Gut Protocol For Insulin Resistance, Metabolism, And Energy



Apr 30, 2015
@Tarmander have you noticed any changes in gas since or during this prebiotic protocol?
Not really. Only thing I really noticed was mood got a bit more positive for a few days when it first started. I am up to 3 scoops per day. So next microbiome test is really going to tell what is going on.

Have you tried bacillus coagulens? Supposedly helps with blood sugar and insulin.

I think this is one of the recommended probiotics from my microbiome, just havent gotten around to trying it


Oct 21, 2018
OP. If you had to mention the top 3 supplements in your stack for improving insulin resistance BESIDES antibiotics. What were they?


May 4, 2019
Okay I just got back my gut microbiome labs and they are HORRENDOUS lol.

I have 0% Akkermansia.
I have 0% Lactobacillus.
I have 0% Bifidobacterium.

Also my e.coli is pretty much non existent 0.008%.

Anyone have any idea of how to improve this? I have already taken lots of probiotics with safe bifidobacterium strains + L reutari + plantarum + raw milk kefir. Should I include more plant fiber in my diet?


Mar 5, 2018
Okay I just got back my gut microbiome labs and they are HORRENDOUS lol.

I have 0% Akkermansia.
I have 0% Lactobacillus.
I have 0% Bifidobacterium.

Also my e.coli is pretty much non existent 0.008%.

Anyone have any idea of how to improve this? I have already taken lots of probiotics with safe bifidobacterium strains + L reutari + plantarum + raw milk kefir. Should I include more plant fiber in my diet?
I'd recommend you post it on reddit /r/ Microbiome - there are lots of knowleadgeable folks there in this field.

Dr. B

Mar 16, 2021
I wanted to share this amazing gut protocol that I have been on for the last few months (results below)

I am in a unique position as a type 1 diabetic in that my pancreas produces little to no insulin on its own. This gives me an insight into what supplements and herbs do to insulin needs in both the short term and long term

If I notice a supplement lowers the amount of insulin I need, then theoretically it could lower the amount of insulin a normal person would produce. Perhaps even lowering any insulin resistance, and increasing metabolism as well

Everyone is different and results will be different

The protocol comes from Ken Lassesen and was originally developed for CFS. I think it can help anyone experiencing weight gain and metabolism slow down which is very common on a RP diet.

Read the full article here: Change Agents: Ken Lassesen on Prescription and Herbal Antibiotics to Alter the Gut Flora in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome - Health Rising

The protocol works by taking an herb/supplement/probiotic for a week and then shifting to a new one.
This shifts the gut microbiome each week in a healthier direction. Think muscle confusion. By shifting constantly, you never give your muscles the chance to plateau out.

By shifting the supplement each week, the unhealthy bacteria do not get a chance to gain resistance to a substance

Here is the protocol summarized, but the article is worth reading, as well as the comments:

-200 mg/day of minocycline (as a neuroprotector — for those can persuade MDs to write an ongoing prescription) – on going

Week 1: Haritaki: Work up to 6 “00” capsules per day then stop
Week 2: Prescript-Assist: Work up to 2 capsules per day then stop
Week 3: Tulsi: Work up to 6 “00” capsules per day then stop
Week 4: Align or a 100% Bifidobacterium probiotic (preferably with mainly Bifidobacterium Infantis)
Week 5: Neem: Work up to 6 “00” capsules per day then stop
Week 6: Mutaflor or other E.Coli Probioitcs (work up to 2x recommended dosage)
Week 7: Lactobacillus Reuteri (work up to 2x recommended dosage)
Week 8: Take a break — ideally review your notes to find what had the greatest effect and use that for 2 weeks, working your way down the list for effectiveness
Week 9: Turmeric (breaks down a form of coagulation that seems to occur with CFS) – up to 10 capsules per day. If you have piracetam, also take that.

Second Pass
Repeat the above, with the following additions. I excluded these in the first pass because they can, by themselves, produce massive herx.

