Canadian PM Just Confirmed The "Great Reset" Is Not A Conspiracy


Nov 14, 2017
your mind, rent free
I personally dont think the covid vaccine is on the same level of importance as other vaccines, like polio or tetanus, but havent read enough to have an educated opinion.

From what's written here, it seems like vaccines for the historical viruses are a tradeoff between maximal health and risk of catastrophic disease or death. Maybe a vaccine lowers your vitality by 5% forever, but has a 99% probability of preventing the 10% chance of death/paralysis/etc. The risk/reward ratio will look different for everyone. Or maybe I'm reading this wrong.


Feb 29, 2016
We need to reinstate the death penalty for crimes against humanity. Canadian politicians need to know that they can’t play with peoples lives anymore.
If I remember right did not Trudeau roommate in college for many years with a man who was convicted of forming international pedophile ring? Trudeau should face madam guillotine


Nov 29, 2017
If I remember right did not Trudeau roommate in college for many years with a man who was convicted of forming international pedophile ring? Trudeau should face madam guillotine

Birds of feather... stand trial and hang together...

I’m trying to locate an article I read about his father’s best friend and confident. He was the head of Psychology for a prestigious university (I think U of T) and later on it came out that he was involved in/was a pedo... Young Justin spent a lot of time with this man... As much as I dislike everything about JT, I feel sorry for people like him who were exposed to satanism and vile acts as innocent children. They are groomed for roles and have no way out. If I locate the article, I’ll post it. This is more of a speculative comment because I can’t prove he was abused as a child. Just going off what I know about the “ruling class” and ritualistic bull****


Jan 15, 2016


Nov 29, 2017
Looks like there are some people trying to resist and speek freely about the pandemic but they're being harassed;

Canadian Politician Derek Sloan Uses Parliament Hill to Give Voices to Censored Doctors and Scientists Blowing the Whistle on COVID-19 Genocide and Crimes Against Humanity​

Canadian Politician Derek Sloan Uses Parliament Hill to Give Voices to Censored Doctors and Scientists Blowing the Whistle on COVID-19 Genocide and Crimes Against Humanity

Doing God's work.


Aug 4, 2020
Looks like there are some people trying to resist and speek freely about the pandemic but they're being harassed;

Canadian Politician Derek Sloan Uses Parliament Hill to Give Voices to Censored Doctors and Scientists Blowing the Whistle on COVID-19 Genocide and Crimes Against Humanity​

Canadian Politician Derek Sloan Uses Parliament Hill to Give Voices to Censored Doctors and Scientists Blowing the Whistle on COVID-19 Genocide and Crimes Against Humanity

Thank you meatbag for posting this, hopefully this will start to turn things back to more stable ground here.


Apr 7, 2021
This, many times over!
In fact, general AI may very well be impossible to emulate digitally. The false belief in possibility (or even inevitability) of general digital AI stems mostly from the (wrong) assumptions that laws of physics: (1) do not change and (2) can be emulated by a digital computer, and (3) information <=> knowledge. More on the topic.
Artificial intelligence is impossible

So, what passes for AI should be more aptly named "domain-specific knowledge optimization". Keyword is optimization, as in working more efficiently within already established (natural general intelligence-derived) bounds. This is quite different from knowledge creation. Knowledge can only be extracted from matter, and that process requires consciousness in order to continuously evaluate ever-changing context. Knowledge != information. Knowledge = information (ever growing) + structure/context (ever changing). Knowledge and consciousness cannot be separated, so true digital general AI cannot be realized as a digital computer cannot even come close to a level of consciousness a human has. So, digital AI does not even work with knowledge but only with information. In a world where everything is context-dependent such highly specialized, context-free information (sold to us as "knowledge" or "intelligence") is mostly useless.
Just look at medicine for solid evidence in that regard. The field has seen tremendous specialization over the last 100 years, combined with (naturally) increased digitization. Yet, if anything, it is becoming worse and worse at treating just about ANY disease.

Btw, Big Tech routinely lies and cheats about any of its hyped advances in AI. I would be more trusting of a Nigerian prince offering me $20m in a bank account somewhere than a PR from a Big Tech touting some AI "advance" or "breakthrough". Here are some links on the topic.
Uh, Did Google Fake Its Big A.I. Demo?
Did Google Fake Its Duplex AI Demo? - ExtremeTech
Why Was IBM Watson a Flop in Medicine?
Full Page Reload
Did IBM overhype Watson Health's AI promise?


