Who Here Has Gone From Having Belly Fat To Having A Flat Stomach?


Dec 11, 2018
Sofia, Bulgaria
I personally disagree that if someone is going to collapse from exhaustion from 30 mins of cardio, that cardio made their health worse, personally I think it helped the body deal with inflammation and and was prometabolic.
This is a very, very strange point of view.
However, glad things work for you the way you expect.


Feb 3, 2019
If that were the case than obese people who exercise would lose weight, but they specifically recommend now that obese people don’t exercise because the increased energy demands causes them to eat more and gain even more weight. Light walking and movement is always beneficial, but anything that is stressful will degenerate the body without proper nutrition.
Well I guess I don’t know what to do with super fat people who can’t even walk a mile... I’m done in this thread


Feb 3, 2019
This forum is obsessed with jamming methylene blue or syntethic hormones down their throat, but exercise? Couldn’t be us


Dec 17, 2018
Honestly you all sounds soft , like female body parts.

This forum is obsessed with jamming methylene blue or syntethic hormones down their throat, but exercise? Couldn’t be us

No, its called using logic and science. Perhaps you were luckier then others, but some people have piss poor endurance, have chronic B vitamin deficiencies that make any work incredibly difficult because they are up to the neck in ammonia, lactic acid. Or have protein deficiency, anemia, insulin resistance, poor appetite.

I dont think anyone advocates to newbies to just take MB and hormones out of the blue, this is not usual and should not be done until traditional nutrient supplementation and diet changes are in check and have been maintained for a significant period of time. Most things can be fixed by B-complex, mineral supplementation especially zinc and magnesium given enough time. I am a firm believer in that.

Exercise does not lower adrenaline whether in the short term or long term, and it definitely does not assist in lower inflammation, unless of course you mean by cortisol which is true elevating cortisol through exercise especially if your body is unhealthy can reduce inflammation, but that is worthless in the long run as we all know the problem with cortisol.

Over a period of several days, exercise increases available norepinephrine. In mice, exercise reduced the number of norepinephrine transporters in the brain, which allows more of this neurotransmitter to stay outside the neurons [84].

In this way, exercise acts as a norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor – but not right away..."

How to Increase Norepinephrine + Deficiency Symptoms - SelfHacked
Physical Exercise Affects Attentional Orienting Behavior through Noradrenergic Mechanisms

There is nothing wrong with norepinephrine in appropriate amounts, and over time levels increase through exercise. But you keep saying things like exercise helping with adrenaline, lower adrenaline, in reality this isnt true. You are just saying things without references that common knowledge dictates is wrong, and is proven by research. Again, unhealthy people can have too high norepinephrine release from exercise in which case we deal with the negatives of excessive norepinephrine.

Cortisol lowering inflammation can be considered good but doesnt take into account the other negatives of cortisol that are exacerbated in individuals with poor oxidative metabolism, insulin resistance, liver problems, etc...

I personally disagree that if someone is going to collapse from exhaustion from 30 mins of cardio, that cardio made their health worse, personally I think it helped the body deal with inflammation and and was prometabolic.
I also disagree that feeling good from moderate cardio training or lifting is in anyway similar to high adrenaline /cortisol and I disagree that feeling better is a bad way to measure success, consierding peaty views on dopamine vs serotonin and anhedonia

I’ll let you deal the majorly obese people though

If someone is collapsing from exhaustion after 30 minutes you thinked it helped them anyway? Yeh this just nonsense. Come on now, are you really expecting this kind of no pain no gain crap to fly here unchallenged?

Peater Piper

Mar 18, 2016
Exercise does not lower adrenaline whether in the short term or long term, and it definitely does not assist in lower inflammation, unless of course you mean by cortisol which is true elevating cortisol through exercise especially if your body is unhealthy can reduce inflammation, but that is worthless in the long run as we all know the problem with cortisol.
I know you're responding to a specific point of view, but walking, yoga, and various other forms of exercise can lower both cortisol and inflammation (and improve insulin sensitivity, reduce NAFLD, blah blah blah). More rigorous exercise can also lower inflammation and cortisol, but now we're talking about an adaptive long-term response rather than an acute response, which muddies the waters with how well the person's body can respond to the stress placed upon it.