Week 1: NAC and EDTA – these are biofilm breakers, and you should repeat every 3 weeks of this cycle in addition to whatever else you are doing. Biofilms are “domed cities of bacteria” – the antibiotics kill the outer level and the dead bacteria bodies protect the inhabitants.
Week 2: Bromelain, Nattokinease, Serrapetase, Lumbrokinease – these are antibiotic potentators. They in general dissolve fibrin deposits allowing antibiotics to penetrate deeper (up to 10x greater concentration in tissue). Bacteria will often trigger fibrin so they have their own little world shielded off by the fibrin. Repeat every four weeks in addition to whatever else you are doing.
Week 3: Boswellia, Myrth – these are anti-inflamnatories. Inflammation keeps antibiotics away from the bacteria (just like fibrin and biofilms) — you want to reduce the inflammation. Repeat every two weeks in addition to whatever else you are doing.

Over time items:
If the above does not work well, i.e. zero herx and zero improvement — the following should be tried:

Week A: Olive Leaf Extract
Week B: Worm Wood
Week C: Monolaurin

I made some changes to the protocol. I did not take Minocycline throughout. I did 3 different antibiotics for a week, spaced a month apart. (

Erythromycin 250mg x2/day for 1 week
Minocycline 100mg x2/day for 1 week
Azithromycin 500mg x1/day for 4 days (1000mg on the first day)

I also did both passes at the same time.


•In December I was taking 30 units of Tresiba (long acting insulin) per day. As of today I am taking 18 units of Tresiba. Last time I took that little insulin I was a teenager with a teenage metabolism.

•I lost 7-8 pounds. I expect to slowly drop weight as time goes on as the low amount of insulin would suggest it. Losing around 2 pounds per month it seems. The subjective feel of weight loss has changed. Before I would lose a few pounds and my body wanted to put it right back on. It was a battle. That is the opposite now. My body wants to shed weight and I have to work at keeping it.

•During this trial, I had to consume copious amounts of sugar to keep my blood sugar elevated as I brought insulin levels down. Usually consuming 64 oz of apple juice a day in addition to my regular diet (see below). Any problems with pure sugar seem to be gone.

•Massive increase in energy. Walking 1.5 hours per day with no exercise intolerance. I used to have insomnia whenever I would exercise. That is gone

•brain power increased on average, although some of the substances made that worse.

Here are my notes for each substance:

Gave great energy and did not interfere with sleep. Caused loose stool. Lowered blood sugar massively, almost as much as the Neem. Great muscle tone. Improved posture even.

•Minocycline: Also gave great energy but insomnia too. I will never take Mino before going to bed if I want to sleep even a little. Made my body feel hollow, kind of strung out. Better and tighter skin, and better muscle tone. Boswellia improved symptoms

•Azithromycin: Caused insomnia and gave energy like Mino, but not the hollow feeling. Made scalp itchy and hair fall out a bit. While it was not as bad as Mino, Boswellia did not improve the symptoms so in some ways it was worse.

•Haritake( Nausea at first. Very hungry. Intense mental effects that went away after a couple days. Very odd feelings, like it was summer when I was a kid. Body felt heavy, immobile, fell asleep quickly. Rash popped up on my hand (yeast?). Lowered blood sugar

•Prescript assist( I found an old bottle of this at a healthfood store. Not sure if the new formula will give these same effects. Felt tired, dizzy, kind of spacey and loopy. Very deep sleep…like sinking into the ocean

•Tulsi( : Organic Tulsi Leaves Powder (Ocimum Sanctum) by mi nature - 227 g / 8 OZ / 1/2 lb | USDA NOP Certified 100% Organic | Vegan | Non GMO, Eco Friendly Pack : Grocery & Gourmet Food): Increased muscles big time. All my exercises were much easier. Felt militant, disciplined, emotionless, calm, focused. Didn’t improve sleep but didn’t make it worse. Lowered blood sugar big time. May have caused a hemorrhoid after 5 days of taking max dosage. Possible fungal problem as pinky toe had athlete’s food which went away after cessation.

•Bifido( I took Jarrow Bifido for this. Did not like at first. Caused anxiety and emotionality. But after the first couple days, had the best brain boost I have ever had. Mind felt flow like, absolutely on fire. Memorization great. On the verge of being too strong for the mind, almost uncomfortable but not quite. Blood sugars better. Body seemed to look a little more feminine oddly. I had just come off tulsi, which masculinized me, and the bifido seem to make me more curvy and feminine. Weird I know but that was the sense I got. Didn’t cause gyno or anything. The bifido probiotics are all very different. I tried Align before this back in November and it did not do these things. So depending on which bifido you get, you may get very different results.

