My Mother - triple covid vaxxed is now with ventilator. Need advice !


Aug 9, 2015
@PopSocket Your mother raised a very good child.

Stay by her side, if she is or becomes conscious, talk to her about getting right with Christ (just in case) have a positive outlook and know you are doing your very best.
Mar 10, 2021
Hi all,

My mother is still alive. Her lungs are not so good though and saturation is still 80-82. The doctors say the situation is critical. They performed tracheostomy yesterday as from the advice here and what I read it is the better option for sure. The ventilator is set on low volume to keep the lungs from excessive damage, this is why Carbon Dioxide is a bit higher if anyone wonders(plus the gas exchange capacity is lowered atm). I think it is protective against fibrosis from what I researched. She is still getting blood transfusions and red blood cells concentrates. They are doing all the main things to keep her alive but not much of other support which is what I am worried about as the little details make the big difference most of the time.

I am not adding anything to her regimen done by the doctors for now I am letting them do their job. I am preparing hopefully for the recovery phase by buying proper food for her if she needs to be fed though the tube for some time. Most foods are PUFA rich and she got super bad after drinking two "Frisubin which was given by the staff. It is an indian enteral food that is extremely low quality. Unfortunately most foods are like this. If anyone can recommend something of higher quality in Europe,please, let me know. I was thinking about UHT Milk. From my understanding she is experiencing massive lipid peroxidation (prior to being put on the vent) and the PUFA ladden food made things even worse. Her red blood cells membranes are probably being oxidized by lack of Vit E.

I am not adding Vit E or anything that may react with the other medications as this will be irresponsible. This is why I wrote here so I can get adequate advice.

@Vinny Здравей! @haidut has not showed up. I think I know the reason why he is not doing so and I completely understand his position. Saying something that may not work in a tough situation like this is not in his interest. Especially after so many vaccines the clinical picture is unclear what causes what. I did read everything that he has written on pneumonia/oxygen/vit E etc etc. So I think I know his thinking.

I will have today some of his supplements like B vitamins, Magnesium ,Cyproheptadine and vit E as the one I have has expired last September.

Thank you all for the input ! Highly appreciate I have this community to share what is going on.
You are a good son, I am sorry this has been going more south. I think you need just as many prayers, hang in there.


Mar 29, 2016
You are a good son, I am sorry this has been going more south. I think you need just as many prayers, hang in there.
Prayers are powerful. Especially prayers for inspiration through the Holy Spirit. Prayers of petition as well, working through Jesus. The Holy Spirit inspires our mind to find solutions, working within us. While thru Jesus, we seek an externality called a miracle to effect a solution. One seeks truth while the other demands faith.
Mar 10, 2021
Prayers are powerful. Especially prayers for inspiration through the Holy Spirit. Prayers of petition as well, working through Jesus. The Holy Spirit inspires our mind to find solutions, working within us. While thru Jesus, we seek an externality called a miracle to effect a solution. One seeks truth while the other demands faith.
Your last line is thought provoking.


Mar 29, 2016
@Blossom @Rinse & rePeat

Yes, God empowers us with many gifts. Use the talents well and make them bear fruit. Depend on him, but work also with those talents. And help those less gifted as you seek help from those more gifted. If we depended totally on providence, then we would just be resting under the shade all day as the weeds grow.

Merry Christmas!


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
@Blossom @Rinse & rePeat

Yes, God empowers us with many gifts. Use the talents well and make them bear fruit. Depend on him, but work also with those talents. And help those less gifted as you seek help from those more gifted. If we depended totally on providence, then we would just be resting under the shade all day as the weeds grow.

Merry Christmas!
Yes, very true and quite in the spirit of perceive, think, act. Merry Christmas!


Jul 2, 2022
Thank you for the kind words ! All of you. I had no time to respond for two days but I read everything.
Wish you are having a nice Christmas.

Still no change in my mothers condition. Her saturation remains low.