Yeah, that‘s fair, I might be a special case, as I have CFS (almost all of the symptoms of it), one of which is „post exertional malaise“. 30 minutes of walking (eg shopping for groceries) can sometimes knock me out for one day.
I'm sorry to hear that. 30-minutes of walking is apparently beyond your current threshold. I would say 5 or 10 minutes of walking might be good in your case? Maybe several times a day? But yeah, at that level, simple tasks like grocery shopping are going to be difficult.


Nov 7, 2018
I use to have quite a large amount of belly and chest fat, and I now rock a 4-pack. Who knows if I’ll get to a 6 pack, but I figure if I continue to make sure my energy, moods, sleep, and strength are good then I’ll get there organically. I like to sprint, jump, flip, push cars, and do calisthenics a lot too, it makes me feel very good :)

Things that work for me: soup, potatoes, corn, tomatoes, salt, bread, coffee, 2% milk, sugar, maple syrup, apple sauce, oranges,
Bananas, cran-grape cocktail drink, egg yolk, lard, mushrooms, onions, propel, small amounts of tobacco, lagers and summer ales, and the OCCASIONAL taste of the marijuana plant (which sky rockets my mind-body awareness and creativity, but decreases working memory and spatial awareness)

Things that don’t work for me: excessive rice and meat. I go back and forth on meat, some days I’m a vegetarian and other days I eat it. I may be weaning off of it again rn. There’s no doubt in my mind if you want high energy you have to prioritize the sugar and starch over meat.

Safe to say that fast food, chips, processed food etc... doesn’t work for me either.
On Father’s Day I decided to indulge And i had a large amount of French fríes, tortilla chips, and cake. My allergies flared up so badly and I had terrible energy all day long.

Luckily I’ve built up such a strong self-awareness that it may be impossible for me to get fat again, the foods that make me fat are also the ones that make me feel like ***t, so I’ve shifted my appetite towards health promoting foods.
I've been vegetarian for 4 years. I really dont think meat is at all healthy or necessary for muscle building or an optimal lifestyle, but I do think that people who go vegetarian need to be getting quality produce if not growing their own. I think rice and other carbs are good if they are fermented.

Honestly, I really think it depends on your ancestry, but everyone should be able to digest some amounts of plant foods (if I may ask, what is your ethnicity by the way?).

What do you think about including liver in the diet? To me, it just doesnt make sense to consumer the livers of other animals, especially since they oxidize so fast. The amount of toxins and waste products in the cellular components might also be harmful.


Feb 18, 2018
I've been vegetarian for 4 years. I really dont think meat is at all healthy or necessary for muscle building or an optimal lifestyle, but I do think that people who go vegetarian need to be getting quality produce if not growing their own. I think rice and other carbs are good if they are fermented.

Honestly, I really think it depends on your ancestry, but everyone should be able to digest some amounts of plant foods (if I may ask, what is your ethnicity by the way?).

What do you think about including liver in the diet? To me, it just doesnt make sense to consumer the livers of other animals, especially since they oxidize so fast. The amount of toxins and waste products in the cellular components might also be harmful.

I will be experimenting with many more fermented foods moving here on forwards. Yesterday I noticed that pickles and their juice helped a lot with my at the time bloated stomach and the motility of food in my gut. And it was delicious. People ferment rice? I wouldn’t want that. I like the idea of fermented lettuce, cucumbers, and peppers, but I like my starches normally cooked. I think it makes sense to eat a starch with an animal protein, and then assist with the digestion of the animal protein via fermented vegetables. Something about the vinegar, salt, and vegetation has a powerful effect on the stomach. I think this is why Ray is so proactive about the carrot salad... unfortunately for me carrots are disgusting and produce naseau upon consumption, so I need a gentler way for the introduction of vinegar into my diet, and I think fermented foods is a great way to incorporate them.

I think meat needs to be properly prepared to be healthy, and that potentially fully cooked meat is unhealthy, while semi-cooked or raw is healthy. I will be experimenting with less cooked options today, as it is very apparent to me that cooked meat clogs up my digestive tract and thus messes up my utilization of energy. I could need to combine the cooked meat with the fermented foods to avoid the constipative effect of animal flesh, or combine the partially cooked meat with the fermented foods...my taste buds and stomach will be the guide, I the observant subject!

