Who Here Has Gone From Having Belly Fat To Having A Flat Stomach?


Aug 5, 2015
Prolactin mostly

Labs soon. Yes Estro. Its hard to come up with a personal protocol and target the issue. Estro & Prolactin.
Do i grab some anto-E's from the Doc? Vitamin E ect.

Ive been using White Carrot Salad & ACV, Garlic or Ginger (Awesome Stuff btw) just to help my system clear out, and process the estro/endo and so forth. But It all cant happen Fast Enough! If I knew a particular path was going to work....id wait it out for a Year or Whatever it takes.

Right now Im just shooting from the hip by eating good food At Home (Avoiding Restaurants) and some Basic Supps: Vit D & E, Biotin, Beef Organ, Mushroom.

Ray suggested Check my morning Temp. Vit D. Thyroid and Calcium to Phosphorus ratio


Jun 10, 2020
+++1 it's the #1 nofap giveaway, i think girls pick up on it too

what do you mean nofap giveaway? I’m intrigued because I do nofap and I have had chronic manboobs, though they’ve gotten better since Peating


Jun 10, 2020
I have high circulating test so maybe our cases are different but a small amount of gyno (barely noticeable thh) is my one estrogenic symptom and it totally disappears after like 5 days of nofap

interesting. Thanks!


Nov 14, 2017
your mind, rent free
I think Ray's diet recomendations raise the body's "setpoint", and a heavier person that got heavy eating the right foods is a healthier person, as the things that kill us slowly are mostly wasting diseases. So, picking up some sort of strength training program to re-compose the body in a more aesthetically favourable way, instead of fighting the weight itself, I THINK should be more useful. Stronger people have better quality of life anyway (as long as the pursuit of absolute strength does not consume your life..). More muscular people have a healthier time disposing of pufa.


Mar 20, 2013
I think Ray's diet recomendations raise the body's "setpoint", and a heavier person that got heavy eating the right foods is a healthier person, as the things that kill us slowly are mostly wasting diseases. So, picking up some sort of strength training program to re-compose the body in a more aesthetically favourable way, instead of fighting the weight itself, I THINK should be more useful. Stronger people have better quality of life anyway (as long as the pursuit of absolute strength does not consume your life..). More muscular people have a healthier time disposing of pufa.

This is what I'm going for. Not to mention when I deliberately restrict calories, I feel absolutely awful. Extreme anxiety bordering on panic attacks, absolutely insurmountable insomnia, mood swings, etc.

5'11" and right about 40" around my navel. Size 36 pants these days. I'm not "huge" but my belly seems pretty freaking big, especially at my age (30).

I used to be anorexic, 115lbs. I'm sure the belly fat has something to do with recovering from that. Not to mention I was on Zyprexa, Lexapro, Abilify...all kinds of stuff. And from a very young age, 12 or so. Not on any meds now. But they do a lot of damage, and who knows, could have been permanent since I was just a kid and took throughout my teens.

Anyway, had a good workout today. I'm not as strong as I was last year. Maybe stress got to me. Was able to do a lot more last year than I can right now, but I'm building back up to it, and want to go even further beyond. Way further beyond. Working out requires even more calories and bumps up your appetite even more.

Keeping food quality high is important. I also vegged out and was doing a LOT of fast food. I avoided fries and chicken nuggets because of the obviously soaring high levels of PUFA, but I also went into IDGAF mode and even had those for a while, maybe a couple years ago. Either way I'm also sure my current belly fat levels could have to do with all that PUFA I consumed carelessly, on top of the stress I was going through.

Been a lot more strict about diet lately, and working out. Next on the list is sleep. Need to get that sorted. As I said, I can't sleep if I'm hungry. It's impossible. Having been anorexic maybe I just burned through all my tolerance for calorie restriction. Because I really can't handle it at all these days. Will get horrible brain fog and generally just feel like I'm dying, no energy. Sometimes it takes me literally days of rest and not working out at all, or just walking a mile or two a day, to recover from "fasting by accident," especially if it was combined with working out while in a fasted state.

