Low Toxin Diet Grant Genereux's Theory Of Vitamin A Toxicity


May 11, 2017
I feel very frustrated after reading Genereux's theory and this thread.
During pregnancy and first lactation months (almost 2 years) i was convinced, that liver is good for me and baby. Also i ate regularly carrot salad. And just a lot of vitamin A veggies. Cronometer shows, that i ate average 5 х RDA ....
I am very scared, that i could make harm to my baby girl.... Is it reversable? If i take almost zero vit. A now - will it help to avoid health consequence for her? She is 10 months and eats only milk (doesn't like solids). She is a chunky baby - the height and weight are on the highest percentile. She has a loy of food -intolerances through my milk, so i don't eat dairy, nuts or chocolate.
Can someone shed a little light , if it is still not too late to make ajustements with my vitamin A intake?


Aug 23, 2018
I feel very frustrated after reading Genereux's theory and this thread.
During pregnancy and first lactation months (almost 2 years) i was convinced, that liver is good for me and baby. Also i ate regularly carrot salad. And just a lot of vitamin A veggies. Cronometer shows, that i ate average 5 х RDA ....
I am very scared, that i could make harm to my baby girl.... Is it reversable? If i take almost zero vit. A now - will it help to avoid health consequence for her? She is 10 months and eats only milk (doesn't like solids). She is a chunky baby - the height and weight are on the highest percentile. She has a loy of food -intolerances through my milk, so i don't eat dairy, nuts or chocolate.
Can someone shed a little light , if it is still not too late to make ajustements with my vitamin A intake?

It is not too late. The earlier you adjust the better. Your baby's liver will get bigger and make more room to tolerate vit A. Grant in his book mentions that children often outgrow these problems when the liver gets bigger.

How often did you take liver? Were you taking a prenatal?

My baby also has issues and I would warn you against thinking all yours and your baby's health problems are related to A. I'm thinking that children with various sensitivities and issues are more the results of an inadequate environment in the womb. It could be anything really, but if you reflect on what you did and ate before and during pregnancy it might give some clues. Don't beat yourself over it though. What's done is done, focus on what you can do better now and forget your past mistakes.

I did as well as my toddler have some issues improve in my initial go at a low A diet (that was when he was 16 months old), but haven't had any improvements lately. I'm now exploring a low histamine diet which seems to further help.


May 11, 2017
Thank you very much for reply @somuch4food ! It is really sad, that sometimes we can do more harm , while trying to do our best.
I ate liver 1-2 times per week and i really made an effort not to forget about it, because it is so healthy! I took multivitamins, but not prenatal, only regular one. Because i thought that prenatals have too much of everything.... Funny, that at the end of the day it was my diet, that made way too much of vit. A.

Did you eat liver while pregnant too? Was your toddler chunky for his age?


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
Thank you very much for reply @somuch4food ! It is really sad, that sometimes we can do more harm , while trying to do our best.
I ate liver 1-2 times per week and i really made an effort not to forget about it, because it is so healthy! I took multivitamins, but not prenatal, only regular one. Because i thought that prenatals have too much of everything.... Funny, that at the end of the day it was my diet, that made way too much of vit. A.

Did you eat liver while pregnant too? Was your toddler chunky for his age?
I honestly wouldn’t worry too much about chunky with your baby. They grow so fast that it’s typically considered better for babies to be on the chunky end of the growth chart rather than the low end. I hope that doesn’t sound dismissive but I hate to see you worry needlessly if you have a healthy baby already!


Aug 23, 2018
Did you eat liver while pregnant too? Was your toddler chunky for his age?

No, but I took a prenatal that had the equivalent of a serving of liver a week. I'm not thinking it was the A that caused the most problems anymore though. I was not listening to my body and was not really into diet optimisation at the time. It was my toddler's issues that put me on this journey and the fact that I want to have as much energy as possible to have fun with my kid. I think it's my metabolic issues and probable deficiencies from impaired digestion that caused most issues. He was born with badly shaped nails on his toes and they're still not perfect. His eczema seems mostly in control with lower histamine.

He's not chunky, but still in the highest percentiles for head, weight and height. He did struggle with weight a bit early on until we figured out the egg allergy.

I would add that the chunkiness typically reduced a lot when babies start to be mobile.


May 11, 2017
@Blossom, thank you very much ! I used to think so too, but now confused.

@somuch4food , i have digestive issues too. All start about 10 years ago (i am 38 now) from gastritits, reflux and gallbladder. And two years ago , one month before getting pregnant, i had the first episode of acute pancreatitis. :( So, was far from best shape. It is funny, that i couldn't get pregnant before and when i finally did, i was in bad shape :(
Then all my pregnancy and then for 10 months i didn;t had symptoms and thought that maybe i am fine. But two weeks ago i 've got another attack of pancreatitis and i am now on a strict diet and still feel my pancreas every other day. So it doesn't add me any fun. :(
Someone pointed me to this thread and i hope, that my problem maybe is too much vitamin A and in this case i have hope for my biliary pancreatitis.


Aug 23, 2018
Then all my pregnancy and then for 10 months i didn;t had symptoms and thought that maybe i am fine. But two weeks ago i 've got another attack of pancreatitis and i am now on a strict diet and still feel my pancreas every other day. So it doesn't add me any fun.

I'm thinking there's something hormonal going on since pregnancy and breastfeeding both change hormone levels in the body. Going low A can certainly help reduce inflammation. It can also help hormone levels too since both too much carotenoids and vit A can displace thyroid hormone.


Sep 13, 2012
Chunky babies become healthy adults!


