Dating and Romance As A Peatarian


Dec 11, 2020
This has come up recently in my life after leaving a 4 year relationship last year. That boyfriend dove full force into this philosophy with my guidance and was completely transformed- it was remarkable. Pretty much all his hair came back, went from white back to brown, gained about 20 pounds of muscle, his sexual functioning was transformed back to what it was in his 20's, etc. i could go on and on. He is 63 and people now think he is 45. Although it was clear we were not long-term partners and i still felt he was too old for me in terms of his plans in life, the synchrony of this health philosophy was great and now that I'm back out there i realize that its necessary for me.

I don't want to take on another project particularly and frankly do not have the time. I have posted elsewhere that I am an attorney on the frontlines of the health and freedom fight for humanity currently. It is intense and we are about to file a massive class action lawsuit against Gilead in CA where it is based that will be my focus and even influence where I live. I am looking at the Lake Tahoe area of Nevada and far Northern CA for next year. I have been quite nomadic the last few years due to the state of the planet and the work I do. I am currently in NW Arkansas.

I found Dr. Peat at a young age, 28, after severe estrogen poisoning by Big Pharma and Big Medical for 12 years. Although I lost my chronological youth from teens through most of my 30s as I worked to recover, I am very blessed to have had this information so young and I've basically aged in reverse. I hit true puberty at almost 30- long story and I'm writing a book about it- so I am unusual and the quintessential late bloomer. I am 52 going on 30 truly. My bloodwork looks like a 30 year old and I am nowhere near any kind of perimenopause. Because I hit puberty so late Ill probably menstruate through my 70's- we shall see. I launched a side modeling career in my 40's and looked in my 20's. I still model. I get mainly 30's now when people meet me out in the world.

I am generally physically attracted to younger men (late 30's and 40's if they have taken care of themselves) due to the fact that the majority of the population is not in the know like us here. When they are not in the know, unfortunately many men have already aged too much in their 40's and 50's,; not always, but often. Yet, spiritually, emotionally and lifestyle-wise, I think that demographic is probably a better match for me in terms of long-term partnership which is what I seek at this stage of the game. And men can certainly be extraordinary in their 40's and 50's and even 60's if they know what we do.

I have come to the conclusion that my mate is already in the know; so I think that it makes sense to put this all out here on this forum. I have seen posts about husbands and wives who met here. After a four-week trial on a couple of on-line dating sites recommended by a friend who met her husband on one of them, I am even more certain that ideally, I want a mate who is already in the know or at least enough in the know that I don't have to take on another full-time project transforming him. Part-time would be ok. I am not completely rigid.

Look forward to all input and thoughts from all!!
Last edited:


Dec 8, 2016
If you’re an advocate- it’s probably in your nature to find and care for the wounded bird.
So there’s that.

Just as how we have awoken to the many lies we saw as truth just three years ago-
Please know the lies that are said around marriage are out there too.
Or simply relationships in general.

With that said: marriage and family are the foundation of a healthy society.
I think it’s healthy to have a desire for a mate and children.
But it has become bastardized and romanticized.

You are very articulate and thoughtful.

I feel for you.

The bottom line now is where you and a potential mate meet on the state of our world. And most importantly vxx status.

Diet. Exercise. Looks. All those are tertiary in my opinion.

Just do you boo- and the right guy will come if you’re open to what you will and will not settle for.



Dec 8, 2016

My precious friend K.
Married young - to a guy having homosexual affairs.
Ended up in one bad relationship after another.
That marriage and the lies she believed from a unloving mother really damaged her.



An asshle ex introduced her to a guy recently divorced - and now K and E are going to marry.
He has lived less than 5 miles from her house for over 7 years.

It can happen.


Dec 11, 2020

My precious friend K.
Married young - to a guy having homosexual affairs.
Ended up in one bad relationship after another.
That marriage and the lies she believed from a unloving mother really damaged her.



An asshle ex introduced her to a guy recently divorced - and now K and E are going to marry.
He has lived less than 5 miles from her house for over 7 years.

It can happen.
Thank you so much for your wisdom, input and encouragement. I am very spiritual and feel that i have been communicating with my soul mate this last year and that he is quite close so I have no concern as I believe in destiny. And yes, we have a shared mission; so agreement on the state of affairs and the injection is a given. And maybe he is here so......