I do have hope that increasing lean mass will make losing fat easier in the long run. I've been hitting a lot of upper body but since I don't go to a gym, legs are very hard to hit. That's half of the body though, and if lean mass helps, legs would be a great place to start. Next on my list is figuring out how I can do a legit leg program at home. Might need to invest in some home workout equipment like a sled or something but I'm not sure what I'll do yet. Agreed though, 100%.


Apr 7, 2017
Peat recently was asked how he personally would lose weight if he had to drop a lot. He said a high calcium to phosphate ratio (lots of low fat milk and very little meat), bit of oj, occasional eggs and oysters. That’s it.

He said the high calcium to phosphate and high protein to fat were the key.

I’ve been doing it for about a month, looking lean. Works for sure and isn’t hard. I put on the weight fast drinking full cream milk and heaps of meat.


Nov 21, 2012
I wonder if this would also work with supplementing calcium powder (while eating lean meats)? if one could not tolerate milk,oj and eggs.

Broken man

Sep 11, 2016
Labs soon. Yes Estro. Its hard to come up with a personal protocol and target the issue. Estro & Prolactin.
Do i grab some anto-E's from the Doc? Vitamin E ect.

Ive been using White Carrot Salad & ACV, Garlic or Ginger (Awesome Stuff btw) just to help my system clear out, and process the estro/endo and so forth. But It all cant happen Fast Enough! If I knew a particular path was going to work....id wait it out for a Year or Whatever it takes.

Right now Im just shooting from the hip by eating good food At Home (Avoiding Restaurants) and some Basic Supps: Vit D & E, Biotin, Beef Organ, Mushroom.

Ray suggested Check my morning Temp. Vit D. Thyroid and Calcium to Phosphorus ratio
I had same problem, I have hands and back without fat but belly, breasts and thigs very fatty. Labs showed very high estrogen and mid range prolactin. Until today didnt find a cure but I found that I have also gut dysbiosis from too much bacteria or candida. Things that helped are goat milk, glucoronolactone, theacrine, cinnamon, mildronate. The goat milk is first because its reaaly effective. I am currently waiting on methylene Blue, bromantane and PQQ.

Broken man

Sep 11, 2016
Really? I know prolactin biases the actions of estrogen to the breast area.
What I remember from Travis work is that prolactin increases receptors for estrogen to bind with. Also that prolactin is responsible for belly fat and breasts. You can find it yourself through search. Type "prolactin fat".


Nov 14, 2017
your mind, rent free
I had same problem, I have hands and back without fat but belly, breasts and thigs very fatty. Labs showed very high estrogen and mid range prolactin. Until today didnt find a cure but I found that I have also gut dysbiosis from too much bacteria or candida. Things that helped are goat milk, glucoronolactone, theacrine, cinnamon, mildronate. The goat milk is first because its reaaly effective. I am currently waiting on methylene Blue, bromantane and PQQ.
I dont know man. All those things, the dysbiosis, estrogen, prolactin... yes, they can be addressed individually, but I think they all point to hypothyroidism. Eat your fruit and drink the goat milk, take the aspirin and get sleep, enough protein and especially calories, etc etc. These things are connected and IMO dont necessarily require individualized attention

Broken man

Sep 11, 2016
I dont know man. All those things, the dysbiosis, estrogen, prolactin... yes, they can be addressed individually, but I think they all point to hypothyroidism. Eat your fruit and drink the goat milk, take the aspirin and get sleep, enough protein and especially calories, etc etc. These things are connected and IMO dont necessarily require individualized attention
ofc man but the thing is that throid hormone is doing nothing to me ..... and fruit and milk only will not cure me for sure :D


Jun 10, 2020
ofc man but the thing is that throid hormone is doing nothing to me ..... and fruit and milk only will not cure me for sure :D
What do you think will do it, in addition to fruit and milk? Anything besides the methylene blue and others you mentioned? I feel like I can’t escape stress hormones myself.


Apr 7, 2017
ofc man but the thing is that throid hormone is doing nothing to me ..... and fruit and milk only will not cure me for sure :D
I should have added that the majority of supplements aren’t helpful, including thyroid and methylene blue. Peat was asked which supps he would take with that diet and he said none. They even asked him directly about aspirin and he seemed to suggest if you were in your 50’s and had a lot of pufa stored then sure some aspirin might be helpful.