I am currently looking for a special type of a relatevely new antibiotic made by Astrazeneca/Pfizer as per recommendation of the doctors. Asked them why they think this would help but so far no answers. It is non existent in Bulgaria but I will find it from Turkey in a day or two. Contacted the Pfizer representative in Bulgaria but he could not help me on Christmas, Sunday. Seems the infection is resistant to the antibiotics they used so far. The brand name is Zavicefta.

From what I understand its not a problem of having a pathogen but rather tissue destruction and then the pathogen is there to eat the garbage. Once the tissue destruction ends the pathogen is supposed to run out of food and die as they normally cannot feed on healthy cells. Correct me if I am wrong on this.

Hopefully this new antibiotic manages to calm down some inflammatory pathway that is causing this problem. I will have a bit more info in about 24-36hours.

Edit: Thank you for all who prayed for her! I do believe in the power of prayer and that it can influence things.
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Mar 10, 2021
@Blossom @Rinse & rePeat

Yes, God empowers us with many gifts. Use the talents well and make them bear fruit. Depend on him, but work also with those talents. And help those less gifted as you seek help from those more gifted. If we depended totally on providence, then we would just be resting under the shade all day as the weeds grow.

Merry Christmas!
See there you did it again with that last line! Merry Christmas yerrag!


New Member
Feb 14, 2021
This was my email exchange with Ray

My uncle has been in the hospital since January recovering from Covid. He was put on the ventilator on 100 percent oxygen and now they inserted a tracheostomy. After he was conscious from recovering from Covid 19 he was immediately transferred to another medical center for ulcer surgery. The hospital gave him a blood transfusion but soon after he had a cardiac arrest .Apperantly he was choking on his own blood. Currently he is sedated and now we're being told he has a bacteria called Acinetobacter Baumannii and that the medical staff is trying different antibiotics and so far Cefiderocol is the only antibiotic that has shown a slight improvement. The doctor recommended we stop treatment since he says the wound is slowly healing and says Cefiderocol is the last resort.
I had the opportunity to visit him two days ago and he was able to respond by blinking his eyes and was moving his hand.

Do you have any suggestions on what we should do to help him? Do you think we should move him and get another doctors opinion?


What’s the nature of the wound? Is it from the ulcer surgery? Have they checked his vitamin D and thyroid function? Where are you? It’s usually hard to find doctors who recognize the importance of stress reduction and normalization of metabolism.

I took a chance and rubbed some progest e on his foot and played some of his favorite music. The next day he opened his eyes. He was on the ventilator for 6 months and made it !
Jun 16, 2022
Guys, I need some advice as I am in a very, very tough situation in my life at the moment.

My mother whom I love soooo much and we share a super deep connection and yet took 3 covid shots like a good citizen(last was this spring) even though I warned her countless of times not to do it. We had massive arguments about this including the existence of this "virus". At some point after 2 years of constant arguments over her strategy to keep taking vaccines as a way to escape Covid19 complications ( she has autoimmune issues - anca positive vasculitis) I told her to do as she pleases but I don't want her to tell me anything about getting vaxxed as this made me restless and unable to sleep because of worry.

Finally she got her FLU shot early September together with my father and 2 days both got sick but my mother got really bad developing bilateral pneumonia without any liquid inside the lungs. Took 3 different antibiotics recommended by her pulmonologist and none worked. Finally we had to bring her to the hospital as she got super anemic with hemoglobin around 100 and her saturation was around 88. She went to the hospital without the need for help. She was walking and talking yet feeling anemic. It took them 72 hours to destroy her from admission.

They started pumping her with Iron and I told the doctors this is a bad strategy as her anemia was not cause of iron deficiency but because the body was destroying her red blood cells and that the iron makes the infection worse. They told me I need at least 6 years of reading their BS pharmakia books before I can tell them what to do.

