Erectile dysfunction at 29. No morning wood for years (unless eating lots of starch and fat before bed).


Aug 9, 2019
I reintroduced starch last night and today, because of hypoglycaemia issues on no starch.
Ate some rice cakes last night and couscous today.
I noticed today my penis has restored its fullness, both flaccid and erect.
And all this time I thought Pansterone caused shrinkage. Seems like lack of starch was the problem. I will take measurements to confirm.


May 19, 2017
Eat starch, goddamit.

Lmfao at Taurine. Going to make hypoglycaemia even worse.

I reintroduced starch last night and today, because of hypoglycaemia issues on no starch.
Ate some rice cakes last night and couscous today.
I noticed today my penis has restored its fullness, both flaccid and erect.
And all this time I thought Pansterone caused shrinkage. Seems like lack of starch was the problem. I will take measurements to confirm.
So my guess was actually correct, awesome


Feb 23, 2020
Without an in-depth analysis of your circulatory system there are two things you might try. The pins and needles thing may be symptomatic of nerve compression but if circulatory oxygen is the issue you might test this with a one or two time use of Viagra or one of it's competitors. If this gives you a better erection this is almost always indicative of calcification of your circulatory system and needs to be addressed asap. Without knowing your diet, you may be way too low on calcium intake or too high on phosphates which is where you would start. Then add vit k2 (mk4) to your diet along with VitD and A and increase magnesium to go along with this. If the Viagra worked you should be able to reverse any calcification within months but only if you change your diet to accommodate this.
So one of the cues for resolving calcification is taking more calcium thank fosfate?
Nov 21, 2015
approximately how long does it take to recover?

it can take anywhere from one month to a year. The mental pathways for porn take a long time to fade in importance. These porn pathways never really go away so you must always be vigilant, but they do fade. It can be much quicker to recover if you have a girlfriend and do a lot of naked cuddling. You must not only get rid of porn but you must also stop fantasy.


Feb 23, 2020
it can take anywhere from one month to a year. The mental pathways for porn take a long time to fade in importance. These porn pathways never really go away so you must always be vigilant, but they do fade. It can be much quicker to recover if you have a girlfriend and do a lot of naked cuddling. You must not only get rid of porn but you must also stop fantasy.
I thought that the problem was porn and not fantasy or faping with imagination...
Nov 21, 2015
I thought that the problem was porn and not fantasy or faping with imagination...

The trouble is that when you have gotten deeply into porn, you can’t really fantasize in a natural manner. The successes that I have seen in porn recovery involve giving up both porn and fantasy.


Feb 23, 2020
The trouble is that when you have gotten deeply into porn, you can’t really fantasize in a natural manner. The successes that I have seen in porn recovery involve giving up both porn and fantasy.
And being without faping and fantasy for a long time couldn't be problematic for libido and erections?


May 19, 2017
And being without faping and fantasy for a long time couldn't be problematic for libido and erections?
It definitely could.

I feel like nofap did much bigger harm to my libido and erectile function than watching porn. Don't do nofap.

Watching porn is also bad both for for your sexual and non-sexual life, but definitely not as bad as nofap.


May 19, 2017
The best thing would be to have so much sex you don't need to even think about this stuff.

But if you can't, for whatever reason, at least regularly masturbate.

Preferably without porn

Rick K

Feb 18, 2019
So one of the cues for resolving calcification is taking more calcium thank fosfate?
Calcium and phosphate should be balanced. If you are experiencing calcification of your vascular system you are a prime candidate for a heart attack. Proteolytic enzymes on an empty stomach, preferably lumbrokinase will help dissolve the plaque.


May 10, 2018
The best thing would be to have so much sex you don't need to even think about this stuff.

But if you can't, for whatever reason, at least regularly masturbate.

Preferably without porn
Don't listen to this. Masturbation is not going to lead you to better health.

Calcium and phosphate should be balanced. If you are experiencing calcification of your vascular system you are a prime candidate for a heart attack. Proteolytic enzymes on an empty stomach, preferably lumbrokinase will help dissolve the plaque.
This is interesting, I want to try this. How long and at what dosage do you think the proteolytic enzymes would have a beneficial effect on the plaque? Thanks!

Dr. B

Mar 16, 2021
It definitely could.

I feel like nofap did much bigger harm to my libido and erectile function than watching porn. Don't do nofap.

