Why Is There So Much Soluble Fibre In Human Breast Milk?


May 3, 2015
Stuart said:
Trillions of gut bacteria having their 20 minute life, during which they play their individually miniscule, but as part of the colonic symphony of bacterial fermentation, an achingly beautiful chorus of signalling pathways

Have you worked out what has happened?

Stuart said:
The gut bacteria that eat the oligosaccarhides on the other hand, have potent signaling mechanisms. Particularly, and probably most spectacularly, directly to the brain. The gut/brain axis has been known about for 20 years.

Stuart the human has eaten so much soluble fibre that his colonic bacteria have taken over his brain entirely.
It is actually the colonic bacteria talking to us:

Stuart said:
Sounds like human ego stuffing things up again.

Stuart said:
Actually I think human's generally seem to behave like sheep in their ideas, including their dietary principles.

We are encouraged to listen to the wisdom of the bacteria, whose culture is much older than that of humans:

Stuart said:
Gut bacteria evolved milenia before land animals even existed. Humans were millions of years in the future.

We are told the bacteria come in peace, and are keen to trade:

Stuart said:
One of the things I didn't mention is that one of the major reasons keeping your gut bacteria well fed is that they will reward you with copious amounts of SFCA's (short chain fatty acids)

Stuart said:
the good bacteria will control the pathogenic ones

But the reality is... they want to control your mind:
Stuart said:
So many physiological functions are mediated by the colon microbiota. You really don't want them to just 'survive' . You want them to thrive.

Their final agenda?
Stuart said:
Perhaps we all agree that every human is mostly bacteria


Mar 29, 2014
EnoreeG said:
RBTI still allows one to play with wheat and dairy, two categories that turn out to be disaster for many people.
Have you studied RBTI? I have only a superficial idea of it. My understanding was that Reams was not into eating lots of wheat (I think his family of several ate a loaf of bread a week, and he discouraged lots of pasta and cheese), and that a key point of RBTI is that the ideal diet is individual, and that the test analyses could be used to figure out which foods would be more or less supportive. So theoretically, a good RBTI paractitioner may be able to tell on the basis of a sequence of tests if someone would be best to avoid wheat, or milk? In general, I think RBTI tends to encourage regular fruit and vegetable consumption, not a low fibre diet?

EnoreeG said:
So just because I talk here generally of the value of fiber, and Ray talks generally of restricting it, and the conclusion is therefore that I want "more" than Ray does in my diet, shouldn't be construed as my wanting the positive extreme you label "lots of" fiber. I would rather be characterized here as someone who is against people taking Rays ideas about limits, and then OVER applying the limits and trying for NO fiber to get NO microbes.

We still differ, though, because my point is that some people actually do seem to do better when they get as close to zero fibre as they can - the stories are here to read. I don't believe they have zero microbes, though. Unless we starve ourselves, there will be something in there that can eat whatever's going through. I don't think everybody needs to minimise fibre, just some people.

One of the factors we have not discussed on this thread yet, I think, is that accordinging to Peat, it is worth trying to avoid substances that irritate our intestines, and to which they respond with inflamation. He seems to suggest that for some of us (and our sensitivities are not all the same), this means avoiding various fermentable carbs, eg pectin. I think the theory goes that when something irritates the gut, and it gets inflamed, this will result in a constricted lumen, slowed transit, increased absorption of endotoxin.

EnoreeG said:
Many of us alternative-health advocates are always tempted to "overdo" things. We tend to try to eat the foods highest in vitamins, highest in saturated fat, highest in whatever is good, lowest in whatever is bad. That is absolutely overkill and I have to caution myself daily to chill out and just eat variety and in moderation.
I think what is overkill, and what is reasonable effort/restriction etc really varies from person to person to person too. For someone prone to anaphylactic shock, quite a bit of effort to avoid triggering allergens is quite justified; for celiacs strict gluten avoidance is worth it. Many of us are here because we have serious health conditions we are trying to survive, slow down, and recover from. What might be overkill for you who are healthy may be necessary for some of us with debilitating conditions.

