What Are Symptoms If Not Low Blood Sugar?


Mar 7, 2017
@Janelle525 I haven't yet used activated charcoal. I was thinking of waiting until my gut improved until I tried it, as I was concerned it might bother my gut. I am not sure what charcoal is like an cascara irritated my gut. I remember you saying cascara irritated yours too? Is charcoal a completely different response? Also I didn't want to get anymore constipated than I am but I may experiment with the charcoal soon.

Personally, I found it best to do a clean sweep using 4T charcoal per night right before bed (with enough carbs) while I refined my diet.

I also tried antibiotics and carrot salad, but they weren't as effective as ac.:cool:


Aug 17, 2016
Personally, I found it best to do a clean sweep using 4T charcoal per night right before bed (with enough carbs) while I refined my diet.

I also tried antibiotics and carrot salad, but they weren't as effective as ac.:cool:
Hi theLaw,
tmi - if I take AC, I don't see it turn up in my stool for about a week. Weird because everything else seems to have moved along--if anything, too quickly. :?:


Mar 7, 2017
Hi theLaw,
tmi - if I take AC, I don't see it turn up in my stool for about a week. Weird because everything else seems to have moved along--if anything, too quickly. :?:

That's definitely strange. You should see it within 24hrs as there's nowhere else for it to go.

Keep in mind that most people don't appear to use enough to really be effective. I think Haidut posted about using 50grams (3-4 Tablespoons) to fully clean out the gut.


These capsules are around 500mg each, so you would need to take a whole bottle (impractical) in one sitting to get 50G, hence the need for the powder.

I started with 1T of powder with juice (you need carbs as ac can lower blood sugar), and just worked my way up pretty quickly.:cool:


Aug 17, 2016
That's definitely strange. You should see it within 24hrs as there's nowhere else for it to go.

Keep in mind that most people don't appear to use enough to really be effective. I think Haidut posted about using 50grams (3-4 Tablespoons) to fully clean out the gut.


These capsules are around 500mg each, so you would need to take a whole bottle (impractical) in one sitting to get 50G, hence the need for the powder.

I started with 1T of powder with juice (you need carbs as ac can lower blood sugar), and just worked my way up pretty quickly.:cool:
ah yep! Just checked my capsules are 500mg each. :doh


Mar 7, 2017
Are you using fine powder or granular? Thanks

I use the powder.........that granular ac looks pretty gnarly.

Seems like a possible choking hazard, but probably still more comfortable than swallowing 100 gel-caps:eek:


Jun 11, 2017
Albuquerque, NM
That's definitely strange. You should see it within 24hrs as there's nowhere else for it to go.

Keep in mind that most people don't appear to use enough to really be effective. I think Haidut posted about using 50grams (3-4 Tablespoons) to fully clean out the gut.

These capsules are around 500mg each, so you would need to take a whole bottle (impractical) in one sitting to get 50G, hence the need for the powder.

I started with 1T of powder with juice (you need carbs as ac can lower blood sugar), and just worked my way up pretty quickly.:cool:

:imnewhere Thank you for the qualifier ( ...need carbs as ac can lower blood sugar) .... I'm anxious to get started, trying to educate myself and I'm finding cautions and qualifiers everywhere ... thank you, everyone, for including "qualifiers", and at times, meanings for the acronyms this forum uses in the comments, for newbies such as myself.


Mar 30, 2015
Canary Spain
I have experienced something similar when I have too much sodium. I keep a little like salt, potassium chloride, around. And I take a pinch and a little water that usually fixes this. Sometimes I also get toe cramps or finger cramps when this happens.
I have this today, and yesterday I noticed strangely that I did not want to eat salty!
And I am sure I did not overdo salt those days, so there is something else moving the balance....
And how nice it is to be able to monitor what is going on through the body felt-sense!
Now I will be more careful when I notice I want to be away from salt.
How much early we can notice and understand, our body signs talking to ourself, how better and early we can react.
(same as prodomo in migraine, then there pre-prodomo too!)
From my personal experience, blood glucose is rarely abnormal when I have symptoms. I do think "low blood sugar" issues are very related to an energy deficit (inefficient metabolism) and more likely when hungry, but it's not a drop in glucose that's the problem at least for me.
I think sugar is seemingly ok because it stays in the blood instead of entering the cell...
So maybe there IS a lack of sugar, in the cell and not in the blood!
I have slow metabolism life long, and life long high glycemia!


