The Health Cost Of Lockdowns- Death Tolls From Increased Suicide, Blood Shortages, And Other Effects


Mar 18, 2013
USA / Europe
Sweden still appears to be the 'Outlier' when it comes to Covid-19 deaths without a lockdown, or severe restrictions of a lockdown;

covid-19 deaths sweden graph - Bing

Click on the deaths tab to see what I mean @Drareg @boris @tankasnowgod

Hardly a 'Pandemic', is it!

I have tried to bring up this exact point to so many people (including doctors) but the response is always either contempt due to my lack of credentials or anger/aggression and "explanations" why that approach would never work anywhere else but Sweden...comments by people who have never been to Sweden or know anybody there, yet they are self-anointed experts on Sweden instantly.
But yes, it is a stark reminder of just how fraudulent everything is. Sweden, with a population of 10mil has about 6,000 COVID-19 deaths over the entire "pandemic" while also avoiding the destruction of the economy all other countries implemented. I just don't see what degrees do I need to have to be able to see something unique and hidden the "experts" are seeing in this simple truth. When I asked that question too, the "experts" (many of which are close friends) just say "this is negatively affecting our mental health, so we can't think about it. change topic". Of course, I am accepting the 6,000 deaths completely at face value. Once you factor in that majority of them were not actually due to the COVID-19, the realization of genocide in other parts of the world becomes that much harder to escape.
Another interesting observation is that several of the biggest proponents on this forum of lockdowns and viewing this pandemic as real have disappeared and do not respond when tagged in recent threads exposing the COVID-19 charade. Yet, they were VERY vocal back in April, May timeframe in threads with very similar topics, and kept insisting that COVID-19 could become as bad as the Spanish Flu unless we shut down everything and turn into hermits for an indefinite period of time. I would like to hear from them as to what changed in their worldview, if anything....but they don't respond...even though when you click on their avatars you can see they are still active on the forum and avidly read such threads...including this one :):


Jan 25, 2014
I have tried to bring up this exact point to so many people (including doctors) but the response is always either contempt due to my lack of credentials or anger/aggression and "explanations" why that approach would never work anywhere else but Sweden...comments by people who have never been to Sweden or know anybody there, yet they are self-anointed experts on Sweden instantly.

You could also bring up the fact that it's an approach that worked for pretty much every country during every other "Media Pandemic," including SARS, Bird Flu, Swine Flu, Ebola, West Nile, Zika, and so on. And even worked during actual episodes of increased illness, like the 2017/18 flu season (although that season didn't have a catchy/scary name attached to it, nor as much media hype as any of those others).

Another interesting observation is that several of the biggest proponents on this forum of lockdowns and viewing this pandemic as real have disappeared and do not respond when tagged in recent threads exposing the COVID-19 charade. Yet, they were VERY vocal back in April, May timeframe in threads with very similar topics, and kept insisting that COVID-19 could become as bad as the Spanish Flu unless we shut down everything and turn into hermits for an indefinite period of time. I would like to hear from them as to what changed in their worldview, if anything....but they don't respond...even though when you click on their avatars you can see they are still active on the forum and avidly read such threads...including this one :):

I remember them. They were all quick to give warnings about 20 Million, 50 Million, or 65 Million dead within 18 months. Of course, the population of the world was about 8 times smaller in 1918, so a true "Spanish Flu" like event today might involve 250-400 Million dead. Yet here we are, in month 11, and COVID 19 has yet to overtake Tuberculous as the most deadly respiratory disease of the year, even going by the numbers at face value (which is almost certainly inflated 50-90%), and right around a million deaths. And that 1 Million number can easily fit into the estimated 56 Million deaths that happen every year for all causes. Any of the early predictions surely would have bumped up the worldwide yearly death toll. So quick to believe the Pandemic Prophecy, so slow to acknowledge the real world outcome.


Sep 30, 2020
I was guilty of this last year but one reason ppl presidict disaster and terrible outcomes / worst case scenarios is they want to find meaning in some sort of destruction. Evangelicals predict apocalypse, preppers predict civil wars. Back in Jan 2020 I was fully believing the videos coming out of China meant real bad pandemic was coming but when I reflected on it I realized I was trying to find meaning by partaking in a fear ritual. I deny and reject such rituals now. I won’t give loosh to these demons anymore.
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Aug 17, 2016
Amazing that 220 Million Americans died over the past several months, when 93 Million Americans die of gun violence every day-


But troubling is her number is about what the Deagel Population forecast of US losing 237million by 2025. But like the World Bank Covid-19 diagnostic test kits from 2017, both of those websites have been recently scrubbed. I took a screenshot of the World Bank, but still poking around for Deagel's former forecast.
Apr 29, 2020
United Kingdom
And still are aged are suffering with this Covid BS going on;
Twitter Publish

Do these heartless Bastards even have a heart :mad::rage:punch:


Feb 18, 2016
@Regina @Drareg
And here's a new one from today
Twitter Publish

I’m not surprised, most people I know that get them for work say they are empty throughout the day, if they were full the media would have plenty of images as the headline, always look for what they omit.
It seems they are just using folks that are admitted to hospitals with other complaints and testing them, it seems they are re-using positive tests from months ago in their categorization also. Any test in a hospital facility is more likely to pick up loose viral RNA and be amplified, there is a reason they don’t want home tests.

Most clowns working there won’t say anything when they are being paid, quite generously too I imagine, when the money stops and they have no job we may get whistleblowers.
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