From the article you linked to:
The injection of living or killed Gram-negative cells or purified LPS into experimental animals causes a wide spectrum of nonspecific pathophysiological reactions, such as fever, changes in white blood cell counts, disseminated intravascular coagulation, hypotension, shock and death. Injection of fairly small doses of endotoxin results in death in most mammals. The sequence of events follows a regular pattern: (1) latent period; (2) physiological distress (diarrhea, prostration, shock); (3) death. How soon death occurs varies on the dose of the endotoxin, route of administration, and species of animal. Animals vary in their susceptibility to endotoxin.
Far from showing that endotoxin is nothing to worry about, this seems to confirm that it can be a problem when it gets into the system.
As i understand it, our gut is supposed to provide a barrier to the lipopolysaccharides, but when it is weakened, it can let some through. Slow transit can also mean more of the gram-negs die before they get expelled, allowing the endotoxin to accumulate and likely increase the quantity that leaks into the system.
So when all is well, it's a manageable burden - nothing to worry about, but when the system is weakened, it can be a significant burden, worth mitigating by reducing quantity inthe gut.

Peat also talks about the value of carrying away the bile and its associated estrogens and other toxins with fibre (or sometimes activated charcoal).


Mar 29, 2014
narouz said:
In fairness,
I would have to say that we Peaters probably tend to
unreflectively do the same thing sometimes:
walk into a conversation and assert some general principle as
simply The Truth
when really it is a Peat theory....
Indeed. But I reacted because Stuart made a general statement about there being no need for any dietary theory, whereas many here who have been reading Peat would probably acknowledge that they are basing their ideas in theory if pressed, or at least not deny it. A rather significant part of reading Peat for me is to get more cohesive theory to work with.


Mar 29, 2014
narouz said:
-what is "the immune system"? Peat has a different twist on the proper function
of the immune system, I think. Amazoniac will often advise strengthening the immune system.
I find myself a little confused, in PeatWorld, in trying to figure out how to go about that.
I mean, in traditional Chinese medicine or in Ayurvedic medicine, for example, certain herbs
are recommended to strengthen the immune system. But I doubt Peat goes along with those
I would love to understand it in more detail, but these are some of the parts of the immune system that I recall Peat talking about.
Thymus - he has talked about how severe stress, eg from trauma or fasting, can cause it to be converted to sugar (gluconeogeneis) under the influence of cortisol. Conversely, one facet of maintaining thymus health would be to generally maintain stable and adequate blood sugar levels, which he favours. I think the thymus is the organ where some cells with specific immunity functions are raised, trained, and selected for distinguishing body cells (me) from in invaders to be killed and eliminated. It's a medium-long term investement.

The liver in it's role of distinguishing, inactivating and eliminating toxins - and Peat talks often about ways to support the liver and reduce it's work load.

The stomach - when metabolism is high it can kill off a lot of pathogenic bacteria.

Generally maintaining the whole system in a state of good health, where pathogens won't find such habitable conditions - i assume this includes having appropriate mineral balances, ph, etc.

High metabolism maintaining optimum body temp - supportive of strong immune function.


Mar 29, 2014
Richiebogie said:
Stuart said:
Trillions of gut bacteria having their 20 minute life, during which they play their individually miniscule, but as part of the colonic symphony of bacterial fermentation, an achingly beautiful chorus of signalling pathways

Have you worked out what has happened?

Stuart said:
The gut bacteria that eat the oligosaccarhides on the other hand, have potent signaling mechanisms. Particularly, and probably most spectacularly, directly to the brain. The gut/brain axis has been known about for 20 years.

Stuart the human has eaten so much soluble fibre that his colonic bacteria have taken over his brain entirely.
It is actually the colonic bacteria talking to us:

Stuart said:
Sounds like human ego stuffing things up again.

Stuart said:
Actually I think human's generally seem to behave like sheep in their ideas, including their dietary principles.

We are encouraged to listen to the wisdom of the bacteria, whose culture is much older than that of humans:

Stuart said:
Gut bacteria evolved milenia before land animals even existed. Humans were millions of years in the future.

We are told the bacteria come in peace, and are keen to trade:

Stuart said:
One of the things I didn't mention is that one of the major reasons keeping your gut bacteria well fed is that they will reward you with copious amounts of SFCA's (short chain fatty acids)

Stuart said:
the good bacteria will control the pathogenic ones

But the reality is... they want to control your mind:
Stuart said:
So many physiological functions are mediated by the colon microbiota. You really don't want them to just 'survive' . You want them to thrive.

