The Failed Experiment Of Covid Lockdowns


Jan 25, 2014
Are you illiterate? What are you talking about?

I am clearly talking about the history of the united states of America.

You said "Destruction of the USA by the NWO means that it no longer is what it was or is supposed to be."

Have you ever read the Constitution? If so, you would understand what the USA originally was and supposed to be.

The historical changes that I references, like the Organic Act of 1871, Supreme Court Case of Downes Vs. Bidwell, Federal Reserve Act, and New Deal Programs all made radical changes to the structure of government and the country.

If you don't understand those points, and how those acts gave the federal government more power, which fed into power for international entities, and took power away from the people of this country, then you should really go study some history.

If you think the World Revolutionary Movement (aka the New World Order) is only something that started in the last few years or during your lifetime, maybe you are the one who is ignorant.
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Aug 6, 2018
The whiny prosecutor cries that no-one would pick up his phone when he called them L. And how did Trump help the investigation? It turns out he was so helpful, that Epstein walked free for ten years raping hundreds of children afterwards. Also he named Alex Acosta, man responsible for setting Epstein free, as his Cabinet member. I didn´t say he flew to Lolita Island, allegations against him were for incidents in New York and from Mar-a-Lago some Epstein girls were recruited.


Feb 18, 2016
I don't watch any "Gold Charlatans." I am much more interested in law and history at this point. This video essay is a good example-

Point out where I said anything could be"fixed by making gold and silver the main currencies." I don't see that claim anywhere in my post. If I didn't make that claim, wouldn't this be a strawman you created?

I mentioned Gold and Silver as the only real money in the Republic (referring to the united states of America). If it wasn't clear, I was referring to the Gold Clause of the Constitution, which is still in effect. The only way to change that is through an Amendment, and there has been no Amendment rescinding that.

Anyway, the entire Federal Reserve System is based on debt (both issued at the local bank level, and for every FRN in circulation, paper or digital). The only way to truly rectify it is with a whole new system.

Here's the crux of the matter- NO ONE owns a home today. Plenty of people rent apartments and houses, I think we agree that there is no ownership there. Of so called "Homeowners" today, over 95% have a mortgage. That's certainly not owning a home. You stop paying the mortgage, you will be removed (although it will take some time, but it also takes time to remove delinquent renters).

Of the actual homeowners without a mortgage, most today still have to pay property taxes. Prior to 1913, many landowners in America held Allodial title, meaning that no entity held any sort of lein against the property. Property taxes today make that nearly impossible (or, at least, very difficult).

We certainly have better tech today, and different jobs (though not always "better," many jobs today seem to be devoid of any purpose whatsoever). Most people today seem to be effectively slaves, mostly thanks to debt and taxes. Would you rather have less freedom with more tech and gadgets, or fewer "things" and more freedom? Different people may have different answers (and I actually think 80-90% of people today would choose the former), but I don't think the gadget holding slave is more "rich."

I don't exactly know how you are judging "most of the poverty" in a time sense, but with the Allodial title example I gave above, I just showed how people had "more assets." They actually owned land and property outright. Who can say that today?

I don't think new cash is printed simply to "hoard" it. Anyone can do that if they want. Issue yourself a $10 Billion Bond, and never show it to anyone or try to use it. Effectively, this is your claim. You have the right and the ability to make such a bond right now, and I guarantee if you do it for your own personal use and never try to negotiate it, no one will try to arrest you.

I did mention mining, but I notice you completely overlooked the private side argument I made.

"If you are talking about Federal Reserve Notes (which are debt instruments), you certainly don't "need" them to get Gold or Silver, as you could always mine your own, or set up some sort of private deal with someone who has those assets. Certainly, using FRNs will be the most common and likely easiest way to acquire Gold and Silver, but it's not the only way."

The private deal would likely involve swapping some of your property for metals (like furniture or a car or something), or your labor, or your knowledge. Pretty much the same way workers can earn FRNs or other fiat, but getting paid directly in metals instead.

Well, it depends on your definition. If you mean simply a medium of exchange, you are 100% correct. The point I was making was specifically in regards to Constitutional Money within the Republic of the united states of America. In that case, it is very much a "technicality," and a legal one at that.

