Why someone look like this?


Feb 13, 2021

Why despite low bf, some people have no bones in their face, their whole skeleton is frail, small and other people have big robust skeleton, big jawline and are masculines.​

What make a bad genetic? Small wrists, narrow shoulders, head, neck girlish voice, shynes and what make a strong one? Big jaw, head, neck, overall good look and intimidating.
This are exemples.
The first 2 vs 2 last 2.
What make that?
Testosteron? Dht? Just overall strong bone genetic? But what give that genetic? And what can you do if your face at low bf doesn t have any bones like the first 2.
Life is unfair..


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Jul 31, 2020
a combination of genes, conditions in the womb and health during puberty.

the victimism and self pity you can find in those looksmaxxing sites are pathetic ngl.


Feb 12, 2020
Quality Breastmilk at least 1 year, then being fed nutritious organic food, healthy and mentally stable euthyroid parents, lots of sunlight, not being allergic to food/the polluted air growing up so you’re breathing through the nose, not growing up in a moldy apartment. If one ticks all those boxes I believe in most cases they’d be decent looking

I was watching this documentary about this African tribe and they’re quite beautiful people with strong built faces. Blood, milk not much else

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Feb 20, 2013
A high calorie, high saturated fat, high carbohydrate, high calcium intake combined with low PUFA, low carotene, and low fiber will increase thyroid function, lower serotonin, and lower prolactin. This results in a highly anabolic environment that builds bone and muscle. Just increasing metabolism is counterproductive. You also have to increase calories, carbs, saturated fat to provide the energy to sustain the high metabolism. Taking thyroid while at the same time restricting food intake will simply increase stress hormones. I think a diet based on red meat, milk, butter, refined starches and even refined sugars or honey is a good start. Forget about supplements or hormones. I have tried many supplements and hormones such as vitamin K2, D, progesterone, DHEA etc. They may help you feel better temporarily but as soon as you stop them you go back to your normal metabolism. You have to stimulate your metabolism through food to make your body increase it's thyroid and hormone production.


Mar 13, 2021
The first one looks like it could be Marfan syndrome. Especially if the wrists are thin as you mention.


Feb 13, 2021
A high calorie, high saturated fat, high carbohydrate, high calcium intake combined with low PUFA, low carotene, and low fiber will increase thyroid function, lower serotonin, and lower prolactin. This results in a highly anabolic environment that builds bone and muscle. Just increasing metabolism is counterproductive. You also have to increase calories, carbs, saturated fat to provide the energy to sustain the high metabolism. Taking thyroid while at the same time restricting food intake will simply increase stress hormones. I think a diet based on red meat, milk, butter, refined starches and even refined sugars or honey is a good start. Forget about supplements or hormones. I have tried many supplements and hormones such as vitamin K2, D, progesterone, DHEA etc. They may help you feel better temporarily but as soon as you stop them you go back to your normal metabolism. You have to stimulate your metabolism through food to make your body increase it's thyroid and hormone production.
after 18 you can change something about your bone structure ? because i lift for like 3 years and eat good and no changes..


Feb 20, 2013
after 18 you can change something about your bone structure ? because i lift for like 3 years and eat good and no changes..
I know that people can look radically different within months if they do things right. Just google before and after pictures of "steroids, thyroid, keto, veganism, fasting".
You can see that peoples faces can change completely as a result of changing their diet or hormonal profile. You just have to create an anabolic environment within your body to build bone and muscle. Ray Peat wrote about how thyroid, progesterone and androgens are bone building hormones. Estrogen, cortisol and prolactin break down bones. It's simple. The best way to do that is a high calorie, high saturated fat, high carbohydate and high calcium intake. Not eating too many vegetables, especially brightly colored fruits and vegetables is also improtant in my opinion. Too much carotene blocks thyroid function. Too much fiber feeds gut bacteria which increase endotoxin and serotonin. For example: White potatoes are better than sweet potatoes (carotene). White rice is better than brown rice (PUFA and fiber). Red meat is better than chicken (zinc and iron). Whole milk is better than skim milk (saturated fat).
What do you mean by eating good? It would be helpful if you would outline what you diet looks like.


Feb 20, 2013
I find this thread highly interesting: My Starch Free And Zero Fiber Experiment | Ray Peat Forum

The guy replaced potatoes with simple sugars like fruit juice and honey and improved his hormonal status. So simply lowering fiber can cause massive changes in how you feel, look and function. I am not saying potatoes are bad. You have to experiment for yourself how they make you feel. Eating potatoes a few times a week feels good to me. But eating potatoes twice a day makes me feel depressed and lowers my libido. Potatoes do contain a lot of fiber which can increase endotoxin and serotonin. White rice is a better starch since it contains almost no fiber.