Their final agenda?
Stuart said:
Perhaps we all agree that every human is mostly bacteria
Nov 26, 2013
Does that mean the intestine is a Stargate?


Jan 22, 2013
funny you say that...I think, based on what ive felt...the gut stuff is pretty trippy. I think..its almost like certain sights, sounds, or even vibes of places and their potential energies (and people around) actually lead to bacteria growth. I don't know if its because stress casues tension in flow, so then things can fester or grow...I suspect that's it, but it seems like...in certain places that have cutting off of your joy or gross vibes, theres like bacteria in the air or something waiting to infect you the second you let your guard (and adrenaline) down. This is a huge subject that like..i could elaborate a lot on, and its proof how much your spirit and experience and intelligence and awareness are all part of the immune system, and how your senses themselves are feeding signals

my view now is that bacteria, parasites, the immune system...all of that, is really a metaphysical phenomenon based on your wiring and potential energies, to sum it up...but its very complex
bacteria or people that are essentialy parasites work through creating things that offend your senses (or heart, pursuit of joy, freedom), in which case you either are immune, fight back or move away, or you accept it as ok, via serotonin system, then you are poisoned, adopt certain things into your wiring, and then are infected with that parasite yourself and likely to perpetrate it or stop acting against it

simply an annoying crass loud sound makes one prone to infections, and if such things don't bother you, you're already infected and a problem

you have to translate it all out to the highest orchestration of natures harmony. Anything opposed to that is parasitic, and always elicits an impleasnat vibe to one or more senses. Anything in harmony with that elicits something neutral to pleasing to one or more of your senses. People that elicit or create offensice vibes to any of your senses are harboring parasitic wiring and out of harmony with the highest, and are a big problem. This is pretty much everyone in society to a degree, in reality, which is very bad

once your eyes are open to this life is a rabbit hole living but its all true and easily distinguishable and understood


Feb 20, 2013
pboy said:
Anything in harmony with that elicits something neutral to pleasing to one or more of your senses. People that elicit or create offensice vibes to any of your senses are harboring parasitic wiring and out of harmony with the highest, and are a big problem. This is pretty much everyone in society to a degree, in reality, which is very bad

once your eyes are open to this life is a rabbit hole living but its all true and easily distinguishable and understood

It took me a long time to accept that i should rely on my gut feelings- the way a person make me feel.
It basically takes one glimpse to figure it out. I have yet to find an exception where i thought the person
was unhealthy and later turned out to be opposite. I think there are tons of nice people on earth,
they usually do not stand out. It is always few loud people creating all the chaos.

I used work at a place where everyone i met there was super nice smart people.
I have never seen such a good collection of people in one place.
I chose that place mainly because of the good vibes of those people.
Then we had a new co-worker, he alone ruined the whole vibe in 4-5 years.
People are still nice but we just stopped being ourself.


Sep 13, 2012
Who are you pboy and what planet have you arrived from? You seem otherworldly! In a good way :kisscheek :beammeup :discoheart


Jul 22, 2012
Stuart said:
@ Ritchiebogie
Yes that was wonderful! :D

As I say, Stuart,
I 've actually been inclining of late toward some of the general thoughts
you describe regarding the microbiome.
I've just been prying a bit to see if you have influences you'd care to name
in the way of nutritional/dietary thought.

One very general reason
I'm skeptical about Peat's approach to the macrobiome
is that it seems perhaps too simple.
That is,
Peat seems to see all intestinal bacteria/fungi as the enemy--
to be tamped down by carrots or maybe low doses of certain antibiotics.
(Okay, yes, he does say, sortuv begrudgingly,
that if we have to live with them--bacteria--
then we should "make friends with them";
but...he doesn't really seem very interested in making friends with them--
just killing them back to minimal levels.)

It is my sense that Peat doesn't talk/write at much depth about the microbiome.
Just that makes me a bit skeptical.
So much is being discovered about the microbiome,
but...it doesn't seem to be a subject that really interests Peat.
Not knocking Peat--I love his ideas.
Just saying: this is an area where I'm not persuaded Peat has the final word.
That's just my take.