Mar 7, 2014
It could be the lack of dairy but did anyone else experience feeling incredibly fatigued during the first weeks of low vitamin A? I'm having trouble staying awake! I've looked at adding coconut water but it's high in FODMAPs.


Forum Supporter
Aug 4, 2017
@Nstocks I have felt what I assumed was relaxation from lowered inflammation. I drink some coffee and still use plenty of sugar as well as eat low A fruits so I am not too sleepy.


Dec 29, 2015
My heels are very orange and crusty still even after no A whatsoever for over 4 months now, and have been this way for 10 years now. Same with the calluses on my hands. Have read that the dry, rough and crusty orange heels are a sign that one has too much A or carotenoids or whatever stored in them. Not sure if true but for me again I only got them after eating very large amounts of sweet potatoes and carrots almost daily for 2 years. I also turned orange like Trump and looked like an Oompa Loompa in my pictures
try using Lifegivingstore's orange/red light on your heel. several reports of the lights turning heels very soft.
Dec 20, 2016
i had a skin check today and as the dermatologist was looking at my moles, she saw my persistent acne. I told her that i took accutane already 3 (!) times and she said that my dose was „too low“ and i should do round number 4 and take this sh*t „for a longer period“ LOL o_O


Sep 13, 2012
i had a skin check today and as the dermatologist was looking at my moles, she saw my persistent acne. I told her that i took accutane already 3 (!) times and she said that my dose was „too low“ and i should do round number 4 and take this sh*t „for a longer period“ LOL o_O
oh god!!!! Derms LOVE retinol. It increases cell turnover to make it appear you have healthier skin because it's all sloughing off!


Jul 29, 2014
Thank you very much for reply @somuch4food ! It is really sad, that sometimes we can do more harm , while trying to do our best.
I ate liver 1-2 times per week and i really made an effort not to forget about it, because it is so healthy! I took multivitamins, but not prenatal, only regular one. Because i thought that prenatals have too much of everything.... Funny, that at the end of the day it was my diet, that made way too much of vit. A.

Did you eat liver while pregnant too? Was your toddler chunky for his age?

I agree with the other people. Sounds like you have a healthy 10 month old.

My wife (who is in her third pregnancy, due in 2 months) eats liver every 1-2 weeks, including during her pregnancies, and my children, 5 and 3, eat liver as well (same frequency but smaller serving). My wife had insanely good pregnancies. No morning sickness, no stretch marks, no swelling. She gave birth in our living room (with midwives present). My kids are also incredibly healthy. They've had zero health problems. Daughter was 8lbs 10oz and son was 9lbs 7oz. Wife took progesterone both pregnancies.

My children have barely been sick (I swear my son has been sick like twice, and he was almost asymptomatic). However, my kids don't attend daycare or go to school. They'd probably get sick around other kids.

Sorry for bragging (I can't help it... :oops ). I just wanted to help you feel better about your pregnancy and child. As a parent, it's awful to feel like you messed something up. Most of us do our best, and it sounds like you did (and are doing so). We don't get everything perfect, but it doesn't matter, they will grow up just fine. Loving parents is what matters the most. Or loving parent. My wife didn't have a father growing up but her mom is awesome and raised her very well on her own.

As an aside, both my children love liver. My son seems to like it more than any other meat and will clear his plate several times and ask for more. Of course I cook it well :cool

Edit: I should mention, my wife didn't take a multi-vitamin or any pregnancy prenatal supplements (other than K2, D, Progesterone in Vit E, and energin in smallish doses sometimes).


Sep 13, 2012
I agree with the other people. Sounds like you have a healthy 10 month old.

My wife (who is in her third pregnancy, due in 2 months) eats liver every 1-2 weeks, including during her pregnancies, and my children, 5 and 3, eat liver as well (same frequency but smaller serving). My wife had insanely good pregnancies. No morning sickness, no stretch marks, no swelling. She gave birth in our living room (with midwives present). My kids are also incredibly healthy. They've had zero health problems. Daughter was 8lbs 10oz and son was 9lbs 7oz. Wife took progesterone both pregnancies.

My children have barely been sick (I swear my son has been sick like twice, and he was almost asymptomatic). However, my kids don't attend daycare or go to school. They'd probably get sick around other kids.

Sorry for bragging (I can't help it... :oops ). I just wanted to help you feel better about your pregnancy and child. As a parent, it's awful to feel like you messed something up. Most of us do our best, and it sounds like you did (and are doing so). We don't get everything perfect, but it doesn't matter, they will grow up just fine. Loving parents is what matters the most. Or loving parent. My wife didn't have a father growing up but her mom is awesome and raised her very well on her own.

As an aside, both my children love liver. My son seems to like it more than any other meat and will clear his plate several times and ask for more. Of course I cook it well :cool

Edit: I should mention, my wife didn't take a multi-vitamin or any pregnancy prenatal supplements (other than K2, D, Progesterone in Vit E, and energin in smallish doses sometimes).
Excellent! I gave birth to my first in my living room too! I would have with my second but certified nurse midwives for homebirth are illegal in my state. My second pregnancy I was WAPF and Peat and that pregnancy sucked but he was 8 lbs 7 oz and very healthy, although his baby teeth suck and he's hyperactive. Did she also breastfeed for yrs? How about carotenoids?


Sep 13, 2012
CM is finally addressing the concerns about vitamin A instead of writing us off as flat earthers. He believes the reason people struggle is because of fatty liver. He says with fatty liver the retinol is just floating around your blood causing damage. He says the cells are starved of vitamin A in this position too.
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