I didn't ever mention any gold shills, nor do I follow any.

Well, as any currency loses value, fewer people want it. That's simple supply and demand.

Printing more may not be "basic stupidity" from the view of the government or central bank. When new money is printed, the people who spend the money first get the most value. From that perspective, it could be a basic incentive to start printing more and more money as the value falls, which turns into a vicious circle.

As far as increasing population (or maybe more accurately, an increasing user base), certainly central banking authorities have taken it into account. Have you seen this?

Why Deficits Stopped Mattering, or How To Print Money Without Causing Inflation

Although I think his dismissal of any "banker conspiracies" at the end is ludicrous. He documents in this (and four other) video(s) how bank fraud has been going on in the US at a very high level for decades, and then ends with "but the Federal Reserve was mostly good!"

I think the first video I posted in this thread pretty thoroughly rebuts that idea.

Again, don't see much point to just issuing money and then NOT using it (see the $10 Billion Bond Example above). I think the point is for real assets (be they gold, silver, jewelry, cars, houses, or whatever) to flow upward and keeping most people chasing paper.

I don’t know where you get your statistics from but the claim that 95% of folks don’t own their home is not correct , 30% of people have no mortgage and own their home, some sources from 2017 indicate 37% have no mortgage and now their home , this isn’t much different to the glory days of the 50’s you mention. If we adjust for population growth to include differing races and immigrants we get an even clearer picture.

Mortgages today don’t require the down payments needed in the past, this easier mortgage access allows people to buy properties way beyond their means, they also put themselves into debt by paying astronomical sums for a college degree, the same applies to car loans, people now drive cars on finance that would be beyond their means without said finance. A lot of folks nowadays make poor financial decisions.

A boomer back in his 20’s on an average industrial wage wasn’t buying a pair of Nike’s for 150 dollars or driving a 60k car for that matter, the list goes on as to how people blow money on pointless expenditures every week these days, inflation adjusted all these weekly expenditures are beyond their means if they want to own a home.

Property taxes may be needed if you receive the sanitation facilities like water from your government, if you live on a self contained home then maybe they can’t touch you if you don’t pay depending on what country you are in, the reality is it does cost money to maintain said running water, sure there is an argument for the level of tax we pay to these clowns in contemporary times be it stealth or sincere.

Prior to 1913 sanitation facilities were poor, there was a lot of disease outbreaks, it needed to improve and requires regular maintenance, this costs "money", sure we could as members of a community go clean and unblock sewers etc but call me skeptical when I say few if anybody will want to do this for free in a city like London or NYC.

You can buy a 3 bedroom house in the USA for 100k to 150k ,maybe not Hawaii or San Francisco but the areas are still good, if you earn the average salary of 49k per year in the USA and manage your finances you can and should pay this off with ease, you can also live and rent frugally and save the money then buy outright, few these days have the humility to do this, you could even buy small initially to save on rent, you continue saving then sell the small place and buy bigger if needed.

I don’t overlook your "private side" argument, your basically recreating the system you dislike in the first place, nepotism, cronyism etc , the guy with mining equipment is going to be mining for gold and silver himself, in reality he will offer you a job at best and your back at square 1, being employed and payed in precious metals doesn’t mean anything unless value is assigned to said metals, your constitution may state whatever, the bottom line is your average store right now won’t accept little nuggets of gold, you will lose any court case you bring because they will just state they had no way to know it was actual gold, you may be able to pay your lawyer fees with gold,maybe.
If you want to rent or buy his gear he is human, humans in general will want more, we know the human mind is already prone to usury hence it’s existence for millennia. There will also be a time limit on the lease of equipment, sure you can buy it but then need fuel to run it, mining won’t always be successful, the gear needs repairing, you need tools to repair, your going to need a lot to barter with .The same above points apply to those who just sell the gear, they want more than they give.
Unless you hit the lottery again and meet Mr Godwill this isn’t going to happen. Soon your back in debt just not with the fed.

Im not implying cash is printed to be hoarded, its hoarded because of human behavior ,greed.Its also an issue for 1 human worth 100 billion to spend all this money, assets require money to maintain, a yacht or home can suffer a sort of inflation problem over time if it’s not maintained, basically they will loose value, this is why cash flow and reasonable asset acquisition is a wiser move. Maintaining wealth in the form of money requires leverage to be maintained and expanded upon, this is why they keep the cash flowing, more leverage gives them close to absolute power.