Feb 23, 2020
A high calorie, high saturated fat, high carbohydrate, high calcium intake combined with low PUFA, low carotene, and low fiber will increase thyroid function, lower serotonin, and lower prolactin. This results in a highly anabolic environment that builds bone and muscle. Just increasing metabolism is counterproductive. You also have to increase calories, carbs, saturated fat to provide the energy to sustain the high metabolism. Taking thyroid while at the same time restricting food intake will simply increase stress hormones. I think a diet based on red meat, milk, butter, refined starches and even refined sugars or honey is a good start. Forget about supplements or hormones. I have tried many supplements and hormones such as vitamin K2, D, progesterone, DHEA etc. They may help you feel better temporarily but as soon as you stop them you go back to your normal metabolism. You have to stimulate your metabolism through food to make your body increase it's thyroid and hormone production.
If I have issues with starches and I would like to not overconsuming fiber, What options do I have for carbohydrates? Just juice and honey?


Jan 6, 2019
The second guy improved his looks quite a bit with oral posture & puberty:


Nomane Euger

Sep 22, 2020
I know that people can look radically different within months if they do things right. Just google before and after pictures of "steroids, thyroid, keto, veganism, fasting".
You can see that peoples faces can change completely as a result of changing their diet or hormonal profile. You just have to create an anabolic environment within your body to build bone and muscle. Ray Peat wrote about how thyroid, progesterone and androgens are bone building hormones. Estrogen, cortisol and prolactin break down bones. It's simple. The best way to do that is a high calorie, high saturated fat, high carbohydate and high calcium intake. Not eating too many vegetables, especially brightly colored fruits and vegetables is also improtant in my opinion. Too much carotene blocks thyroid function. Too much fiber feeds gut bacteria which increase endotoxin and serotonin. For example: White potatoes are better than sweet potatoes (carotene). White rice is better than brown rice (PUFA and fiber). Red meat is better than chicken (zinc and iron). Whole milk is better than skim milk (saturated fat).
What do you mean by eating good? It would be helpful if you would outline what you diet looks like.
Is there any commonly consume fruit by those who follow ray meats work that’s not rich in carotènes?


Feb 20, 2013
If I have issues with starches and I would like to not overconsuming fiber, What options do I have for carbohydrates? Just juice and honey?
You can add honey or sugar to milk. It's quite tasty, like drinking a milk-shake. Ice cream or chocolate are also options. I eat white Sourdough bread with butter and honey. Many people tolerate sourdough bread fine while normal supermarket bread gives them digestive issues. I would be careful with fruit juice. Some fruits are very high in carotenes such as orange juice. This qoute by Ray is interesting:
“I avoid carotene, because it blocks thyroid and steroid production, and very large, excessive, amounts of vitamin A, retinol, can do the same.”

These starches are what I use: white rice, white bread and white spelt. White sourdough bread or pasta made from white spelt flour. You have to experiment what makes you feel good. Combining starches with butter or coconut oil may change how you react to them. Some people do great with butter, but coconut oil gives them issues. Also the more stimulating and tasteful the food is, the better your digestion will be. So just eating what you find the most delicious is often the most metabolically stimulating.


Jul 29, 2014
Read the Weston Price book "Nutrition and Physical Degeneration".

Price noticed that people eating more traditional diets with lots of micro-nutrients had better facial structure and almost no dental caries. It's a great book and he gives lots of examples of people from different cultures around the world with different diets.


Feb 20, 2013
Is there any commonly consume fruit by those who follow ray meats work that’s not rich in carotènes?
Apples (peeled), pears, bananas, blueberries, cherries, cranberries, dates, grapes, lychees, raspberries, strawberries contain very little carotene.
I think excessive carotene is a huge factor why many people become hypothyroid. That's why orange juice is not optimal. I don't know why Ray Peat recommends drinking orange juice instead of other fruit juice. He said himself that carotenes block thyroid and steroid production.


Jan 15, 2016
One can make some fairly radical changes in appearance in a rather short amount of time if you have the luxury to dedicate yourself to such a task, so in every case there is always a better you, but it is important for you to be patient with yourself and to not neglect your mental well being. I know I personally look younger than I did more than 7 years ago by adapting to a high metabolic diet, even though I definitely don't fill any kind of "ideal", improving my well being allowed me to be more confident and accepting of myself. I think it's important for you to try and embrace the uniqueness of who you are, while pacing yourself in how you imagine you should be.

With that said.. you have the answer to your question, life is unfair. I'm guessing most people will completely ignore that, but it is the fundamental truth, that so much of who we are is influenced by factors outside of our control, and that we can end up spending so much of our energy in attempting to regain some semblance of stability. There is a reason why I firmly believe that having a child is anything but personal, and a question of morality in a world filled with so much need.. so many that need to recover, and with what resources? How do we provide the nutrition and environment that every single child deserves to have?


Feb 13, 2021
I under
One can make some fairly radical changes in appearance in a rather short amount of time if you have the luxury to dedicate yourself to such a task, so in every case there is always a better you, but it is important for you to be patient with yourself and to not neglect your mental well being. I know I personally look younger than I did more than 7 years ago by adapting to a high metabolic diet, even though I definitely don't fill any kind of "ideal", improving my well being allowed me to be more confident and accepting of myself. I think it's important for you to try and embrace the uniqueness of who you are, while pacing yourself in how you imagine you should be.

