The Greeks Called That The Sin Of Hubris


Jul 23, 2015
Portland, Oregon
About F. William Engdahl –Biography

"William is a Research Associate of Michel Chossudovsky's Centre for Research on Globalization."

Michel Chossudovsky - Wikipedia

"Chossudovsky is the son of a Russian Jewish émigré, the career United Nations diplomat and academic Evgeny Chossudovsky, and an Irish Protestant, Rachel Sullivan.[3]"

Engdahl has some interesting work, and he's permissive of Putin's attacks on the U.S.


Oct 11, 2015
About F. William Engdahl –Biography
"William is a Research Associate of Michel Chossudovsky's Centre for Research on Globalization."
"Chossudovsky is the son of a Russian Jewish émigré, the career United Nations diplomat and academic Evgeny Chossudovsky, and an Irish Protestant, Rachel Sullivan.[3]"
I have been reading for years. Good place for alt views. Always worth checking out. Website launched a few days prior to 9/11.
This is not suspicious to you at all?
Picture related:
By the way, Larry Silverstein and Donald Trump had the same Jewish lawyer Samuel Lindenbaum. And Fred Trump, Donald's father, was a client of Samuel Lindenbaum's father, Bunny. So these connections go way back. And I know this website has a lot of Trump supporters and I do think his policies are better...but that needed to be said. You all can make of it what you will.
Samuel H. Lindenbaum, Lawyer to Major New York Developers, Dies at 77 ( ctrl+f for Trump and Silverstein to save time )

This article is correct in that the British and Americans orchestrated WW2, and swept in at the end to finish the job the Russians had done...But there is no basis for the claims that Adolf Hitler rise to power was orchestrated by Jewish/British banks. Here is an excerpt from the book "Who Funded Hitler?" . And for a more complete analysis of the claims that Hitler was a Rothschild agent and secretly part of the NWO, see: Was Hitler a Zionist Stooge? by John Friend – Darkmoon On one level Hitler is portrayed as an evil war-mongerer that was planning to take over the world, and that the All-Lies saved us. But to those that dig deeper and understand the current world power structure, they are confronted with the idea that Hitler was controlled opposition. However, we must continue to peel back the layers. "A bit of truth with bad intent beats all the lies you can invent" -Blake

Another spurious claim that has circulated, is that Hitler ( and the German people ) were incredibly racist and disrespectful towards Jessie Owens during the 1936 Olympics. Nothing could be further from the Truth. A longer video concerning other Hitler slander:


Dec 28, 2014
Dallas Texas
This is not suspicious to you at all?

Obviously, why else would I have included that bit of info. Any tiny bit of info in any article or book anywhere is not to be believed unless and until one digs into the author and who is funding them and even then, I don't believe it pending further investigation over a period of several years, or decades, at least.

No one comes to power without the cooperation of the banks. That would be impossible.


Sep 15, 2016
Hitler wasn’t a racist? Now I have heard it all.

Given that you proudly sport an Eva Braun wannabee Avatar, I know I don’t have a chance of changing your mind, but for the sake of anyone else reading this thread, I will point out a few obvious problems with your thesis.

Your ZOG radar is priceless. I am impressed with how you can so easily pick out the secret Zio-shills. 1) William Engdahl works with someone who is half Jewish so therefore he must be a Zionist shill and can’t be trusted. And 2) Trump a top NYC real estate developer has used the top Jewish NYC real estate lawyer, so he too must be a Zionist shill; never-mind that he is of German Christian descent and was Jesuit educated at Fordham. Rock solid proof.

The sources you use are equally as suspect. What is this mystery book “Who Funded Hitler” with no author given? That book doesn’t show up anywhere on Amazon or the web. As for your other “historian”, John Friend, here is some background on his credentials as an historian. Ex-city worker runs anti-Semitic website

If you want to know who funded Hitler try reading a book from someone other than an unemployed 29 y0 clerical worker. For starters, try researching Prescott Bush, the Harriman Bank, IBM, Ford, and Rockefeller’s Standard Oil to name a few. None of these are Jewish/Zionist enterprises.