The same would happen if gold was the currency, it would be hoarded and usury would ensue. It is plausible with the corruption in the fed that it is an actual wealth transfer from the tax payer to the top 1%, this takes power out of the governments hands and into the private individuals by making them collectively wealthier.

If I issue myself a 1 billion bond nobody will take it, that’s the reality, it’s what the human mind is ascribing value to, it doesn’t matter what should be or was when the collective delusion and meaning is ascribing value to another entity than my personal bond.
Its your choice to spend 100 million dollars in your bank account, with this leverage only an idiot would loose value via inflation, it’s your capacity for leverage that maintains your purchasing power over time, as long as value is still applied by humans minds to the dollar it doesn’t matter as long as you have more than the other guy, when the folks don’t value the dollar anymore you to switch to whatever they now assign value to, the reality is the top 1% control the information the public receive and influence what things mean to them, it’s the ruling class that ascribe the value and change it to suit themselves.

Unless those dollars from South America hit the streets of the USA you have no real issue, the black market is worth trillions, there is a reason why we don’t see MSM or government discuss inflation relative to the black market. This also another reason they want crypto, it makes it more difficult for the likes of China to dump dollars and flood the market, easier to vacuum up the money when it’s traceable.

Every type of "money" is the human mind assigning value, the creation will always be "out of thin air" regardless of what is assigned said value ,it’s about taking this power out of the hands of a small few, the public within the system and contributing by assigning value by choice should have a say.

This is an important thread being derailed , it’s probably best to start a different thread for these topics.


Jun 26, 2017
I don’t know where you get your statistics from but the claim that 95% of folks don’t own their home is not correct , 30% of people have no mortgage and own their home, some sources from 2017 indicate 37% have no mortgage and now their home , this isn’t much different to the glory days of the 50’s you mention.
Misleading, and incorrect. The correct statistic is 37% of HOMEOWNERS that own a home, not 37% of people, have no mortgage. The percentage of people who rent is about 36%, so about 13% of all adults OWN their home free and clear. But you did not listen to @tankasnowgod linked video, or you would have noticed that home ownership no longer means what it meant 100 years ago.
Property taxes may be needed if you receive the sanitation facilities like water from your government, if you live on a self contained home then maybe they can’t touch you if you don’t pay depending on what country you are in, the reality is it does cost money to maintain said running water, sure there is an argument for the level of tax we pay to these clowns in contemporary times be it stealth or sincere.
Not really - Property taxes mostly pay for schools, roads, police, fire, administration. YOU pay separately for sanitation, water, power... in your utility bills. Etc. I won't comment further as I agree with you that this is OT.


Jun 11, 2018
I am clearly talking about the history of the united states of America.

You said "Destruction of the USA by the NWO means that it no longer is what it was or is supposed to be."

Have you ever read the Constitution? If so, you would understand what the USA originally was and supposed to be.

The historical changes that I references, like the Organic Act of 1871, Supreme Court Case of Downes Vs. Bidwell, Federal Reserve Act, and New Deal Programs all made radical changes to the structure of government and the country.

If you don't understand those points, and how those acts gave the federal government more power, which fed into power for international entities, and took power away from the people of this country, then you should really go study some history.

If you think the World Revolutionary Movement (aka the New World Order) is only something that started in the last few years or during your lifetime, maybe you are the one who is ignorant.

If the NWO is fully established, then USA won´t be what it was nor can it be what it is supposed to be. Notice that I wrote „is supposed to be“, not „was supposed to be“ nor is there a word „originally“ or anything about the origins of the NWO.

The perception of what a country is supposed to be makes a country. That paragraph was meant to describe how a discrepancy between that and the actual situation is slowly killing the USA and other countries as well.

You and your straw man! You´re like Duck Duck Go. You´re like duck-duck-duck-duck-duck-duck-duck-duck-duck-enter.


Jan 25, 2014
If the NWO is fully established, then USA won´t be what it was nor can it be what it is supposed to be. Notice that I wrote „is supposed to be“, not „was supposed to be“ nor is there a word „originally“ or anything about the origins of the NWO.