With that said.. you have the answer to your question, life is unfair. I'm guessing most people will completely ignore that, but it is the fundamental truth, that so much of who we are is influenced by factors outside of our control, and that we can end up spending so much of our energy in attempting to regain some semblance of stability. There is a reason why I firmly believe that having a child is anything but personal, and a question of morality in a world filled with so much need.. so many that need to recover, and with what resources? How do we provide the nutrition and environment that every single child deserves to have?
I understand, but the problem here is, i want to grow bones.
Big jaw, mandible, zygos bcs that is what every good looking man have.
And idk how


Feb 12, 2020
Apples (peeled), pears, bananas, blueberries, cherries, cranberries, dates, grapes, lychees, raspberries, strawberries contain very little carotene.
I think excessive carotene is a huge factor why many people become hypothyroid. That's why orange juice is not optimal. I don't know why Ray Peat recommends drinking orange juice instead of other fruit juice. He said himself that carotenes block thyroid and steroid production.
Because of convenience and nutrient density. Compare apple juice to fresh squeezed orange juice- vitamin C, b1, folate , mag, potassium, a good glucose:fructose ratio. Meanwhile apple juice is fructose water. Oranges have a lot going for them, too bad for the carotene. I think blood oranges are colored by anthocyanins. OP shouldn't be discouraged from eating a variaty of nutrient dense food just because of pigments, he needs folate for his mental health. It's either gonna come from leaves or liver. For me personally, a diet such as the one you proposed rich in refined starch/sugar, butterfat and milk would be a fast track to metabolic syndrome and becoming ugly


I under

I understand, but the problem here is, i want to grow bones.
Big jaw, mandible, zygos bcs that is what every good looking man have.
And idk how
I saw the pictures of you in your other post. There is nothing wrong with your appearance, you actually look quite good. My friend, you have got to get to a mental place where you feel comfortable in your own skin and enjoy the life you have been given instead of obsessing over appearance. Again, saw your pics and there is not a damn thing wrong with you that will stop you from having a great life. You must Triumph over any insecurities you may have and leave them behind you in the dust and find a way to be confident in your abilities and stop physically comparing yourself to others.

I actually have pretty much the same super lean thin type body you have, just shy of 6 feet tall and very muscular on a thinner frame with smaller bone structure and wrists. I always had a ton of super strength in spite of a slender frame. At 18 I weighed 140lbs with a 28 inch waist. Now I weight 180lbs with a 32 inch waist. I feel confident, strong and powerful and look great even now at 60 years old . The battle for you is not changing your physical outlook , but your mental outlook.
Your very sanity, your mental health is at risk if you continue feeding this unproductive priority of obsessive behavior over changing your appearance.
You somehow came to a place where you perceive yourself as inadequate in appearance. You are certainly wrong about that. As you age, you may indeed find you have a genetic advantage because of your body type.
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Oct 6, 2020
One can make some fairly radical changes in appearance in a rather short amount of time if you have the luxury to dedicate yourself to such a task, so in every case there is always a better you, but it is important for you to be patient with yourself and to not neglect your mental well being. I know I personally look younger than I did more than 7 years ago by adapting to a high metabolic diet, even though I definitely don't fill any kind of "ideal", improving my well being allowed me to be more confident and accepting of myself. I think it's important for you to try and embrace the uniqueness of who you are, while pacing yourself in how you imagine you should be.

With that said.. you have the answer to your question, life is unfair. I'm guessing most people will completely ignore that, but it is the fundamental truth, that so much of who we are is influenced by factors outside of our control, and that we can end up spending so much of our energy in attempting to regain some semblance of stability. There is a reason why I firmly believe that having a child is anything but personal, and a question of morality in a world filled with so much need.. so many that need to recover, and with what resources? How do we provide the nutrition and environment that every single child deserves to have?

Very good question, i'm afraid that barely anyone had the ideal environment and it went like that for many many generations causing alot of unhappy people. While we can't all be beautiful topmodels, i think the ratio between the amount of good looking people and the unfortunates is increasing. The gap becomes wider the more manmade destruction we bring upon nature and the very soil on which we grow our food from and the genetic damaging environment we put ourself in.

Having children ... tough decision ... and providing the neccesary nutrition/environment is even harder.

I understand, but the problem here is, i want to grow bones.
Big jaw, mandible, zygos bcs that is what every good looking man have.
And idk how

That does not sound like you understood what she ment at all ...

You should improve your well being both trough a good diet, lifestyle and a proper social life. I guarantee you, no amount of muscle or bones will make you happy.
You can workout and read on what bones need to grow, incorporate it into the diet/workouts and let it be, dont define your life, personality or happiness solely on your bone structure/mass.

Find out what kind of man you want to be (not just from a superficial standpoint), what skills, traits, habits, interests and goals do you want to have? If it realy is just the bones that you've been missing ... then your already very lucky ...

Adapt a calm and loving attitude towards yourself and mind the thoughts you have about yourself. Stoicism may be interesting to look up.
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