Vitamin A and T3 for testosterone - dosage


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
Yep, this is dissolving into a personal site.
Do you not find it interesting the @GreekDemiGod goes and makes a thread complaining about his ban here and then several people chime in that "vitamin A" is indeed toxic and also two of those people said they felt better on low vitamin A with one of those saying it stopped their headaches?


Oct 23, 2018
Do you not find it interesting the @GreekDemiGod goes and makes a thread complaining about his ban here and then several people chime in that "vitamin A" is indeed toxic and also two of those people said they felt better on low vitamin A with one of those saying it stopped their headaches?
Can you link that thread here?

I can't seem to find it anywhere on the forum.


Aug 5, 2015
Do you not find it interesting the @GreekDemiGod goes and makes a thread complaining about his ban here and then several people chime in that "vitamin A" is indeed toxic and also two of those people said they felt better on low vitamin A with one of those saying it stopped their headaches?
Spanning 18yrs of reading & listing, I recall KMUD Rad or other Interviews that contain the same sentiment of Vit A can interfere with thyroid. So why is this even an issue??
I never once heard RP say: "Takes lots of Vit A"

Seem probable that the people who choose low vit A are correct by coincidence, valuable none the less.

Maybe I missed something, Your solution to this criticizer is banning?


Oct 23, 2018
I know RP has said that the best way to raise testosterone is to take vitamin a and T3 but I've never found any info about dosage. Do you have any information about that or your own experience?
You can try looking here for information you may seek.

It's unfortunate your post here was hijacked in such a way.
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The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
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Oct 23, 2018
This is cult like behavior which allows the poisoning of the people to continue.
The cult like behavior came from your response to this thread.

The title is 'Vitamin A and T3 for Testosterone' for which there is a "mountain" of evidence, yet you jumped in with "Peat is dead wrong about A, etc."

No one asked 'Is Dr. Peat Right Or Wrong About Vitamin A?'

Your response on this thread was not at all dissimilar to a vegan jumping into an argument about meat, or arguing for the virtues of Keto vs. Carnivore, vax'd or non-vax'd, it's ******* useless!

Your stance on Vitamin A is extremely controversial, period. But that is the beauty of it all, you are entitled to believe what you will. And who am I or anyone else to say you are wrong or right for that?

So you have no place either, as a better response may have been.. "Hey maybe you should look at this, this and this, and reform your opinion based on such"

But instead you immediately jumped in with persecution and damnation, especially to those who showed opposition to your opinion. That is not any different from the bull**** we put up with on a daily basis from MSM, big pharma, politicians and the like.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
The cult like behavior came from your response to this thread.
So they wanted to cancel me, but when I canceled them you get in a huff. :roll:
Your stance on Vitamin A is extremely controversial, period.
Its not controversial at all when the evidence is considered. Have you considered the evidence that is contrary to what you believe? Wish I would had made the leap sooner.


Oct 23, 2018
So they wanted to cancel me, but when I canceled them you get in a huff. :roll:
I didn't see anyone trying to cancel you and I'm not sure what you mean by that, but the only huff I had was the shock I received when I saw how you interjected and then responded to those who were just as shocked at your responses.

Its not controversial at all when the evidence is considered.
It absolutely IS controversial when you consider all the important bodily processes that Vitamin A plays a role in. But sure, there may come a day where over 100 years of understanding gets out right flipped on it's head. Perhaps!

Have you considered the evidence that is contrary to what you believe?
I do yes, and the way I feel or think about things changes constantly. Life is fluid in this manner.

Wish I would had made the leap sooner.
I am happy for you in this regard, but we both know, what works for ourselves, doesn't always work the same for everyone else. You are blessed to have the success you've had in doing what you do, but others might not end up as fortunate.
Mar 10, 2021
Also kind of ironic that a forum moderator is saying Peat was dead wrong...
Ray Peat never endorsed eating a plate of liver or even eating a little everyday, he said three ounces a week, and that is it, and not to have it on zinc days, as zinc depletes copper. Too much of a good thing most often is a bad thing. Charlie’s post was about supplementing it.


Jul 8, 2014
When you feel this good, and have so much motivation for me its impossible to just sit and and relax.

I can relate. It’s a challenge for me to sit still with the child-like vitality I have in me. I have to make a conscious effort to show myself the same care I do others and relax periodically so that I can continue to do God’s work.

The Peat diet is a very toxic diet.

Not for me and my family. Ray’s dietary and thyroid recommendations have been a blessing to us.