Jun 22, 2022
Mind if I ask what did you do to your boyfriend? Lifestyle and such?
My dad is 59 and might be helpful to hear what you did at around his age
Insane transformation btw

i don’t have many relationships advices, im sorry
But always keep your ground, don’t force yourself change for someone, you’ll regret it later on
A relationship shouldn’t be made of sacrifices, just all around happiness and growing together I guess
Being 25 all my relationships has been more physical so there isn’t much to add to the conversation 🙂


Dec 11, 2020
Mind if I ask what did you do to your boyfriend? Lifestyle and such?
My dad is 59 and might be helpful to hear what you did at around his age
Insane transformation btw

i don’t have many relationships advices, im sorry
But always keep your ground, don’t force yourself change for someone, you’ll regret it later on
A relationship shouldn’t be made of sacrifices, just all around happiness and growing together I guess
Being 25 all my relationships has been more physical so there isn’t much to add to the conversation 🙂
He went full on Peat after a life of indoctrination leaning towards vegetarianism, salads, health food store hype.

Diet: fruit, gelatin, coconut oil, butter, liver, oysters, beef, eggs, no raw veggies other than carrot salad, sugar, milk, cheese, salt, mushrooms, shellfish, non fatty fish etc. Put him on cynoplus and cynomel, pregnenolone, in beginning a little dhea and testosterone- but he didnt need those after a month or two once the thyroid kicked in., progest-e, D, K, A, later methylene blue. Had him apply Georgi's supplements such as Solban, Tyronene, Cortinon and Progest-E directly to his scalp. Addressed his intestine with sporebiotics Dr. Peat approved, camphosal, some colonics. Got him into weight training and skincare and grooming.

He is a walking poster boy for my eventual health and anti-aging enterprise and book lol.


Forum Supporter
Feb 10, 2016
He went full on Peat after a life of indoctrination leaning towards vegetarianism, salads, health food store hype.

Diet: fruit, gelatin, coconut oil, butter, liver, oysters, beef, eggs, no raw veggies other than carrot salad, sugar, milk, cheese, salt, mushrooms, shellfish, non fatty fish etc. Put him on cynoplus and cynomel, pregnenolone, in beginning a little dhea and testosterone- but he didnt need those after a month or two once the thyroid kicked in., progest-e, D, K, A, later methylene blue. Had him apply Georgi's supplements such as Solban, Tyronene, Cortinon and Progest-E directly to his scalp. Addressed his intestine with sporebiotics Dr. Peat approved, camphosal, some colonics. Got him into weight training and skincare and grooming.

He is a walking poster boy for my eventual health and anti-aging enterprise and book lol.
That's superb! Thanks for sharing.

There is a Telegram group called Unvaccinated that has sub groups, one of which is Unvaccinated Singles (and another US based sub-version).
The people in the group are screened by the mods for being real and I've seen zero scammers on them. I haven't had luck finding a date on there yet.

Perhaps we can do the same for a Peatarian telegram group.


Dec 11, 2020
That's superb! Thanks for sharing.

There is a Telegram group called Unvaccinated that has sub groups, one of which is Unvaccinated Singles (and another US based sub-version).
The people in the group are screened by the mods for being real and I've seen zero scammers on them. I haven't had luck finding a date on there yet.

Perhaps we can do the same for a Peatarian telegram group.
Great idea- lets do it.


Oct 3, 2016
This has come up recently in my life after leaving a 4 year relationship last year. That boyfriend dove full force into this philosophy with my guidance and was completely transformed- it was remarkable. Pretty much all his hair came back, went from white back to brown, gained about 20 pounds of muscle, his sexual functioning was transformed back to what it was in his 20's, etc. i could go on and on. He is 63 and people now think he is 45. Although it was clear we were not long-term partners and i still felt he was too old for me in terms of his plans in life, the synchrony of this health philosophy was great and now that I'm back out there i realize that its necessary for me.

I don't want to take on another project particularly and frankly do not have the time. I have posted elsewhere that I am an attorney on the frontlines of the health and freedom fight for humanity currently. It is intense and we are about to file a massive class action lawsuit against Gilead in CA where it is based that will be my focus and even influence where I live. I am looking at the Lake Tahoe area of Nevada and far Northern CA for next year. I have been quite nomadic the last few years due to the state of the planet and the work I do. I am currently in NW Arkansas.