I wouldn't underestimate them. I appreciate the fact that you are optimistic and show encouragement!

It is true that many of the things related to technology that they make available to us are false or exaggerated, but they could be intentionally left to circulate, I also believe that the latest smartphone model that they sell to passionate enthusiasts is not nearly the last technological advance they have at the moment. I don't think they are so stupid as to give ordinary "mortals" the technology they really have.

I don't know if you are already aware of the details of the 12-month contract that the U. K's have already signed and offered to ENTRUST, a company which provides covid passports technology.

It is a mysterious company, if you dig a little about it you will find out that it was founded in 1969, the year in which the credit machines had started to spread all over the world, so the first change, regarding money in material form. The transition was made from the paper currency to the digital one. In 1987 DataCard was officially under the monopoly of the Quandt family. The old DataCard is now called ENTRUST!

I don't know how many people heard about the Quandt family, it is known that their dynasty began with Gunther Quandt who had close connections with the Nazis, it is not strange that his first wife later married the Nazi propaganda master at that time, Joseph Goebbels, even on Gunther's land. Adolf H was also the guest of honor.

Some of the Quandt family were found later guilty and acquitted in the Nuremberg trial, others only imprisoned!

Entrust handles encryption, so they have access to most private information, the company secures digital identities and information for consumers, companies and governments in more than 2.000 organizations in 60 countries. Among other things, they create and support charitable foundations that reward the best journalists of the year, in short, they buy the media. In 1995 Johanna Quandt set up her own foundation which supports young people training to become business journalists. That's why you don't hear anything in the media about them. The technique used is similar to that of the nazi propaganda minister mentioned above.

They don't need to go through governments, they are private companies, they do it through industry, that's why the 4th industrial revolution or rather the 4th reich.

From this family, Susanne Klatten is in charge of, among others, pharmaceutical companies, carbon companies(Altana, sgl carbon), so graphite, which is necessary for the production of graphene that is used in nanotubes and many others and what's everybody talk about, graphene in the masks, graphene in the swabs, graphene possibly potentially in the vaccines. Something tells me that this element with 6 protons and electrons and also with 6 neutrons, namely carbon is essential for the transition to transhumanism. These conspiracy theories are unfolding and fulfilling before our eyes, and dictators want to introduce experimental substances into us, looking forward and in return offer us a passport, without which some of us can no longer feed our families, "buy or sell".

They obviously need an army for protection, despite the fact that they are very meticulous in making their evil plans, they are pressed by time, because fortunately there are still people who think and the world wakes up slowly but surely.

I don't comment on AI, but I think it invests and works enormously for technologies that have the potential to influence / modify / intuit / disrupt thoughts and so on.


Dec 1, 2020
When people dismiss something because it is labeled "conspiracy" it tells me that they lack an inquisitive mind and/or are overly trusting. People can be so easily manipulated using trigger words it's kind of scary, they are trained to respond a certain way to certain phrases like dogs.
serotonin and estrogen in the works brother. The typical you know haha.


Oct 11, 2016
How much of an NPC do you have to be to author the title of this thread?

1) the word "conspiracy" doesn't mean "false"
2) the PM is not an authority on what is true or false
3) NPCs were calling these "conspiracy theories" for decades until they just abbreviated them "conspiracies" - which is insane, clearly. It implies you've lost your grasp of the English language because the entire issue NPCs had with it was the theoretical speculitive part... Not that people conspired.
4) great resets have happened many times in the past, but if you think this way you'll never be able to understand that.

Many people believe that they're surrounded by people that can neither think nor participate as productive members of society, and therefore we need a "reset" or a "culling" - and after seeing writing like this, it hard to disagree.

Pablo Cruise

Jan 7, 2018
The British Royal family already posted a reset video in June. I think the "conspiracy" has been out in the open for a while now. They seem pretty confident that everyone will happily come aboard to "create a more sustainable and inclusive tomorrow for everyone". I am afraid they are right. Fear is working wonders, and the majority of people in almost every society are basically shouting for an age of totalitarianism to safe the world.

I noticed the video says "economic recovery plan". I am not aware any totalitarian govt has experienced economic success and happy constituents. We are so dumb to want Capitalism when there is Communism that the people, aka, sheep love. Then again do we have to be as smart as rocket scientists to know what kind of govt we prefer, free or authoritative? I think not but thanks anyway elite masters.
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