Beware The False Gurus We All Desire And Wish For


Mar 29, 2014
But more than anything else, he encourages you to think for yourself.
I agree, and I value this too.

In reality, Gbold doesn't have studies. He doesn't believe in them. It all comes from textbooks. Somehow these textbooks don't rely on studies. I suppose. It's quite illogical.
I disagree with this, though. Gbold suggests reading textbooks because that's the easiest and quickest way to learn some of the basics. That's what Peat recommends too, and it makes sense. They no doubt are based in part on studies, but you can't learn all of that by reading studies - there are too many of them that go into building up the basic picture. There may be some inaccuracies, but even so, you can't understand them without having some basis to work from.

Gbold is also explicit about saying that some of his own view point is based on some of Ecks work, some experience round ARL or similar, and his own personal experiments, not just textbooks.

I think that amounts to him having potentially some interesting and valuable viewpoints to contribute, but not being automatically right about everything (no one is).

The point is this. You have to guard against your desire to find and latch on to some guru who has all the answers. health boards are susceptible to these cultish gurus because we all want to give up our autonomy and just believe in someone else.
I agree with you that it is not wise to latch onto a guru we cannot understand and blindly follow whatever they say without doing our own thinking and assessing to see what makes sense to us. I'm not sure that gbold is seeking a bunch of followers, but I think it would be wise for people to keep their critical faculties in play in whatever they consider. Remember that everybody is wrong some of the time, and that being confident is no guarantee against that.
guy that follows paul eck and lawrence wilson
Speaks more highly of Paul Eck, I don't think he follows Wilson, even if they share some views.
Some people seem to think he's the messiah or something.
I don't know if that's true - I certainly don't think he's he is. Some people here treat Peat as though he's to be blindly followed, too, which also doesn't make sense, either. Wanting to find out what a man thinks is not the same as thinking they are the messiah, last I checked.

He thinks that actually it is Prolactin that causes gyno, not Estradiol. Go figure.
I was under the impression prolactin had a bit to do with mammary function - does it not affect their size too?

thinks that low vitamin D is caused by alkaline blood and can't be fixed with sunlight or D3 supplements
Wouldn't surprise me if there are more factors at play in low vit D, so just supplementing may not be the whole answer. You know there is evidence that sometimes sunlight does not raise it. Do you have reason to believe it's completely unrelated to pH? I know others have also suggested vit D supplements tend to be more useful when people are unbalanced in acid direction.

I'm sure some of his claims can't even found in text books.
He doesn't say they all are. Just some of them.

Yes we get it, Gbol is a revolutionary like Semmelweis, Galileo and Einstein.
That's not what I read in Xisca's post. The message I got was that just because you don't understand something, in itself, doesn't prove whether it is right or wrong.

I hate certitude.
Yeah, I have a problem with that, too. Plus lots of rudeness and name-calling and I think a bit of oversimplifying and misrepresenting Peat.

“Once we accept that knowledge is tentative, and that we are probably going to improve our knowledge in important ways when we learn more about the world, we are less likely to reject new information that conflicts with our present ideas. The attitude of expectancy will allow us to apply insights gained at one level of generality to other levels. No particular kind of knowledge will have such authority that it will automatically exclude certain possibilities in another field of knowledge.” -Ray Peat

Well in my opinion this is not a good comparison since these people challenged existing dogmas with coherent theories that were already supported by evidence. Gbol doesn't have any evidence, at least he doesn't show it to us. His theory is just an unorganized collection of unsupported singular statements glued together by his insistence that everything is relative. And lots of angry insults of course. So how can you compare the people here to contemporaries of Semelweis and Galileo, if there is no one like that here to react to?
Seems there are people who feel entitled to demand that other people do a lot of work for them, and feel entitled to attack them if they don't do it.
I don't like the anger and insults in either direction.
But how do you discuss an idea if the proponent of the idea refuses any critical discussion and constantly refers to common knowledge and his data that no one can evaluate? There was no basis for discussion since every question that could start a discussion was perceived as a threatening attack or heresy.
If you are seriously interested in engaging him in mutually consenting discussion, you could start by getting a grounding in the common knowledge, for instance by reading some text books in the field of common interest, so that you can have a meaningful conversation. Demanding that he start by educating you at that level, while under constant attack, isn't necessarily the most courteous and inviting approach.

