Can a fruit sense when you are about to kill him/cut him open ? Do they release a stress response if they see you coming for the kill ?


Jun 22, 2021
I remember coming across a study on this forum (I believe it was a Russian experiment) where a researcher took a pineapple and cut it open in front of another pineapple -


The pineapple that was alive to "Watch" the encounter released an electrical response when the person that killed the pineapple re-entered the room and this did not happen when any other person had entered the room indicating that perhaps it identified the killer and was concerned for its wellbeing

i cannot find it anywhere on the internet - if someone has it I would appreciate if you can link it here but here are are some other studies

I noticed that when I am cutting pineapple - I feel its spines on its body become very sharp right before I take the knife to its head - It feels like its "tensing up" so to speak like if it knows what I am about to do - I think about seeing my dog in a threatening situation and her hair stands up and she "tenses up" as well - It is difficult to get a good handle on it when its spines are this sharp - but in the exact moment I cut off the head of the pineapple with the first chop - its spines no longer feel sharp and just lay flat instead of facing outward its such a noticeable change and it occurs so quickly

It sounds crazy but I urge you to try it for yourself - lay a pineapple flat on the chopping board and take out a big knife and you will see the spines get very sharp and outward and immediately fall flat once you chop off the head of the pineapple - it's extraordinary

I'm thinking to myself - this cannot possibly be a good thing. I know that if a mountain lion was chasing me for food I would become very stressed and tense up as well - releasing many stress hormones - so even if the lion did kill me he would be eating an organism full of stress - I think it would be preferable for him to sneak up on me and kill me before my brain has a chance to release stress hormones

Would it be the same thing for fruit ? I have a hard time envisioning how this works if the fruit doesn't have "eyes" - how do they sense you are about to kill them and have a reaction ? Is it better to ensure the fruit is "completely dead" before eating it or maybe is it better to maybe cover the fruit with a paper towel so he doesn't see you coming with the knife ? This is a serious question - I imagine eating a fruit while he is still alive would send him to immense shock/stress and he would have a response prepared for you

Eating a stressed/unhealthy organism seems to have a noticeable impact on the meat or milk of an animal - could it be the same for fruit ? Interesting thing to think about


Pineapples have a lot of serotonin to begin with because of mechanical stress during shipping.

I imagine plant cells, regardless of whether they are in the stem or the fruit, learned how to sense electrical activity, not sure if fruit has cells that are still alive. Some vegetables still grow in the fridge, usually offshoots like from root vegetables.

Some fruits burn my mouth. Melon and kiwi, but pineapple by far burns my mouth the most. In the case of pineapple, I found out it has a protein-dissolving enzyme. I don't know if the flesh of these other fruits contains it. They have similar "flesh", whereas apples and berries have insides that have a different structure and texture.


Jun 22, 2021
Pineapples have a lot of serotonin to begin with because of mechanical stress during shipping.

I imagine plant cells, regardless of whether they are in the stem or the fruit, learned how to sense electrical activity, not sure if fruit has cells that are still alive. Some vegetables still grow in the fridge, usually offshoots like from root vegetables.

Some fruits burn my mouth. Melon and kiwi, but pineapple by far burns my mouth the most. In the case of pineapple, I found out it has a protein-dissolving enzyme. I don't know if the flesh of these other fruits contains it. They have similar "flesh", whereas apples and berries have insides that have a different structure and texture.
Very interesting - yes I feel pineapple is slightly inflammatory which is a shame because it has so many benefits - the bromelain in it helps me significantly with processing protein and it seems to do lot of good in reducing endotoxin and decent nutrient profile - I always have to chase it with coffee or coca cola or else it gives me heartburn

The electrical response seems extremely interesting - I'm hoping someone on the forum has the pineapple russian study that I'm trying to find because it seems from that experiment that the pineapple can actually see/identify the killer if it has a specific electrical response for the killer that it doesn't have for any other person that walked in the room - maybe it detects the electrical response for his pineapple friend dying and identifies it with a response from the person who had walked in the room at that time seems really interesting to think about


Oct 11, 2021
United States
Many roots do this like garlic and onion since roots are required for the plants micronutrient needs, and this response serves as a pesticide. Hard to see fruits doing this as fruits WANT to be eaten. I could see this response being a signal from the pineapple the rind and leaves are not meant to be eaten.