•Neem( : Lost weight quicker. Nuclear bomb for blood sugars. I was constantly chugging apple juice and eating fruit snacks to keep my blood sugar up. Started waking up at 5am and unable to get back to sleep. Was good at first. Puffed up muscles, cleared my skin. As time went on, I got less and less sleep. Couldn’t fall asleep, couldn’t stay asleep. Had some nights I slept 2 hours. Started to feel strung out, tired, lack of sleep drunk. Brain felt like it had too much MSG. After stopping Neem, the effects stayed. I am never ******* taking this ***t again. It has been weeks since stopping and I am still struggling with this a bit. Avoid for me.

•Mutaflor(Mutaflor): Usually improves ability to sleep in (like a teenager!). First couple days gives gas and loose stool. Lowers blood sugars so better to take in the morning. Gives a serotonin feeling to my brain if I take a lot of it.

•Lactobacillus Reuteri ( : Did not feel anything. I noticed the one I bought was super low dose, and shipped without an ice pack (heat sensitive). May try again with a different brand.

•Turmeric( : Didn’t notice much

•Boswellia ( : I ended up using this for most of the protocol. It lowered the symptoms of insomnia for the antibiotics and a bit for Neem. Really grew to like Boswellia.

•Systemic Enzymes( and : I tried Natto, Serra, and Lumbrokinase. Natto and Serra really did not do much but oh my god I love Lumbrokinase. Gave that empty flat stomach feeling you get when you fast, but I was eating. Cleared my mind. I take 6 pills per day, 2 before each meal. I know I was supposed to rotate but I loved it so much I just stayed on it.

•NAC and EDTA: These seemed to riskiest part of the protocol and I stayed away. NAC also contraindicated from one of my microbiome tests.

Other notes from protocol:

•Any substance that did me good, felt like crap the first day or two. Usually emotional, anxiety, sleep problems. The one substance that seriously did me wrong was Neem. It felt good the first few days, and slowly became a nightmare. I have noticed this pattern with other substances I take. If it feels good right away, usually not a good sign…at least in this microbiome world.

•After the Neem, I did not do anything for a week or two and the insulin results stuck. I didnt need more insulin. That sometimes happens if you take something hormonal. Meaning I would need less insulin while on the hormone (better metabolism?) then after going off would need more insulin again (nope)

•did not try the wormwood, olive leaf, or monolaurin. I have done all three before and they have various effects.

•Yeast seemed to be a problem in two instances. The hand rash and athletes foot. When I do another pass. I may add in a week of oregano oil and caprilic acid.

Confounding Factors:

These factors played a role in all this, but not sure to what extent

•My regular diet in December was meat, potatoes/rice, and a little refried beans each meal

My diet shifted in January to

breakfast: Rice and green beans
Lunch: meat and green beans
Dinner: Rice and green beans/broccoli/cauliflower

So three meals of meat a day down to one. That is a confounding factor that may muddy the results of the protocol itself.

•I have been nebulizing 100mg of glutathione everyday for 1 year +

•I started nicotine patches in November

•In February I started using a heat lamp daily

•I went off thyroid in late Jan/early Feb

•I took Pepcid for a month in Jan

•Stopped taking daily betaine HCL in December

In conclusion:

While this has been very rocky at times, especially with insomnia, it is a massive success.

When I first started the Peat life, I was crashing from too much endurance exercise and job burnout. I was scarfing down ice cream and orange juice like mad.

My insulin needs sky rocketed (50 units of long term insulin a day!) and I gained 50 pounds. That was 5-6 years ago. I have tried a myriad of ways to get my metabolism rolling and lose weight without dieting to no success.

Finally, I am on the path to losing weight, eating as much sugar as I want, and being able to exercise again.

Focusing on shifting the microbiome seems to give permanent results. Ray Peat is right about keeping gut bacteria down...but it's not just an important may be the most crucial part of his writings

By tinkering with this protocol, I can assure sleep, energy, and less insulin needs.

In addition, by not taking any substance for longer than a couple weeks, I don't develop tolerance or get bad side effects.

