Your early Peat inspired diet vs. now

Mar 10, 2021
At first "Peating", 5 years ago, I didn't add in the white sugar or the milk. It was all about eliminating PUFA's and vegetables and getting in the liver. Now I drink lots of raw milk and use white sugar liberally. Adding in the sugar has seemingly cured my histamine intolerance, lack of PUFA's in my skin keeps my skin from sun burning (and I am a natural blonde) and drinking the milk has eliminated my teeth sensitivity.
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Mar 27, 2021
Started with lots of pasteurized skim milk and pre-packaged juices. Now I drink a lot of raw whole milk and squeeze my own juice (orange, tangerine, pineapple, etc). Not only have my temps gone up, my digestion has greatly improved.


Oct 8, 2021
San Diego
When I first found Ray, it was a struggle to ditch my Paleo diet (but I had major bloating and digestive issues + acne/ skin rashes, so I needed help). I was already drinking coffee with collagen and ghee. I had to learn to eat breakfast (to turn off Cortisol- now I look forward to waking up to eat). I added the carrot salad (now I rotate between long-cooked white button mushrooms). I started removing PUFA, but didn’t mind when I was eating out (now I avoid PUFA at all costs). I also slowly removed green veggies (now eat only roots). I added grass fed butter to sauté meals (still do and sometimes with Tallow). I also added Real Salt (brand) to my meals and upped my intake to 2-3 grams of salt a day. I started drinking OOJ (organic OJ) and now sometimes I drink the whole container in a day. I started eating organic fruit and now eat about 2-3 cups a day, depending on OOJ intake. I added the afternoon Adrenal cocktail (OOJ+ Coconut water + salt and tartar).
Also I was hesitant to add sugar into my diet- it was gradual but I slowly started incorporating it. Now I also add maple syrup in my coffee (with collagen and ghee), plus I have a teaspoon of raw honey with my nightly glucose beverage ;)

It was a mental struggle to consume 50% of daily calories from Carbs. It took awhile to stop demonizing Carbs, but I finally figured out that I felt better and my blood sugar stabilized (I’m no longer hypoglycemic). Now I have organic potatoes (yellow or purple), organic basmati rice and sometimes rice or cassava noodles.

I still struggle to find a great milk source- it’s the last hurdle.

Ever since switching to a Peat style diet, I have not been sick and I actually feel younger/ refreshed. My skin has cleared up from acne and blemishes and rashes. The inflammation in my body has gone down tremendously- I no longer feel like I am living in a puffy body.

P.S. I have to admit, Peat style eating is only half of it. The rest is lifestyle (daily sunshine + 30 min walking, strength training, grounding, tongue scraping/ oil pulling, red light) and a complete overhaul of environmental toxins (cleaning and laundry supplies, organic hair, face and body products, water filter and shower filter, no fake scents/candles, non-toxic type of pots and pans, no food or beverage in plastic, etc/ reference Estrogeneration Book). Its amazing- combine it all and it greatly improved/changed my life.


Aug 24, 2020
when i first started i came from paleo so i was eating a lot more meat and higher fat which led to weight gain once i started adding carbs back in (about 13 pounds which i have since lost) and i also ate more starch (potatoes mostly) but now my diet is based primarily around lower fat dairy and fruit, and then i have occasional meat, eggs. and shellfish. i also have some sourdough bread sometimes but i try to keep starch minimal.
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