Cracked Heels Anyone?

Nov 21, 2015
thanks, just want to register a success story so that others can learn, and also, so that being here continues being a pleasure and not always a series of people with problems, LOL. Sometimes the problems get fixed!


May 6, 2016
@ecstatichamser: just wanted to let you know that I confirmed my hypothesis about c.butyricum and the health of foot skin.

Since my experiment with abx, turpentine, and candida protocol over the summer, the skin on my feet had been kind of regressing back to scaly. Not bad, just worse than they had been in several years, since I first experimented with c.butyricum. Foot maintenance took longer, required more effort, etc. I suspect this was because I killed not only the bad bacteria with abx and turp and other stuff, but also the good guys.

Couple weeks ago I started back with the c.butyricum + b.infantis (the two allegedly work synergistically) and my feet are already loads better. When I perform foot maintenance with sandpaper paddles it's much easier and the effects last longer.

I'm assuming it has some effect on the rest of skin, too, but where it really shows up is my feet.

C.butyricum is supposed to be a big synthesizer of butyrate, a saturated fatty acid. I'm supposing the saturated fat is where the benefit to skin comes from.

Supplementation with any probiotic can beget some problems (people get immune reactions or other weird symptoms) but this one works for me. Plan to incorporate it regularly into my regimen from now on. I don't plan to take it every day now that I've done my "loading doses" again, but once or twice per week or so. Seems like an easy, effective way to affect skin health, as long as the probx don't cause any other problems (for me they don't).

For whatever that's worth. :)


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
Nov 21, 2015
strangely enough I first cleared my heels with probiotics but they got bad again on their own. So it was temporary in my case.


May 6, 2016
strangely enough I first cleared my heels with probiotics but they got bad again on their own. So it was temporary in my case.
Well, IME it's not just any old strains but the c.butyricum combined with b.infantis specifically that have this effect. I like it mainly because there's no time commitment swallow a couple pills a couple times per week and that's about it.

But whatever works best for you. Just sayin' in case it might be helpful somewhere down the road. :) I might try the red light on my feet, too, if I ever get around to getting one. Can't hurt and maybe it will be a doubleplusgood whammy with the butyricum and light.


Jan 22, 2017
I was going to to suggest Urea 40% but it looks like you already tried it. Your doctor can give you a prescription for it which is stronger than what you can buy over the counter. Have you tried a foot peel? You can buy 80% lactic acid and apply straight then layer lotion and socks. Leave it on overnight. The feet will peel for a few days. You can dilute the lactic acid if you want to in a lotion to start low. You can use LA every day at lower %'s. I use 12-15% mixed into lotion daily. Also, I've seen great reviews for babyfoot. It is a combo of lactic acid, salicylic acid, alcohol, and glycolic acid. Seems pricey when you can make it. Haven't tried it myself.


Feb 11, 2017
I have a strange experience with cracked heels.

I am having my left heel only cracked. But it is pretty cracked. Like I have 2 small cuts because of the crack and it hurts.

Why would it be on one leg only? And what does that mean?


Mar 30, 2015
Canary Spain
For me it's clearly seasonal. I run around in bare feet or open footwear a lot more in summer, and soak my feet in the salty sea. Pretty sure that dries them out faster.
I can see it too, as I live in a place where we are wearing sandals most of the year.
Bareffot or socks in the sandals makes a big difference....
So the tip you gave about greasing + socks at night also Works for me and other neighbors!

The best I got, and for hands too, was to 1st put some oil, I used coconut oil, and then aloe vera. It makes an emulsion that goes into the skin more. Then socks or gloves, according to where you apply...


Mar 30, 2015
Canary Spain
resistant starch is called resistant cuz it passes through the small intestine undigested and makes it into the large where the beneficial gut bugs can munch it.
If you've got a messed up gut biome something like resistant starch and some good probiotics might be a big help to you, whereas someone without a messed up biome probably wouldn't benefit or it would even cause them problems.

As far as I know, RS Works as prebiotic and good bugs make short chain fatty acid out of it.
So if you take any prebiotic and have a messed up biome, then you will have a messed up digestion with RS!
So, C. butyrate is a very good idea you had, to take with potatoes.
And butter with potatoes of course, ñam! so good!


Mar 30, 2015
Canary Spain
strangely enough I first cleared my heels with probiotics but they got bad again on their own. So it was temporary in my case.
Yes, the effect of probiotics is temporary, you have to take it again, same as food effect is temporary and we eat every day!
We cannot get back on a better biome, it does not change that much, so we need to take it over again.

Maybe especially when we had apéndice removed?


Forum Supporter
Jun 5, 2017
I have a strange experience with cracked heels.

I am having my left heel only cracked. But it is pretty cracked. Like I have 2 small cuts because of the crack and it hurts.

Why would it be on one leg only? And what does that mean?
That would be your longer leg.. structurally or functionally.


Aug 6, 2017
I noticed something peculiar on my feet. My right heel has cracks, and the skin is WAY harder than my left, which has no cracks at all. My left is rather soft in comparison. Hard to explain what's going on there. I can't think of any activity or any kind of exposure that focues on my right foot to the exclusion of my left, other than driving, and that's hardly intensive. The ONLY thing I can think of is that sometimes my pelvic muscles pull my right femur up and shorten my right leg by about 1cm, placing more force on the right foot.
You are right on the money. Fascial tension is the reason for cracking (also athlete's foot, jock's itch etc are caused by it). I had cracked heels since puberty and athlete's foot since the military. After fixing chronic fascial tension first the athlete's foot cleared up and continuing the exercises now couple months later even the heels are almost completely healed.

btw. it's not your pelvic muscles that are the problem, it's the fascia around there, or in the whole-body fascial network and it just happens to manifest there. As example of this in one study women with shoulder pain were found to have fascial adhensions where the bra put the breast's weight as constant tension on the ribcage. Fixing this fixed shoulder pain.
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