The Social Fabric In Western Countries May Be Unraveling


Mar 29, 2016
They lied about the Holocaust, what else did they lie about?
They sure did. They own Hollywood. They already controlled media then. The English aristocracy had long been majority-Jewish blooded.

It's hard to take that position before, but given how it's plainly evident in our time (all MSM lying and pushing the deep state narrative), it is becoming clear to many that the Zionists had the world fooled then. If you now start to dig through archives, you'll find many corroborative proof that the Holocaust was a big lie. The Anti-Defamation League, in our time, can be seen to be a propaganda mouthpiece of the Zionists. The Zionists want to destroy Western culture by continually introducing depravity . The current Netflix movie "Cuties." which promotes pedophilia, is a new low by the Zionist media. The MSM is all out defending it. The Zionist hand behind Antifa and BLM also is about putting western culture on the defensive. By tearing down Western culture, the Zionists seeks to hasten the decay of the moral foundation of Western culture. By doing so, Zionists further consolidate their control. By seeking to put enmity between the white race and the black race, the Zionists deflect attention from class issues, as the Zionists form a majority of the elite class, and with this strategy, they continue their oppression of the lower classes as they seek to eliminate the middle class. They control the deep state as well, and this is why the deep state has been its instrument to foment wars in the Middle East. Through it all, Zionists shield themselves under the cover of being victims of the Holocaust, which they use as a free pass to exert malicious control of the national narrative. They would always use the charge of Nazism and racism and anti-semitism each time Zionists are called out by Gentiles for the wrong they're doing. When Ilhan Omar chided AIPAC for being a front for Israel, she was called an anti-semite by both parties, and she had to dial down her tone. But the fact is AIPAC should be registered as a foreign agent, but because of the strong Zionist lobby, no one ever dared to tell them to do so. The United States, for all intents and purposes, is Zion's and Israel's b****.


Mar 29, 2013
They lied about the Holocaust, what else did they lie about?
I used to live in Chicago back in my college days. After graduation, I was getting ready to move and had a few weeks left on my lease. My girlfriend had just broken up with me and I was in this fugue state... just kind of wandering around downtown every day, totally miserable. I was getting cheeseburgers at this one joint like every day and I kept noticing this old lady (must have been 80+) with bad tremors and dyed bright red hair get cheeseburgers there every day, too. And then I started noticing that she was walking around downtown all day, too. Just another lonely soul. So one day I caught up with her at a crosswalk and we started talking. This woman was incredible. So funny, so kind, whip smart for her age. She loved Phillip Roth (her favorite book was Portnoy's Complaint.) We probably walked around downtown, learning about each other, and eating cheeseburgers six or seven times before I moved away. I'd wake up and just go out hoping I'd find her, and sometimes I did.

Anyway, one day we're talking and she tells me her family was originally from Germany and I put two and two together, and ask about the Holocaust and it turned out she had had a harrowing experience. She seemed reluctant to talk about it, but when I told her my father's side of family was Jewish she eased up and told me this incredible story:

She said that the very day they were planning to escape Germany, things had really heated up and Nazi soldiers were snatching up Jews on the street and taking them to these fenced-in compounds by the train depot. Her older brother was out saying goodbye to friends when he was taken by soldiers. Her father and mother were in the kitchen when they heard the news, and her father was saying, "We need to leave. Now." But her mother was inconsolable and was refusing to leave the town without her son. And of course the father was like, "Our son is gone. We have to leave now and survive for our daughter." But the mother refused to move an inch and, after more fighting, all three of them just sat in the kitchen, waiting for soldiers to inevitably come and take them away. They had decided to die with their son. Not a minute later and in comes the brother completely out of breath! He doesn't have a scratch on him. They rejoice, hug, quickly gather their things, and high-tail it out of Germany, eventually making their way to the United States.

And this is what the brother told them had happened: He said that he had indeed been seized by soldiers and was waiting with a large group of young Jewish men in this enclosure of 9 feet tall barbed wire fence, and that they were about to be boarded on a train by gunpoint. When he realized he might never see his sister again, he decided to try and jump the fence. He said he knew it would be impossible to jump that high, but he decided to run for it and try anyway. He said that as he jumped he felt as though the hands of angels were lifting him up higher than humanly possible and that they carried him over the fence, so he could run back to his sister and family. And that's what he told people until he day he died, many years later: that angels carried him over the fence.