Other than the antibiotics, EDTA, and NAC, this protocol is very low risk. Any mineral/vitamin imbalances you may get from long term use of a substance is not a factor.

I hope you enjoyed this post. I put a lot of work and note taking into this. (full disclosure, if you get value from this post, links above are affiliate).

I will do a podcast on this in a few weeks if you are a better listener then reader, like me. Thanks for reading and big props to Ken for originally creating this

what if you use olive leaf extract 500mg (island nutrition brand) every other day permanently, alongside 500mg activated charcoal?
do you need these different substances if you are consuming a half gallon whole milk a day? ray has said saturated fats have a germicidal, anti bacterial (and maybe also anti fungal? ) effect?
why do you have a bean, rice, and cauliflower based diet, dont those three foods actually feed bacteria on their own? rice due to the starch, the others due to the fiber and difficulty in digestion?
do you think these supplements would be needed less if you were doing something like a high whole fat milk, orange juice, and raw honey diet? i heard honey and orange juice themselves should help endotoxin as well?


Oct 5, 2014
Amazing series of posts L.!! Super happy to see these good results and exciting new field of research and experimentation.

I always suspected all my health issues were on the gut but all the attempts failed. It makes sense that if you don't test, you are like a goose in the dark. I will have to find a similar on to thryve here in Europe.


Apr 30, 2015
what if you use olive leaf extract 500mg (island nutrition brand) every other day permanently, alongside 500mg activated charcoal?
do you need these different substances if you are consuming a half gallon whole milk a day? ray has said saturated fats have a germicidal, anti bacterial (and maybe also anti fungal? ) effect?
why do you have a bean, rice, and cauliflower based diet, dont those three foods actually feed bacteria on their own? rice due to the starch, the others due to the fiber and difficulty in digestion?
do you think these supplements would be needed less if you were doing something like a high whole fat milk, orange juice, and raw honey diet? i heard honey and orange juice themselves should help endotoxin as well?
I will just answer your general overall question here. Peat's understanding of antibiotic action in things like carrot salad/coconut oil/honey is very limited in scope. All foods promote certain bacteria while inhibiting other bacteria either through direct action, or by the bacteria they promote. Every microbiome is different, so everyone reacts slightly differently to supplements and foods. This makes experimentation king. A big part of my journey last year was upgrading my knowledge of the microbiome. Now when I read stuff from Peat followers like "keep bacteria levels down with carrot salad" I have a hard time not rolling my eyes. It is hard to wrap your head around, but even antibiotics promote bacteria growth by inhibiting competitors of resistant bacteria

Amazing series of posts L.!! Super happy to see these good results and exciting new field of research and experimentation.

I always suspected all my health issues were on the gut but all the attempts failed. It makes sense that if you don't test, you are like a goose in the dark. I will have to find a similar on to thryve here in Europe.
Yeah buddy! My diet has changed from this quite a bit, but I still test my microbiome every couple months and the recommendations are always on point in making me feel better, stronger, lose weight, and moving in the right direction.

OP. If you had to mention the top 3 supplements in your stack for improving insulin resistance BESIDES antibiotics. What were they?
Chitosan, Raw Meat, Neem

Okay I just got back my gut microbiome labs and they are HORRENDOUS lol.

I have 0% Akkermansia.
I have 0% Lactobacillus.
I have 0% Bifidobacterium.

Also my e.coli is pretty much non existent 0.008%.

Anyone have any idea of how to improve this? I have already taken lots of probiotics with safe bifidobacterium strains + L reutari + plantarum + raw milk kefir. Should I include more plant fiber in my diet?
On the face this is bad, but sometimes this may be adaptive to whatever condition you are dealing with. I have low levels of all those but my lactobacillus fluctuates from low to high. Microbiome is a moving target. Good thing is to test, do the recommendations, and keep moving in a healthy direction.


May 4, 2019
On the face this is bad, but sometimes this may be adaptive to whatever condition you are dealing with. I have low levels of all those but my lactobacillus fluctuates from low to high. Microbiome is a moving target. Good thing is to test, do the recommendations, and keep moving in a healthy direction.

Thanks. I'm definitely gonna get a new test done in a few months.

