Treatment For Fungus/yeast/candida? Help Plz


Nov 16, 2019
I know there's a lot of debate and general information on Candida & yeast issues on this forum already but there's just so much to scroll through and if anyone has anything to share that they haven't already then maybe this thread will have been worth making.

I have been dealing with some sort of infection for a little over a year now (have made at least 2 threads already regarding it) not knowing whether it's bacterial, viral, parasitic or a yeast infection I'm now suspecting yeast/candida. I had considered it for some time based on my symptoms compared to others but after undoing all the progress made over the last few months with my symptoms following a short course of penicillin(stopped after a couple of days because I was feeling so rough) I am now more inclined to believe it is a yeast issue. Following the idea that the bacteria keep the yeast in check & antibiotics remove the competition and allow the yeast to flourish, I have a also started to see white furry stuff on my stool.

Seems plausible to me that I have a fungal issue, I'm just not sure what to do about it. I have some wormwood, black walnut & clove on hand that I initially bought because I though I had a parasite but I've read it is effective against fungus. I know ray recommends flowers of sulphur but I've seen a couple of people with fungal issues post it doing not a lot for them. Pharmaceutical things like nystatin might be an option but not sure about safety yet and getting hold of it might be a pain for me, I imagine gp would laugh if I said I think I have a fungal issue.


Jan 25, 2014
I know ray recommends flowers of sulphur but I've seen a couple of people with fungal issues post it doing not a lot for them.

Yeah, but did you try it?

I would certainly experiment with Ray's suggestions before just taking someone else's word that it doesn't work. Especially with something as cheap/simple/safe as this.


Forum Supporter
Jul 8, 2014
Check this out:

All - MMS Testimonials - Master Mineral Solution, Miracle Mineral Solution

There are many posted testimonials on candida and fungus. I know of a man that was exposed to black mold that almost killed him. He took MMS (chlorine dioxide) and got well. I use four activated drops of MMS daily for oral health, and after rinsing, I swallow it as a preventative against COVID-19. I analyzed the material safety data sheet on chlorine dioxide and even at 24 activated drops per day ('protocol 1000', three activated drops every hour for 8 hours), the amount is only 0.83% of the LD50, compare that to the LD50 of table salt (240 g for an 80 kg adult) and the RDA of 1.5 g, gives 0.61% of the LD50 of table salt. Do not take together with vitamin C.


Jan 14, 2016
I have seen multiple naturopathic doctors advocating the use of either oregano oil or turpentine for parasites and yeast. You can look into those options if others have failed you.

The "original" turpentine protocol was created by Jennifer Daniels. You can likely Google alternative protocols for turpentine as well. You can also Google a starting point for the oregano oil dose/usage if that option interests you more.

Both turpentine and oregano oil can be super irritating to the gut if used in too high of doses or for too long, so exercise caution if you decide to explore either.


Jun 16, 2015
Caprylic acid but start small and work up or you'll be running to the toilet.


How frequent are your bowel movements?
Do you often have cold hands and/or feet?
Apr 22, 2019
This is where Jennifer Daniel's "candida cleaner report" that was mentioned by @mmb82 can be downloaded:

The Candida Cleaner Report

This is something I wrote not long ago that might offer some insight:

The Most OVERLOOKED Peat Quote

This post by @Amazoniac on using milk, fruit, and fiber to feed gut bacteria can be used after the tongue is clean and bowel movements no longer smell to permanently remove remaining SIBO problems that fruit, herbs, castor oil, and turpentine don't expel.

"When A Turk's Bowels Move Less Than Three Times A Day, He Consults A Physician."

They have to be given the food they want in order for them to move along down the intestine. Herbal warfare works for some stuff, but to really remedy SIBO, I believe (based on experience) that a person won't find permanent resolve by repeatedly attacking the bad guys. Maybe this is where people see benefit from pharmaceutical antibiotics, because they're so much stronger than herbals, but the antibiotics always run a risk of collateral damage.


Nov 16, 2019
How frequent are your bowel movements?
Do you often have cold hands and/or feet?
Never have cold hands of feet. I do remember going through a bit of a cold hand phase when I was low ish carb/low calories carnie days but I also had tendon issues in my wrists and thumbs so at the time I put it down to that and it probably did play a role there.