The perception of what a country is supposed to be makes a country. That paragraph was meant to describe how a discrepancy between that and the actual situation is slowly killing the USA and other countries as well.

Okay..... so then what is the USA "supposed" to be currently? And who or what creates that description? You seem to be dismissive of history, so what is your source or vision for what the USA is "supposed" to be? And you say "perception" is the source of this. Whose "perception?"


Jan 25, 2014
Not really - Property taxes mostly pay for schools, roads, police, fire, administration. YOU pay separately for sanitation, water, power... in your utility bills. Etc. I won't comment further as I agree with you that this is OT.

Agree, while some municipalities may include water, sewage, and trash collection in property taxes, many more simply treat them as utilities that you pay separately. It's clear you can still have utilities without property taxes. And even people with "off grid" systems are still subject to property taxes.

If you stop paying property taxes, it's not that your water may (or may not) get shut off..... it's that a lien is placed against your property. If you don't pay that tax lien in full, the lien holder can foreclose on that property. And it may be a private entity at that point, as Tax Lien Certificates are sold as investments.


Feb 18, 2016
Misleading, and incorrect. The correct statistic is 37% of HOMEOWNERS that own a home, not 37% of people, have no mortgage. The percentage of people who rent is about 36%, so about 13% of all adults OWN their home free and clear. But you did not listen to @tankasnowgod linked video, or you would have noticed that home ownership no longer means what it meant 100 years ago.

Not really - Property taxes mostly pay for schools, roads, police, fire, administration. YOU pay separately for sanitation, water, power... in your utility bills. Etc. I won't comment further as I agree with you that this is OT.

Your property taxes in USA may be different to Europe, I gave one example of the public facilities property tax pays for, sewage facilities are one of the many local issues that require funding , I find it hard to believe that local property tax in America isn’t used for sanitation facilities in some areas, basic maintenance of the community is the idea behind property tax, public schools, police ,fire protection etc may take a large amount of it but not all.

Property tax is not considered renting your house from the government in most European countries, it’s paying for a service, people agree taxes are to high here but they understand roads, sanitation etc cost money to maintain and are convenient to use. Your not getting kicked out of your home in most countries for not paying.

Your home ownership issue is an American one, being pushed out your home to make way for a big corporate group is not easy to do in most European countries.
Eminent domain or compulsory purchase is like any piece of legislation, in the wrong hands it can be used for corrupt means however in most cases its needed and people are well compensated, this may not be the case in America anymore, I don’t have experience of it’s use there.

I don’t know where you get you get your "free and clear" statistics from, he said 95% are on mortgages, you say 13% are free and clear , I’m implying 30% free and clear, I’m in know way trying to mislead, it could be the case they are adjusting for differing age brackets but it’s doesn’t seem so.
I would prefer better data that accounts for race, immigration, population increase and vulture funds buying in cash for a truer picture.


Jan 25, 2014
Property tax is not considered renting your house from the government in most European countries, it’s paying for a service, people agree taxes are to high here but they understand roads, sanitation etc cost money to maintain and are convenient to use. Your not getting kicked out of your home in most countries for not paying.

If it's paying for a service (similar to gas, electric, or internet), you should be able to cancel at any time, according to the terms of the contract. How does one go about cancelling their property taxes in Europe?

If you read what I wrote above, I stated that a lien can be put against your property for not paying property taxes. The holder of that lien can foreclose against a property after a certain time (I think it's 5-7 years), although this foreclosure itself is rare, as it will wipe out any other lien on the property, so if you also hold a mortgage, the bank may pay that tax lien to keep their interest in your property. I'm guessing most, if not all, European countries have something similar.

Your home ownership issue is an American one, being pushed out your home to make way for a big corporate group is not easy to do in most European countries.

Why do you think this happens frequently in America? I have never heard of this happening to anyone I know.


Jun 11, 2018
Okay..... so then what is the USA "supposed" to be currently? And who or what creates that description? You seem to be dismissive of history, so what is your source or vision for what the USA is "supposed" to be? And you say "perception" is the source of this. Whose "perception?"