Peat does seem to assign great importance to the health of the gut.

I started a thread a while back
suggesting that we (on the forum) might start analyzing our guts at uBiome ($89)
and collecting results.
Over time, we could compare the gut analyses
of those with strong gut health
with those who have gut issues.
That might be pretty fascinating and enlightening.

And we might compare how long-time Peat Eaters' guts compare
to newbies coming from, say, the paleo or low-carb worlds.

And--a particular hobbyhorse of mine--
we might compare gut analyses of
those with appendixes
against those without....


Jul 22, 2012
Mittir said:
pboy said:
Anything in harmony with that elicits something neutral to pleasing to one or more of your senses. People that elicit or create offensice vibes to any of your senses are harboring parasitic wiring and out of harmony with the highest, and are a big problem. This is pretty much everyone in society to a degree, in reality, which is very bad

once your eyes are open to this life is a rabbit hole living but its all true and easily distinguishable and understood

It took me a long time to accept that i should rely on my gut feelings- the way a person make me feel.
It basically takes one glimpse to figure it out. I have yet to find an exception where i thought the person
was unhealthy and later turned out to be opposite. I think there are tons of nice people on earth,
they usually do not stand out. It is always few loud people creating all the chaos.

I used work at a place where everyone i met there was super nice smart people.
I have never seen such a good collection of people in one place.
I chose that place mainly because of the good vibes of those people.
Then we had a new co-worker, he alone ruined the whole vibe in 4-5 years.
People are still nice but we just stopped being ourself.

Reminds me of Peat's comment
that it just takes one authoritarian to mess up a nice group....


Jul 22, 2012
pboy said:
funny you say that...I think, based on what ive felt...the gut stuff is pretty trippy. I think..its almost like certain sights, sounds, or even vibes of places and their potential energies (and people around) actually lead to bacteria growth. I don't know if its because stress casues tension in flow, so then things can fester or grow...I suspect that's it, but it seems like...in certain places that have cutting off of your joy or gross vibes, theres like bacteria in the air or something waiting to infect you the second you let your guard (and adrenaline) down. This is a huge subject that like..i could elaborate a lot on, and its proof how much your spirit and experience and intelligence and awareness are all part of the immune system, and how your senses themselves are feeding signals

my view now is that bacteria, parasites, the immune system...all of that, is really a metaphysical phenomenon based on your wiring and potential energies, to sum it up...but its very complex
bacteria or people that are essentialy parasites work through creating things that offend your senses (or heart, pursuit of joy, freedom), in which case you either are immune, fight back or move away, or you accept it as ok, via serotonin system, then you are poisoned, adopt certain things into your wiring, and then are infected with that parasite yourself and likely to perpetrate it or stop acting against it

simply an annoying crass loud sound makes one prone to infections, and if such things don't bother you, you're already infected and a problem

you have to translate it all out to the highest orchestration of natures harmony. Anything opposed to that is parasitic, and always elicits an impleasnat vibe to one or more senses. Anything in harmony with that elicits something neutral to pleasing to one or more of your senses. People that elicit or create offensice vibes to any of your senses are harboring parasitic wiring and out of harmony with the highest, and are a big problem. This is pretty much everyone in society to a degree, in reality, which is very bad

once your eyes are open to this life is a rabbit hole living but its all true and easily distinguishable and understood

You've been posting along these lines lately
and I think it is an important counter-balance to our general tendency here
to think everything depends upon the food we eat and supplements and red light.

Over in another thread you were writing about how beneficial
simply getting outdoors is.
Sortuv meditating in pleasing or inspiring areas of nature, the sky, clouds, etc.

I was thinking how similar that kind of thinking is with the whole Romantic movement--
Wordsworth, Coleridge, Byron, Shelley, etc.
Blake too can be seen as an early Romantic.
And we know of Peat's fondness for Blake.

But Wordsworth, for example:
he had very much the same idea as you describe about nature.
It's too complex to go into in any depth,
but he saw nature as kinduv a supernatural force
that could inform our souls and inspire us.
At the same time,
seems like at times he thought nature could mirror our inner life.
He liked to walk in The Lake District in England
and just absorb the beauty and awesomeness of nature.
It is the subject of and inspiration of much of his poetry.
Then over in the U.S. we had the Transcendentalists--
Thoreau and Emerson, for instance.
They were heavily influenced by the Romantics.
Many have read Thoreau's book Walden
where he describes how nature inspires and informs his inner life.