Jan 9, 2019
Absolutely, but I would argue it's not really the fruit but the remnants of the living plant itself. I don't think the fruit has any problems with being eaten as long as it's ripe, so both the plant and it's seeds are ready.

I never got the tongue digesting enzyme burn when I ate fresh picked, actually RIPE pineapples. They are just sweet, barely any tang.

plants feel, anticipate, and even know the presence of another being in their midst they send out signals through root systems using fungus mycelium.

Must watch:


Oct 11, 2021
United States
On that note, just because you chop off a fruit doesn't mean it's "dead". Still will have a similar microbiome to its plant.

Plants are known to communicate electrically, hormonally, photonically, among other ways...I doubt the fruit fails to maintain some of these communication abilities. Ripeness likely signals sufficient inactivity from these elements, whereas cooking which can make unripe fruits edible probably serves as a "killing" of these still active, possibly stressful behaviors from the fruit.


Dec 8, 2016
Oh my goodness @JamesGatz

I have thought about this no less than a thousand times when im about to boil or cut a potato.

I think about how if I cut the potato and stuck it in water- how it’s alive - and will grow new life. How it grows new life even in my cupboard.

And like you- you called your pineapple a “him”. I always call my potato a “little guy”.
So weird.


Oct 21, 2013
Eating a stressed/unhealthy organism seems to have a noticeable impact on the meat or milk of an animal

Do we really know this? I mean, animal kills in nature are always extremely high stress situations. You'd think if it was bad for a lion to eat a stressed animal it would have developed humane slaughter houses by now.


Do we really know this? I mean, animal kills in nature are always extremely high stress situations. You'd think if it was bad for a lion to eat a stressed animal it would have developed humane slaughter houses by now.
I imagine an animal that dies quickly and painlessly would have healthier meat than an animal that suffers from a degenerative disease.

Does this mean my pineapple can sense when im ignoring it on the counter for 2wks?
Does it see you mingling with other fruits? :eyes:


Mar 30, 2020
Taking this further, what do you guys think of 'vibetarians' - those who only eat food that they feel has a 'good vibe'?

I used to think they were retarded, but I guess it makes sense. The ones I've seen seem to look really good and healthy. I think the modern world makes us really insensitive and blunts our intuition for these things, and our senses get screwed up from all of the fake food. Someone might crave saturated fat and so they follow their intuition and have a burger, but only experience deleterious consequences because the burger is full of disguised seed oils, etc.

Nomane Euger

Sep 22, 2020
Taking this further, what do you guys think of 'vibetarians' - those who only eat food that they feel has a 'good vibe'?

I used to think they were retarded, but I guess it makes sense. The ones I've seen seem to look really good and healthy. I think the modern world makes us really insensitive and blunts our intuition for these things, and our senses get screwed up from all of the fake food. Someone might crave saturated fat and so they follow their intuition and have a burger, but only experience deleterious consequences because the burger is full of disguised seed oils, etc.
i pay attention to myfeelings while doing anything,and sometimes tuching certain foods will cause me the very same symptom this food would cause me if i eat it,in less intense


Sep 24, 2016
Maybe you're thinking of this one:


I timestamped the segment where Russian scientists are supposedly demonstrating a response that you describe measured from a cabbage plant. The whole movie The Secret Life of Plants is worth watching in full.

It's based on the book with the same title, I'm attaching the book, a very good read.


  • Peter Tompkins, Christopher Bird - The Secret Life of Plants (1900) -
    21.6 MB · Views: 24


Sep 23, 2021
Southeast US
Maybe you're thinking of this one:


I timestamped the segment where Russian scientists are supposedly demonstrating a response that you describe measured from a cabbage plant. The whole movie The Secret Life of Plants is worth watching in full.

It's based on the book with the same title, I'm attaching the book, a very good read.

I read The Secret Life of Plants maybe 15 years ago and it was truly paradigm-shifting... changed how I looked at plants permanently. I was also a big stoner at the time so I was especially receptive...


