Low Toxin Diet Low Vit A theory


Dec 20, 2016
My theory is that vitamin A competes with b12 in the liver. Too much vitamin A in the liver leads to nitric oxide elevating destroying b12 and both hydrogen and carbon in the mitochondria. Methylation turns off without b12. Glutathione goes down, as well as dopamine. Copper may accumulate in serum. Heavy metals like mercury specifically accumulates destroying body burden of zinc.

3 ways I know of now off the top of my head to get vitamin A out of the liver:

1) low A diet
2) Andreas moritz liver flushing, maybe coffee enemas, sauna
3) testosterone

In this body chemistry with low A you’ll see stool darken significantly as bile is made and processed correctly. B12 now, something which was helpful before with Vit A toxicity, now may be too strong. B12 just becomes so much stronger and probably shouldn’t ever need to be supplemented as liver now can use from food. Nrf2 turns on the more b12 is given and that can just inflate hydrogen in the mitochondria too high. Putting pressure on carbon and nitrogen.

Low A diet will ultimately remove iron from the liver and into the serum for good use. But nitric oxide can drop and the body needs NO to break down iron. So if on low A, you may need to support western methylation with things like folates, b5 , zinc, and most of all biotin.

At its core though, I do think the competition is vitamin A vs b12 in the liver. And removing that A is allowing b12 to get back online and really governing body chemistry. Cuz that’s what b12 does. It’s king.


Nov 21, 2012
You might be onto something with the connection between vit.A and B12.

I had to stop eating the small amount of retinol food I was eating, bc my left leg started to severely stiffen/paralyze and skin felt numb and I'm overall unbalanced.. (Signs of low b12,even though I've always supplemented it).
Since, I stopped the retinol food, I felt this major craving for my B vitamin drops and specifically b12 (methyl and adenosyl) sometimes paired with folate.

My leg has improved a bit, but I still only can shuffle around my apartment and am basically housebound bc of it.
This really frustrates me, especially when true that the liver dumps out vit.A,I basically keep going around in circles with this loop without improving enough to get my walking ability back. :(


Jul 2, 2022
3 ways I know of now off the top of my head to get vitamin A out of the liver:

1) low A diet
2) Andreas moritz liver flushing, maybe coffee enemas, sauna
3) testosterone
Testosterone ? Expand on this please.


Dec 20, 2016
Testosterone ? Expand on this please.

I don’t have the science here. I have been told that T therapy does need to be balanced with A from someone I respect.

That said, I am experimenting with low dose TRT. The TRT more so than the low A diet I started and just stopped has been having heavy impact on bile.

I think TRT is mitigating the A to point I no longer need supplemental b12. Or b12 really messes me up. Or needs to be used in low dose now after requiring high doses. Seems the TRT is putting more pressure on folate/ biotin/ zinc/ b2. While taking all the pressure off of b12.


Jul 2, 2022
I don’t have the science here. I have been told that T therapy does need to be balanced with A from someone I respect.

That said, I am experimenting with low dose TRT. The TRT more so than the low A diet I started and just stopped has been having heavy impact on bile.

I think TRT is mitigating the A to point I no longer need supplemental b12. Or b12 really messes me up. Or needs to be used in low dose now after requiring high doses. Seems the TRT is putting more pressure on folate/ biotin/ zinc/ b2. While taking all the pressure off of b12.
Does the person you respect thinks A is anti estrogenic thus offsetting some of the side effects of T ? Which is the only thing I can think of.

T increases DHT which increases thyroid function so pretty much all nutrients will need to be increased.

BTW as I have experimented A LOT with T, T in my mind now is almost like a pro-hormone to DHT and E rather than the main player. T is best balanced with DHT, for sure not vit A.

If anything T only can cause liver issues long term due to estogen conversion. Combining it with A is just asking for trouble.


Dec 20, 2016
Does the person you respect thinks A is anti estrogenic thus offsetting some of the side effects of T ? Which is the only thing I can think of.

T increases DHT which increases thyroid function so pretty much all nutrients will need to be increased.

BTW as I have experimented A LOT with T, T in my mind now is almost like a pro-hormone to DHT and E rather than the main player. T is best balanced with DHT, for sure not vit A.

If anything T only can cause liver issues long term due to estogen conversion. Combining it with A is just asking for trouble.

Don’t have the answers as to his beliefs Been awhile since we spoke but he’s been on T and nutrients for years.

I too am for the T= e2 and dht mindset. But T itself also raises iron which I don’t think the same can be said much for dht and e2. Maybe I’m wrong.

Thing with dht is we need dht for glutamate. We do need glutamate but glutamate needs to be converted in several directions. I really think biotin is nice with test and makes the most sense.

I’ve been dying the last 6 months. This is becoming Parkinson’s rapidly. Prior to that I was having success with b2 b5 biotin carnitine b12. Crashed with high dose folic acid been fighting for life since.

My thinking is folic carnitine biotin combo really crashed iron. Test was needed for iron but the 200 level wasn’t helping me


Jul 2, 2022
Don’t have the answers as to his beliefs Been awhile since we spoke but he’s been on T and nutrients for years.

I too am for the T= e2 and dht mindset. But T itself also raises iron which I don’t think the same can be said much for dht and e2. Maybe I’m wrong.

Thing with dht is we need dht for glutamate. We do need glutamate but glutamate needs to be converted in several directions. I really think biotin is nice with test and makes the most sense.

I’ve been dying the last 6 months. This is becoming Parkinson’s rapidly. Prior to that I was having success with b2 b5 biotin carnitine b12. Crashed with high dose folic acid been fighting for life since.

My thinking is folic carnitine biotin combo really crashed iron. Test was needed for iron but the 200 level wasn’t helping me
Oh, I see now that you are doing T for a specific purpose. Thought you are just going on T as an experiment/benefits. Hope all goes well and it helps with your issues !


Mar 26, 2014
I think moderate amounts of alcohol spirits can help clear the liver of Vit A as well. It's called some variation of "The Water of Life" in all cultures. Maybe that's why?

Spirits because they are not estrogenic like beer and ale.

I don't expect this to be a popular opinion, but I stand by it.


Dec 20, 2016
I think moderate amounts of alcohol spirits can help clear the liver of Vit A as well. It's called some variation of "The Water of Life" in all cultures. Maybe that's why?

Spirits because they are not estrogenic like beer and ale.

I don't expect this to be a popular opinion, but I stand by it.

This is absolutely true and the same thing that happens to my bile from testo happens with alcohol


Mar 26, 2014
This is absolutely true and the same thing that happens to my bile from testo happens with alcohol
Interesting, thanks for that additional bit of info. I do believe you need sufficient B vits etc to benefit from alcohol. The same way you need adequate nutrition for thyroid, T, etc.
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