I saw Gbold relentlessly attacked by Peaters with no consequences. Not saying who's right, who's wrong. But vitriol in this forum is very cultish.
I've seen this too. And I've also seen gbolduev repeatedly attacking people. That some of it is frustration and retaliation doesn't make it OK.
Personally, I'd like to see all the attacks in both directions stop, the attacking posts be deleted, and the actual discussion be able to continue, in quarantine if need be to keep it from disrupting other parts of the forum.

How do you know the guy has real people that etc etc?
How do we know you do?
You have a place for us to check this out?
How do we know anything about most people who post here?
Use caution about anything you read on the Internet, especially before trusting your life on it.

I don't see why would he covet attention.
Attributing such intentions is rude.

And they say "studies are no good."
Studies are useful for some purposes, and not for others. My kids, at this stage, are not going to learn much by reading studies. Studies are no good for that.
In physiology, you have to understand enough of the context to be able to make sense of them, otherwise they are no good to you. And some of the studies are not well conducted, and therefore don't yield reliable conclusions. And you have to know a bit before you can tell that. So in those senses, they are sometimes no good.

I just picked up Chinese takeout for lunch a bit ago and this was my fortune for today-

"In this world of contradiction, it's better to be merry than wise."

So I'm sticking with that. Happy October everyone!
Happy October. :)

I don't think he has malicious intent just some issues with frustration

For me the real issue in all this is not a disagreement with PEat it’s the why sign up here and stay if you don’t agree??
Do you think people should only sign up here if they already agree with everything Peat has already said?
I really value a lot of what I have learned from Peat, both in the area of fact and in attitude, but I assume (as Peat explicitly does himself) that he is not omniscient.
If the purpose of the forum is to learn about Peat's ideas, and to discuss how we can use the ideas, then what is important is not that no other ideas be allowed here, but that Peat's ideas not get swamped or too confused, and that we be careful with attribution, so that we don't accidentally make it look as though Peat thinks things that he has never said or written or thought. I certainly will understand Peat better in the context of other ideas compared and contrasted with his. I cannot have confidence in ideas that are presented in isolation, not allowing them to be challenged.
Some of the (at times quite aggressive) challenges people have made to gbolduev's ideas seem to me to show up some serious misunderstandings of Peat - either theirs or mine.

Doesn't guru mean teacher?
Peat is a teacher, and there is nothing wrong with being a teacher. There is a problem when people turn off their minds and blindly follow anyone, and Peat explicitly discourages people from doing that.
The guy does not claim to know everything, he has said things that makes me think that he doesn't even claim to be right about everything. He has open mindedness to new ideas and the possibility of his own ideas being wrong.


Sep 29, 2017
Seems there are people who feel entitled to demand that other people do a lot of work for them, and feel entitled to attack them if they don't do it.
I don't like the anger and insults in either direction.

Don't you realize how ridiculous this is? You are saying that people do not have to prove their own theories, and that it is up to the others to just understand them. Imagine Einstein or Galileo calling people entitled morons when they didn't blindly accept their new theories without demanding proof first. Gbold theories don't rest on common knowledge. Some of the basic singular statements he made were true, others were false. His referring to common knowledge was just a lame attempt to disguise the fact that people were asking him questions he didn't have any answers to. His simplistic theories on CO2, bicarbonate, and pH regulation suggest to me that it were not the others that needed basic education on simple biochemistry. If he's still reading here, I can highly recommend this page here to get a firm foundation for understanding acid-base balance.

Grogono's Acid-Base Tutorial

If you are seriously interested in engaging him in mutually consenting discussion, you could start by getting a grounding in the common knowledge, for instance by reading some text books in the field of common interest, so that you can have a meaningful conversation. Demanding that he start by educating you at that level, while under constant attack, isn't necessarily the most courteous and inviting approach.

