if restaurants are allowed to use iodized salt. with processed foods, they generally have to list iodized salt/iodine if used, and it seems even the cheapest processed foods use non iodized salt. It would be a big public health risk if these high salt restaurant items used iodized salt. some of these items have thousands of mg of salt, if that were iodized it would be a ton. I guess its possible, im not sure of the regulations regarding restaurant foods and iodine.


May 29, 2019
I haven’t read every package but I add salt on almost every food since I like salt lol. I know McDonald’s has iodized salt packets and Qdoba too and I have that almost everyday. I’ll see if there’s an iodine test/cost and maybe see if I can check that out.


Sep 3, 2017
[QUOTE="Her TSH was 84"[/QUOTE]

Don't you mean 8.4? 84 would cause death, I would think...

As for lectins, Dr. Gundry (on youtube) says those can be destroyed by cooking in a pressure cooker. The only lectins that can't be destroyed that way are gluten-based, he has stated.

Peat stated that TSH should be 1 or below.

I recently read a webpage where an endocrinologist stated that it was perfectly normal for anyone over 60 to have a TSH value between 6 and 10. (Yikes!) Another reason I don't trust mainstream medicine. Or endocrinologists.


Dec 9, 2019
[QUOTE="Her TSH was 84"

Don't you mean 8.4? 84 would cause death, I would think...

As for lectins, Dr. Gundry (on youtube) says those can be destroyed by cooking in a pressure cooker. The only lectins that can't be destroyed that way are gluten-based, he has stated.

Peat stated that TSH should be 1 or below.

I recently read a webpage where an endocrinologist stated that it was perfectly normal for anyone over 60 to have a TSH value between 6 and 10. (Yikes!) Another reason I don't trust mainstream medicine. Or endocrinologists.[/QUOTE]
Endo's are the worst! Why do they keep adjusting lab values to an unhealthy population, then call it "normal".

I've been mega dosing iodine for over 10 years. Usually 100 mg (not mcg)/day, along with selenium. I have reversed by Hashi's, massively improved digestion, increased stomach lining health, improved glucose metabolism and probably off loaded some mercury. So much misinformation on iodine, especially by mainstream. This last year I haven't been as good about taking daily iodine, and I've noticed temperature drops and have been taking a bit of Cytomel again. Years ago I was taking 75mcg of T3.
Dec 8, 2018
The Netherlands
Don't you mean 8.4? 84 would cause death, I would think...

As for lectins, Dr. Gundry (on youtube) says those can be destroyed by cooking in a pressure cooker. The only lectins that can't be destroyed that way are gluten-based, he has stated.

Peat stated that TSH should be 1 or below.

I recently read a webpage where an endocrinologist stated that it was perfectly normal for anyone over 60 to have a TSH value between 6 and 10. (Yikes!) Another reason I don't trust mainstream medicine. Or endocrinologists.
Endo's are the worst! Why do they keep adjusting lab values to an unhealthy population, then call it "normal".

I've been mega dosing iodine for over 10 years. Usually 100 mg (not mcg)/day, along with selenium. I have reversed by Hashi's, massively improved digestion, increased stomach lining health, improved glucose metabolism and probably off loaded some mercury. So much misinformation on iodine, especially by mainstream. This last year I haven't been as good about taking daily iodine, and I've noticed temperature drops and have been taking a bit of Cytomel again. Years ago I was taking 75mcg of T3.

How much selenium per day with the 100mg iodine?


Sep 3, 2017
Peat states that 2x the MDR of iodine can be carcinogenic


Oct 21, 2018
So the past two years my older sister was struggling. She was told by doctors she had PCOS diagnosed by looking at her hormonal values and that she would not be able to have children. On top of that they told her that she had hashimotos. And that she was developing type 2 diabetes

Her TSH was 84 and TPO-ak very high aswell. She had loads of symptoms. She was put on levaxine and tried for over 1-2 years to adjust the dose but just ended up in the emergency with a resting pulse of 140 and extreme anxiety being hyper all the time. She was so scared she was thinkin all the time shes gonna have a heart attack and die. Previous to the thyroid meds shes been feeling tired and depressed for the past 8 years of her life and initially the first 3 months the T4 helped her.

Eventually doctors had to put her on propanolol to calm her heart rate and she also was prescribed benzodiasepines for anxiety and sleeping issues.

Still while being on high dose T4 her TSH was very high and TPO-ak extremly elevated.

She was so fed up feeling crap on the thyroid medication that she decided to quit since she rather felt depressed and tired all day instead of the severe anxiety and feeling like she was gonna have a heart attack.

Eventually she found this doctor which had been an nutritionist in the UK for top athletes who started this clinic. She was recommended to go to him by a hashimotos group on facebook.

Her first meating the guy told her she had to go on the AIP which basically stands for auto-immune paleo.
I have to say this diet is quite hardcore and involves avoiding anything that can trigger the immune system including all dairy, all grains and gluten, legumes and beans and all new world vegetables basically. Focusing on eating clean unprocessed meat, high fat fish like salmon, a few vegetables, fruits and using coconut oil, olive oil, avocado and the meat fat as her only fat sources. No rice, no potatoes. Only carbohydrate was sweet potato and some fruits like bananas.

One month later shes feeling her best she ever felt. The colour of her skin is red and brown and not white transparent. Her hair stopped falling out. She wakes up early with lots of energy, she falls asleep right away when she goes to bed and sleeps through the whole night. She does not have brain fog anymore and says that she has so much energy it feels like shes going to burst in joy.

Now doctors done new blood tests and her TSH is within range and TPO-ak has gone down dramatically. Her blood sugar values has stabilized and other hormones aswell. She was basically declared cured and the doctors told her that she was hashimotos for life and that there was no cure. They where even considering to cut out her thyroid and put her on meds for good. It was all autoimmune inflammation which sure it does sound reasonable to me but kinda insane that the diet fixed all of that in just 1 month.

this makes me wonder that the "anti retinol thread" benefit is all following a diet similair to AIP. cooked white rice is easy to digest and the bran where all the anti nutrients and gut irritants are removed and then eating beef on top of that. Then they blame retinol when it just seems they are avoiding inflammatory food.
I wonder what about that diet really did it for her.
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