Trump Tries To Go Peat


May 30, 2018
Trump said that during yesterday's task force briefing.

Love to see it. Scott Adams says a specific type of stupid is the type of person who says it can't be done, who then immediately gets proved wrong when someone else says it's already being done.

And @yerrag

In the real world these are the exact Vitamins that are giving 100% cure rate



Apr 19, 2017
My husband immediately started to feel better on large doses of high quality vitamin d3 supplements.

I think the disinfectant idea will be moot when they start to realize that this is a blood clotting issue, and when they start trying to reduce platelet aggregation with losartan before it starts happening there will be fewer deaths. Also, they are having success with plasma from healed coronavirus patients (with antibodies.)


Mar 29, 2016
My husband immediately started to feel better on large doses of high quality vitamin d3 supplements.

I think the disinfectant idea will be moot when they start to realize that this is a blood clotting issue, and when they start trying to reduce platelet aggregation with losartan before it starts happening there will be fewer deaths. Also, they are having success with plasma from healed coronavirus patients (with antibodies.)

Interesting. I don't know about how losartan leads to reduced platelet aggregation. Can you explain or share a link? And on using plasma with antibodies from healed Covid patients - I haven't heard of this. Can you provide some links?


Nov 28, 2014
My husband immediately started to feel better on large doses of high quality vitamin d3 supplements.

I think the disinfectant idea will be moot when they start to realize that this is a blood clotting issue, and when they start trying to reduce platelet aggregation with losartan before it starts happening there will be fewer deaths. Also, they are having success with plasma from healed coronavirus patients (with antibodies.)
If platelet aggregation is an issue, I wonder if taurine would be helpful if you can't get losartan? The potential health benefits of taurine in cardiovascular disease
platelets from humans with normal taurine status showed an increase in resistance to aggregation by 30% to 70% when supplemented with taurine at 400 mg/day or 1600 mg/day, respectively

@alywest Happy to hear your husband is doing better.


Apr 19, 2017
Interesting. I don't know about how losartan leads to reduced platelet aggregation. Can you explain or share a link? And on using plasma with antibodies from healed Covid patients - I haven't heard of this. Can you provide some links?

Critically ill Massachusetts coronavirus patient dramatically improves after plasma treatment — Fox News

Note that traditional blood thinners seem to be counterproductive (such as aspirin), perhaps for reasons stated in the studies above. The third link is about a patient who recovered after getting plasma. They seem to be using it only on a trial basis right now and I assume that plasma will be hard to obtain, plus it won’t score big pharma any money so there’s no major push by any special interest groups or business people , including trump.


Apr 19, 2017
If platelet aggregation is an issue, I wonder if taurine would be helpful if you can't get losartan? The potential health benefits of taurine in cardiovascular disease

That’s a good question. Although it seems that losartan is particularly effective in this way due to its affinity for the GVPI receptor. And superior to other “sartan” drugs.

@alywest Happy to hear your husband is doing better.

thank you and I should also point out that the vitamin he took also included large amounts of k2 and vitamin a palmitate. (Forefront health’s ADK)


Dec 21, 2014
Its reddit hive mind upvote seeking behavior, dont make much of it
Reddit is 100% controlled. There used to be a ton of conservative posts that would get to r/all. The site admins put several countermeasures in place, and now a visit to Reddit will have you thinking everyone is in agreement: Orange Man Bad.


Forum Supporter
Jul 8, 2014
I thought the Rife unit is larger and isn't something you wear. I have to check with my cousin as he had one before.

I have some of the Sota products, these are based on Dr. Bob Beck. He developed a blood electrification device. Maybe 10 years ago, I came across a medical journal article where they destroyed viruses in vitro by passing an electrical current through the blood.


Mar 2, 2015
If Trump could actually communicate more elegantly, he might actually have a chance at bringing all sides together to question things. Instead he comes across as a divisive buffoon that panders to his followers while alienating the rest. He has some interesting things to say at times but also loses credibility because of his many incoherent ramblings. Many people will not take him seriously in any fashion because of that.
You have to be kidding me. This man has been attacked, undressed and raped over and over again and he still has thrown out a few olive branches but they continue to rape him. The left and the media deserve nothing IMHO. He speaks directly to the people and I SIMPLY turn off the propaganda box they call a TV.


Jan 9, 2019
Is this Rife? He doesn't talk about Rife at all, and I'm up to the 19 minute mark, all on how to use the silver pulser.

I thought the Rife unit is larger and isn't something you wear. I have to check with my cousin as he had one before.

I think it's based on it but it might not be the exact tech. More so Bob Beck oriented.