I assume this comment wasn't directed towards me, since I never demanded anything from him. Even so, it sounds like you are just parroting Gbol. He also liked to tell people that it's not his job to explain to them what "everybody knows". Most people were not demanding basic education from him, they were asking him questions about his inadequate theories and were probably hoping for clarifications on his many contradictions. The simple fact that he not once responded to questions regarding which textbooks to read, should make it clear how much basic knowledge he holds. It is just absolutely mind boggling how people continue to vigorously defend a character that dogged every critical question directed at him. I remember one post where he finally cited a few studies...all of them from the same single Wikipedia page on CO2 toxicity. I almost fell of my chair laughing. It's just beyond me how someone like this can trick so many people into believing him to be some sort of highly educated specialist with ideas beyond comprehension.


Aug 15, 2015
Right? I had the same question. I always read his name in my mind as "Gold Bond," like that Medicated Powder.

Look at us! Avoiding gurus thru laziness and not paying attention!
Haha laziness is a stress reduction method that has almost always worked for me, especially at work with my passive aggressive boss :eek:


Mar 10, 2016
To be honest I don't know whether any of gbolduev's advice could have helped people but, for some people, just having the complication of a very differing opinion when they are on the site to pursue ray peat's opinion, can't be helpful.

Many of us will not agree with Peat on everything - for instance, I don't believe in taking aspirin - but we have to find our own ways of navigating our diets.

It's like in the book The Keeper, which probably no one here has heard of - the goalie points to a spot that the striker was not aiming for. It's not the wrong spot he's pointing to, but it messes with the striker's head, and so no goal is made at all.


Sep 1, 2017
@vulture, I am actually a licensed physical therapist in the State of California (PT28871). You can verify my license through the PTBC. I have no idea what form of language you are using because it was hard to decipher the attack. Not sure how crack came into the conversation? Are you judging me or the men who are paying their debt to society? I asked for an address because I send out information to my clients. You called me out dude, stating I don't have clients. I called you out, and now you mumble some gibberish about crack. What gives? I was even going to send you out a free logbook and tshirt. I was actually being super nice. You then attacked me. Holy s###!
Well, then I misunderstood the whole thing. Thought you where playing the tough guy here asking for an address. Anyway, I'm not gonna keep losing time with this goldduev topic, it has being pretty much a waste of time for me. BTW, I checked your license, seems right.

I was temporarily banned because I used a word that might sound racist or be too harsh, I didn't know that it was going to be that way, I even wasn't referring directly to someone. I'm not a native speaker neither I know your culture (U.S.A. / U.K.). But I still apologize for the inconvenient for you all if there was any offended person here for that.


Jul 31, 2015
My problem with Gbold is his lack of evidence and proof and his certitude. I hate certitude. Nobody knows anything so if someone is so certain of their views, that automatically certifies them as in-credible.
:rollingDid you really just say you hate certitude?:rofl
You didn't!:rollingredTell me you didn't:hahahaha
I hate certitude says one certain little hamster


Sep 28, 2016
:rollingDid you really just say you hate certitude?:rofl
You didn't!:rollingredTell me you didn't:hahahaha
I hate certitude says one certain little hamster
I think he meant that he hates it when people are overconfident in their opinion. Take what they say as fact instead of a possibility.


Jul 31, 2015
I think he meant that he hates it when people are overconfident in their opinion. Take what they say as fact instead of a possibility.
Hi Constatine, I of course agree that is what he meant, its very clear, but I also think you may have missed the irony of a guy (er hamster) that was so CERTAIN he new beyond a shadow of a doubt that someone else's views were so wrong headed and dangerous blah, blah and more hamster blah, etc, etc that he acted with complete certitude in getting someone banned because he didn't like their "certitude".:crazy:

ecstatichamster said:
"My problem with Gbold is his lack of evidence and proof and his certitude. I hate certitude. Nobody knows anything so if someone is so certain of their views, that automatically certifies them as in-credible."

Ok? Look, I can at least understand the authoritarian case for banning someone based on their disruption of the status quo, I don't agree with it but I get it. Blatant hypocrisy is something worthy of a little laughter however.