Watching porn is also bad both for for your sexual and non-sexual life, but definitely not as bad as nofap.
what was the issue with nofap? when I would do it for 2-3 weeks, or a full month at a time, I would be able to go at it for hours and stay hard, easily 3 times in 30 minutes

Calcium and phosphate should be balanced. If you are experiencing calcification of your vascular system you are a prime candidate for a heart attack. Proteolytic enzymes on an empty stomach, preferably lumbrokinase will help dissolve the plaque.

dont policasanols or gamma tocopherol help dissolve the plaque mate

it can take anywhere from one month to a year. The mental pathways for porn take a long time to fade in importance. These porn pathways never really go away so you must always be vigilant, but they do fade. It can be much quicker to recover if you have a girlfriend and do a lot of naked cuddling. You must not only get rid of porn but you must also stop fantasy.
How did you discover that you had sleep apnea?

in my opinion and experience the causes of ED are almost always biological and metabolism related... if you get nervous with the partner that could cause it temporarily, but even then you should be able to get it up if metabolism is good... the porn usage etc wouldn't have biological effects unless it for instance, changed what you were attracted to, and you simply weren't turned on by your partner anymore. another thing to look at is seminal volume, testicle size etc, this is something that generally goes up with metabolism too , and comes down significantly in poor glucose oxidation states like diabetes...


May 30, 2018
I did the whole peat thing for about 2 years I think. Never been overweight in my life, but on milk and oj steady throughout the day I gained about 10kg of weight and carried it all in my midsection...not a good look. Also, the main reasons I began trying peat (hair, skin, pfs - erectile dysfunction) were not improved, and in some cases, made worse. I’ve consulted with peat and Danny roddy and Nathan hatch, and whilst they have some good ideas that help me feel warm and good and helped to a degree, my main issues continued to get worse over time. Not only that, I felt like I induced some kind of pre-diabetes state where I need a constant supply of sugar all day or I start to get lightheaded and tired..I’d have to be snacking all throughout the day.

Every metabolism boosting supplement would make me warmer, sleep great, but kill my sensitivity downstairs or make my hair look even thinner. I’ve stopped all supplements, which feels great.

In the last 2 months I’ve lost all that weight, improved my skin and hair pretty markedly and recovered my erectile functioning to what I would consider very good. The main key has been drastically reducing my fluid intake. I have stopped coffee, milk, juice and reduced my fruit consumption to once a day max. The key for me wasn’t diet, but fluids.

I drink water mostly, 3-4 glasses a day, and always with a meal. This has improved my blood volume and circulation, helped my skin and hugely improved my sensitivity downstairs. Once or twice a week I drink 8 glasses of water a day, just to rehydrate the body and help remove wastes. On that day, I notice I am colder through the day and at night, but it’s fine by the next morning, and I go back to very warm and comfortable with warm feet and hands by reducing to 3-4 glasses in a day with meals.

The other thing I do which helps me sleep well and stay warm is I wear a thick pair of socks to bed. Never done this before, but I like it. I’m waking up super warm and can walk around the house in cold weather first thing in the morning no problem.

My hair is thicker than it has been in 10 years, my skin is clearer and brighter and my energy levels are much more stable. I don’t post here much but most of my posts have been around MPB or erectile dysfunction, and I’m serious when I say I have had huge improvements in both those areas. No regrowth on hairline, but the wispy hairs are much thicker, stand up taller and look healthier.

He reversed metabolic problems including ED by following a fluid restricted diet for 2 months.

Nomane Euger

Sep 22, 2020


May 19, 2017
Don't listen to this. Masturbation is not going to lead you to better health.
You did not even read my posts, did you. I haven't said that, not even remotely close.

So once again, for those who have troubles understanding written text:

Masturbation is not going to lead to better health, but long term abstinence/celibate will totally ruin your libido and ability to get hard.

There are countless reports of this around the internet or even this forum.

I have experienced it myself and it took me years to get out of this trap.

So if you can't have real sex for some reason, masturbation is the "lesser evil" as explained above.

Use it or lose it. Simple as that.


May 19, 2017
what was the issue with nofap? when I would do it for 2-3 weeks, or a full month at a time, I would be able to go at it for hours and stay hard, easily 3 times in 30 minutes
Yes 21-30 days is too short period to do any damage, but if you are going to ejaculate once every 30 days for a year or two, then you are asking for a lot of trouble
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