Not trying to teach a literature lesson. :lol:
Just pointing out that you are not alone in this way of thinking.
Though, as Wordsworth wrote...

"The world is too much with us; late and soon,
Getting and spending, we lay waste our powers;—
Little we see in Nature that is ours;
We have given our hearts away, a sordid boon!
This Sea that bares her bosom to the moon;
The winds that will be howling at all hours,
And are up-gathered now like sleeping flowers;
For this, for everything, we are out of tune;
It moves us not. Great God! I’d rather be
A Pagan suckled in a creed outworn;
So might I, standing on this pleasant lea,
Have glimpses that would make me less forlorn;
Have sight of Proteus rising from the sea;
Or hear old Triton blow his wreathèd horn."


Jan 25, 2014
"my view now is that bacteria, parasites, the immune system...all of that, is really a metaphysical phenomenon based on your wiring and potential energies, to sum it up...but its very complex"



Sep 10, 2014
Not Uganda
Jokes apart, pboy was always one a few here to stress the importance of lifestyle factors that go beyond diet. Surely diet is probably one of the most important aspects but it won't work the way it's supposed to if your life doesn't back it up.
There are many examples out there that prove that some people can get away with a terrible diet for a long time by living a stimulating and positive life..


Jul 22, 2012
pboy said:
I don't know if its because stress casues tension in flow, so then things can fester or grow...I suspect that's it, but it seems like...in certain places that have cutting off of your joy or gross vibes, theres like bacteria in the air or something waiting to infect you the second you let your guard (and adrenaline) down.

I was thinking along these lines, pboy,
but from a little different angle.

From things I've been reading about the microbiome,
well...one general view that interested me is
that our gut microbiome does not permanently colonize and re-colonize.
It must be re-inoculated from time to time.

I had had the notion that we have these bugs in our guts
and they just reproduce and reproduce perpetually.
But...if they eventually die out over time,
then they need to be repopulated.

And where do those new bacteria come from?

Well...you can buy "soil-based" bacteria--"friendly bacteria."

But...to your point about "bacteria in the air or something"...
Maybe going out into nature could be a source for good bacteria...?
In your post I quoted you are looking at the air as a possible source of bad bacteria.
But maybe, out in some unpolluted natural area,
if you're laying in the grass and dirt looking up at a cloud, say,
you might also be breathing in or taking in in some way
new bacteria for your gut.
I mean...I'm not sure that you have to actually eat dirt
to get new helpful bacteria into your gut biome.

So maybe getting out amidst nature is not just a metaphysical experience,
with vibrations and such as you put it.
Maybe nature can be a source of good bacteria....


Jan 22, 2013
very sweet Janelle thank you, brightens my day

I know mittir exactly what you're saying...and it does just take one to ruin a bunch often times. Its hard finding such places to work at but its almost a necessity for me now, and I try to grow and defend that vibe once its established. Indeed, once you're aware, you can identify people almost immediately of whether they'll fit in or be a nag

I think what it is Narouz is just a lot of people tap into the same spirit, throughout my journey I haven't really read in detail too much of other people work, but I scribble things down to myself or just make mental notes and concepts that I go with, and usually, almost always ill find quotes or see things written, even from ancient cultures up to the present where it makes total sense and matches similarly to what ive arrived at...its an immediate bond and sense of respect because I know what they must have gone through and experienced to come to those realizations and perspectives

Its definitely tru Amazoniac, a lot of things...one of the things I love about when Ray is talking, he always puts in the words 'useful' energy, because...not having something useful to use your energy towards kinks up even a great diet and can casue gas, bloating, tension...usually it just shuts off appetite. If youre in a comfortable place, it will inspire higher ideals and introspection. If you're in a stressed state and haven't already developed your vision, usually you'll wanna just pass out to escape or run or drive off somewhere just to get away from the stress preventing your deep thinking. You kind of have to be in a peaceful place to develop higher ideals, perspectives, understandings...but then once these are established within you they protect you in non worthy situations. Its very hard to meditate in a stressed place, almost impossible...I can do it a little but its very inefficient and comes with a lot of dirty frequency

