Why Do Probiotics Cause UTI


Mar 6, 2016
I was not breast fed and I believe this causes many of the issues I have today (I was put on antibiotics since birth due to reflux and somethign with my kidneys). Example, anxiety, bad digestion and UTI.

While my health has increased so much after introducing liver, a2 milk seafood and sun, I remember the time my hair, my skin, even my eye colour and digestions improved so so much. I felt like a normal being again, after taking a bifido bacterium plus streptococus probiotic. Everything went very well til about a amonth, down there started to smell bad and I got reccurent pain on my back plus UTIS. I discontinued and back pain and uti was considerably alliveated.

Bifidobac are needed to produce many vitamins like K and Bs, also to turn glutamate into GABA. While I experienced good results in this areas, better digestion, better muscle and bone tone, improved appereance, hair colour restores, acne gone, better mood and ocncentration, better social ability, I had to renounce to them because something was not right with my kidneys or my bladder!

So my question is why?

Why do probiotics mess up my body and create UTIS? Is it my liver unable to detox the new endotoxin? are my kidneys unable to deal with so much bacteria? was it the streptococus which was an alien aggresive invader in my gut? this were the sweet and evil probiotics: Bifidobacterium bifidum,
Bifidobacterium infantis,
Bifidobacterium longum,
Bifidobacterium breve,
Bifidobacterium adolescentis
Streptococcus thermophilus

Any insights, recomendations or experiences are very appreciated!!


Jul 9, 2020
Do you know for sure it was the probiotic? Were you taking anything else during that time?

It's probably not good to take probiotics daily. Taking a high quality probiotic, infrequently, is probably the best method.

Additionally, the means of administration is also important. Unless it's a sporebiotic it's probably not good to take them orally. The issue is some of the bacteria can become active before it can fully clear the small intestine and get to the colon. You could essentially give yourself a bacterial overgrowth.

Sporebiotics are time delayed, and in theory should be much safer. They also make probiotic enemas if you want to go that route.


Mar 6, 2016
that makes a lot of sense! Would it be safe to make a porbiotic enema ar home with this probiotics by simply introducing them into an enema kit??
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