Getting to your video “proof”

Goebbels would have been proud of this lie filled video. Many Blacks in Germany suffered the same fate as the Jews and the other Untermensch in the death camps. Here is a real history book for you to think about: Germany's Black Holocaust, 1890-1945: The Untold Truth!: Firpo W. Carr: 9780963129345: Books

As for his admiration of Jesse Owens, Baldur von Shirach, the head of the Hitler Youth, wrote that Hitler said in the midst of a very long rant: "The Americans should be ashamed of themselves, letting Negroes win their medals for them. I shall not shake hands with this Negro... Do you really think that I will allow myself to be photographed shaking hands with a Negro?"

And in his own words "From time to time it is demonstrated to the German petty bourgeois in illustrated periodicals that for the first time here or there a negro has become a lawyer, teacher, even clergyman, or even a leading opera tenor or something of that kind. .. It does not dawn upon this depraved bourgeois world that here one has actually to do with a sin against all reason; that it is a criminal absurdity to train a born half-ape until one believes a lawyer has been made of him. Page 639 MEIN KAMPF

And in the Nazi pamphlet "Der Untermensch" Berlin, 1942 "Mulattoes and Finn-Asian barbarians, Gipsies and black skin savages all make up this modern underworld of subhumans that is always headed by the appearance of the eternal Jew.”

Finally the quote from some supposed Israeli spokeswoman about how Israel runs America has been proven to be a hoax. This woman doesn't even exist. But like many other lies and fake quotes, it is just repeated over and over in the neo-nazi bubble until it becomes the "truth".

David Irving - The Faking of Adolf Hitler for History Video:
David Irving is one of the most prominent Holocaust Deniers and has been proven in court to be a fraud and huckster. In his lost suit he brought against a real historian for libel, the British Judge had this to say about him: "Irving had for his own ideological reasons persistently and deliberately misrepresented and manipulated historical evidence" and that "for the same reasons, he had portrayed Hitler in an unwarrantedly favourable light, principally in relation to his attitude towards and responsibility for the treatment of the Jews".

I am really surprised at how so many people, smart enough to discover Ray Peat, would fall for this anti-Semitic propaganda. Jews have been scapegoated for thousands of years to divert the anger of the masses from their real oppressors. The latest flood of neo-nazi lies on the web is no different.
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Oct 11, 2015
No one comes to power without the cooperation of the banks. That would be impossible.

I am sympathetic to that worldview...however it is just not the case with the rise of Hitler. Their funding came mostly from citizen contributions and I.G Farben. Aspirin I.G Farben was a chemical conglomerate that produced oil, aspirin, rubber compounds, medicines etc. Fun fact: The way the Nazis produced oil synthetically from coal is how ALL oil is and has always been made, although not always with coal as the carbon substrate. And of course the methods have modernized, but the oil is just as synthetic. Made in a lab by chemists. Not extracted from million year old bio-matter. Nonetheless, our reality has become more and more subjective so arguing over details can be very clumsy. However, if Hitler was agent...why then

-did he abolish USURY?
-did he come from a working class background and almost die on the front lines in WW1?
-did he suffer in poverty after being rejected from art school
-was he the first to pioneer worker's rights and overtime?
-did he come out against animal experimentation and cruel slaughtering practices?
-did he make dozens of peace offerings to France and Britain early on in the war ( Before Americans joined ) when there was little hope for them?
-did he allow the British troops at dunkirk to escape? -is Hitler the most vilified person on Earth? Since an early age we are taught Hitler is synonymous with evil.
-is holocaust "denial" illegal in most of Europe? to the point where they jail 90 year old women like Ursula Haverbeck

Jews have been scapegoated for thousands of years to divert the anger of the masses from their real oppressors. The latest flood of neo-nazi lies on the web is no different.
You are right, Jews are just the head. Their loyal elites and ziobots gives them a body with which to act.

Edit: By the way...are you aware that Blacks could not drink from the same drinking fountain or sit in the same area of the bus in America in the 1930s-40s? The British and Americans were comparatively much less sensitive on racial matters during this time. Soldiers from Africa, Spain, India, the Muslim World, even Russia fought for the Third Reich. Not just those of Nordic descent.
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Sep 15, 2016
Queequeg said:
Jews have been scapegoated for thousands of years to divert the anger of the masses from their real oppressors. The latest flood of neo-nazi lies on the web is no different.