Most supps slow down the weight loss for me. On just milk and juice and occasional eggs I was getting cold a lot. Add in oysters and I’m running warm and feeling good. All my fat gained from the first year or two of scoffing full cream milk and still eating meat every day is disappearing pretty quick.

Broken man

Sep 11, 2016

What do you think will do it, in addition to fruit and milk? Anything besides the methylene blue and others you mentioned? I feel like I can’t escape stress hormones myself.
For me, androsterone, creatine, mildronate And theacrine do alot but its hard to say, I found I must quit my 12hours shifts job.... The only way to know is to experiment.....


Dec 12, 2019
Don't mean to overdo this question as this subject gets brought up a lot, but I think it's important to refine questions for more precise answers. Us lot have a tendency to go off the original topic :p
I was in the same situation. Before working out (the right way) and learning about ray peat, i had also a bit of belly fat (but thankfully not too much). Since using many of ray peats principles, my thyroid (according to blood tests) runs better, Testosterone is also higher (according to blood tests), i feel more energetic and i'm more leaner than before. If i would guess, i should be around 10% body fat right now. Maybe a bit less.

The biggest things that have made an impact was:

-Training the right way. Before that, i was training also three, sometimes four times per week (like now). But the total workout time was like 60 Minutes (or higher), which i think, was a huge mistake. Because we have to take into account, that i also have a Full-Time Job (40 Hours), which sometimes can be also very stressful. Also not training properly (due to many false informations) has not helped, rather worsen's it. I was doing bro splits at that time. And had also not much knowledge about things like total weekly volume, exercise selection, proper programming and so forth. Since reducing the exercises (5-6 excercises per workout) and reducing total workout time to around 45 minutes (or less), i feel and perform much better. Also doing workouts that trained the muscle more frequently, like Upper/Lower Split, Push/Pull Split (aka Kinobody) or Full Body Split has helped tremendously with muscle gain.

-Learning about Ray's Principles. Before that, things like Vitamin A (Retinol), Fructose (via Fruits), Gelatin, Aspirin and eating more carbs and sugar was more under the radar for me. Since learning about this, i don't shy away from more carbs and sugar (especially more fruits and milk). I also eat more Beef and Calf Liver then before. And even drinking a glass of gelatin powder (mixed with milk and honey) every evening, which helps tremendously with sleeping like a baby. I even done a experiment with Vitamin A (retinol). I was eating (2 weeks before my 2019 Blood Test) beef liver EVERY DAY, in small amounts (80-100g). I also drinked coffee (with milk and sugar) with it, to not absorb too much iron. The blood test results we're very good. I also felt young and vital and even my libido was very good at that time (and still is, to this day).
Also i feared, that aspirin was doing more harm, than it was worth for. But the fear was unfounded. Since using Aspirin regulary, i am lean almost all the time, even if i'm eating more on that day. Maybe it has something to do with mitochondria uncoupling and therefore also better thyroid function (?). I even used it, when i was in Quarantine do to COVID back in April 2022 and helped lessens symtomps to a great degree.

-De-Stressing. I also do this more then before. I eat more anti-cortisol foods (like blueberries, pomegranate(-juice), prunes and so forth), do more power-naps (sleeping for 20-25 Minutes) and many other things, that helped. I'm yet have to do more meditation.


Jul 13, 2014
I’m noticing a reduction in stomach fat from magnesium succinate. I didn’t have much to begin with but I think it’s mostly reduced any gut inflammation I had and lowering water retention from cortisol. There’s probably some fat loss too.
Which magnesium succinate product?


May 30, 2018
@ddjd I made my own with magnesium carbonate and succinic acid I bought off eBay. I wish I could find a source of it premade. The first time I tried it, it put me into this beautiful spiritual mental zone for a couple days. It’s a great supplement I don’t know why it isn’t for sale anywhere.


Jun 2, 2017
@ddjd I made my own with magnesium carbonate and succinic acid I bought off eBay. I wish I could find a source of it premade. The first time I tried it, it put me into this beautiful spiritual mental zone for a couple days. It’s a great supplement I don’t know why it isn’t for sale anywhere.
Following your posts, and others, I made that same magnesium succinate, but I didn't see the weight loss. Maybe I need to continue on with it. Do you have a figure of lbs lost, and from what period of supplementing?
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