My Sister Cured Hashimotos, Type 2 Diabetes And PCOS Diagnose Within A Month


Apr 13, 2019
So the past two years my older sister was struggling. She was told by doctors she had PCOS diagnosed by looking at her hormonal values and that she would not be able to have children. On top of that they told her that she had hashimotos. And that she was developing type 2 diabetes

Her TSH was 84 and TPO-ak very high aswell. She had loads of symptoms. She was put on levaxine and tried for over 1-2 years to adjust the dose but just ended up in the emergency with a resting pulse of 140 and extreme anxiety being hyper all the time. She was so scared she was thinkin all the time shes gonna have a heart attack and die. Previous to the thyroid meds shes been feeling tired and depressed for the past 8 years of her life and initially the first 3 months the T4 helped her.

Eventually doctors had to put her on propanolol to calm her heart rate and she also was prescribed benzodiasepines for anxiety and sleeping issues.

Still while being on high dose T4 her TSH was very high and TPO-ak extremly elevated.

She was so fed up feeling crap on the thyroid medication that she decided to quit since she rather felt depressed and tired all day instead of the severe anxiety and feeling like she was gonna have a heart attack.

Eventually she found this doctor which had been an nutritionist in the UK for top athletes who started this clinic. She was recommended to go to him by a hashimotos group on facebook.

Her first meating the guy told her she had to go on the AIP which basically stands for auto-immune paleo.
I have to say this diet is quite hardcore and involves avoiding anything that can trigger the immune system including all dairy, all grains and gluten, legumes and beans and all new world vegetables basically. Focusing on eating clean unprocessed meat, high fat fish like salmon, a few vegetables, fruits and using coconut oil, olive oil, avocado and the meat fat as her only fat sources. No rice, no potatoes. Only carbohydrate was sweet potato and some fruits like bananas.

One month later shes feeling her best she ever felt. The colour of her skin is red and brown and not white transparent. Her hair stopped falling out. She wakes up early with lots of energy, she falls asleep right away when she goes to bed and sleeps through the whole night. She does not have brain fog anymore and says that she has so much energy it feels like shes going to burst in joy.

Now doctors done new blood tests and her TSH is within range and TPO-ak has gone down dramatically. Her blood sugar values has stabilized and other hormones aswell. She was basically declared cured and the doctors told her that she was hashimotos for life and that there was no cure. They where even considering to cut out her thyroid and put her on meds for good. It was all autoimmune inflammation which sure it does sound reasonable to me but kinda insane that the diet fixed all of that in just 1 month.

this makes me wonder that the "anti retinol thread" benefit is all following a diet similair to AIP. cooked white rice is easy to digest and the bran where all the anti nutrients and gut irritants are removed and then eating beef on top of that. Then they blame retinol when it just seems they are avoiding inflammatory food.


Apr 14, 2013
I am on AIP for those same reasons plus some. It saved my life but it is not a cure. Autoimmune disease symptoms are typically triggered by something. If you can avoid food triggers and environmental triggers you can prevent flare ups and even keep your antibodies in ideal range but you still have the disease. You have to figure out the original cause (which can vary per individual) and reverse that to truly be cured. In fact, in a way AIP masks your symptoms. I thought I was cured too, but I keep developing more and more food and environmental sensitivities. This is typical, many people on AIP have to eliminate more and more foods than on the standard protocol, this jeopardizes nutrient status and can cause malnutrition. Plus, like me, you can be supposedly cured from one autoimmune disease only to have it warp into another one. For example, I developed psoriasis while being on AIP, and had to eliminate more foods. Got to do AIP to live, that's for sure, but you still need the find the cause.


Apr 13, 2019
I am on AIP for those same reasons plus some. It saved my life but it is not a cure. Autoimmune disease symptoms are typically triggered by something. If you can avoid food triggers and environmental triggers you can prevent flare ups and even keep your antibodies in ideal range but you still have the disease. You have to figure out the original cause (which can vary per individual) and reverse that to truly be cured. In fact, in a way AIP masks your symptoms. I thought I was cured too, but I keep developing more and more food and environmental sensitivities. This is typical, many people on AIP have to eliminate more and more foods than on the standard protocol, this jeopardizes nutrient status and can cause malnutrition. Plus, like me, you can be supposedly cured from one autoimmune disease only to have it warp into another one. For example, I developed psoriasis while being on AIP, and had to eliminate more foods. Got to do AIP to live, that's for sure, but you still need the find the cause.

