Yeast overgrowth!…Candida…Need suggestions..


Sep 16, 2021
Did you find the megasporebiotic to be helpful against candida/overgrowth or gut health in general?
Not really. I found Elixa Probiotic | Ultra High Strength Probiotic to be much better and felt immediate relief and its histamine friendly.

I only took it few days cause I got my typical histamine symptoms from it pretty bad
I have read about people getting a histamine reaction on it. I also might think its the spores action against pathogens and in their die-off their is a sort of a herx reaction


Jun 8, 2021
Yeah, low fiber should also be considered. A high fiber diet can feed candida. It is a very tricky situation and really depends on the individual and how to approach it.
Its impossibly tricky. A low carb low protein low fiber diet ? I must admit I am a little worried that there is simply no hope in some severe circumstances. It's quite scary to be honest. Would be great to hear more from peat on the issue. Any experiences with an all milk diet to rest and heal the gut?


Jun 8, 2021
Not really. I found Elixa Probiotic | Ultra High Strength Probiotic to be much better and felt immediate relief and its histamine friendly.

I have read about people getting a histamine reaction on it. I also might think its the spores action against pathogens and in their die-off their is a sort of a herx reaction
What would be some histamine reactions to look out for when trying it? Would it be worth persevering if they are experienced or best to stop?


Sep 16, 2021
Its impossibly tricky. A low carb low protein low fiber diet ? I must admit I am a little worried that there is simply no hope in some severe circumstances. It's quite scary to be honest. Would be great to hear more from peat on the issue. Any experiences with an all milk diet to rest and heal the gut?
What would be some histamine reactions to look out for when trying it? Would it be worth persevering if they are experienced or best to stop?
Have you tried working with a naturopath or functional doctor that is experienced in candida or gut issues?
No, but the milk sugars feed good and bad bacteria. Colostrum would be a good choice because of the immunoglobulins and lactoferrin against candida. Preferably grass-fed unpasteurized milk. One could try to ferment the milk to kefir and make it into a probiotic bomb. My favourite type of probiotics. Though, the bad part is just that there is the possibility of getting candida kefyr in the gut. There is no winning sorry :sweatsmile: .


Sep 16, 2021
Red bumps, itchy skin, elevated heart rate. One should do a liver cleanse in the process or just start slow with spores so the body can adjust at its own pace.


Jun 8, 2021
There is no winning sorry :sweatsmile:
I hear that! Wouldn't pasteurised or even ultrapasteurised be safer due to having less bacteria? I've never been able to make sense of this.. Some say raw some say pasteurised ?


Feb 13, 2021
Bone broth fast + regular colonic hydrotherapy.

Refeed on honey/syrup after if concerned about leptin levels or thyroid function.


Sep 16, 2021
I hear that! Wouldn't pasteurised or even ultrapasteurised be safer due to having less bacteria? I've never been able to make sense of this.. Some say raw some say pasteurised ?
Yes if its from industrialised farming

Source Code

Mar 7, 2020
I have been having a a couple of drops of MB in some OJ, a while ago I ate 3g of niacinamine in one day and got rid of candida for a good few months. I eat gelatin pretty regularly so I think my serotonin is not too bad at the moment


May 13, 2015
So something I feel is not addressed very well in the forum is Yeast issues/overgrowth or what comes to mind for many: Candida.

I have the common white tongue and experience the usual symptoms most with this coating experience. Brain fog, bad breath, feeling off … I have read every post on this forum I could find regarding Candida and am not sure what conclusions to draw or where to even start. I’ve already tried most suggestions on this forum…

flowers of sulphur
High dose niacinamide/MB/Aspirin
Daily carrot salad
Antifungal herbs/supplements
and much more…

And dont get me wrong, they’ve helped, but only temporarily, and I can’t drink a single coke without a flare up, or a coffee with sugar/honey, or anything with sugar really.

I’m really open to suggestions or would like to hear from anyone who’s healed from this.

my temperature is always above 98.0 usually at 98.6 sometimes a little higher sometimes lower Than 98.6 but always above 98.0.

I eat the normal peaty foods
Organic fruits, grass fed beef, good quality milk, eggs, oysters, cheese, well cooked vegetables, coffee, gelatin/collagen, fat soluble vitamins.

so I’m at a loss and now that I’ve exhausted all my resources, I’m open to any suggestions advice whatever anyone’s got for me. Feel free to ask away if you need more info than what my post offers.

I just finished reading this little booklet and now I've found it (for free!) on line: The Alkalizing Benefits of Chlorine Dioxide (CLO2) in Human Health

If you scroll down about 1/3-1/2 way, he addresses candida. It's a technical read and a little over my head.

I don't have an issue with candida myself so I cannot attest that this works but I've spent some time learning about chlorine dioxide and it does seem to make sense (at least to me!). I've used it for other things and had good results.