A thing Ive realized to, about the body, is that its designed to ...in a sense, self sabotage itself when you aren't using energy towards a higher harmonious purpose. Its not a machine that just burns fuel. The fact that all the hormones and everything are interconnected and regulate each other is testament to how it works...and in fact, repressing your voice, your courage, your true self, things like this...send the signal to your body to shut down, in a sense, which's end goal I suppose is to die or something. I have a lot of insights on how it all relates...well pretty much at this point I know, but this is why I always speak of the importance of only speaking from experience, and having heart in all you do, and never repressing anything, or even skewing it for whatever audience. In a sense its estrogenic to do so and its obvious by watching your voice and tension in the gut. Most people around authority figures their pitch of voice goes up and torso tenses. You have to speak boldy and remain fortified in yourself or it actually, basically, activates aromatase. This is just one example but it extends to everything, and its...absolutely huge and profound. If you sing by yourself but cant sing around the presence of someone else, they are in a sense poisonous to you. Energy needs to be released once metabolized, in a way that promotes either your higher development, higher harmony on an external level, or more beauty in the moment. Anything else its like a gun backfiring on yourself, and this effects digestion, hormones, everything, bowel in a big way. And why people lose appetite in repressive or gross situations. The chakra system and meridian system are rudimentary but offer a good glimpse into things, but its...at least what is practiced today, is very rudimentary and incomplete. If you watch kids, again..little kids, they teach you how to live properly, and yet, adults constantly try to repress that and think they are somehow 'untrained' and 'stupid' and all that

so having said all this...I appreciate all the respect and uplifting vibes I get from people here, every little thing helps...because again...if im not spending energy usefully, it hurts...if someone pours their heart out and..think about it in your own life, if you are very inspired and pour your heart out and speak inspired to people and they just kind of scoff, ignore it, don't vibe with it, or just like 'whatever man' it basically either ruins your good mood, or it makes you adrenalized and like well eff you then, which is actually proper. Inspired energy is really life energy, things that feel loving and good...anything coming in that isn't that, is a problem and likely a parasitic energy, so its proper to...if you feel very inspired and good and letting things out, and are not vibed to back in a good way, its actually...proper to be slightly offended but don't take it personally (adrenaline actually is a good energy when you know youre coming from love and deserve to breath openly, and its being repressed by others or things around you, its like in a sense a very loving protective energy...not cortisol or estrogen, but pure focused adrenaline...such as if you've been wronged in a non deserved bad way). If youre just kidna talking ***t like a lot of people do in a non super inspired way, then its kinda to be expected they wont vibe back to you in a good way. This is why parents, school, authoritarian vibes are awful, they choke off peoples expression and spirit and eventually people give up on doing that and become sour and bitter. The general mood of nearly everyone i meet in society is a sluggish sour bitter energy that just assumes no one is happy and out to get thier own, and thats kind of it. No matter what age you are, you should basically be as expressive and heartfelt as children, or its...indicating blockages that are hurting you. Ive been like this for years now, so im used to how to deal with it...how most people in society, even my family...just that slothy sluggish gross vibe that most people carry like ...I don't let it effect me. Usually after some time people im around open up to me, sometimes immediately, I guess they sense that im full open so they can be too, so I just don't let lack of reverberation make me think im doing something wrong...its tough and hurtful and took me a while to really develop but...its quite possibly the best thing ive done for my health and spirit, is just to really let it be, let me be my self, use energy usefully lovingly and harmoniously no matter how others respond (usually its good though, or I can sense something within them that appreciates it). Ive spent a lot of time really imagining how things could be if people were really inspired...people understood life, and respected each other, and how that would look...and kind of be, and I know its possible, and tangible, and I know what the steps are to make it as such, so I hold that confidence in a vision and just...whether it happens or not, not overnight obviously, its kind of that or nothing, because the alternative is a useless stalemate of a life with no purpose of usefulness to me even eating and spending energy

The intestines flow as useful energy flows out, inspired, heart energy, flows....a basic sum up, and in that same light, it stays free and defended against parasitic influences

A huge thing in life, is actually where you are and why you are there...physical location, some places are just simply non condusive to health and actually dangerous...its paramount to avoid them and if you're stuck in one, make it a priority to get out...that alone can be ruinous or just a huge burden (usually it involves repressive people or things that offend your senses, or your ability to sleep and dream peacefully...if you aren't having pretty vivid enjoyable dreams, check where you're at and who you're around)


Jan 22, 2013
narouz its definitely possible, I find that physical and metaphysical always are correlated. Its easy to understand when you realize that...most everything in life is empty space and particles arise out of nothingness and go back into nothingness, and that its just our feelings and senses interpreting everything.

