Dr. Fauci Admits Coronavirus Is Basically A Bad Flu Year


Jan 25, 2014
The doctor in this video is saying they are going to be needing a lot more ventilators, so at least in this NY hospital, that is the plan.

Edit.. sorry to post this vid again, I posted it in another thread too. After seeing it, I think the same thing that happened in Italy is happening in NY too. Fyi, I am not a medical professional and I basically don't know what the hell is going on.

Finally, a video where a nurse admits they are diagnosing Car Crash victims (aka "presumptive" cases) with COVID 19 without doing any tests for COVID 19, at 2:56.

"So someone, in a car accident, gets brought in, we get a CT Scan of them, and their lungs look like they have Corona Virus."


Apr 3, 2013
Finally, a video where a nurse admits they are diagnosing Car Crash victims (aka "presumptive" cases) with COVID 19 without doing any tests for COVID 19, at 2:56.

"So someone, in a car accident, gets brought in, we get a CT Scan of them, and their lungs look like they have Corona Virus."
Holy crap that is ridiculous and not surprising in the least!
I imagine if people just stay away from the hospital their chance of survival will go way up.


Mar 29, 2016
Do hospitals run out of ICUs and ventilators during bad flu years? Or are more patients being put on them early now because of coronavirus fear?
ICUs and ventilators pretty much to me is the end. This is the equivalent of being left in the desert, dying, no one to help, and the vultures are circling overhead. Vultures feed on rotting flesh, while the hospital sucks up the savings of those who survive the patient.

The doctors have carte blanche authority to use medieval torture techniques while giving pain relievers.


Mar 29, 2016
Finally, a video where a nurse admits they are diagnosing Car Crash victims (aka "presumptive" cases) with COVID 19 without doing any tests for COVID 19, at 2:56.

"So someone, in a car accident, gets brought in, we get a CT Scan of them, and their lungs look like they have Corona Virus."
I wanted to share this, but I had to watch it. But it's not so much the case that the crash victim is being misdiagnosed with COVID, as much as her saying that the disease is widespread that even a patient brought in from car crashing, when lung x-rays are examined, seemed to indicate he has COVID. Glad I didn't send it, as I'd get shellacked by my Viber and WhastApp groups, who are already not comfortable with me going against the narrative.


Mar 29, 2016
the story is finally starting to come out more and more headline reads...


Imperial College scientist who predicted 500K coronavirus deaths in UK adjusts figure to 20K or fewer

What is the story really? Did a google search and here's what I got:


And the National Review says "No, a COVID Scientist Did Not Walk Back His Prediction:"

Coronavirus Pandemic: Neil Ferguson Didn't Walk Back His COVID-19 Predictions | National Review

A narrative rocketed around social media earlier today: An Imperial College study said that COVID-19 could kill 500,000 Brits, but in recent testimony, Neil Ferguson, the head of the group behind the study, put the number below 20,000. Clearly the lying alarmist was walking back his ridiculous predictions!

Well, no. The paper actually offered simulations of numerous scenarios. The one resulting in 500,000 deaths was one where Great Britain just carried on life as before. Other scenarios, where the country locked down whenever it was necessary to stop the disease’s spread, put death totals below 20,000. (See the rightmost death columns of Tables 4 and 5.)


Aug 11, 2015
Basically saying because they went on lockdown thats why they didn't get the predicted death totals based on computer model.

If we didn't go on lockdown would the death toll have gone up to this pandemic level personally no I dont think so not even close


Mar 29, 2016
If we didn't go on lockdown would the death toll have gone up to this pandemic level personally no I dont think so not even close

I'm not so sure. I don't have the confidence that life as usual works in the US context. Were tests readily available and high-risk clusters identified easily, tests could quickly be done on the high risk clusters, and with speedy results, a triage system could be done where those tested positive but aymptomatic can be told to self-isolate, while those with minor symptom would be asked to do the same, while those with worse symptoms can be hospitalized, and the worst of them put on ICU.

But that isn't the case, and even if it were the case, there would be a lot of legal challenges that would put a monkey wrench on implementation.

By the way, what I described was what was done in South Korea, but people are very different there, and expecting Americans to act like South Koreans is just like asking cats to sit like a dog.

The US legal system puts a monkey wrench of every good thing. Good intentions laid down as law gets mangled such that the legal profession manages to make make the people the servant of the law, and not the other way around.

There is no easy solution to a problem in such a setting. A lockdown is only marginally better than having a lockdown, when you weigh the pros and cons. This is what the US really is now. It has lost its edge. It cannot rise up to any challenge the way it is presently constructed. Any task in Sysiphean.
Last edited:


Aug 11, 2015
I think the mortality rate would be within the same averages as it always has every year. Look at the States in the USA who have claimed low counts that are not on lockdown. Also you have to validate the actual PCR tests they give you which have never been proven. The only thing I'm actually scared of is if they pass mandatory vaccination in the future.

CDC fraudulently manages the vaccine-damage data they collect..