I know animal protein is important in the diet. I just do not feel the same strength from eating only plants and fruit. Now the trick is incorporating the animal proteins without inflaming or clogging up the body.

My ancestry dates back to primarily Iberian roots, intermingled with South American natives, and a sprinkle of African in there =P

Liver is gross. I don’t care how healthy something is. If it’s gross, I don’t eat it. I can taste all the iron in it while eating. Even soaked in milk, cooked with butter, onion, and garlic. Disgusting.


Sep 25, 2018
I will be experimenting with many more fermented foods moving here on forwards. Yesterday I noticed that pickles and their juice helped a lot with my at the time bloated stomach and the motility of food in my gut. And it was delicious. People ferment rice? I wouldn’t want that. I like the idea of fermented lettuce, cucumbers, and peppers, but I like my starches normally cooked. I think it makes sense to eat a starch with an animal protein, and then assist with the digestion of the animal protein via fermented vegetables. Something about the vinegar, salt, and vegetation has a powerful effect on the stomach. I think this is why Ray is so proactive about the carrot salad... unfortunately for me carrots are disgusting and produce naseau upon consumption, so I need a gentler way for the introduction of vinegar into my diet, and I think fermented foods is a great way to incorporate them.

I think meat needs to be properly prepared to be healthy, and that potentially fully cooked meat is unhealthy, while semi-cooked or raw is healthy. I will be experimenting with less cooked options today, as it is very apparent to me that cooked meat clogs up my digestive tract and thus messes up my utilization of energy. I could need to combine the cooked meat with the fermented foods to avoid the constipative effect of animal flesh, or combine the partially cooked meat with the fermented foods...my taste buds and stomach will be the guide, I the observant subject!

I know animal protein is important in the diet. I just do not feel the same strength from eating only plants and fruit. Now the trick is incorporating the animal proteins without inflaming or clogging up the body.

My ancestry dates back to primarily Iberian roots, intermingled with South American natives, and a sprinkle of African in there =P

Liver is gross. I don’t care how healthy something is. If it’s gross, I don’t eat it. I can taste all the iron in it while eating. Even soaked in milk, cooked with butter, onion, and garlic. Disgusting.

If the fermented stuff doesn't agree with you, I like rice (overcooked for like 1h) with BBQ sauce with extra vinegar and some meat. Digests perfectly...


Jul 18, 2017
Kudos. I never walked to see how it could improve my health. Guess I had to before (worked at ups walked a lot, worked at zoo in summer walked a crazy amount, construction. But now I work at a job you sit at all day...)

This is a pretty good memoir, thanks for sharing.
Are poeple really healthy on such a limited diet though? It seems hard to believe, though maybe the meat has more micronutrients than I expect? I still don't get the severe reductionism in the diet, also I read that a variety diet can lead to healthier gut flora
I'm glad you've come far man
Thank you.
it takes times to recover ofc. and stress is bad for us.
Red meat is high in heme iron and muscle meat in general have high phosphate to calcium ratio, you can balance it with gelatin and calcium, the best thing to do if you eat red meat regularly is to donate blood.
it's important to have a happy intestine by eating easy to digest foods and a lot of ripe fruits.


Forum Supporter
Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Exercise like walking is practically necessary to normalize stress hormones.

Agreed, walking is great. But when doctor's recommend exercise they usually do not mean walking.


Forum Supporter
Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
I haven't researched cypro much since I generally have an aversion for supplements that aren't vitamins or nutrients of some kind generally speaking so forgive me if it is common knowledge. I was of the impression that all antihistamines cause weight gain how is it then it helped you with reducing weight? I'm assuming the anti-serotonin effect far outweighs the antihistamine effect?

I never had weight gain issues from cypro. Those reported issues are probably from increased appetite and if people end up eating a relatively high-fat diet then weight may pile on. But I have been on a high-carb diet since 2013 and once cortisol went down all the excess weight disappeared, even while still on cypro. So, I actually lost weight on cypro and others can probably too if they make sure the increased caloric intake is not from fat.