When I asked her what happened to the rest of her extended family, she said there were all slaughtered in Dachau.

So anyway, just thought you should know what angels you spit on.
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Mar 29, 2016
I used to live in Chicago back in my college days. After graduation, I was getting ready to move and had a few weeks left on my lease. My girlfriend had just broken up with me and I was in this fugue state... just kind of wandering around downtown every day, totally miserable. I was getting cheeseburgers at this one joint like every day and I kept noticing this old lady (must have been 80+) with bad tremors and dyed bright red hair get cheeseburgers there every day, too. And then I started noticing that she was walking around downtown all day, too. Just another lonely soul. So one day I caught up with her at a crosswalk and we started talking. This woman was incredible. So funny, so kind, whip smart for her age. She loved Phillip Roth (her favorite book was Portnoy's Complaint.) We probably walked around downtown, learning about each other, and eating cheeseburgers six or seven times before I moved away. I'd wake up and just go out hoping I'd find her, and sometimes I did.

Anyway, one day we're talking and she tells me her family was originally from Germany and I put two and two together, and ask about the Holocaust and it turned out she had had a harrowing experience. She seemed reluctant to talk about it, but when I told her my father's side of family was Jewish she eased up and told me this incredible story:

She said that the very day they were planning to escape Germany, things had really heated up and Nazi soldiers were snatching up Jews on the street and taking them to these fenced-in compounds by the train depot. Her older brother was out saying goodbye to friends when he was taken by soldiers. Her father and mother were in the kitchen when they heard the news, and her father was saying, "We need to leave. Now." But her mother was inconsolable and was refusing to leave the town without her son. And of course the father was like, "Our son is gone. We have to leave now and survive for our daughter." But the mother refused to move an inch and, after more fighting, all three of them just sat in the kitchen, waiting for soldiers to inevitably come and take them away. They had decided to die with their son. Not a minute later and in comes the brother completely out of breath! He doesn't have a scratch on him. They rejoice, hug, quickly gather their things, and high-tail it out of Germany, eventually making their way to the United States.

And this is what the brother told them had happened: He said that he had indeed been seized by soldiers and was waiting with a large group of young Jewish men in this enclosure of 9 feet tall barbed wire fence, and that they were about to be boarded on a train by gunpoint. When he realized he might never see his sister again, he decided to try and jump the fence. He said he knew it would be impossible to jump that high, but he decided to run for it and try anyway. He said that as he jumped he felt as though the hands of angels were lifting him up higher than humanly possible and that they carried him over the fence, so he could run back to his sister and family. And that's what he told people until he day he died, many years later: that angels carried him over the fence.

When I asked her what happened to the rest of her family, she said there were all slaughtered in Dachau.

So anyway, just thought you should know what angels you spit on.
This may be true, and if it were so, these are good people who did not deserve the fate they met.

But for their sake, the Zionists should endeavor to make the world a better place for all.

Instead, they use the Holocaust and its victims to control the narrative for their own wicked ends.

Much, much more lives have suffered and have been lost, untold millions - by Zionists that don't know the meaning of compassion. Only one thing matters to them in-that they be masters of the entire earth. Yet they don't have the birthright. For by their actions, they are sons of the treacherous Cain. Who slew his brother Abel because God favored Abel. The Zionists are not the Chosen Ones. They are of those that worship Baal when Moses went up the mountain to meet God. They are of Judas' lot, who betrayed the bearer of a message of love, and not of fear.

There is no need to fear SkyNet and the automatons. For the Zionists have been and will always be that. Enforcers of an old law embedded into their soulless bodies.
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Jan 6, 2019
I'm ethnically Jewish, btw
Damn, my intuition is getting scary accurate. Let me ask you a question: why is it that you can always tell who is Jewish based on their rhetoric? I haven't been able to pinpoint exactly what causes them to stand out in online discussions, they just do. Is it the flashiness? The sarcastic tongue-in-cheek way of writing? Have you noticed this yourself?