Jan 9, 2019
Do we really know this? I mean, animal kills in nature are always extremely high stress situations. You'd think if it was bad for a lion to eat a stressed animal it would have developed humane slaughter houses by now.
I think the hunting process of cats in particular is meant to deplete the animal being hunted, so it's stress levels would be less when exhausted.

If not, the pumping of blood from the chase, upon being attacked would literally gush out of the animals essentially bleeding it out, where most of the stress hormones would be. Some cats do lap the blood however. But my cat always plays, sometimes for a long time, before it eats.

However it's important to not draw too many conclusions from non human animals as they truly are very different. I would argue our intuition works in different ways once we get past the primal instinct phase, hence our sensitivity to the animals suffering.

It's interesting to consider that animal abuse early in life predicts violence and suffering inflicted on humans later in life. Human ability to sympathize seems necessary for proper psychological health, not sure animals need or care about that.
Last edited:


Jun 22, 2021
Maybe you're thinking of this one:


I timestamped the segment where Russian scientists are supposedly demonstrating a response that you describe measured from a cabbage plant. The whole movie The Secret Life of Plants is worth watching in full.

It's based on the book with the same title, I'm attaching the book, a very good read.

Yes! This was the experiment I was looking for - extremely interesting stuff - I am now more self-aware around my behavior around plants for lack of a better word - I definitely want to get to reading the book

I remember as a kid I would view people that read books or played music to plants absurd but they do seem to respond differently to changes in their environment - extremely interesting stuff

I think also when I was younger I would feel like I felt instinctively that for example someone kicking a tree was cruel - even before I started learning all this stuff about plants I felt that I always instinctively knew they felt these things

I was reading this stuff the other day -

It's a shame trees haven't gotten around to moving faster or even having a pair of legs haha - it would be quiete useful in the instance of forest fires or deforestation


Jun 22, 2021
Absolutely, but I would argue it's not really the fruit but the remnants of the living plant itself. I don't think the fruit has any problems with being eaten as long as it's ripe, so both the plant and it's seeds are ready.

I never got the tongue digesting enzyme burn when I ate fresh picked, actually RIPE pineapples. They are just sweet, barely any tang.

plants feel, anticipate, and even know the presence of another being in their midst they send out signals through root systems using fungus mycelium.

Must watch:

Interesting - I wonder what trees do when they are in the midst of dangerous situations like a forest fire or getting cut down maybe when the first ones go down they send signals to the others to implement some kind of defense mechanism - it's a shame they move so slow

On that note, just because you chop off a fruit doesn't mean it's "dead". Still will have a similar microbiome to its plant.

Plants are known to communicate electrically, hormonally, photonically, among other ways...I doubt the fruit fails to maintain some of these communication abilities. Ripeness likely signals sufficient inactivity from these elements, whereas cooking which can make unripe fruits edible probably serves as a "killing" of these still active, possibly stressful behaviors from the fruit.

Interesting I had assumed they died when cutting them off - I also did now that fruit wanted to be eaten until now - this is helpful for me to know cause now I feel better about eating them when before I thought I was killing them in a bad way

Oh my goodness @JamesGatz

I have thought about this no less than a thousand times when im about to boil or cut a potato.

I think about how if I cut the potato and stuck it in water- how it’s alive - and will grow new life. How it grows new life even in my cupboard.

Yes! I like potatoes/'hash browns but I notice whenever I start to peel them I get allergenic reactions that I really do not like - very hard for me to deal with - I would rather cut onions than deal with the reaction they give me when shaving it

Pineapples are not an ordinary plant. They’re carnivorous
Good to know ... going to feed my pineapple a fat juicy steak tonight


Jun 20, 2019
You are over-anthropocentric. in your views. You're equating feelings, which a living thing might have, with consciousness. No wonder y'all are o easily controlled. If you can't "kill" a vegetable and eat it, you may as well kill yourself. One of these days you're going to be transhuman and be begging for those vegies, well, no you won't, you'll be completely under whatever this spell is that you're already prey to. I suggest you thank God for the nourishment he has provided in whatever form you take in and liberate your faulty ethics. You're only contributing to an already orthorexic first world.
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