You are right, Jews are just the head. Their loyal elites and ziobots gives them a body with which to act.

Now I understand why you believe what you do. You have absolutely no talent for reading comprehension. Blind hatred uber alles. smh.
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Jul 23, 2015
Portland, Oregon
holy ***t
You can say that again. Queequeg didn't even know he was racist.

He's right to bring up the plight of blacks in the Holocaust; it's often forgotten, but not by the Black Israelites:

Nov 26, 2013
It's very good. I will use it in the future if that's ok.


Jul 23, 2015
Portland, Oregon
It's very good. I will use it in the future if that's ok.
Please do; these guys are anti-PUFA. Clear dopamine and verbal acuity all the way through.

Here's a privileged white man harassing them:

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Sep 15, 2016
If you believe that intelligence is partly genetic, and you then assert that genetics differ among races, you're a racist.
That is the most ridiculous, circular argument I've heard in a long while.
Intelligence is partly genetic, yes but it is overwhelmingly determined by environmental factors and epigenetics. A child of any race who is brought up in a healthy and nurturing environment will show a much higher level of intelligence than a child drinking from lead water pipes, eating junk food and who is neglected by his parents. The issue is poverty and not race.

This simple fact destroys your entire nazi/eugenicist theology and if you would spend more time listening to RP than trading Nazi playing cards on Stormfront, you might have realized this. The fact that you believe this crap is another argument against your racial fantasies and does not say much for the average intelligence of the Aryan uberman. The truth is that most neo-nazis are poor and uneducated outcasts who are looking for an authority figure to tell them what to do with their life. I know, freedom can be very hard for some.

Finally, the sad joke of all this, is that your whole movement and leadership is not who you think it is. Much like communism, nazism is just another side of the dialectic. You may wish to watch the useful idiot video on this thread to see your fate. The post revolution purge of the true believers can be a b****.
And this:


Jul 23, 2015
Portland, Oregon
That is the most ridiculous, circular argument I've heard in a long while.
Intelligence is partly genetic, yes but it is overwhelmingly determined by environmental factors and epigenetics. A child of any race who is brought up in a healthy and nurturing environment will show a much higher level of intelligence than a child drinking from lead water pipes, eating junk food and who is neglected by his parents. The issue is poverty and not race.

This simple fact destroys your entire nazi/eugenicist theology and if you would spend more time listening to RP than trading Nazi playing cards on Stormfront, you might have realized this. The fact that you believe this crap is another argument against your racial fantasies and does not say much for the average intelligence of the Aryan uberman. The truth is that most neo-nazis are poor and uneducated outcasts who are looking for an authority figure to tell them what to do with their life. I know, freedom can be very hard for some.

Finally, the sad joke of all this, is that your whole movement and leadership is not who you think it is. Much like communism, nazism is just another side of the dialectic. You may wish to watch the useful idiot video on this thread to see your fate. The post revolution purge of the true believers can be a b****.
Definitions aren't arguments.

You can neither cite socioeconomics as causal in IQ formation, nor IQ as causal in socioeconomic status, but you may say the two correlate.

A child of any race who is brought up in a healthy and nurturing environment will show a much higher level of intelligence than a child drinking from lead water pipes, eating junk food and who is neglected by his parents. The issue is poverty and not race.
What an argument. "A person with a bashed skull exhibits a lower IQ than a Japanese exchange student."
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Sep 15, 2016
Definitions aren't arguments.

I really don't think you understand what that means. I wasn't arguing by definition. But in truth I wasn't expecting a cogent response.

I also happen to be a white Christian male, but am smart enough not to fall for the racist neo-nazi bs. You don't realize it but your arguments are about as intelligent and convincing as these confused Black Israelites.


Jul 23, 2015
Portland, Oregon
I also happen to be a white Christian male...your arguments are about as intelligent and convincing as these confused Black Israelites.
That explains your racism.


Sep 15, 2016
That explains your racism.
lol, accuse others of being what you really are. I see you've been reading your Goebbels coloring book.
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Jul 23, 2015
Portland, Oregon
you've been reading your Goebbels coloring book.

Do you hate disabled people too?
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