Oct 2, 2018
I used to live in Chicago back in my college days. After graduation, I was getting ready to move and had a few weeks left on my lease. My girlfriend had just broken up with me and I was in this fugue state... just kind of wandering around downtown every day, totally miserable. I was getting cheeseburgers at this one joint like every day and I kept noticing this old lady (must have been 80+) with bad tremors and dyed bright red hair get cheeseburgers there every day, too. And then I started noticing that she was walking around downtown all day, too. Just another lonely soul. So one day I caught up with her at a crosswalk and we started talking. This woman was incredible. So funny, so kind, whip smart for her age. She loved Phillip Roth (her favorite book was Portnoy's Complaint.) We probably walked around downtown, learning about each other, and eating cheeseburgers six or seven times before I moved away. I'd wake up and just go out hoping I'd find her, and sometimes I did.

Anyway, one day we're talking and she tells me her family was originally from Germany and I put two and two together, and ask about the Holocaust and it turned out she had had a harrowing experience. She seemed reluctant to talk about it, but when I told her my father's side of family was Jewish she eased up and told me this incredible story:

She said that the very day they were planning to escape Germany, things had really heated up and Nazi soldiers were snatching up Jews on the street and taking them to these fenced-in compounds by the train depot. Her older brother was out saying goodbye to friends when he was taken by soldiers. Her father and mother were in the kitchen when they heard the news, and her father was saying, "We need to leave. Now." But her mother was inconsolable and was refusing to leave the town without her son. And of course the father was like, "Our son is gone. We have to leave now and survive for our daughter." But the mother refused to move an inch and, after more fighting, all three of them just sat in the kitchen, waiting for soldiers to inevitably come and take them away. They had decided to die with their son. Not a minute later and in comes the brother completely out of breath! He doesn't have a scratch on him. They rejoice, hug, quickly gather their things, and high-tail it out of Germany, eventually making their way to the United States.

And this is what the brother told them had happened: He said that he had indeed been seized by soldiers and was waiting with a large group of young Jewish men in this enclosure of 9 feet tall barbed wire fence, and that they were about to be boarded on a train by gunpoint. When he realized he might never see his sister again, he decided to try and jump the fence. He said he knew it would be impossible to jump that high, but he decided to run for it and try anyway. He said that as he jumped he felt as though the hands of angels were lifting him up higher than humanly possible and that they carried him over the fence, so he could run back to his sister and family. And that's what he told people until he day he died, many years later: that angels carried him over the fence.

When I asked her what happened to the rest of her extended family, she said there were all slaughtered in Dachau.

So anyway, just thought you should know what angels you spit on.

Cool story bro. No one can jump a 9 foot high barb wire fence with guards watching. No doubt he found another way to escape or bargain his release, But it had nothing to do with angels.


Mar 29, 2013
Cool story bro. No one can jump a 9 foot high barb wire fence with guards watching. No doubt he found another way to escape or bargain his release, But it had nothing to do with angels.
Damn homie, you’re, like, super smart. You really grasped the essential point of that story, which was totally about my belief in her brother’s claim that literal angels carried him. That story’s purpose was totally to validate my belief in the existence of literal angels. And you figured it out. Well done. Well done.

Damn, my intuition is getting scary accurate. Let me ask you a question: why is it that you can always tell who is Jewish based on their rhetoric? I haven't been able to pinpoint exactly what causes them to stand out in online discussions, they just do. Is it the flashiness? The sarcastic tongue-in-cheek way of writing? Have you noticed this yourself?
Anytime a Russian Jew writes anything the spirit of Paddy Chayefsky whispers in our ear what to say. Now you know our secret.


Jul 31, 2015
There is so much ... and currency wealth (by virtue of our military enforcing the petrodollar, etc)
Haha, can't stop laughing, lollol.

So the guy crying about BS inequality, the lefts truely blunt force instrumnet of death and destruction, casually mentions how the West was brought to its knees after centuries of financial rape by know who... and he thinks he's in the clear. LOLOLOL

BTW, there is no such thing as currency wealth just like there is no such thing as comparative advantage. Its called financial rape and its how we have been subjugated. Its how we lost our sovereignty. Its why people are sick, not that they don't pile on the last point.