Just finished a course of Symbioflor 2 and the e. coli is definitely doing something. Whenever I take stuff that changes the gut microbiome it seems like the effects stick around vs vitamins/minerals/aspirin etc.


Oct 5, 2014
Just finished a course of Symbioflor 2 and the e. coli is definitely doing something. Whenever I take stuff that changes the gut microbiome it seems like the effects stick around vs vitamins/minerals/aspirin etc.
It makes sense since it is going to the root cause of the problem.


Apr 30, 2015
Thanks. I'm definitely gonna get a new test done in a few months.

Just finished a course of Symbioflor 2 and the e. coli is definitely doing something. Whenever I take stuff that changes the gut microbiome it seems like the effects stick around vs vitamins/minerals/aspirin etc.
yeah it definitely lasts longer then other sups and doesnt seem to activate the same "resistance" as other sups do where your body starts fighting the supplementation


Mar 29, 2020
I have now, after writing with @Tarmander, order 3 Gut Microbiome Test from Biomesight.
Will upload the data to Ken's site: MicrobiomePrescription : Home Page

Been looking at some videos with Ken and also reading his blog - thinks this looks really interesting.

I'm thinking of doing it the way Ken do it in this video:

(Using the medical condition and get suggestions from that specific instead of the whole microbiome).

Ken talks a lot about using antibiotics/herbs for 2 weeks on and then rotate.

Say for example that I get the following antibiotics as a recommendation:
Skärmavbild 2021-08-23 kl. 17.00.18.png

Should I then use at least two of them and cycle or can I use tetracycline for two weeks, then 2 weeks of, two weeks on etc?


Apr 30, 2015
I have now, after writing with @Tarmander, order 3 Gut Microbiome Test from Biomesight.
Will upload the data to Ken's site: MicrobiomePrescription : Home Page

Been looking at some videos with Ken and also reading his blog - thinks this looks really interesting.

I'm thinking of doing it the way Ken do it in this video:

(Using the medical condition and get suggestions from that specific instead of the whole microbiome).

Ken talks a lot about using antibiotics/herbs for 2 weeks on and then rotate.

Say for example that I get the following antibiotics as a recommendation:
View attachment 26955

Should I then use at least two of them and cycle or can I use tetracycline for two weeks, then 2 weeks of, two weeks on etc?

not sure what others did, but I did a standard cycle of antibiotics and then took a break for at least a month before using a new one. Each antibiotic is different. So a standard dose of azithromycin may only be 3 days because it has a longer half life in your body. For Minocycline I think its 7-10 days. I never did a full two weeks. I just stuck to what a "course" was from the medical literature. I also don't believe in taking any single antibiotic long term. I think you get the benefits in a short amount of time, and you shouldn't need to take that one again for awhile. The ones I bought were Erythromycin, Minocycline, and Azithromycin. I would stay away from Vancomycin as it's a nuclear bomb to your gut and can hurt your kidneys.

Use this episode for how harmful the different antibiotics are:


With herbs though, I find they work for 2 weeks to 1 month. That is an anecdotal feel to how well they work. For example, one of my tests said to use chitosan for sleep. I noticed the biggest difference for about 3 weeks before it started to tapper off. So I am guessing your microbiome adapts in the 2 week to 1 month time frame.

And you are right about how to use it. Target a symptom and get recommendations for that symptom. The broad based stuff, which is like the Jason Hawrelak recommendations, don't seem as helpful.


Mar 29, 2020
not sure what others did, but I did a standard cycle of antibiotics and then took a break for at least a month before using a new one. Each antibiotic is different. So a standard dose of azithromycin may only be 3 days because it has a longer half life in your body. For Minocycline I think its 7-10 days. I never did a full two weeks. I just stuck to what a "course" was from the medical literature. I also don't believe in taking any single antibiotic long term. I think you get the benefits in a short amount of time, and you shouldn't need to take that one again for awhile. The ones I bought were Erythromycin, Minocycline, and Azithromycin. I would stay away from Vancomycin as it's a nuclear bomb to your gut and can hurt your kidneys.

Use this episode for how harmful the different antibiotics are:


With herbs though, I find they work for 2 weeks to 1 month. That is an anecdotal feel to how well they work. For example, one of my tests said to use chitosan for sleep. I noticed the biggest difference for about 3 weeks before it started to tapper off. So I am guessing your microbiome adapts in the 2 week to 1 month time frame.