Jan 9, 2019


Jan 9, 2019
My husband immediately started to feel better on large doses of high quality vitamin d3 supplements.

I think the disinfectant idea will be moot when they start to realize that this is a blood clotting issue, and when they start trying to reduce platelet aggregation with losartan before it starts happening there will be fewer deaths. Also, they are having success with plasma from healed coronavirus patients (with antibodies.)
Ray says that is secondary to the Co2 issue from what I understand. Here is a quote from the recent podcast with one radio:

The stabilizing factor has been known for 70 or 80 years that pure oxygen displaces co2 from the lung tissue as well as the rest of the body and it injures the lung tissue to over ventilate it by driving off the co2 and when lower the co2 systematically its replaced by an overproduction of lactic acid, and lactic acid shifts the metabolism and energy, pH and structure of the cells making them swell up and block the passage of oxygen so you plug up the lungs very quickly when you over-ventilate them. And if a person has slow metabolism and isn't producing very much co2 it's very easy to get them into the hyperventilated lung inflamed condition those are the people who when they travel to high altitude 8 or 10000 ft too fast develop adema of the lungs and brain and people have started noticing that the people on ventilators behave the same as people with high altitude sickness and that has been tested for years first with this drug that makes the body retain more co2 and then a few people noticed that giving a supplement carrying a tank of co2 up the mountain is more valuable than just oxygen and a product has been a viable to hospitals since the late 1930 containing 5% co2 with 95% oxygen which is vastly safer than pure oxygen for ventilating people but hospitals have rejected it because of mistaken understanding of what carbon dioxide is they think of it as a a toxic gas rather than an inflammatory protective part of our metabolism.


Apr 19, 2017
Ray says that is secondary to the Co2 issue from what I understand. Here is a quote from the recent podcast with one radio:

The stabilizing factor has been known for 70 or 80 years that pure oxygen displaces co2 from the lung tissue as well as the rest of the body and it injures the lung tissue to over ventilate it by driving off the co2 and when lower the co2 systematically its replaced by an overproduction of lactic acid, and lactic acid shifts the metabolism and energy, pH and structure of the cells making them swell up and block the passage of oxygen so you plug up the lungs very quickly when you over-ventilate them. And if a person has slow metabolism and isn't producing very much co2 it's very easy to get them into the hyperventilated lung inflamed condition those are the people who when they travel to high altitude 8 or 10000 ft too fast develop adema of the lungs and brain and people have started noticing that the people on ventilators behave the same as people with high altitude sickness and that has been tested for years first with this drug that makes the body retain more co2 and then a few people noticed that giving a supplement carrying a tank of co2 up the mountain is more valuable than just oxygen and a product has been a viable to hospitals since the late 1930 containing 5% co2 with 95% oxygen which is vastly safer than pure oxygen for ventilating people but hospitals have rejected it because of mistaken understanding of what carbon dioxide is they think of it as a a toxic gas rather than an inflammatory protective part of our metabolism.

I don't doubt that ventilators are confounding the issue further, as they are meant to be used in cases such as pneumonia, which covid-19 isn't; however, doctors are finding clotting in various organs of the body.

Alarmed as COVID patients' blood thickened, New York doctors try new treatments

"At Philadelphia’s Thomas Jefferson University Hospital, Dr. Pascal Jabbour had begun to see a similar surge in strokes among people with COVID-19. The way his patients’ blood congealed reminded him of congenital conditions such as lupus, or certain cancers.
“I’ve never seen any other viruses causing that,” Jabbour said.
In Boston, the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center began a clinical trial earlier this month to see if tPA, an anti-clotting drug, could help severely sick COVID-19 patients.
Clotting can develop in anyone who gets very sick and spends long periods of time immobile on a ventilator, but doctors say the problem seemed to show up sooner in COVID-19 patients as a more direct consequence of the virus.
At Mount Sinai, patients in intensive care often receive the blood-thinning agent heparin in weaker prophylactic doses. Under the new protocol, higher doses of heparin normally used to dissolve clots will be given to patients before any clots are detected."

However, it seems that doctors are ignoring research that was done in as early as the 90's showing that losartan has some of the best anti-clotting properties of any drug, which seem to be separate from it's ARB properties, which is why losartan is perhaps effective, while other "sartan" drugs such as telmisartan and candesartan are not.

"our clinical observations are that extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) circuits are clotting more, that dialysis circuits are clotting more," said Luks. "We can't explain why they're hypoxemic without a change in chest radiograph. We have seen overt pulmonary embolism or microemboli that are developing in the lungs. There's a plausible argument that maybe this is related to a pro-coagulant state."
He cautioned that studies of ARDS patients before COVID-19 do show documentation of microthrombi on autopsy, and critically ill patients do develop venous thromboembolism and pulmonary embolism and have had other issues like clotted dialysis circuits."