Jun 30, 2020
Rostov-on-Don, Russia/Southern United States
Cool story bro. No one can jump a 9 foot high barb wire fence with guards watching. No doubt he found another way to escape or bargain his release, But it had nothing to do with angels.

It's on a level with Elie Wiesel passing out during a "death march" then waking up in a hospital, or commenting on the swampy terrain of a concentration camp located in grasslands. The reason complete rejection of the idea of concentration camps is around is BECAUSE of these complete absurdities but it's unlikely that they'll ever be walked back, as that would raise even more questions as to how much of the story is real. However, even as it is you'll have funny things like "holocaust survivors" getting exposed by their own relatives, but even then it's unlikely that the official story will ever change for a few reasons

-Too much of American and European social control is predicated on manipulating holocaust guilt. The specific language used by western propaganda is designed to evoke the holocaust, "they are putting muslims in CAMPS," "assad is GASSING his own people," "Modi is a jewish HITLER." Both 'sides' of the political aisle rely on the holocaust narrative for most of their domestic and foreign popaganda

-Jews rely on the holocaust to deflect criticism. A good example is Maxine Ghiswell immediately evoking anti-semitism when she was criticised. Any downplaying of the extremity or the special status of jews as martyrs during the holocaust puts this defensive reflex under threat. If the holocaust isn't the worst thing ever, then the suffering of various white groups (i.e. Belarusians), who suffered more than even the most lurid holocaust fantasies can compete with, during WW2 can partially negate the special status of Jews.

-If the Holocaust is really objectively studied and the concentration camps are seen for what they were, it'll be seen that they're really quite mild in compared to the things that Jews did to their communities in cities like Lviv and what bolshevik jews did out of simple hostility from christianity. This can NOT happen without negative results for every kosher polity on earth.

-Money. There's a lot of money in speaking tours, demands for reparations (which I've already mentioned in a limited context), defensive aid for israel (if we lose it'll be another holocaust!!! they're probably correct at this point actually), things like this.


Mar 15, 2014
So the guy crying about BS inequality, the lefts truely blunt force instrumnet of death and destruction, casually mentions how the West was brought to its knees after centuries of financial rape by know who... and he thinks he's in the clear. LOLOLOL
Interesting, how exactly is inequality an instrument of the left?

And when/how exactly was the west brought to its knees?


Mar 29, 2013
Guys...I'm literally shaking rn. Some old dude with a thick Yiddish accent just called me and asked if I had had interactions with any neo-nazis lately, and he must have used some kind of angel magick on me because, even though I resisted, I immediately I gave you all up. When I begged him not to do anything he said something in Yiddish about "sending the golems." I looked up the number afterwards and it was for a "Wiesenthal Center." What do you think this means? Seriously freaked out rn. Going to do some Co2 breathing with a mexicoke bottle and rub progesterone on my taint to calm down.


Oct 11, 2015
I used to live in Chicago back in my college days. After graduation, I was getting ready to move and had a few weeks left on my lease. My girlfriend had just broken up with me and I was in this fugue state... just kind of wandering around downtown every day, totally miserable. I was getting cheeseburgers at this one joint like every day and I kept noticing this old lady (must have been 80+) with bad tremors and dyed bright red hair get cheeseburgers there every day, too. And then I started noticing that she was walking around downtown all day, too. Just another lonely soul. So one day I caught up with her at a crosswalk and we started talking. This woman was incredible. So funny, so kind, whip smart for her age. She loved Phillip Roth (her favorite book was Portnoy's Complaint.) We probably walked around downtown, learning about each other, and eating cheeseburgers six or seven times before I moved away. I'd wake up and just go out hoping I'd find her, and sometimes I did.