If you are interested in learning more about chlorine dioxide, Andreas Kalcker has some videos that can be found on


May 1, 2017
borax baths daily( its an amazing antifungal)
approximately 1/4th box of 20 mule team borax in a bath every day

concentrace trace minerals boron daily, either in water or apply to skin and allow to soak in

id recommend trying carnivore but with copious amounts of coconut oil,maybe fat bombs with VCO and ideally grass fed beef,pastured eggs etc

aloe vera gel by mouth , very soothing to GI tract

Grapefruit seed extract in all beverages

Erythritol is a great alternative to sugar, its a sugar alcohol similar to xylitol,and it erodes biofilms

concentrace selenium, zinc
lugol's iodine
ideally magnesium oil/topical magnesium chloride

good luck, best of luck, i hope something helps
Jun 16, 2021
Candida is a kill kill kill situation. garlic , oregano oil , serrapeptase, wormwood , grapefuit seed extract , boron, one at a time and in rotation. coffee enemas and saline enemas or colonics to clean it all out. high vitamin c/with salt. go on a killing spree and then take a week off and eat some yogurt / kefir. then go back to the killing fields and take the antimicrobials above. I used to work with Dr Luc DeSchepper who is an expert on it - he had me make papaya.( with some of the seeds ) pineapple, parsley , psyllium shakes- one shake per am. and lots of buffered vit c for the die off. He also says, no fermented foods.


Apr 18, 2021
Candida is a kill kill kill situation. garlic , oregano oil , serrapeptase, wormwood , grapefuit seed extract , boron, one at a time and in rotation. coffee enemas and saline enemas or colonics to clean it all out. high vitamin c/with salt. go on a killing spree and then take a week off and eat some yogurt / kefir. then go back to the killing fields and take the antimicrobials above. I used to work with Dr Luc DeSchepper who is an expert on it - he had me make papaya.( with some of the seeds ) pineapple, parsley , psyllium shakes- one shake per am. and lots of buffered vit c for the die off. He also says, no fermented foods.
What is the papaya (+seeds), pineapple, parsley, psyllium shake for? I know bromelain & papain are enzymes that probably damage candida biofilm. Is that all?

What benefits do you notice from it?
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Jun 16, 2021
What is the papaya (+seeds), pineapple, parsley, psyllium shake for? I know bromelain & papain are enzymes that probably damage candida biofilm. Is that all?

What benefits do you notice from it?
yes papaya and pineapple for enzymes, the papaya seeds anti-parasitic, parsley has tons of chlorophyll and iodine and psyllium moves it all along. when i was doing those shakes , i would use small ammts of psyllium. the serrapeptase is the big guns for biofilm, in my experience.


Apr 19, 2020
Lots of great suggestions and experience. I had a bad case myself 2X in my life. Ist time 35 years ago, and luckily I found a Naturopath Dr in Oregon who helped my quickly. Nystatin to kill the yeast, and he had a great probiotic he was "growing". Scummy looking pondwater= basically 10-20 kinds of probacteria. So, yeah, as above, get a prescription for that or something similar, or do the natural style as danishstargazer suggested. And stay away from carbs/white flour/yeasts/fermented foods for a while. You will get better but you need to clean out/kill the baddies/repopulate the goodies in your guts. Colonic or enema surely can help. AND you need to learn to breath slowly, and relax. Seriously, what you describe is a most probably highly sympathetic nervous system dominant with high serotonin in the ol' guts. You can do it, just takes some effort and hopefully you can find some good support.


Aug 17, 2018
So something I feel is not addressed very well in the forum is Yeast issues/overgrowth or what comes to mind for many: Candida.

I have the common white tongue and experience the usual symptoms most with this coating experience. Brain fog, bad breath, feeling off … I have read every post on this forum I could find regarding Candida and am not sure what conclusions to draw or where to even start. I’ve already tried most suggestions on this forum…

flowers of sulphur
High dose niacinamide/MB/Aspirin
Daily carrot salad
Antifungal herbs/supplements
and much more…

And dont get me wrong, they’ve helped, but only temporarily, and I can’t drink a single coke without a flare up, or a coffee with sugar/honey, or anything with sugar really.

I’m really open to suggestions or would like to hear from anyone who’s healed from this.

my temperature is always above 98.0 usually at 98.6 sometimes a little higher sometimes lower Than 98.6 but always above 98.0.

I eat the normal peaty foods
Organic fruits, grass fed beef, good quality milk, eggs, oysters, cheese, well cooked vegetables, coffee, gelatin/collagen, fat soluble vitamins.

so I’m at a loss and now that I’ve exhausted all my resources, I’m open to any suggestions advice whatever anyone’s got for me. Feel free to ask away if you need more info than what my post offers.

Look into turpentine and the work of Dr.Daniels. Also, I find camphosal to be good against parasite and endotoxins.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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