User Clip: REP. Bill Posey Calling for an Investigation of the CDC's MMR reasearch fraud | C-SPAN.org
Tennessee U.S. Rep.-elect Mark Green alleges vaccines may cause autism, questions CDC data
Age at first measles-mumps-rubella vaccination in children with autism and school-matched control subjects: a population-based study in metropolita... - PubMed - NCBI

But yes I agree with you if this was something that was actually highly contagious and was killing people at those claimed 2-5% etc then massive action like this would be justified even more would need to be done. Problem is what they did to this economy and the fear they promoted was based on computer models.

Completely agree with you on the below..

"The US legal system puts a monkey wrench of every good thing. Good intentions laid down as law gets mangled such that the legal profession manages to make make the people the servant of the law, and not the other way around."

heres some issues to think about...

Chinese authorities no longer require direct testing for the coronavirus. Instead, CT scans of the chest are employed. If these scans show signs of pneumonia, the “coronavirus epidemic” label is absurdly applied to the patient. China have been dying of pneumonia at the rate of about 300,000 a year.

In December of 2005, the British Medical Journal (online) published a shocking report by Peter Doshi
“[According to CDC statistics], ‘influenza and pneumonia’ took 62,034 lives in 2001—61,777 of which were attributable to pneumonia and 257 to flu, and in only 18 cases was the flu virus positively identified.”

CDC has created one overall category that combines both flu and pneumonia deaths. Pneumonia has a number of non-flu causes.

From Sharyl Attkisson a CBS investigative reporter....

"We discovered through our FOI efforts that before the CDC mysteriously stopped counting Swine Flu cases, they had learned that almost none of the cases they had counted as Swine Flu was, in fact, Swine Flu or any sort of flu at all!"

and I can go on and on and on and on. Whats happening to us is Political destroying America to it's core


Apr 7, 2017
I think the mortality rate would be within the same averages as it always has every year. Look at the States in the USA who have claimed low counts that are not on lockdown. Also you have to validate the actual PCR tests they give you which have never been proven. The only thing I'm actually scared of is if they pass mandatory vaccination in the future.

CDC fraudulently manages the vaccine-damage data they collect..

User Clip: REP. Bill Posey Calling for an Investigation of the CDC's MMR reasearch fraud | C-SPAN.org
Tennessee U.S. Rep.-elect Mark Green alleges vaccines may cause autism, questions CDC data
Age at first measles-mumps-rubella vaccination in children with autism and school-matched control subjects: a population-based study in metropolita... - PubMed - NCBI

But yes I agree with you if this was something that was actually highly contagious and was killing people at those claimed 2-5% etc then massive action like this would be justified even more would need to be done. Problem is what they did to this economy and the fear they promoted was based on computer models.

Completely agree with you on the below..

"The US legal system puts a monkey wrench of every good thing. Good intentions laid down as law gets mangled such that the legal profession manages to make make the people the servant of the law, and not the other way around."

heres some issues to think about...

Chinese authorities no longer require direct testing for the coronavirus. Instead, CT scans of the chest are employed. If these scans show signs of pneumonia, the “coronavirus epidemic” label is absurdly applied to the patient. China have been dying of pneumonia at the rate of about 300,000 a year.

In December of 2005, the British Medical Journal (online) published a shocking report by Peter Doshi
“[According to CDC statistics], ‘influenza and pneumonia’ took 62,034 lives in 2001—61,777 of which were attributable to pneumonia and 257 to flu, and in only 18 cases was the flu virus positively identified.”

CDC has created one overall category that combines both flu and pneumonia deaths. Pneumonia has a number of non-flu causes.

From Sharyl Attkisson a CBS investigative reporter....

"We discovered through our FOI efforts that before the CDC mysteriously stopped counting Swine Flu cases, they had learned that almost none of the cases they had counted as Swine Flu was, in fact, Swine Flu or any sort of flu at all!"

and I can go on and on and on and on. Whats happening to us is Political destroying America to it's core

But none of this explains why they’re saying they are overrun with respiratory sickness/pneumonia/corona/flu whatever it is in Italy and Spain and even New York?

I want to agree nothing out of the ordinary is happening with this virus, but something out of the ordinary is happening in Italy right?
Nov 21, 2015
But none of this explains why they’re saying they are overrun with respiratory sickness/pneumonia/corona/flu whatever it is in Italy and Spain and even New York?

I want to agree nothing out of the ordinary is happening with this virus, but something out of the ordinary is happening in Italy right?

Dr Ionaddis says no. Italy this year is similar to prior years. In the interview here:



Jul 29, 2014
Finally, a video where a nurse admits they are diagnosing Car Crash victims (aka "presumptive" cases) with COVID 19 without doing any tests for COVID 19, at 2:56.

"So someone, in a car accident, gets brought in, we get a CT Scan of them, and their lungs look like they have Corona Virus."

Nothing heals the lungs better than a CT scan.


Jul 20, 2014


Jan 25, 2014
"A scientist who warned that the coronavirus would kill 500,000 people in the United Kingdom has presented evidence that if current measures work as expected, the death toll would drop to roughly 20,000 people or fewer."

Current measures are only expected to redistribute case numbers and deaths (according to the CDC), so I don't even know how he can make that claim. It sounds like and excuse he was forced to make after being pressured by the medical cartel.
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