After she got worse in 12-16 hours (more anemic,lower saturation) and a massive scandal in the hospital(i told them directly they are clueless and their treatment does not work) and after they gather all their "experts" they started treating her for autoimmune hemolityc anemia after moving her to the ICU which is what I told them is the side issue besides the infection. They started her on high volume oxygen, intravenous antibiotics, prednisolone and blood transfusion along with the standard of care stuff like IV fluids and urine output monitoring. She responded immediately with hemoglobin going up and her feeling better and wanting to eat, she was hungry like a wolf when I visited her after the transfusion. I got encouraged by all this but I knew I must not allow myself to get happy as those shots are unpredictable.

Earlier today she suddenly got worse with saturation going below 20. They put her on the ventilator in the early morning hours. When I heard that I felt as if she is already dead. BUT I have to keep fighting for her so I need some advice from you.

Her saturation is currently very bad around 76-78 on the ventilator which is a very bad sign. I went to see her and talked to her nicely so she keeps fighting and that we have been through tough times before. They will perform tracheostomy tomorrow which from what I read is better than the tube coming from her mouth but we all know here that this is far from optimal but once in the ICU it is very hard to control things.

It was a really hard task to make them give me some papers from the treatment but I got some bloodwork done today , you can see also the blood gas analysis as I proposed CO2 inside the oxygen as attached files. Seems she is having hypercapnia which is good I think so maybe co2 inside the oxygen tank is not needed. But her other markers are not looking ideal at all.

@haidut Would really appreciate your input if you see this. I can influence the doctors to do something out of the ordinary.
If it was someone I loved I would keep them out of the hospital at all costs. It seems They get kick backs for using certain drugs or following certain protocols despite not being ideal for the persons health.

…that was the most PC away I could have said that.
Mar 10, 2021
This was my email exchange with Ray

My uncle has been in the hospital since January recovering from Covid. He was put on the ventilator on 100 percent oxygen and now they inserted a tracheostomy. After he was conscious from recovering from Covid 19 he was immediately transferred to another medical center for ulcer surgery. The hospital gave him a blood transfusion but soon after he had a cardiac arrest .Apperantly he was choking on his own blood. Currently he is sedated and now we're being told he has a bacteria called Acinetobacter Baumannii and that the medical staff is trying different antibiotics and so far Cefiderocol is the only antibiotic that has shown a slight improvement. The doctor recommended we stop treatment since he says the wound is slowly healing and says Cefiderocol is the last resort.
I had the opportunity to visit him two days ago and he was able to respond by blinking his eyes and was moving his hand.

Do you have any suggestions on what we should do to help him? Do you think we should move him and get another doctors opinion?


What’s the nature of the wound? Is it from the ulcer surgery? Have they checked his vitamin D and thyroid function? Where are you? It’s usually hard to find doctors who recognize the importance of stress reduction and normalization of metabolism.

I took a chance and rubbed some progest e on his foot and played some of his favorite music. The next day he opened his eyes. He was on the ventilator for 6 months and made it !
Wow! What a story! This gives us all hope if, heaven forbid, we ever end up in the hospital.


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
This was my email exchange with Ray

My uncle has been in the hospital since January recovering from Covid. He was put on the ventilator on 100 percent oxygen and now they inserted a tracheostomy. After he was conscious from recovering from Covid 19 he was immediately transferred to another medical center for ulcer surgery. The hospital gave him a blood transfusion but soon after he had a cardiac arrest .Apperantly he was choking on his own blood. Currently he is sedated and now we're being told he has a bacteria called Acinetobacter Baumannii and that the medical staff is trying different antibiotics and so far Cefiderocol is the only antibiotic that has shown a slight improvement. The doctor recommended we stop treatment since he says the wound is slowly healing and says Cefiderocol is the last resort.
I had the opportunity to visit him two days ago and he was able to respond by blinking his eyes and was moving his hand.

Do you have any suggestions on what we should do to help him? Do you think we should move him and get another doctors opinion?