In the context I mentioned, what the USA is supposed to be is what distinguishes it from the NWO. Like various forms of freedom and relative decentralization compared to the NWO. If perceptions change people could start making another form of country or togetherliving. For example as with the coronavirus or climate change, they might start favoring collectivism and not individualism and would be willing to give up their rights. The rest of the NWO could then be coerced by the globalists.

Of course history matters, it just wasn´t a part of the points I was making. Even without history or any sort of thinking about it, if people would get all of the information there is or even all of that the oppressors have, their perception would change immediately and they would start forming another form of a country or togetherliving. That is also the reason why current perception is important. This would also require that people wouldn´t be able to be manipulated with a false history or untrue perceptions. If the information level would remain equal everywhere.

I mean everyone´s perception, especially those who make things happen. It is hard to understand with the USA, the NWO agenda explains it better and their perception of what makes it happen. Somehow globally various different people have the same goal and are creating a world country with them as masters and everyone else as slaves, while being heroes who have saved the planet from eating itself up and from evil humans massively killing animals.


May 13, 2015
Once again, the actual title of the article. Something is happening across MSM and I can't quite put my finger on it. One possibility is MSM is hedging its bets on a potential upcoming massive public backlash and lawsuits against govt and MSM over the fearmongering and fraud we have been enduring over the last 5-6 months.
Why Do Covid Fatalities Remain Low When Infection Numbers Are Rising?

With the IRS checks ending and now 40+ million unemployed, massive increase in suicides, drug/alcohol abuse, chronic diseases, etc. there is now tangible likelihood for physical violence against the spreaders of COVID-19 lies that led to so many people's livelihood/lives destroyed. NYT also seems to be changing its tune, as demonstrated by the recent thread posted by @Drareg.
New York Times On PCR Test Accuracy

This view is supported by a statement from the quote below, which basically says "bUt..BuT...bUT...wE DidN'T kNoW iF tHe viRuS is DanGErouS sO We diD It tO ProTEcT yOU!". There is also the possibility that MSM, and the power structures that rule us being hopelessly microcephalic (in Ray's words) and this worldwide fiasco being simply the result of the decisions of drooling simpletons. Frankly, I am not sure which option is worse - being constantly under attack from truly evil/deranged or monumentally stupid power structures. Ray seems to think that in medicine, it is mostly idiotism that drives the fiasco, as the doctors themselves are dropping like flies from their own "amazing" treatments. Maybe it is the same in politics...
Opinion | The Failed Experiment of Covid Lockdowns
"...Six months into the Covid-19 pandemic, the U.S. has now carried out two large-scale experiments in public health—first, in March and April, the lockdown of the economy to arrest the spread of the virus, and second, since mid-April, the reopening of the economy. The results are in. Counterintuitive though it may be, statistical analysis shows that locking down the economy didn’t contain the disease’s spread and reopening it didn’t unleash a second wave of infections. Considering that lockdowns are economically costly and create well-documented long-term public-health consequences beyond Covid, imposing them appears to have been a large policy error. At the beginning, when little was known, officials acted in ways they thought prudent. But now evidence proves that lockdowns were an expensive treatment with serious side effects and no benefit to society."

@tankasnowgod @Regina @boris @Giraffe

Here's a video that may clarify why the news media/globalist nut cases might be back pedaling. I think the dam is breaking and they know they can't keep the charade going for much longer. David Martin also explains in this video why the "cases" are so high but the deaths are so low.

and also this one:
EXCLUSIVE: Covid Vaccine Patent Warned of Deliberate Coronavirus Release

Also, there is an excellent documentary movie with David Martin available here: London Real - Transform Yourself.
You have to sign in by providing your email address, but there's no fee. The video is Plandemic Indoctrination, it's at the top of the list for now.

Also this interview of David Martin on DAVID E. MARTIN - Exposing Moderna; the Star of Plandemic: Indoctornation Reveals the Truth - Digital Freedom Platform (you may need to sign in again?)

This "pandemic" was planned for many years. It was documented in the patents. This means that the evidence is solid and provable in a court of law. David Martin has been following the documentation for a very long time.
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Jan 25, 2014
In the context I mentioned, what the USA is supposed to be is what distinguishes it from the NWO. Like various forms of freedom and relative decentralization compared to the NWO. If perceptions change people could start making another form of country or togetherliving. For example as with the coronavirus or climate change, they might start favoring collectivism and not individualism and would be willing to give up their rights. The rest of the NWO could then be coerced by the globalists.