I was reading your post on transit time the other day and I seem very similar to you- 1 everyday, sometimes two, if something causes upset I'll skip a day. I differ though at fiber seemingly being really helpful for improving my transit time and bulk, specifically dates, bananas and even swapping out meat meals for beans initially were the changes I made to my prior diet of just milk, meat and juice where my stool was small and clumpy, hard to pass and would frequently skip a day or even 2 on occasion. I did have some inital unpleasant symptoms introducing the fiber though;muscle aching, severe mood issues, probably some intestinal discomfort & probably more I'm forgetting. I assumed the fiber was feeding some microbes that were giving me issues but I persisted because upon consumption of these new plant foods I felt much better(before the microbes had time to feed) whereas with my high animal based diet I was feeling sluggish and blocked up. After a period of adjustment, aided by some oregano oil and Maybe some other stuff i'm forgetting, I was doing the best I had in maybe years(digestion/elimination/mood/sleep/energy). I'm assuming I built a more balanced flora, keeping pathogens at bay until I tried these recent antibiotics and feel like I've taken several steps back - I'm having diarrhoea and constipation in the same movement, yesterday was the first day I skipped a bowel movement in weeks maybe months, seeing what looks like fungus on stools as well as mood and energy plummeted & the dreaded nightmares back in full swing. In hindsight I really should have thought a bit more about jumping on the antibiotics, I was just so relieved that a doctor had finally said they could do something for me after months of being told there's nothing wrong with me that I jumped at the chance.

Sorry for the long winded reply, was probably a little more than you asked for lol


Nov 16, 2019
I have seen multiple naturopathic doctors advocating the use of either oregano oil or turpentine for parasites and yeast. You can look into those options if others have failed you.

The "original" turpentine protocol was created by Jennifer Daniels. You can likely Google alternative protocols for turpentine as well. You can also Google a starting point for the oregano oil dose/usage if that option interests you more.

Both turpentine and oregano oil can be super irritating to the gut if used in too high of doses or for too long, so exercise caution if you decide to explore either.
I've tried oregano oil, it seemed to do wonders after my first weeks course but trying it again post antibiotics I'm not noticing much. Turpentine sounds scary lol but maybe I'll look into it more at some point. Thanks for the recommendations tho


Nov 16, 2019
This is where Jennifer Daniel's "candida cleaner report" that was mentioned by @mmb82 can be downloaded:

The Candida Cleaner Report

This is something I wrote not long ago that might offer some insight:

The Most OVERLOOKED Peat Quote

This post by @Amazoniac on using milk, fruit, and fiber to feed gut bacteria can be used after the tongue is clean and bowel movements no longer smell to permanently remove remaining SIBO problems that fruit, herbs, castor oil, and turpentine don't expel.

"When A Turk's Bowels Move Less Than Three Times A Day, He Consults A Physician."

They have to be given the food they want in order for them to move along down the intestine. Herbal warfare works for some stuff, but to really remedy SIBO, I believe (based on experience) that a person won't find permanent resolve by repeatedly attacking the bad guys. Maybe this is where people see benefit from pharmaceutical antibiotics, because they're so much stronger than herbals, but the antibiotics always run a risk of collateral damage.
Hey, I've found a lot of your posts on your experiences really interesting. I probably need to have another scan through as some of it might be more relevant to me now with my current understanding of my situation, it's hard enough to work out what it is I'm dealing with let alone the best way to treat it.


Nov 16, 2019
Yeah, but did you try it?

I would certainly experiment with Ray's suggestions before just taking someone else's word that it doesn't work. Especially with something as cheap/simple/safe as this.
You're right, I shouldn't be so quick to write it off.
Caprylic acid but start small and work up or you'll be running to the toilet.
Thanks for the suggestion, I'll look into it.


Nov 16, 2019
*update - started taking s boulardii yesterday, massive turnaround in mood and energy. Appetite was through the roof last night after third dose, particularly for starch. I assume the s boulardii wanted feeding so I fed it well - 400g of beans, 5 bananas & I was craving rice after all that but it was too late to cook again. Lots of gass & gurgling but woke up refreshed with no traumatic nightmares to recall (which have been bothering me for the last year or so nearly every night apart from a few weeks prior to antibiotic use). The upper stomach pain that's been bothering me has reduced like 50% since yesterday which makes me hopeful as I was starting to worry I had an ulcer. The question is what does this mean? Is the s boulardii out competing some kind of pathogen that'd been irritating my stomach & God knows what else? Can fungus live in the stomach or is something like h pylori more likely? Efficacy and safety of the probiotic Saccharomyces boulardii for the prevention and therapy of gastrointestinal disorders this article even talks about s boulardii being effective for decreasing symptoms in parasitic infections so that could still be possible.