Time will tell. Vitamin D deficiency seem to be a rather large player in autoimmunity. I think a combination of getting blood and lab test fixing nutrient deficiencies, then focusing on eating high nutrient dense food low in inflammatory substances and also rest. Dont stress your body if your sick. Give it time to heal. What I was most amazed about was how quickly avoiding irritants showed such massive results on blod tests. And how doctors can tell her that shes going to be sick with no cure. PCOS and not being able to get pregnant. Just goes to show how flawed modern medicine is. I told her all along I don’t trust their diagnose at all and that there’s likely some reason she got sick in the first place.


Apr 13, 2019

This is an excellent video summarizing AIP and how it helps autoimmunity.


Apr 14, 2013
Time will tell. Vitamin D deficiency seem to be a rather large player in autoimmunity. I think a combination of getting blood and lab test fixing nutrient deficiencies, then focusing on eating high nutrient dense food low in inflammatory substances and also rest. Dont stress your body if your sick. Give it time to heal. What I was most amazed about was how quickly avoiding irritants showed such massive results on blod tests. And how doctors can tell her that shes going to be sick with no cure. PCOS and not being able to get pregnant. Just goes to show how flawed modern medicine is. I told her all along I don’t trust their diagnose at all and that there’s likely some reason she got sick in the first place.

Extremely good points. Glad she's got you as an advocate.

Nutrient testing is vital. I found that you have to request specifically PTH (along with vit D, calcium, phosphate). Vit D is a major player but harder to test for and manage than people normally think, especially when your system is impaired. Doc RP recommended a narrow band UVB light for vit D synthesis to me personally. Bacterial overgrowth infection is another factor that is typically involved (is it a cause or an effect though, still not sure). Also not sure about RPs advice on antibiotic therapy for this one, but I did see him recommend bacteriophage therapy instead to one gal with autoimmune disease in an RP email repository. Also, one thing that doesn't get nearly enough attention is blood viscosity a (blood too sticky) and high amount of fibrin in the blood. Back to the antibiotic idea; I know this has been mentioned a lot on this forum for AI disease and food sensitivities but I think it's far too risky for most of us, it could cause an even worse infection like C-diff or a fungal overgrowth which is just as bad. I have not yet heard Doc RP or anyone else on the forum have a sure fire way to avoid those possibilities.


Apr 13, 2019
Extremely good points. Glad she's got you as an advocate.

Nutrient testing is vital. I found that you have to request specifically PTH (along with vit D, calcium, phosphate). Vit D is a major player but harder to test for and manage than people normally think, especially when your system is impaired. Doc RP recommended a narrow band UVB light for vit D synthesis to me personally. Bacterial overgrowth infection is another factor that is typically involved (is it a cause or an effect though, still not sure). Also not sure about RPs advice on antibiotic therapy for this one, but I did see him recommend bacteriophage therapy instead to one gal with autoimmune disease in an RP email repository. Also, one thing that doesn't get nearly enough attention is blood viscosity a (blood too sticky) and high amount of fibrin in the blood. Back to the antibiotic idea; I know this has been mentioned a lot on this forum for AI disease and food sensitivities but I think it's far too risky for most of us, it could cause an even worse infection like C-diff or a fungal overgrowth which is just as bad. I have not yet heard Doc RP or anyone else on the forum have a sure fire way to avoid those possibilities.

I don’t think that antibiotics is a good choice when you struggle with autoimmune disease for the reasons you mentioned. Its too risky. There’s other ways you can help your gut. I don’t think probiotics it good or even does anything since lots of research shows it only changes your gut biome while you take it. Once you stop those bacterias goes away. Prebiotics feeding the gut the right food for the right bacteria. Getting the bacteria that breaks down food to butyrate would result in both healing a persons gut and keeping the bacteria rather under control. Also in general trying to lower or keep gut serotonin as low as possible. Vitamin D has been shown to do this also and lysine, ginger could also be effective.
Dec 8, 2018
The Netherlands
So the past two years my older sister was struggling. She was told by doctors she had PCOS diagnosed by looking at her hormonal values and that she would not be able to have children. On top of that they told her that she had hashimotos. And that she was developing type 2 diabetes

Her TSH was 84 and TPO-ak very high aswell. She had loads of symptoms. She was put on levaxine and tried for over 1-2 years to adjust the dose but just ended up in the emergency with a resting pulse of 140 and extreme anxiety being hyper all the time. She was so scared she was thinkin all the time shes gonna have a heart attack and die. Previous to the thyroid meds shes been feeling tired and depressed for the past 8 years of her life and initially the first 3 months the T4 helped her.

Eventually doctors had to put her on propanolol to calm her heart rate and she also was prescribed benzodiasepines for anxiety and sleeping issues.

Still while being on high dose T4 her TSH was very high and TPO-ak extremly elevated.

