Nikki haley as the GOP presidental candidate?

Pablo Cruise

Jan 7, 2018
Nikki seems to be a rising in the polls as Trump sinks.


She has been associated with the WEF but her name is not on the Young Global Leaders Forum.

However, her name does appear to be associated with the WEF elsewhere on the internet.

I am wondering if her association with the WEF is being suppressed so that she can get the GOP nomination in the event that Trump is recognized as unlikely to win against Biden.

Your point is made. They don't want the people to know. She is more of the same, GOP swamp.

Thanks for the information.j

Pablo Cruise

Jan 7, 2018
Thanks for your thoughts. trump throws everyone under the bus. What goes around comes around back at him.

Both Newsom and Haley are graduates of the WEF's Young Global Leaders Forum (see the opening post in this thread). I suspect that Haley has the WEF silently working in the background to arrange for her to have all the support she needs. This will be interesting to watch how it unfolds.
Not sure "what goes around comes around" pertains to Trump though not your warm and fuzzy type.

For me who brings peace and prosperity would be my choice. It is not the current misfits.
David PS

David PS

Jan 5, 2016
Dark side of the moon

Pablo Cruise

Jan 7, 2018
The prayer I have is that the people of this country are becoming aware of the "slick ads" and the real intent, just power and control over our lives. The wave of Globalism is at it's highest point.

As an aside, we are seeing people revolt in many places against Globalism and the influx of illegal immigration: Sweden, UK, Holland, France, Italy, Spain. France is having a civil war with their immigrants. We are seeing it here in the U.S. Groups from other countries literally attacking us. People are fed up and people do not want to be told how they will live and what bugs they can eat for protein.

I will offer this too, Islamic forces in the middle East, Europe and now here are testing our resolve to keep our sovereignty. The govt has allowed the immigration in an attempt to make the world brown and homogeneous. Yes they have advocated immigration for corporate profit too. We must all be brown and follow orders since only the elite know what is best for us, ie, World Economic Foundation, U.N, etc. The U.N. if you followed the last Davos meeting have some very specific plans for us which of course are not published anywhere and fairly repugnant. Be aware, none of this is fiction. Yes, I try to make people aware. Many are raising families, working and really do not have the time I have....we just may save this country, no hyperbole.

Trump represents freedom, prosperity and security. You don't have to like the man but he has no need to support the Leftists and elite. He represents America. We have seen what has happened since the controlled Biden administration has done. War in Europe, Middle East and embolden NKorea. Oh, I could go on, but hope all recognize our predicament, George Soros and his funded organizations are rudimentary. Google and Facebook, etc have controlled searches and influenced opinion via their algorithms. In Facebooks name, thank Mark Zuckerberg's "donations" of $440 million to voting poll workers to influence and manipulate voting.

Remember this quote from an Italian intellectual from 1972:
“In searching for a common enemy against whom we can unite, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like, would fit the bill. In their totality and their interactions these phenomena do constitute a common threat which must be confronted by everyone together. But in designating these dangers as the enemy, we fall into the trap, which we have already warned readers about, namely mistaking symptoms for causes. All these dangers are caused by human intervention in natural processes, and it is only through changed attitudes and behaviour that they can be overcome. The real enemy then is humanity itself.”
Sound familiar??
David PS

David PS

Jan 5, 2016
Dark side of the moon


May 10, 2016

Pablo Cruise

Jan 7, 2018
I know you hate Trump but I hope you aren't surprised and shocked when he easily wins
If DAVID PS hates Trump then he is supporting the Liberals and Marxism. Opposing Trump is the back door to revealing your preferences? Seems like it to me.
I do believe people want to keep our system rather than an authoritative govt ie, Russia or China. We are fighting Marxism.

Pablo Cruise

Jan 7, 2018
I haven't met one person who supports Nikki Haley in the primary. Not one
I saw a clip today where Haley is saying "the people crossing the borders are just people and families trying to have a better life and not criminals".
Holy gees. We see she supports the open takeover of our country.