Dec 9, 2022
Hey guys, I'm sorry I brought this thread back, but can someone answer my question about how to get affordable vitamin A so one can take high doses? Charlie, I think it's great that you are thriving on a low vitamin A diet, but I get painful ocular migraines and terrible allergies when I am lacking vitamin A. I feel a difference within an hour of taking it. So I personally thrive on it.


Mar 26, 2014
Hey guys, I'm sorry I brought this thread back, but can someone answer my question about how to get affordable vitamin A so one can take high doses? Charlie, I think it's great that you are thriving on a low vitamin A diet, but I get painful ocular migraines and terrible allergies when I am lacking vitamin A. I feel a difference within an hour of taking it. So I personally thrive on it.

Why not eat liver so you get the beneficial vitamins and minerals too? It's cheap!


Jul 8, 2014


Dec 29, 2015
I once had Vitamin A deficiency likely due to heavy drinking + hypothyroidism. Became difficult to see at night, night blindness, blurry/bright starry effect on lights. Even had a scratchy heavy feeling in my eyes just about all the time.

Took high dose vitamin A every day and within about 8-10 days my eyes and night vision were back to better than what I remembered that of normal.

Its extremely common for alcoholics to have effects, prolonged or acute due to issues typically related to low vitamin A serum levels. These folks typically can recover quite quickly by administering large doses of vitamin A over a period of time.

I can't see how something your body needs is toxic. That topic really bugs me around here.
@Sumbody , Vitamin A toxicity is not a "hidden" agenda or obscure topic. Hypervitaminosis A is all over Common Medical Literature. There is no debate in any medical forum that Vitamin A toxicity exist. It very real, so real that 1 serving of Polar Bear liver is Lethal as was deadly for some explorers. Now, whether or not it is a straight up toxin, or a vitamin is debatable. But for people to be concerned on how much vitamin A they are ingesting and or storing is very responsible. Vitamin A overdosing is linked to Liver Cirrohsis and OsteoPorosis. Not something I want to play around with.
Many forum members now agree that Ray was very wrong on this subject. Especially now with the work of others showing the links between high vitamin A intake and hypothyroidism. Now we know why Ray needed to take so much thyroid hormone, because his Vitamin A intake as so antagonistic to his thyroid. Garrett Smith has many papers on the connecting between Hypothyroidism and vitamin A.


May 10, 2018
@Sumbody , Now we know why Ray needed to take so much thyroid hormone, because his Vitamin A intake as so antagonistic to his thyroid.
That’s why Ray needed to take so much thyroid hormone? I’ve heard him on multiple occasions mention that 3-5mcg of T3 at a time should be the upper limit. This is mind blowingly conservative compared to almost anyone I’ve ever heard talk about thyroid hormone.


Mar 26, 2014
@Sumbody , Vitamin A toxicity is not a "hidden" agenda or obscure topic. Hypervitaminosis A is all over Common Medical Literature. There is no debate in any medical forum that Vitamin A toxicity exist. It very real, so real that 1 serving of Polar Bear liver is Lethal as was deadly for some explorers. Now, whether or not it is a straight up toxin, or a vitamin is debatable. But for people to be concerned on how much vitamin A they are ingesting and or storing is very responsible. Vitamin A overdosing is linked to Liver Cirrohsis and OsteoPorosis. Not something I want to play around with.
Many forum members now agree that Ray was very wrong on this subject. Especially now with the work of others showing the links between high vitamin A intake and hypothyroidism. Now we know why Ray needed to take so much thyroid hormone, because his Vitamin A intake as so antagonistic to his thyroid. Garrett Smith has many papers on the connecting between Hypothyroidism and vitamin A.

Ray used beta-carotene as an indicator of thyroid function - a healthy metabolism via good thyroid function can handle vitamin A.

He did discuss the story about explorers who ate polar bear liver and subsequently experienced their skin peeling off. He mentioned that this incident is often attributed to vitamin A toxicity. However, he expressed skepticism about this explanation, suggesting that there are many toxic substances that polar bear liver might contain, (Algal bloom toxins was mentioned) but the blame was specifically placed on vitamin A. He also pointed out that in animal experiments, even huge doses of vitamin A that would be greater than what one could get from polar bear liver never produced symptoms similar to those supposedly caused by the polar bear liver. Ray Pete's comments indicate that he sees the story as part of a history of creating panic about vitamin A, which he believes is unfounded and possibly linked to pharmaceutical companies' interests in promoting synthetic vitamin A products.
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