She was so fed up feeling crap on the thyroid medication that she decided to quit since she rather felt depressed and tired all day instead of the severe anxiety and feeling like she was gonna have a heart attack.

Eventually she found this doctor which had been an nutritionist in the UK for top athletes who started this clinic. She was recommended to go to him by a hashimotos group on facebook.

Her first meating the guy told her she had to go on the AIP which basically stands for auto-immune paleo.
I have to say this diet is quite hardcore and involves avoiding anything that can trigger the immune system including all dairy, all grains and gluten, legumes and beans and all new world vegetables basically. Focusing on eating clean unprocessed meat, high fat fish like salmon, a few vegetables, fruits and using coconut oil, olive oil, avocado and the meat fat as her only fat sources. No rice, no potatoes. Only carbohydrate was sweet potato and some fruits like bananas.

One month later shes feeling her best she ever felt. The colour of her skin is red and brown and not white transparent. Her hair stopped falling out. She wakes up early with lots of energy, she falls asleep right away when she goes to bed and sleeps through the whole night. She does not have brain fog anymore and says that she has so much energy it feels like shes going to burst in joy.

Now doctors done new blood tests and her TSH is within range and TPO-ak has gone down dramatically. Her blood sugar values has stabilized and other hormones aswell. She was basically declared cured and the doctors told her that she was hashimotos for life and that there was no cure. They where even considering to cut out her thyroid and put her on meds for good. It was all autoimmune inflammation which sure it does sound reasonable to me but kinda insane that the diet fixed all of that in just 1 month.

this makes me wonder that the "anti retinol thread" benefit is all following a diet similair to AIP. cooked white rice is easy to digest and the bran where all the anti nutrients and gut irritants are removed and then eating beef on top of that. Then they blame retinol when it just seems they are avoiding inflammatory food.

Amazing, thanks for sharing. All the foods you list are on my safe list except I sometimes wonder about oxalate content of sweet potatoes and more recently about gut permeability from coconut oil (see Dr. Paul Mason's latest interviews). Can you provide a comprehensive list of the foods she eats-- particularly which vegetables and fruits-- or can they be found on her doc's website?


Apr 13, 2019
Amazing, thanks for sharing. All the foods you list are on my safe list except I sometimes wonder about oxalate content of sweet potatoes and more recently about gut permeability from coconut oil (see Dr. Paul Mason's latest interviews). Can you provide a comprehensive list of the foods she eats-- particularly which vegetables and fruits-- or can they be found on her doc's website?

Just search ”AIP diet” and you get lists on what you can and what you cant eat.


Apr 30, 2015
I am on AIP for those same reasons plus some. It saved my life but it is not a cure. Autoimmune disease symptoms are typically triggered by something. If you can avoid food triggers and environmental triggers you can prevent flare ups and even keep your antibodies in ideal range but you still have the disease. You have to figure out the original cause (which can vary per individual) and reverse that to truly be cured. In fact, in a way AIP masks your symptoms. I thought I was cured too, but I keep developing more and more food and environmental sensitivities. This is typical, many people on AIP have to eliminate more and more foods than on the standard protocol, this jeopardizes nutrient status and can cause malnutrition. Plus, like me, you can be supposedly cured from one autoimmune disease only to have it warp into another one. For example, I developed psoriasis while being on AIP, and had to eliminate more foods. Got to do AIP to live, that's for sure, but you still need the find the cause.

I came here to basically say this. Restrictive diet works great for Autoimmune, but eventually you run out of things to restrict.

Thanks for sharing her story OP

Dino D

Nov 14, 2017
What carbs, vegies and fruit did she eat? Sweet potatoes, bananas? What else... what macros? Thx


May 6, 2017

This is an excellent video summarizing AIP and how it helps autoimmunity.

Great video! I also noticed lot of paralells between this diet and Ray Peat ideas except for the milk and PUFA thing.
Last edited:


Apr 13, 2019
Great video! I also noticed lot of paralells between this diet and Ray Peat ideas except for the milk and PUFA thing.

very mixed for example in the video they say not to use antibiotics while peat is for steralizing your gut. I think a major problem is that peat does not recommend a specific diet he just gives scientific advice but people tend to read between the lines and come up with food choices that are "peaty". I know ray mentioned that he eats fried chicken wings from time to time as an example of peat doing so called "unpeaty" things. People need to stop taking his advice so literally. Anyway the AIP diet is a paleo version and its very low in carbohydrates in general as well and have high fats. They promote eating fatty fish. But you can easily do AIP and still eat a lot of carbs. Just eat more fruits and avoid peel and seeds. Then also sweet potatoes are AIP friendly and white rice seem to be cool just that its very empty in nutrients except starch. But if you where to adopt a AIP diet with peat ideas then eating rice would seem to be a good way to help supplement that diet with carbohydrates. Also AIP is about healing broken gut and likely reducing serotonin and endotoxin load. I dont believe you need to bombard your gut with bacteria killers or antibiotics. If you give the gut a diverse prebiotic food sources no bacteria will get advantage over the other and wreck havoc. Thats the idea of AIP aswell. Its likely impossible to keep the gut sterile so instead of trying to do that they just focus on giving the gut bacteria so diverse that they dont have time to fight a war with you only between each other.