I found Dr. Peat at a young age, 28, after severe estrogen poisoning by Big Pharma and Big Medical for 12 years. Although I lost my chronological youth from teens through most of my 30s as I worked to recover, I am very blessed to have had this information so young and I've basically aged in reverse. I hit true puberty at almost 30- long story and I'm writing a book about it- so I am unusual and the quintessential late bloomer. I am 52 going on 30 truly. My bloodwork looks like a 30 year old and I am nowhere near any kind of perimenopause. Because I hit puberty so late Ill probably menstruate through my 70's- we shall see. I launched a side modeling career in my 40's and looked in my 20's. I still model. I get mainly 30's now when people meet me out in the world.

I am generally physically attracted to younger men (late 30's and 40's if they have taken care of themselves) due to the fact that the majority of the population is not in the know like us here. When they are not in the know, unfortunately many men have already aged too much in their 40's and 50's,; not always, but often. Yet, spiritually, emotionally and lifestyle-wise, I think that demographic is probably a better match for me in terms of long-term partnership which is what I seek at this stage of the game. And men can certainly be extraordinary in their 40's and 50's and even 60's if they know what we do.

I have come to the conclusion that my mate is already in the know; so I think that it makes sense to put this all out here on this forum. I have seen posts about husbands and wives who met here. After a four-week trial on a couple of on-line dating sites recommended by a friend who met her husband on one of them, I am even more certain that ideally, I want a mate who is already in the know or at least enough in the know that I don't have to take on another full-time project transforming him. Part-time would be ok. I am not completely rigid.

Look forward to all input and thoughts from all!!
Lmfao i remember when i brokeup with a girl cause all she ever did was eat pufa (fast food) i was like well if you wanna live dat lyfe go ahead but that aint for me! I wanna be functional and happy and free of an esteogenic / serotonergic lifestyle #RAYPEATMAXXING 😂


Dec 11, 2020
Addendum a few dating misadventures later after my original post:

I have hereby determined that it is near impossible to date a man who is not already acclimated to this philosophy unless he is young enough, can still be molded and has not irreparably aged.

So, its either find a suitable Peaty mate in my general demographic span of minus 10 to plus 3 years with flexibility in either direction maybe.....

Or be with a younger man (most likely 30's in this current mess of a planet) who is evolved, open and mature and who can be saved before irreparable aging ensues. I would be fine with either option. So we shall see.

But one thing i know for sure, i will not date a 45 to 55 year old man who looks 20 years older than me, takes Pfizer testosterone, finasteride or a myriad of other poisons, is covid injected or smokes. I actually react to kissing an impure human - could make me sick the whole next day or more- so no way I could ever be with one in a long-term intimate relationship.

The foregoing criteria basically eliminates I would estimate 90 percent of the general single male population on this planet and this data point seems to have been substantiated after a month of on-line dating experimentation on several popular mass dating sites.

Conclusion: this forum is probably a Peaty gal's best bet at this point if any of you men are willing to come out of hiding - as most here are extremely mysterious for some reason. Well, I'm not and I'm not shy so come out come out wherever you are.


Oct 3, 2016
Addendum a few dating misadventures later after my original post:

I have hereby determined that it is near impossible to date a man who is not already acclimated to this philosophy unless he is young enough, can still be molded and has not irreparably aged.

So, its either find a suitable Peaty mate in my general demographic span of minus 10 to plus 3 years with flexibility in either direction maybe.....

Or be with a younger man (most likely 30's in this current mess of a planet) who is evolved, open and mature and who can be saved before irreparable aging ensues. I would be fine with either option. So we shall see.

But one thing i know for sure, i will not date a 45 to 55 year old man who looks 20 years older than me, takes Pfizer testosterone, finasteride or a myriad of other poisons, is covid injected or smokes. I actually react to kissing an impure human - could make me sick the whole next day or more- so no way I could ever be with one in a long-term intimate relationship.

The foregoing criteria basically eliminates I would estimate 90 percent of the general single male population on this planet and this data point seems to have been substantiated after a month of on-line dating experimentation on several popular mass dating sites.