Anyway, one day we're talking and she tells me her family was originally from Germany and I put two and two together, and ask about the Holocaust and it turned out she had had a harrowing experience. She seemed reluctant to talk about it, but when I told her my father's side of family was Jewish she eased up and told me this incredible story:

She said that the very day they were planning to escape Germany, things had really heated up and Nazi soldiers were snatching up Jews on the street and taking them to these fenced-in compounds by the train depot. Her older brother was out saying goodbye to friends when he was taken by soldiers. Her father and mother were in the kitchen when they heard the news, and her father was saying, "We need to leave. Now." But her mother was inconsolable and was refusing to leave the town without her son. And of course the father was like, "Our son is gone. We have to leave now and survive for our daughter." But the mother refused to move an inch and, after more fighting, all three of them just sat in the kitchen, waiting for soldiers to inevitably come and take them away. They had decided to die with their son. Not a minute later and in comes the brother completely out of breath! He doesn't have a scratch on him. They rejoice, hug, quickly gather their things, and high-tail it out of Germany, eventually making their way to the United States.

And this is what the brother told them had happened: He said that he had indeed been seized by soldiers and was waiting with a large group of young Jewish men in this enclosure of 9 feet tall barbed wire fence, and that they were about to be boarded on a train by gunpoint. When he realized he might never see his sister again, he decided to try and jump the fence. He said he knew it would be impossible to jump that high, but he decided to run for it and try anyway. He said that as he jumped he felt as though the hands of angels were lifting him up higher than humanly possible and that they carried him over the fence, so he could run back to his sister and family. And that's what he told people until he day he died, many years later: that angels carried him over the fence.

When I asked her what happened to the rest of her extended family, she said there were all slaughtered in Dachau.

So anyway, just thought you should know what angels you spit on.
Dachau was not a death camp ( according to the official story ). Many Jews were sick suffered and starved in the camps but it wasnt because they were deliberately tortured or put to death. Even the prison workers often did not have food the final months of the war. The wasting away that we see in the pictures of Holocaust survivors who were on deaths door was typical of typhus.

Holocaust revisionism is about questioning the orchestrated mass homicide of Jews, not that Jews were never taken to concentration camps against their will or did not suffer as a result.


Mar 29, 2013
Holocaust revisionism is about questioning the orchestrated mass homicide of Jews, not that Jews were never taken to concentration camps against their will or did not suffer as a result.

Nah, I'm pretty sure it's about the fact that you don't like Jews.


Mar 29, 2013
Dachau was not a death camp ( according to the official story ). Many Jews were sick suffered and starved in the camps but it wasnt because they were deliberately tortured or put to death.

Totally bro. Nobody was killed at Dachau. 32,000 innocent people ripped from their homes and put into a forced labor camp where they starved to death is totally not murder. It was like summer camp, minus the climbing wall. Oh wait, forgot about the Strappado...

Oh wait, forgot about those pesky "medical experiments"...


Mar 29, 2013
Have a look at the number of countries Jews have been expelled from or had to flee from. It’s over 100. He’s not alone in not liking you.
See this is what I prefer over the Holocaust denying bull: good old-fashioned out-right antisemitism. I like it when you trailer park mooks just come right out and say it. Let's everybody know what you are.


Jun 30, 2020
Rostov-on-Don, Russia/Southern United States
Totally bro. Nobody was killed at Dachau. 32,000 innocent people ripped from their homes and put into a forced labor camp where they starved to death is totally not murder. It was like summer camp, minus the climbing wall. Oh wait, forgot about the Strappado...

Oh wait, forgot about those pesky "medical experiments"...

No climbing wall but there WAS a swimming pool, beggars and choosers you know


Oct 11, 2015
Nah, I'm pretty sure it's about the fact that you don't like Jews.
For no reason? If your only experience with Jews is Seinfeld and eating bagels then obviously you wont understand why people could be so mistrustful of them. None of this happened overnight


Oct 11, 2015
Totally bro. Nobody was killed at Dachau. 32,000 innocent people ripped from their homes and put into a forced labor camp where they starved to death is totally not murder. It was like summer camp, minus the climbing wall. Oh wait, forgot about the Strappado...

Oh wait, forgot about those pesky "medical experiments"...
That is a serious accusation and would ammount to torture with fore knowledge of starvation. Revisionists dont believe that there was deliberate starvation
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