If you are talking about about various forms of "freedom," and "decentralization," those are the exact sort of issues that the Constitution and Bill of Rights were addressing. Have you ever read those two documents? You really should. They completely deal with separation of powers, natural rights, and protections from a highly centralized government.

Every historical event I mentioned was an attack on freedoms and decentralization.

The Organic Act of 1871 was a way to set up a sort of national government that can operate in the US without the restrictions of the Constitution.

Downes Vs. Bidwell was a sanction of the Supreme Court for that operation (look up Justice Harlan's dissent).

The Federal Reserve Act created a CENTRAL bank. It also created a new central taxing authority, the IRS.

The New Deal was a way to further strip people of their rights and freedoms, getting them to accept "benefits and privileges" instead. It also turned Americans into an "Enemy" through expansion of powers of the Trading With The Enemy Act.

There are many other things you can add to that list, including the Patriot Act and the Affordable Care Act (aka Obamacare).

Freedoms and Decentralization have been under attack in the united states of America for well over a century. Trump is the first President in 30 years to attack those ideas directly (and does so every time he holds a rally or gives a speech), and at least slow down the march toward World Communism (by pulling out of the Paris Accord and TPP, ending US funds to the WHO, and constructing a border wall, and not starting any new wars). At least he might not be controlled by the NWO, as compared to the Bushes, Clintons, Obama, Biden, Kerry, Romney, McCain and Gore, who 100% are, and prove it in both their statements and actions. Even if there is only a 10% chance Trump isn't controlled, 10% is much better odds than zero.
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Pablo Cruise

Jan 7, 2018
First a little off topic we drift but a very important topic with the premise of a one world government or globalism as some say. It is real. Many are aware and many are not. Many have no clue what AOC, Ilhan Omar, Rita Tlaib and take your guns Beta O'Rourke would do. George Soros is behind everything, media, 188 fake Washingtion organizations, politicians, Mayors, Governors, BLM, ANTIFA, colleges and universities they are trying tell the students how bad the U.S. capitalism is. AOC has literally secured donations for the Minneapolis rioters to get them out of jail. That is a fact. This is what we are up against and I have great fear how these liberal elite intellectuals will turn this country.

Did anyone see the Obama comment where he stated we need a National Police force? "We cannot continue to rely on our military in order to achieve nationa security objectives. We have to have a national security force that's just as powerful, just as strong, just as well funded." Really our local police are not enough? Maybe he wants a private security force to enforce his vision of life in America? Imagine if our guns are gone, we would be another China and totalitarian state. Look at the Hitler history and his private police force. A similarity one must consider. If any of you think, well, "not in the U.S." that would be a huge mistake. The rioters, ANTIFA, killing, maiming police and anarchy are real.

So going back to the Covid-19 response, it is all in the plan to have civil war collapse the economy and a change to Communism or the nice word is Socialism. Just look at the media, who controls the media? The liberals. I am saying be aware, be ready because a free America, the only country like it in the world requires us to fight George Soros, his band of merry politicians in Calif, New York etc. You will own nothing, taxes go up and up as promised already. They will take the life we have all worked for and tell you, you should feel guilty over your white privilege. That is not a racist comment, it is typical of their "feel guilty narrative". The election is coming and if we do not fight for what we have GS will own us. He is ruthless, determined, unscrupulous anxious to turn us as he was at London University as the protege of Karl Popper. In one word, GS is evil.

Don't take my word for anything though I have fact checked my comments. A New World Order will happen if we do not stand up. Politicians have been bought. Just check who donated to Portalnd Mayor Wheeler or the Chicago AG. The rioters will not stop till we stand up. As Haidut asks, was Covid-19 release part of their plan? One must wonder. I am ready.


Jun 19, 2017
There are many other things you can add to that list, including the Patriot Act and the Affordable Care Act (aka Obamacare).

Are there any acts or laws, say, in the 20th+ century, in the American history that are not on this list (of attacks on freedoms and decentralization) ? I struggle to name any.