Apr 22, 2019
I know there's a lot of debate and general information on Candida & yeast issues on this forum already but there's just so much to scroll through and if anyone has anything to share that they haven't already then maybe this thread will have been worth making.

I have been dealing with some sort of infection for a little over a year now (have made at least 2 threads already regarding it) not knowing whether it's bacterial, viral, parasitic or a yeast infection I'm now suspecting yeast/candida. I had considered it for some time based on my symptoms compared to others but after undoing all the progress made over the last few months with my symptoms following a short course of penicillin(stopped after a couple of days because I was feeling so rough) I am now more inclined to believe it is a yeast issue. Following the idea that the bacteria keep the yeast in check & antibiotics remove the competition and allow the yeast to flourish, I have a also started to see white furry stuff on my stool.

Seems plausible to me that I have a fungal issue, I'm just not sure what to do about it. I have some wormwood, black walnut & clove on hand that I initially bought because I though I had a parasite but I've read it is effective against fungus. I know ray recommends flowers of sulphur but I've seen a couple of people with fungal issues post it doing not a lot for them. Pharmaceutical things like nystatin might be an option but not sure about safety yet and getting hold of it might be a pain for me, I imagine gp would laugh if I said I think I have a fungal issue.

Flowers of sulphur has done nothing for my thrush.

Based Kantian

Sep 5, 2020
Sulphur soap, salycilic acid (or aspirin), niacinamide, vinegar, and methylene blue combined with red light are some safe antifungals to try topically
Jun 23, 2020
Sulphur soap, salycilic acid (or aspirin), niacinamide, vinegar, and methylene blue combined with red light are some safe antifungals to try topically

How would one apply these topically, all together or separate. And for example Niacinamide, would it just be in a water solution or oil? Vinegar seems like an obvious thing to rinse with afterwards.

Based Kantian

Sep 5, 2020
How would one apply these topically, all together or separate. And for example Niacinamide, would it just be in a water solution or oil? Vinegar seems like an obvious thing to rinse with afterwards.
I think mixxing the aspirin and niacinamide in water would be fine. If you expect to keep the solution for more than a week or so you'll have to add some alcohol to prevent it getting moldy. Caffeine also has some antifungal action, so something like Solban would be helpful. For methylene blue to be used as an antifungal, the affected skin should be stained and then exposed to red light. Sulfur soap is probably the single most effective thing that's safe

Dave Clark

Jun 2, 2017
Mercury feeds fungal growth, in a matter of speaking, it is a complex issue. By using the best known (and unknown) chelator of Hg, which is NBMI, or what is now known as Emeramide, you can fix a lot of things that cause fungal growth to proliferate. For more on that, look up Dr. Boyd Haley, who developed this compound.


Jan 27, 2021
Never have cold hands of feet. I do remember going through a bit of a cold hand phase when I was low ish carb/low calories carnie days but I also had tendon issues in my wrists and thumbs so at the time I put it down to that and it probably did play a role there.

I was reading your post on transit time the other day and I seem very similar to you- 1 everyday, sometimes two, if something causes upset I'll skip a day. I differ though at fiber seemingly being really helpful for improving my transit time and bulk, specifically dates, bananas and even swapping out meat meals for beans initially were the changes I made to my prior diet of just milk, meat and juice where my stool was small and clumpy, hard to pass and would frequently skip a day or even 2 on occasion. I did have some inital unpleasant symptoms introducing the fiber though;muscle aching, severe mood issues, probably some intestinal discomfort & probably more I'm forgetting. I assumed the fiber was feeding some microbes that were giving me issues but I persisted because upon consumption of these new plant foods I felt much better(before the microbes had time to feed) whereas with my high animal based diet I was feeling sluggish and blocked up. After a period of adjustment, aided by some oregano oil and Maybe some other stuff i'm forgetting, I was doing the best I had in maybe years(digestion/elimination/mood/sleep/energy). I'm assuming I built a more balanced flora, keeping pathogens at bay until I tried these recent antibiotics and feel like I've taken several steps back - I'm having diarrhoea and constipation in the same movement, yesterday was the first day I skipped a bowel movement in weeks maybe months, seeing what looks like fungus on stools as well as mood and energy plummeted & the dreaded nightmares back in full swing. In hindsight I really should have thought a bit more about jumping on the antibiotics, I was just so relieved that a doctor had finally said they could do something for me after months of being told there's nothing wrong with me that I jumped at the chance.

Sorry for the long winded reply, was probably a little more than you asked for lol
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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