Conclusion: this forum is probably a Peaty gal's best bet at this point if any of you men are willing to come out of hiding - as most here are extremely mysterious for some reason. Well, I'm not and I'm not shy so come out come out wherever you are.
woah woah hold up.. smoking raises testosterone in men :cool: makes men gigachad instead of soyboy beta cuk, lmfao hahaha jk, well smoking does do that but too many downsides, I feel this way in general though about westernized culture, i've told all my brothers that if you want to meet a good woman you should go for foreigners such as Latinas and Asians, western culture is polluted with onlyfanz, SOY, PUFA, plastics, estrogen, and serotonergic lifestyles and shitty dating values. My roomate that lives with me she's from Taiwan and i've never seen her eat anything bad ever, but she doesn't even know what PUFA is, that's just how most other cultures are, they eat real food absolutely no garbage and everything home cooked. Asian diets are also naturally very low in fat. When she came here she was surprised that everyone was so fat and how nobody eats real food and how they all look ****88 lmfao! shes gonna be 40 in a year and she looks like a 25 year old woman. So it's true the diet is so important, and you definetely don't want your life partner to be someone with the worst diet ever because it effects every aspect of their being, especially if they're in a good or bad mood. I'ts been 4 years since my last relationship but in the past if a girl had a shitty diet i was out :tearsofjoy:, in my last relationship i always wanted to go out and do stuff where as she wanted to be fat SOY couch potato eating PUFA ladden chips and veggie meats and it does really mess up the dynamic when you're not on the same page, Ray Peat mentioned something similar where as a man and his wife where both hypothyroid and very sedentary, and when the man started taking thyroid him and his wife became incompatible partners and i think they eventually split! haha so people of similar metabolic state attract each other, it's really good to know whats not good though and raise your standards beyond that and thats what i did, i also accepted the same reality that a person who wants to be healthy with good values will not find love in the westernized countries :tearsofjoy:


Dec 11, 2020
woah woah hold up.. smoking raises testosterone in men :cool: makes men gigachad instead of soyboy beta cuk, lmfao hahaha jk, well smoking does do that but too many downsides, I feel this way in general though about westernized culture, i've told all my brothers that if you want to meet a good woman you should go for foreigners such as Latinas and Asians, western culture is polluted with onlyfanz, SOY, PUFA, plastics, estrogen, and serotonergic lifestyles and shitty dating values. My roomate that lives with me she's from Taiwan and i've never seen her eat anything bad ever, but she doesn't even know what PUFA is, that's just how most other cultures are, they eat real food absolutely no garbage and everything home cooked. Asian diets are also naturally very low in fat. When she came here she was surprised that everyone was so fat and how nobody eats real food and how they all look ****88 lmfao! shes gonna be 40 in a year and she looks like a 25 year old woman. So it's true the diet is so important, and you definetely don't want your life partner to be someone with the worst diet ever because it effects every aspect of their being, especially if they're in a good or bad mood. I'ts been 4 years since my last relationship but in the past if a girl had a shitty diet i was out :tearsofjoy:, in my last relationship i always wanted to go out and do stuff where as she wanted to be fat SOY couch potato eating PUFA ladden chips and veggie meats and it does really mess up the dynamic when you're not on the same page, Ray Peat mentioned something similar where as a man and his wife where both hypothyroid and very sedentary, and when the man started taking thyroid him and his wife became incompatible partners and i think they eventually split! haha so people of similar metabolic state attract each other, it's really good to know whats not good though and raise your standards beyond that and thats what i did, i also accepted the same reality that a person who wants to be healthy with good values will not find love in the westernized countries :tearsofjoy:
smoking because of the 7000 chemicals in cigarettes to which i am deathly reactive. i know nicotine is actually beneficial. And thanks for the confirmation of what i know to be true- exactly. As another responder here mentioned, we need to start a Peatarian dating site- thats the answer.


Forum Supporter
Jun 5, 2017
If you’re an advocate- it’s probably in your nature to find and care for the wounded bird.
So there’s that.

Just as how we have awoken to the many lies we saw as truth just three years ago-
Please know the lies that are said around marriage are out there too.
Or simply relationships in general.

With that said: marriage and family are the foundation of a healthy society.
I think it’s healthy to have a desire for a mate and children.
But it has become bastardized and romanticized.

You are very articulate and thoughtful.

I feel for you.

The bottom line now is where you and a potential mate meet on the state of our world. And most importantly vxx status.

Diet. Exercise. Looks. All those are tertiary in my opinion.