Im always amazed at places bacteria and algea grow...even where insects will spawn up. Its like theres no way for them to have gotten there and yet they do, take a fish tank alge for example...living miles from any lake or river, and inside a home, they manage to get in there. I think everything is in the air, it almost seems like, or might as well be, spontaneous appearance based on conditions...which in fct before pastuer, is how people in the world saw it...so for our guts, it might as well be the same thing...either they're in the air, or for all intents and purposes can spontaneously manifest...its based on conditions of environment...the energies, intents, or neglect therein.

It sounds weird too, but...simply having focus on something seems to keep it fresh...back in the day id cook large amounts of food in a pot and once it was done id turn heat off and cover it, one thing I noticed was that...because I would only eat fresh food...nothing that had gotten cold or old, is that...id eat the first bowl, and be on the computer or something...doing work or reading, and it might take me an hour to eat that, then id go get another bowl form the pot, ect...hours could go by and the food still seemed fresh and nourishing. But as soon as, other times, id neglect it...like someone would call me I ddint wanna talk to and id end up talking for a while, or I had to rush to go do an errand or something, even though less time had gone by, when I came back to the food it seemed unappealing anymore..as if it had then become old. Simply conscious attention on something as a priority...its almost like a loving touch, theres no basis for it but things respond


Apr 27, 2015
pboy said:
very sweet Janelle thank you, brightens my day

I know mittir exactly what you're saying...and it does just take one to ruin a bunch often times. Its hard finding such places to work at but its almost a necessity for me now, and I try to grow and defend that vibe once its established. Indeed, once you're aware, you can identify people almost immediately of whether they'll fit in or be a nag

I think what it is Narouz is just a lot of people tap into the same spirit, throughout my journey I haven't really read in detail too much of other people work, but I scribble things down to myself or just make mental notes and concepts that I go with, and usually, almost always ill find quotes or see things written, even from ancient cultures up to the present where it makes total sense and matches similarly to what ive arrived at...its an immediate bond and sense of respect because I know what they must have gone through and experienced to come to those realizations and perspectives

Its definitely tru Amazoniac, a lot of things...one of the things I love about when Ray is talking, he always puts in the words 'useful' energy, because...not having something useful to use your energy towards kinks up even a great diet and can casue gas, bloating, tension...usually it just shuts off appetite. If youre in a comfortable place, it will inspire higher ideals and introspection. If you're in a stressed state and haven't already developed your vision, usually you'll wanna just pass out to escape or run or drive off somewhere just to get away from the stress preventing your deep thinking. You kind of have to be in a peaceful place to develop higher ideals, perspectives, understandings...but then once these are established within you they protect you in non worthy situations. Its very hard to meditate in a stressed place, almost impossible...I can do it a little but its very inefficient and comes with a lot of dirty frequency

A thing Ive realized to, about the body, is that its designed to ...in a sense, self sabotage itself when you aren't using energy towards a higher harmonious purpose. Its not a machine that just burns fuel. The fact that all the hormones and everything are interconnected and regulate each other is testament to how it works...and in fact, repressing your voice, your courage, your true self, things like this...send the signal to your body to shut down, in a sense, which's end goal I suppose is to die or something. I have a lot of insights on how it all relates...well pretty much at this point I know, but this is why I always speak of the importance of only speaking from experience, and having heart in all you do, and never repressing anything, or even skewing it for whatever audience. In a sense its estrogenic to do so and its obvious by watching your voice and tension in the gut. Most people around authority figures their pitch of voice goes up and torso tenses. You have to speak boldy and remain fortified in yourself or it actually, basically, activates aromatase. This is just one example but it extends to everything, and its...absolutely huge and profound. If you sing by yourself but cant sing around the presence of someone else, they are in a sense poisonous to you. Energy needs to be released once metabolized, in a way that promotes either your higher development, higher harmony on an external level, or more beauty in the moment. Anything else its like a gun backfiring on yourself, and this effects digestion, hormones, everything, bowel in a big way. And why people lose appetite in repressive or gross situations. The chakra system and meridian system are rudimentary but offer a good glimpse into things, but its...at least what is practiced today, is very rudimentary and incomplete. If you watch kids, again..little kids, they teach you how to live properly, and yet, adults constantly try to repress that and think they are somehow 'untrained' and 'stupid' and all that