Sep 28, 2016
Hi Constatine, I of course agree that is what he meant, its very clear, but I also think you may have missed the irony of a guy (er hamster) that was so CERTAIN he new beyond a shadow of a doubt that someone else's views were so wrong headed and dangerous blah, blah and more hamster blah, etc, etc that he acted with complete certitude in getting someone banned because he didn't like their "certitude".:crazy:

ecstatichamster said:
"My problem with Gbold is his lack of evidence and proof and his certitude. I hate certitude. Nobody knows anything so if someone is so certain of their views, that automatically certifies them as in-credible."

Ok? Look, I can at least understand the authoritarian case for banning someone based on their disruption of the status quo, I don't agree with it but I get it. Blatant hypocrisy is something worthy of a little laughter however.
What was the reason Gbold was banned anyhow? Was it because of his views or the way he addressed others? I've not read too many of his posts.


Jul 31, 2015
What was the reason Gbold was banned anyhow? Was it because of his views or the way he addressed others? I've not read too many of his posts.
Oh well you missed the most fun we've had around here in a long time then! I think you're right on both counts, a little of each.

Charlie really had little choice but to ban him (which wasn't necessarily permanent) due to Gbolds undeniable at times, nastiness.

However, a proximate cause of Gbold losing it from time to time was the constant unrelenting attach of his detractors, a group whom he got under their skin and in the head of, to such an extent you could literally feel the panic and emotion on the forum.

You had your stock authoritarians, big fish small ponders, dyed in the wool ray peat as guru followers, paid SPLC political trolls, and a host of others basically going nuts. The fine Canadian ladies and ladies on islands off the coasts of Spains in that area ish did avail themselves extremely well I should point out.

Those with an agenda or otherwise dogmatic and inflexible just lost it man...major wreckage as in pick up the pieces time. One fine fellow set a record for passive aggressive dogged meatheadness that will never be broken.
Last edited:


Sep 28, 2016
Oh well you missed the most fun we've had around here in a long time then! I think you're right on both counts, a little of each.

Charlie really had little choice but to ban him (which wasn't necessarily permanent) due to Gbolds undeniable at times, nastiness.

However, a proximate cause of Gbold losing it from time to time was the constant unrelenting attach of his detractors, a group whom he got under their skin and in the head of, to such an extent you could literally feel the panic and emotion on the forum.

You had your stock authoritarians, big fish small ponders, dyed in the wool ray peat as guru followers, paid SPLC political trolls, and a host of others basically going nuts. The fine Canadian ladies and ladies on islands off the coasts of Spains in that area ish did avail themselves extremely well I should point out.

Those with an agenda or otherwise dogmatic and inflexible just lost it man...major wreckage as in pick up the pieces time. One fine fellow set a record for passive aggressive dogged meatheadness that will never be broken.
People don't like their ideas threatened. Whether you are right or wrong (according to your perspective) one should have an open mind and consider the other side with respect. Both Gbold and his critics settled to polarized sides instead of communicating productively it seems. Very unfortunate. I heard many pfs sufferers benefited from his ideas and although I disagree with him on many points he offered some good perspectives to the community.


Mar 30, 2015
Canary Spain
To be honest I don't know whether any of gbolduev's advice could have helped people
Yes, not could have, but just HAVE, and even apart from the pfs sufferers, who now made their own forum to go on their trials. They use some research but mainly do what a forum should be about: sharing personal success and failure BUT focussing on our personal context, so that it helps the right persons, instead of hurting the persons that canot profit of certain advises...
just having the complication of a very differing opinion when they are on the site to pursue ray peat's opinion, can't be helpful.
Yes it helps. We need the ant view and the eagle view at the same time.
What is complicated in life is that we are sooo similar, especially at physiological levels, that it is veeery difficult to get to know in what respect we are also sooo different!
It takes all life... So the sooner we understand this, the better we navigate in life!
:rollingDid you really just say you hate certitude?:rofl
he hates it when people are overconfident in their opinion.
or the way he addressed others?
The way he addressed others because of their repetitive ways of addressing him.
Whatever is your job or your expertise field, do you have time to summerize it in a forum? How long does it take to write a book? Therefore saying that Gb should have brought more than his own conclusion is irrelevant. When you ask children to wash their hands, you do not give them a lesson in bacteriology. And the reason I have no car is not because I do not understand how it works!
The fine Canadian ladies and ladies on islands off the coasts of Spains in that area ish did avail themselves extremely well I should point out.
Off the coasts of Morocco... Florida latitude, good Peatish fruits... Healthy goat dairy...
Both Gbold and his critics settled to polarized sides instead of communicating productively it seems.
Gbold was not so polarized... I have spent a few hours reading... Gbold does have a pendulation that is opposed to polarization. He did say a few times that Peat way of eating was good, but he said for what persons, and that is what is interresting!