Just do you boo- and the right guy will come if you’re open to what you will and will not settle for.

just curious why you think marriage is part of a healthy society?


Oct 3, 2016
smoking because of the 7000 chemicals in cigarettes to which i am deathly reactive. i know nicotine is actually beneficial. And thanks for the confirmation of what i know to be true- exactly. As another responder here mentioned, we need to start a Peatarian dating site- thats the answer.
haha yeah I tried out smoking as an experiment because I read about its aromatase inhibiting effects, I came at it with an open mind as in what if I was wrong about it and my conclusion is there could be a clean way to smoke tobacco and gain the estrogen lowering effects but its been too tampered with and industrialized so too many side effects,

and I'm not one for dating sites or apps, I refuse to use tinder or any of that stuff, and I'm very skeptical of the idea of desperate people meeting other desperate people through a website :laughing: I feel like id be embarrassed with myself if I went on one and made a page about me advertising myself as a product hoping women will flock to me at the site of my bio or picture, the idea has always seemed weird to me :tearsofjoy: but a Ray Peat orientated dating site I think that idea is pretty cool, I don't think id use it but if I ever was ever going to use a dating site in my life I think that'd be a really cool idea, its good to meet a partner who's like minded, I guess I've always thought of things being best happening naturally without the pressure of whoever you're talking to on a dating site has to become your partner or the idea that its a test, or that you might be just 1 out the 10 people that person is hitting up, I guess I'm just old fashioned like that, but I think that would be a really cool idea if someone made a site like that, it would be difficult for most though because most people live far away from each other. But yeah it makes things a lot easier since you know someone is going to be on the complete same page as you and not a McDonalds eating slob whose tripled masked and quadruple vaxxed :laughing: . Honestly even just for meeting Ray Peat type people as friends I've met a lot of them on Instagram, I talk to them all the time, in fact my one buddy is dope, he followed me through seeing Ray Peat posts on my Insta, then it turns out he's also into music like I am so we actually collaborate songs from the other side of the world, we're working on one right now, he's producing the instrumental for me to sing over, so the internet can be a wasteland, but in situations like this it can also be really great and bring people together whether that's a friend or a partner, so yeah RP Dating site I think that's a cool idea


Dec 8, 2016
just curious why you think marriage is part of a healthy society?
It’s not a well thought out statement of mine.
But at its simplest-
Societies grow with children.
Children grow up healthiest in a family (extended even better I assume).
Healthy marriages are a huge part of that.

That’s why the cabal has had a war on traditional families.
Especially eradicating the strong male leader.


Mar 3, 2013
Not seeking romance at the moment, but I wish you luck on that, OP. Sounds like you are on the right track for it.


Jul 8, 2014
I have come to the conclusion that my mate is already in the know; so I think that it makes sense to put this all out here on this forum. I have seen posts about husbands and wives who met here. After a four-week trial on a couple of on-line dating sites recommended by a friend who met her husband on one of them, I am even more certain that ideally, I want a mate who is already in the know or at least enough in the know that I don't have to take on another full-time project transforming him. Part-time would be ok. I am not completely rigid.

Look forward to all input and thoughts from all!!

I think I found your soulmate, Melissa! How do you feel about a peaceful viking? The video below was on my YouTube feed. The man featured in it seems sweet, is polite, strong, cute, a fisherman and knows how to garden, you just have to move to the Faroe Islands. I’m not sure how in demand attorneys are there, but it seems like a pretty epic place to hold sister retreats. :grin



Dec 8, 2016
I think I found your soulmate, Melissa! How do you feel about a peaceful viking? The video below was on my YouTube feed. The man featured in it seems sweet, is polite, strong, cute, a fisherman and knows how to garden, you just have to move to the Faroe Islands. I’m not sure how in demand attorneys are there, but it seems like a pretty epic place to hold sister retreats. :grin


Amazingly thoughtful of you.


Dec 11, 2020
I think I found your soulmate, Melissa! How do you feel about a peaceful viking? The video below was on my YouTube feed. The man featured in it seems sweet, is polite, strong, cute, a fisherman and knows how to garden, you just have to move to the Faroe Islands. I’m not sure how in demand attorneys are there, but it seems like a pretty epic place to hold sister retreats. :grin


you are just too adorable and sweet. appreciate the lead- i'll certainly take a look!
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