so having said all this...I appreciate all the respect and uplifting vibes I get from people here, every little thing helps...because again...if im not spending energy usefully, it hurts...if someone pours their heart out and..think about it in your own life, if you are very inspired and pour your heart out and speak inspired to people and they just kind of scoff, ignore it, don't vibe with it, or just like 'whatever man' it basically either ruins your good mood, or it makes you adrenalized and like well eff you then, which is actually proper. Inspired energy is really life energy, things that feel loving and good...anything coming in that isn't that, is a problem and likely a parasitic energy, so its proper to...if you feel very inspired and good and letting things out, and are not vibed to back in a good way, its actually...proper to be slightly offended but don't take it personally (adrenaline actually is a good energy when you know youre coming from love and deserve to breath openly, and its being repressed by others or things around you, its like in a sense a very loving protective energy...not cortisol or estrogen, but pure focused adrenaline...such as if you've been wronged in a non deserved bad way). If youre just kidna talking s*** like a lot of people do in a non super inspired way, then its kinda to be expected they wont vibe back to you in a good way. This is why parents, school, authoritarian vibes are awful, they choke off peoples expression and spirit and eventually people give up on doing that and become sour and bitter. The general mood of nearly everyone i meet in society is a sluggish sour bitter energy that just assumes no one is happy and out to get thier own, and thats kind of it. No matter what age you are, you should basically be as expressive and heartfelt as children, or its...indicating blockages that are hurting you. Ive been like this for years now, so im used to how to deal with it...how most people in society, even my family...just that slothy sluggish gross vibe that most people carry like ...I don't let it effect me. Usually after some time people im around open up to me, sometimes immediately, I guess they sense that im full open so they can be too, so I just don't let lack of reverberation make me think im doing something wrong...its tough and hurtful and took me a while to really develop but...its quite possibly the best thing ive done for my health and spirit, is just to really let it be, let me be my self, use energy usefully lovingly and harmoniously no matter how others respond (usually its good though, or I can sense something within them that appreciates it). Ive spent a lot of time really imagining how things could be if people were really inspired...people understood life, and respected each other, and how that would look...and kind of be, and I know its possible, and tangible, and I know what the steps are to make it as such, so I hold that confidence in a vision and just...whether it happens or not, not overnight obviously, its kind of that or nothing, because the alternative is a useless stalemate of a life with no purpose of usefulness to me even eating and spending energy

The intestines flow as useful energy flows out, inspired, heart energy, flows....a basic sum up, and in that same light, it stays free and defended against parasitic influences

A huge thing in life, is actually where you are and why you are there...physical location, some places are just simply non condusive to health and actually dangerous...its paramount to avoid them and if you're stuck in one, make it a priority to get out...that alone can be ruinous or just a huge burden (usually it involves repressive people or things that offend your senses, or your ability to sleep and dream peacefully...if you aren't having pretty vivid enjoyable dreams, check where you're at and who you're around)

Well said, and well worth reading every word, pboy. You are an inspiration and take great responsibility to make the world right and further, to make people realize they can be right with each other.

mittir said:
I have never seen such a good collection of people in one place.
I chose that place mainly because of the good vibes of those people.

Possibly there was one inspiring person, like pboy, who lifted mittir's group up, supplied most of the energy, and "made it happen". I've seen it happen, and have walked into similar situations before. It's quite astounding in this day and age when one can walk into such a community. It takes one strong one, and then their energy is contagious and also multiplied by those who actively follow the lead. I believe each of us can be such a leader if we follow some of the guidelines that you just laid down, pboy.
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