A forum is about sharing our own experience in context. Only similar contextes will give similar results, and that is the difficulty. Some people do not even say if they are men or women! We do not know the age of who is speaking! We do not know who is fat or lean, who has an active life or not...


Sep 28, 2016
Gbold was not so polarized... I have spent a few hours reading... Gbold does have a pendulation that is opposed to polarization. He did say a few times that Peat way of eating was good, but he said for what persons, and that is what is interresting!
I'll have to read all his posts some time. His perspective is definitely interesting. Respecting context is a plus in my book.


Mar 30, 2015
Canary Spain
I'll have to read all his posts some time. His perspective is definitely interesting. Respecting context is a plus in my book.
Wise! That is why I had started to group his posts by themes.
I was not so happy with his answers to me, but did not get mad about it. I understood why he answered this way. Also, I do not read him only, but elsewhere and especially about Eck.
My main understanding was that it is not all about levels in the body, hormones or minerals etc, but it is about 2 other things:
- the body doing something on purpose to protect us from something that would be more detrimental.
-> we should not bypass this!
- and when you seem to lack a hormone, it can just be that the receptors are not sensitive. In that case, the more you add, the more the body becomes insensitive.
(at certain level you can compare with alcohol, when you have to take more in order to get the same result)

My personal clue is about having cortisol receptors not sensitive enough, and it corresponds to what I read also about my pancreas problems. I also found out that my body pains, that increased those last 2 years, can be not from the diagnosis of fibromyalgia I had, but from my lymphatic system!

What I want to say about not being happy about his answers is that it proved me he had no time to read well and answer. Really, he had no time, and only people's insistance forced him to respond. He said he was there for pfs people and had no time for more. And his answers to me where often out of context or not focussing on what I thought was the main point. How could I be angry because sb has no personal time for me? Or no time to write the book I would need?

Really, everybody that would look at her own life would find examples where reacting only when very necessary. Even a dog does this I remember a friend having a dog that would try to get her attention from her computer. He would succeed only when making a mess! She tried to ignore the mess, hoping he would stop, and thus he decided to bite her leg, just enough to be sure she HAD to react with anger. Parents also know how children do when they have not enough time...


Jan 6, 2015
Gbold recommended 40 days fast without even warning people about refeeding syndrome and possible consequences.

That can hurt people.

I could be a victim few years ago If I read this kind of advises.


Sep 28, 2016
Gbold recommended 40 days fast without even warning people about refeeding syndrome and possible consequences.

That can hurt people.

I could be a victim few years ago If I read this kind of advises.
Yeah thats pretty bad advice. Doesn't mean all his advice is bad though (or good). I'll form a more strong opinion on him when I have time.


Mar 17, 2017
I would hope anyone that embarks on a 40 day fast does more to prepare than just simply do it. I am actually doing it myself, being on day 22, and it is the first fast I have ever done. I have studied quite a bit, and it is one of the first things that comes up when researching... break the fast properly.

I actually question the reality of anyone actually undertaking a fast and not researching its mechanics and all the details. If you have the motivation to do an extended fast, it just doesn't make sense one would not read and prepare for breaking and beyond. If someone is that careless, then that is just natural selection, but again, the amount of willpower required to do an extended fast is trivial compared to what's required to plan and do it responsibly. I just don't see it happening in reality.
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