Feb 18, 2016
If it's paying for a service (similar to gas, electric, or internet), you should be able to cancel at any time, according to the terms of the contract. How does one go about cancelling their property taxes in Europe?

If you read what I wrote above, I stated that a lien can be put against your property for not paying property taxes. The holder of that lien can foreclose against a property after a certain time (I think it's 5-7 years), although this foreclosure itself is rare, as it will wipe out any other lien on the property, so if you also hold a mortgage, the bank may pay that tax lien to keep their interest in your property. I'm guessing most, if not all, European countries have something similar.

Why do you think this happens frequently in America? I have never heard of this happening to anyone I know.

The thing is few want to cancel property tax, even if the public call for its cancelation it will be recalculated to be made part of other taxation, it has to be paid to keep up maintenance, sure all services can be privatized but then monopolization is a potential, which is worse is the question, you can’t vote out a predatory corporate company.
If you do cancel it they could stop you from accessing certain services that cost money to maintain but they don’t , the reality is this hasn’t been tested because most folks in urban areas think it’s reasonable.

If they do refuse to pay it and don’t have the means it’s likely they will be exempt in some way via welfare, the government will pay it or it’s lowered, if at any point they are kicked out of their house that has no mortgage it’s likely the system has gone toxic or it’s become like China.
Most European cities would burn government buildings to the ground if seniors were being evicted who didn’t have money to pay a property tax, the system is designed so everyone can afford it based on their income, it’s designed this way so they don’t have to evict, it’s a death sentence politically.

Doing things yourself like generating your own electricity or installing a personal septic tank in built up urban areas still requires maintenance and it’s dangerous in the wrong hands. I think if people believe owning land gives them the right to do whatever they want it opens doors for crazy behavior, if you live in 3 bedroom home in London and your neighbor has lions in their tiny backyard there needs to be recourse of some sort.

I know of several cases in Europe where eminent domain/compulsory purchase was carried out, one was the expansion of a sports stadium, it was mainly council houses surrounding the area, they were all given bigger and better houses in areas with no antisocial issues, they received money on top of this to "assist" with the move, keep in mind many were all on welfare. Those that owned their house were given 80,000 euros above market value, this was insane when you consider the area had "antisocial"issues and those houses would have been difficult to even sell.

There is one ongoing case where a big tech group want to expand, an unmarried man in his mid 60’s with no kids who inherited land and a small property from his parents won’t sell, he doesn’t even farm all of the land , just a fraction of it, it’s an unpicturesque flat land, it doesn’t touch his house or land he uses for cattle ,the government tried compulsory purchase and they still can’t get it, it’s going on 15 years, it’s hilarious, an additional 4000 jobs to an area that needs them badly ,they will have to wait for him to die, his brothers and sister are dead therefore his nieces and nephews will likely inherit it, they will sell it all, the offer on the table is again more than generous, he wouldn’t have a hope of getting anything like that money if the company wasn’t there, he would be lucky to get a sale.
Is this guy a hero or is he suffering a king like delusion? that’s the danger here if people can just buy up land with no recourse, they have the potential to become what we dislike about overbearing governments.

Laws and legislation are not water tight, they are in many cases grey areas open to interpretation, the "common good" is reasonable in the right hands. With regard to America I don’t know maybe the 2 party system doesn’t fear the public enough, there existence is guaranteed year after year, so static, no change and prone to stagnation and infiltration by outside influence, a multi party system would break this up.


Jan 25, 2014
Are there any acts or laws, say, in the 20th+ century, in the American history that are not on this list (of attacks on freedoms and decentralization) ? I struggle to name any.

Off the top of my head, I can only think of the Privacy Act of 1974, and the Freedom of Information Act.

Even things like Civil Rights Legislation and the 14th Amendment served to give more power to the Federal Government. So while there may have been an increase in some freedoms or liberties, there was also the issue of growing power of the Federal Government. Of course, anyone who brought up this issue was labeled a racist, which was a distraction from the increasing centralization.


Jan 25, 2014
The thing is few want to cancel property tax, even if the public call for its cancelation it will be recalculated to be made part of other taxation, it has to be paid to keep up maintenance, sure all services can be privatized but then monopolization is a potential, which is worse is the question, you can’t vote out a predatory corporate company..