May 29, 2019
Hey guys. Been a lurker for awhile and finally created an account. Had lab tests done and had high peroxidase antibodies 93 (Hashimoto). About a week ago I decided to take 200 micrograms of selenium daily to see if the antibodies go down. I’ll follow up and post results. I’ll have another test July 9 and inform if antibodies went down.


Apr 14, 2013
What carbs, vegies and fruit did she eat? Sweet potatoes, bananas? What else... what macros? Thx

I had the same benefits as the OP's sister. I do not follow the typical low carb AIP suggestions. I eat a macro balance of about 40% carb / 30% protein / 30% fat (more carb and less fat is something I'm working for as my metabolism improves). I have some reintros on AIP... organic low-mycotoxin coffee, organic allergen free chocolate, organic pasture raised eggs, ghee, organic sugar, and mexican coke. I don't eat any starches (per Doc RP's suggestion to me personally as I have severe bowel inflammation), also can't have gelatin or collagen due to histamine so take glycine or BCAA's with muscle meats instead. So basically I have coffee, a ripe banana w/ salt and Amino Pro BCAA's for meal 1, low fat meat, well cooked greens + OJ + eggs for meal 2, coffee + salted fruit (apples, mangos, dates, figs, chocolate) plus either more BCAA's or a meat bar (Mighty bars, Epic, or Wild Zora) for meal 3, seafood+ ghee + carrot salad with ACV and MCT oil + mexican coke for meal 4, leftovers + OJ for meal 5. For snacks I have Surf Sweets allergen free gummy bears, meat bars, honey lozenges to blood sugar stable when in a pinch (I keep these in my purse, car, desk drawer...never ever let blood sugar get low with autoimmune and PCOS!!!!).


May 21, 2018
Peat doesn’t believe in autoimmunity right? As in, your immune system attacking your own body? I’m a bit in doubt about this point. The video does have some logic. It could also be just a bad gut.


Nov 9, 2016
Peat doesn’t believe in autoimmunity right? As in, your immune system attacking your own body? I’m a bit in doubt about this point. The video does have some logic. It could also be just a bad gut.
If I'm understanding him correctly he supports the idea that the body develops an injury due to some reason, & then antibodies go in to clean up the mess caused by the destructive injury. It gets stuck in this cycle. So for thyroid injuries, as an example, he mentions suppressing the TSH, which is basically suppressing the inflammation; if you do that the theory is that the destruction from the injury will calm down, & the antibodies will go away as they no longer have a job to do.

This theory makes sense to me, but then I question why a lot of people with autoimmune "diseases" develop a 2nd autoimmune disease.


Apr 13, 2019
If I'm understanding him correctly he supports the idea that the body develops an injury due to some reason, & then antibodies go in to clean up the mess caused by the destructive injury. It gets stuck in this cycle. So for thyroid injuries, as an example, he mentions suppressing the TSH, which is basically suppressing the inflammation; if you do that the theory is that the destruction from the injury will calm down, & the antibodies will go away as they no longer have a job to do.

This theory makes sense to me, but then I question why a lot of people with autoimmune "diseases" develop a 2nd autoimmune disease.

How do you supress TSH? thyroid medications did not work for my sister. her TSH was always high even when she developed hyperthyroidism from thyroid medications.


Apr 13, 2019
Peat doesn’t believe in autoimmunity right? As in, your immune system attacking your own body? I’m a bit in doubt about this point. The video does have some logic. It could also be just a bad gut.

autoimmune diet does work though?


May 29, 2019
How do you supress TSH? thyroid medications did not work for my sister. her TSH was always high even when she developed hyperthyroidism from thyroid medications.
If her TSH is still high after T4, I would think the liver is not successfully converting T4 to T3. (Either low selenium for deiodinase, low Vit D, fatty liver, etc) Therefore the hypothalamus still “sees” low T3 in the body and tells the pituitary to increase TSH. She may need to try cytomel or T3 direct. Should signal the hypothalamus that there’s enough T3 in the body and should lower TSH.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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