Nov 7, 2018
I will be experimenting with many more fermented foods moving here on forwards. Yesterday I noticed that pickles and their juice helped a lot with my at the time bloated stomach and the motility of food in my gut. And it was delicious. People ferment rice? I wouldn’t want that. I like the idea of fermented lettuce, cucumbers, and peppers, but I like my starches normally cooked. I think it makes sense to eat a starch with an animal protein, and then assist with the digestion of the animal protein via fermented vegetables. Something about the vinegar, salt, and vegetation has a powerful effect on the stomach. I think this is why Ray is so proactive about the carrot salad... unfortunately for me carrots are disgusting and produce naseau upon consumption, so I need a gentler way for the introduction of vinegar into my diet, and I think fermented foods is a great way to incorporate them.

I think meat needs to be properly prepared to be healthy, and that potentially fully cooked meat is unhealthy, while semi-cooked or raw is healthy. I will be experimenting with less cooked options today, as it is very apparent to me that cooked meat clogs up my digestive tract and thus messes up my utilization of energy. I could need to combine the cooked meat with the fermented foods to avoid the constipative effect of animal flesh, or combine the partially cooked meat with the fermented foods...my taste buds and stomach will be the guide, I the observant subject!

I know animal protein is important in the diet. I just do not feel the same strength from eating only plants and fruit. Now the trick is incorporating the animal proteins without inflaming or clogging up the body.

My ancestry dates back to primarily Iberian roots, intermingled with South American natives, and a sprinkle of African in there =P

Liver is gross. I don’t care how healthy something is. If it’s gross, I don’t eat it. I can taste all the iron in it while eating. Even soaked in milk, cooked with butter, onion, and garlic. Disgusting.
I think people who have a revulsioin to liver arent meant to be eating it honestly. The reason why the native tribes consume it is probably because they are so malnourished in between hunts that their body "tricks" them into consuming it.


Aug 5, 2015
I gained a lot of weight when I jumped on the Petarian diet coming from VERY low carb. Was pretty skinny before that with lean, catabolically looking body from the 6-7 mile runs I was doing 5+ times a week. So, I bulked up quite a bit around 2011 when I started the Peatarian diet. This coincided perfectly with elevated cortisol and prolactin that I also had at the time. The 25lbs weight gain did not start to dissipate until I reigned in cortisol/prolactin with cyproheptadine back in 2013 and I have not had much of an issue maintaining proper weight without belly fat since then. Obesity/diabetes is an endocrine disorder and as such cannot be truly cured with caloric restriction or exercise. In fact, those things will likely make it worse. After the stress signal is stopped things typically go back to normal on their own.
Thyroid did not work well for me, so I only take it as needed if I feel like I have really taxed my system on a given day. But cypro and other anti-serotonin chemicals, aspirin, niacinamide, vitamin E, pregnenolone/progesterone/DHEA, MB, etc still work and these are my main go-to tools for metabolic support.

How about this: 5'11 180lbs 50yo Male
I appear fit and feel fit overall, Height-Weight-Proportion, Sleep, Consistent Clean Food intake, 3 Mile Hike 5x week. Weights.

But i still have 2 Handfuls of Chest Fat, and stubborn Ab Fat. Just Sitting there!... with maybe a 10% ongoing fluctuation.

the Issue above was very gradual over the past 10yrs. I was unknowingly consuming soybean oil for over a year 2018-20
(Soybean oil def compounded the condition,and I THINK the higher carb intake)

Help, point me in the general direction out of this mess!???


Jun 25, 2017
How about this: 5'11 180lbs 50yo Male
I appear fit and feel fit overall, Height-Weight-Proportion, Sleep, Consistent Clean Food intake, 3 Mile Hike 5x week. Weights.

But i still have 2 Handfuls of Chest Fat, and stubborn Ab Fat. Just Sitting there!... with maybe a 10% ongoing fluctuation.

the Issue above was very gradual over the past 10yrs. I was unknowingly consuming soybean oil for over a year 2018-20
(Soybean oil def compounded the condition,and I THINK the higher carb intake)

Help, point me in the general direction out of this mess!???
Ever had any labs run? Chest fat = estrogen.


Jun 19, 2014
People on this forum will recognize that everything from your internal monologue to the way you breathe when you sleep has huge butterfly effects but can't figure out why normal people benefit from "stressful" exercise
Quite right. Dr. Peat advocates lifting weights and low impact "cardio" like walking, swimming and cycling for most people. I think he would even advocate running under certain conditions, but most of the people he deals with are impaired in some way and have no business running.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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