Where did I say "cancel" the the entire property tax system? You likened it to a service. A person can easily cancel a service (be it water, power, internet, gas, cable, or what have you). I can cancel my power without getting rid of the power company. I can cancel Netflix without getting rid of the entire company of Netflix. I was wondering how an individual can cancel paying their own property taxes in Europe, regardless of what governments or anyone else does.


Jun 19, 2017
Off the top of my head, I can only think of the Privacy Act of 1974, and the Freedom of Information Act.

It seems that only bits and pieces of some laws can be found as non-atacking to us the people, and probably not at all times. Crazy. For example, invocation of the Privacy Rule of Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) comes handy and works magic when some Cerberus at the entry asks me to put on mask.

Even things like Civil Rights Legislation and the 14th Amendment served to give more power to the Federal Government. So while there may have been an increase in some freedoms or liberties, there was also the issue of growing power of the Federal Government. Of course, anyone who brought up this issue was labeled a racist, which was a distraction from the increasing centralization.

Wasn't giving more power to Federal Governent made by design of the 14th amendment because it was adopted under the Reconstruction Acts when the Southern States were in 4 military districts governed by military officials and there were election controls? (But let's not go there and not pass through the racist lens o_O.)


Feb 18, 2016
Where did I say "cancel" the the entire property tax system? You likened it to a service. A person can easily cancel a service (be it water, power, internet, gas, cable, or what have you). I can cancel my power without getting rid of the power company. I can cancel Netflix without getting rid of the entire company of Netflix. I was wondering how an individual can cancel paying their own property taxes in Europe, regardless of what governments or anyone else does.

The idea is it’s a service, government is supposed to be a service, being a civil servant in many countries encompasses providing services for the public, if we don’t like this "we the people" can cancel them. At some point the services will be in need of repair and somebody will need paying to do it.
Do you want to cancel the footpaths you walk on or roads you drive on? Do you not find sanitation facilities convenient?

You seem to misunderstand that the people of Europe for the most part want to pay property taxes because they understand what they are for, the government are part of the public, collectively they agree it makes sense ,the government are not an unaccountable algorithm that dictates ,not yet anyway.
Therefore the people created the property tax and currently don’t want to cancel it, they want it upheld, they own the service and cancel when they want, they understand a collective agreement is necessary to cancel it, we tend to do this because we are social and like being within communities.
People who want to cancel services on a personal level and poo in their backyard isn’t cool in some countries, most European nations don’t want to go back to cholera outbreaks and the like therefore we agree on methods of recourse for said individuals.


Jan 25, 2014
The idea is it’s a service, government is supposed to be a service, being a civil servant in many countries encompasses providing services for the public, if we don’t like this "we the people" can cancel them. At some point the services will be in need of repair and somebody will need paying to do it.
Do you want to cancel the footpaths you walk on or roads you drive on? Do you not find sanitation facilities convenient?

You seem to misunderstand that the people of Europe for the most part want to pay property taxes because they understand what they are for, the government are part of the public, collectively they agree it makes sense ,the government are not an unaccountable algorithm that dictates ,not yet anyway.
Therefore the people created the property tax and currently don’t want to cancel it, they want it upheld, they own the service and cancel when they want, they understand a collective agreement is necessary to cancel it, we tend to do this because we are social and like being within communities.
People who want to cancel services on a personal level and poo in their backyard isn’t cool in some countries, most European nations don’t want to go back to cholera outbreaks and the like therefore we agree on methods of recourse for said individuals.

You should have just directly answered the question with "there is no easy way to cancel property taxes without selling your property." Which means it's not a direct payment for services, like a power or cable bill is. At best, it's indirect.

And I wasn't asking on behalf of "most" of the European people. Just an individual that wanted to cancel his property taxes (for whatever reason), without selling his property.

For someone who accused me of making "strawman arguments," you have made nothing but strawman arguments to avoid answering the question "How does one go about cancelling their property taxes in Europe?" If I go to the SC Edison website to cancel my power (again, for whatever reason), they don't come back at me with questions like "What, don't you like modern conveniences? Aren't you worried about your food spoiling without an electric refrigerator?"
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