What’s the nature of the wound? Is it from the ulcer surgery? Have they checked his vitamin D and thyroid function? Where are you? It’s usually hard to find doctors who recognize the importance of stress reduction and normalization of metabolism.

I took a chance and rubbed some progest e on his foot and played some of his favorite music. The next day he opened his eyes. He was on the ventilator for 6 months and made it !
This is so awesome!


Mar 29, 2016
From what I understand its not a problem of having a pathogen but rather tissue destruction and then the pathogen is there to eat the garbage. Once the tissue destruction ends the pathogen is supposed to run out of food and die as they normally cannot feed on healthy cells. Correct me if I am wrong on this.
Using urea and creatine monohydrate taken orally in solution may help. There is a thread here on this. Do a search.


Aug 17, 2016
This was my email exchange with Ray

My uncle has been in the hospital since January recovering from Covid. He was put on the ventilator on 100 percent oxygen and now they inserted a tracheostomy. After he was conscious from recovering from Covid 19 he was immediately transferred to another medical center for ulcer surgery. The hospital gave him a blood transfusion but soon after he had a cardiac arrest .Apperantly he was choking on his own blood. Currently he is sedated and now we're being told he has a bacteria called Acinetobacter Baumannii and that the medical staff is trying different antibiotics and so far Cefiderocol is the only antibiotic that has shown a slight improvement. The doctor recommended we stop treatment since he says the wound is slowly healing and says Cefiderocol is the last resort.
I had the opportunity to visit him two days ago and he was able to respond by blinking his eyes and was moving his hand.

Do you have any suggestions on what we should do to help him? Do you think we should move him and get another doctors opinion?


What’s the nature of the wound? Is it from the ulcer surgery? Have they checked his vitamin D and thyroid function? Where are you? It’s usually hard to find doctors who recognize the importance of stress reduction and normalization of metabolism.

I took a chance and rubbed some progest e on his foot and played some of his favorite music. The next day he opened his eyes. He was on the ventilator for 6 months and made it !
❤️‍🔥 Awesome!


Mar 29, 2016
See there you did it again with that last line! Merry Christmas yerrag!
If I may add, I've always wondered why Protestants and Evangelicals are more successful that Catholics, I being raised as a Catholic.

And I just realized why in our exchange. Catholics rely on Jesus to answer their prayers too much and less on the Holy Spirit's inspiration. While Protestants and Evangelicals have a more balanced approach.

Filipinos have a saying, though hardly practiced "Nasa Diyos and awa, nasa tao ang gawa. " In God mercy, in man action.

I also look at a typical person's approach to chronic disease and cancer as turning them inadvertently towards God's mercy in prayers and miracles. They reach a fork in the road. One leads to Jesus, the other to the Holy Spirit. By choosing to have big pharma doctors, they are choosing Jesus. As they will be brought into the web of the inevitability and helplessness of genetics and old age, for which miracles is the only way out, through supplications for Jesus' mercy.

But in disease, there are no Catholics nor Evangelicals. Nor Christian or Moslem. All are united in worshipping the high priest of pharma.

We already worship a One World Religion, without knowing it.
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Pablo Cruise

Jan 7, 2018
Some random thoughts. I think her doctors are trying usuaI treatments for respiratory distress. I am under the impression this man's mother is having side effects from the Covid vax which I do not recommend to anyone...but I wonder about antihistamine treatment. From what he said they want to slow down the cytokines so anhistamines and steroids (cortisone like) would be my thought.
There has been reports of Doxycyline 100mg IV twice daily having an ant-inflammatory effect which can be give with the "usual" antibiotics. I don't see any harm in trying it.
I wish we had an expert in this field.


Dec 31, 2020
I'm surprised no one mentioned lactoferrin. It seems to be able to correct anemia due to oxidative stress by delivering the iron in a bound form and binding to free iron. Merry Christmas and good luck.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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