Mar 30, 2015
Canary Spain
This has made a lot of sense to me thanks, very interesting. I'm going to look into SE more

Yeah I thought it didn't apply to me, but as you dig further you realize all humans have some form of trauma whether it be hardship the Mom went through prenatally, birth trauma, surgery, partial drownings (I almost drowned as a young child), shock trauma is the most well known but it is not the only form. Our brains are wired to look for danger. Once you start working with your nervous system you realize you actually have the capacity to teach it to regulate itself and thus small things will not be a trigger for a stress reaction. I used to have daily adrenaline rushes, after working more with this stuff I feel like I am able to withstand a lot more stress without panicking.

do you have any online resources you used to help you?
I have found the link to the book that goes with a cd
Healing Trauma: A Pioneering Program for Restoring the Wisdom of Your Body: Peter A. Levine: 9781591796589: Amazon.com: Books
As someone coments in amazon, do not by kindle because you will not get the CD!
I feel a little bad when I talk about SE just because it is not easy to do something without a SEP, a SE Practitionner.
These exercise in the CD can look too simple and stupid, but it helps to get more consciousness of the body and the auto-regulation Janelle speaks about. EVEN when we think we do, we are NOT enough in contact with our body sensations in our society. I thought I was, but I can increase this all the time! And it needs a conscious focus, you have to THINK about doing it. I try to think about doing it whenever I have some unpleasant ideas or emotions. I say "ho, what is there I did not notice in my body", and track like a dog tracks with his nose... but with all my inside body sensations.

Most people do this in this forum, by traying something and then checking the body reaction. It can just be used more widely!

I loved the book "in an unspoken voice", bacause he speaks about his own car accident and how he helped himself. Then I started to help myself instead of complaining I had no SEP nearby when needed!
Any book from Peter Levine will help to understand HOW this all works, so that you can start to regulate better. Also, this is very calming to know that your body takes care and is intelligent enough to take care of you! It was so good when I understood the link between some life events and their real physiological consequence, not only on organs and metabolism, but also all the autonomic nervous system, and thus the endocrine system!
Thenn you feel normal and human and not hypocondriac and not mad and not to be sent to a psychotherapist etc!
Last edited:


Dec 28, 2019
Every now and then I get sudden rush of symptoms, a feeling of slight weakness, shakeyness, anxiety etc. Before I had a glucometer I thought these were symptoms of low blood sugar. Now I have one and very time I treasure when I feel like that my blood sugar is fine, always around 5-5.8. Any idea what it could be?

Hey how you doing?
can you give a update how you solved your problem?

i have got the same problems. (low blood sugar symptoms when sugar is normal)

Waking up: 4.3 mmol/l -> feeling great
2 hours later, not active, just sitting, and drinking some water: 3.9 mmol/l -> feeling great
Then start doing low steady cardio and after 8 minutes -> 4.1 mmol/l -> feeling shaky, weak, irritate, (low bloodsugar symtoms)
My body temp is 37 celcius so thyroid is not the cause.


Sep 13, 2012
Hey how you doing?
can you give a update how you solved your problem?

i have got the same problems. (low blood sugar symptoms when sugar is normal)

Waking up: 4.3 mmol/l -> feeling great
2 hours later, not active, just sitting, and drinking some water: 3.9 mmol/l -> feeling great
Then start doing low steady cardio and after 8 minutes -> 4.1 mmol/l -> feeling shaky, weak, irritate, (low bloodsugar symtoms)
My body temp is 37 celcius so thyroid is not the cause.
You don't mention any food. Did you try to work out without having had even juice?


Dec 28, 2019
You don't mention any food. Did you try to work out without having had even juice?
Not really, i am doing some experiments to see on which activity levels i got low blood sugar symptoms.
Other example what i did is eating 300 gr carbs rich meal, and after 30 minutes of doing some labour or weight training or whatever.. o got low blood sugar symptoms but my real mmo/l is something like 4.9 or so.
This doesn't suppose te be happend and 300 gr carbohydrates.


Sep 13, 2012
Not really, i am doing some experiments to see on which activity levels i got low blood sugar symptoms.
Other example what i did is eating 300 gr carbs rich meal, and after 30 minutes of doing some labour or weight training or whatever.. o got low blood sugar symptoms but my real mmo/l is something like 4.9 or so.
This doesn't suppose te be happend and 300 gr carbohydrates.
Might not be blood sugar related then. POTS? low blood pressure weak adrenals?


Dec 28, 2019
Might not be blood sugar related then. POTS? low blood pressure weak adrenals?
all these symptoms seem to be the same.. hard to tell
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