May 10, 2016
I saw a clip today where Haley is saying "the people crossing the borders are just people and families trying to have a better life and not criminals".
Holy gees. We see she supports the open takeover of our country.
It's obvious she's the Bush party candidate. Or uniparty war candidate.
David PS

David PS

Jan 5, 2016
Dark side of the moon

Pablo Cruise

Jan 7, 2018
Yea David? Do you think that is applicable to the state of this nation? Open border destroying the lives of many unskilled workers and the onslaught of drugs, disease and unknown anti Americans? Do you think that applies to ditching Israel for Islam? What about billions going to Ukraine while our people suffer here? What about a broke Calif giving free medical to Illegal border jumpers?

Do you have any idea what you are saying? It seems the Marxists are pretending to be Democrats and you support that? Hey, an authoritative govt like China, Russia, is on the menu. This was a great country and we are going to take it back. Those in jail for the phony J6 protest is criminal and those judges should be in jail not innocent bystanders. Thanks.


Sep 9, 2019
Yea David? Do you think that is applicable to the state of this nation? Open border destroying the lives of many unskilled workers and the onslaught of drugs, disease and unknown anti Americans? Do you think that applies to ditching Israel for Islam? What about billions going to Ukraine while our people suffer here? What about a broke Calif giving free medical to Illegal border jumpers?
Try and take my limey head if you want Cruise but the border situation, Israel and Ukraine are inextricably linked. Your dichotomises, while politically useful, are false. Your man is a snake. And the devil plays chess. If I were citz and held a scope I'd flip a coin close to poll closing. Agree, share and make demands crystal at Sunday. And aim at the head for his term. Metaphorically oc.

Do you have any idea what you are saying?
He's confused. Or short sighted. Can you blame him.

It seems the Marxists are pretending to be Democrats and you support that?
So are you by the looks of it. I don't blame you.

Hey, an authoritative govt like China, Russia, is on the menu.
Without the sights and waypoints your man will be distracted (again) and lead you there. You know it. I know it. He knows it. Matter of fact he probably wants your sight. Trumps theirs. Eyyy.

This was a great country and we are going to take it back.
It still is. Still heartedly agree with the underlying. Reagan's speechwriter was right about the last stand so what can I think really.

Those in jail for the phony J6 protest is criminal
They ain't all innocent pal. Sodium thiopental and midazolam have their uses.

Pablo Cruise

Jan 7, 2018
A lot of rambling and non sequitur. Sorry my limey friend does not have a clue. I grew up in Middlesex and you give England a bad name with your lack of knowledge.

Since you over there you do not see facts in the English media. The country is near Communism and you say it is still a great country. Sad lad.

Do some research and learn then comment. Ignorance does not flatter you.


Sep 9, 2019
A lot of rambling and non sequitur. Sorry my limey friend does not have a clue. I grew up in Middlesex and you give England a bad name with your lack of knowledge.

Since you over there you do not see facts in the English media. The country is near Communism and you say it is still a great country. Sad lad.

Do some research and learn then comment. Ignorance does not flatter you.
Rambling at the man is what you were doing. And there you are, quite literally giving the states a bad name. Sad boy.

Pablo Cruise

Jan 7, 2018
Rambling at the man is what you were doing. And there you are, quite literally giving the states a bad name. Sad boy.
As a kind gesture, go to the Gateway Pundit or Real American Voices on your computer
and find fact. These sites provide the truth not blather.
Not sure truth matters to some. It might ruin their day and some won't admit the evidence even when seeing it. Are you one of those? Did you pass your O levels?


Sep 9, 2019
As a kind gesture, go to the Gateway Pundit or Real American Voices on your computer
and find fact. These sites provide the truth not blather.
Mr Cruise these outlets have formed part of my regular exposures since the circus of 2020. While I could critique them, it would be almost pointless as I could critique all the outlets landing in the net I'm casting. Such is the nature of Truth. It can only really be found in the time and space between us. A bit of faith. A bit of patience. The more chop we're talking. The more emergent. Silos are a peril.

Not sure truth matters to some. It might ruin their day and some won't admit the evidence even when seeing it. Are you one of those? Did you pass your O levels?
Truth is of paramount importance to me. Tolerance for alarm is high. And my "education" has been nothing but a hinderance in life. Serving only my place in this unchecked iteration of Babel. Much as I'm grateful for for the word, the roof, the food and begrudgingly the gizmos. To whom or what should I be.
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