And you are right about how to use it. Target a symptom and get recommendations for that symptom. The broad based stuff, which is like the Jason Hawrelak recommendations, don't seem as helpful.

Thanks for the answer!

Will listen to that episode.

When I read about antibiotics at CFS Remission there seem to be benefits of using antibiotics long term for CFS persons.

If you are a patient or a MD and wish to alter microflora via probiotics then consider Cecile Jadin’s protocol. It is typically 7-10 days on antibiotics followed by 2-3 weeks off. The weeks off should include aggressive use of non-lactobacillus probiotics and pre-biotics.

I read the text above as I should use antibiotics for 7-10 day, take a break for 2-3 weeks and then take the antibiotics again for 7-10 days etc.

In the link above they also use antibiotics long-term for CFS.


Apr 30, 2015
@Tarmander may I ask the dosages of Erythromycin, Minocycline, and Azithromycin?
I checked my old records and I didn't actually write it down. I believe it was 250mg of Erthyro x2 a day. Mino was 100mg 1x day, and Azithro was 500mg x1 per day.

Edit: Oh dude its in the original post
Erythromycin 250mg x2/day for 1 week
Minocycline 100mg x2/day for 1 week
Azithromycin 500mg x1/day for 4 days (1000mg on the first day)


Mar 29, 2020
Missed that, read that post some weeks ago and forgot that you already had written that.


Feb 26, 2018
Thanks. I'm definitely gonna get a new test done in a few months.

Just finished a course of Symbioflor 2 and the e. coli is definitely doing something. Whenever I take stuff that changes the gut microbiome it seems like the effects stick around vs vitamins/minerals/aspirin etc.
What does it do for you?

I just started talking symbioflor 1 ,which is more for sinusitis and bronchitis and contains E. faecalis instead of E. Coli bacteria.


Mar 29, 2020
@Tarmander Got my results yesterday and I have uploaded the data to MP.

Found a lot of interesting connections - deviating bacteria that correlates with 3 of my biggest issues (Fatigue/CFS, allergies and rosacea).

In one video Ken says that people with CFS should avoid probiotics that is lactic acid producers as it can increase bran fog. One of the probiotics I get as a "To add or increase" is a one that is lactic acid producer. But when I make some analysis of the probiotic it has some great benefits for my bacteria. How would you do? Would you test it as it seem to be very beneficial for my bacteria or would you avoid it as it is a lactic acid producer?

Which level of detail do you use? "Family, Genus, species and below" is set as default, but as I understand if you change to "Genus, species and below" you get a more detailed information. I am able to get suggestions even though I use "Genus, species and below" or even the finest one, maybe I should use that?

Human milk oligosaccharides is my number one thing to increase, is that one possible to get as a supplement (without breastfeeding, haha)?
I can find it here but I do not know if it is a serious product: Layer Origin - PureHMO Prebiotic - Human Milk Oligosaccharide (HMO 2-F

Perry Staltic

Dec 14, 2020
@Tarmander Got my results yesterday and I have uploaded the data to MP.

Found a lot of interesting connections - deviating bacteria that correlates with 3 of my biggest issues (Fatigue/CFS, allergies and rosacea).

In one video Ken says that people with CFS should avoid probiotics that is lactic acid producers as it can increase bran fog. One of the probiotics I get as a "To add or increase" is a one that is lactic acid producer. But when I make some analysis of the probiotic it has some great benefits for my bacteria. How would you do? Would you test it as it seem to be very beneficial for my bacteria or would you avoid it as it is a lactic acid producer?

Which level of detail do you use? "Family, Genus, species and below" is set as default, but as I understand if you change to "Genus, species and below" you get a more detailed information. I am able to get suggestions even though I use "Genus, species and below" or even the finest one, maybe I should use that?

Human milk oligosaccharides is my number one thing to increase, is that one possible to get as a supplement (without breastfeeding, haha)?
I can find it here but I do not know if it is a serious product: Layer Origin - PureHMO Prebiotic - Human Milk Oligosaccharide (HMO 2-F

It's not lactic acid (lactate) producers, but D-lactate producers. L-lactate is OK. Search for D-lactate-free probiotics.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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