I think this points to the issue that doctors have drugs in mind that they think of as "anticoagulants" and they don't want to think of how drugs can be useful for issues that they weren't originally purposed for. Losartan is considered a blood pressure medication, however, it is actually effective in the use of the reduction of platelet aggregation, and moreso than almost any other medication (besides, surprise surprise, cinanserin) for GVPI-initiated aggregation (see study I mentioned above in response to yerrag).


Mar 7, 2013
You have to be kidding me. This man has been attacked, undressed and raped over and over again and he still has thrown out a few olive branches but they continue to rape him. The left and the media deserve nothing IMHO. He speaks directly to the people and I SIMPLY turn off the propaganda box they call a TV.

What I don't understand from much of society is their inability to see the corruption on both sides. The well connected elite ruling class is a problem and it doesn't matter what side they're on. If you somehow think that Trump isn't a part of the elite ruling class with no ties to other elites who want control, then you need to take off your blinders. Trump is no different from the rest in that he wants to maintain a system for the elite.


Jan 9, 2019
I don't doubt that ventilators are confounding the issue further, as they are meant to be used in cases such as pneumonia, which covid-19 isn't; however, doctors are finding clotting in various organs of the body.

Alarmed as COVID patients' blood thickened, New York doctors try new treatments

"At Philadelphia’s Thomas Jefferson University Hospital, Dr. Pascal Jabbour had begun to see a similar surge in strokes among people with COVID-19. The way his patients’ blood congealed reminded him of congenital conditions such as lupus, or certain cancers.
“I’ve never seen any other viruses causing that,” Jabbour said.
In Boston, the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center began a clinical trial earlier this month to see if tPA, an anti-clotting drug, could help severely sick COVID-19 patients.
Clotting can develop in anyone who gets very sick and spends long periods of time immobile on a ventilator, but doctors say the problem seemed to show up sooner in COVID-19 patients as a more direct consequence of the virus.
At Mount Sinai, patients in intensive care often receive the blood-thinning agent heparin in weaker prophylactic doses. Under the new protocol, higher doses of heparin normally used to dissolve clots will be given to patients before any clots are detected."

However, it seems that doctors are ignoring research that was done in as early as the 90's showing that losartan has some of the best anti-clotting properties of any drug, which seem to be separate from it's ARB properties, which is why losartan is perhaps effective, while other "sartan" drugs such as telmisartan and candesartan are not.

"our clinical observations are that extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) circuits are clotting more, that dialysis circuits are clotting more," said Luks. "We can't explain why they're hypoxemic without a change in chest radiograph. We have seen overt pulmonary embolism or microemboli that are developing in the lungs. There's a plausible argument that maybe this is related to a pro-coagulant state."
He cautioned that studies of ARDS patients before COVID-19 do show documentation of microthrombi on autopsy, and critically ill patients do develop venous thromboembolism and pulmonary embolism and have had other issues like clotted dialysis circuits."

I think this points to the issue that doctors have drugs in mind that they think of as "anticoagulants" and they don't want to think of how drugs can be useful for issues that they weren't originally purposed for. Losartan is considered a blood pressure medication, however, it is actually effective in the use of the reduction of platelet aggregation, and moreso than almost any other medication (besides, surprise surprise, cinanserin) for GVPI-initiated aggregation (see study I mentioned above in response to yerrag).

read the thread that says "covid riddle solved it's the bacteria not the virus." I just linked a paper that implies this link.


Mar 29, 2016

Critically ill Massachusetts coronavirus patient dramatically improves after plasma treatment — Fox News

Note that traditional blood thinners seem to be counterproductive (such as aspirin), perhaps for reasons stated in the studies above. The third link is about a patient who recovered after getting plasma. They seem to be using it only on a trial basis right now and I assume that plasma will be hard to obtain, plus it won’t score big pharma any money so there’s no major push by any special interest groups or business people , including trump.


Dec 21, 2014
If Reddit is controlled, then why are virtually all the posts critical of China? Even before the coronavirus stuff.
I take it you're not aware of the countermeasures that have been put in place. And how drastically all of Reddit has changed since then. They're silencing conservatives to influence their users. I watched them implement these changes and they weren't very subtle about it.

I'm not a NWO conspiracy type person and I don't really understand why you would think they would block posts that are critical of China. It's not a Chinese website... it's run by American left wing extremists.
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