Civilization Well Before The End Of Ice Age

Nov 26, 2013
From Indonesia To Turkey New Archaeological Discoveries Uncover The Mysteries Of A Lost Civilisation

The established archaeological view of the state of human civilization until the end of the last Ice Age about 9,600 BC was that our ancestors were primitive hunter gatherers incapable of any form of civilization or architectural feats. In the following millennia settled agriculture was very gradually developed and perfected. Around 4,000 BC the increasing sophistication of economic and social structures, and growing organizational abilities, made possible the creation of the earliest megalithic sites (such as Gigantija on the Maltese island of Gozo for example) while the first true cities emerged around 3500 BC in Mesopotamia and soon afterwards in Egypt. In the British Isles Callanish in the Outer Hebrides and Avebury in southwest England, both dated to around 3,000 BC, are the oldest examples of true megalithic sites. The megalithic phase of Stonehenge is thought to have begun around 2,400 BC and to have continued to around 1,800 BC.

Within this well worked out and long-established chronology there is no place for any prehistoric civilization such as Atlantis. But interestingly the Greek philosopher Plato, whose dialogue of Timias and Critias contains the earliest surviving mention of the fabled sunken kingdom, dates the catastrophic destruction and submergence of Atlantis by floods and earthquakes to "9,000 years before the time of Solon" - i.e. to 9,600 BC, the end of the last Ice Age. Since the Greeks had no access to modern scientific knowledge about the Ice Age and its rapidly rising sea levels (often accompanied by cataclysmic earthquakes as the weight of the melting ice caps was removed from the continental landmasses) the date Plato gives is, to say the least, an uncanny coincidence.

In Danny Natawidjaja's view, however, it is no coincidence at all. His research at Gunung Padang has convinced him that Plato was right about the existence of a high civilization in the depths of the last Ice Age - a civilization that was indeed brought to a cataclysmic end involving floods and earthquakes in an epoch of great global instability between 10,900 BC and 9,600 BC.

This epoch, which geologists call the "Younger Dryas" has long been recognized as mysterious and tumultuous. In 10,900 BC, when it began, the earth had been emerging from the Ice Age for roughly 10,000 years, global temperatures were rising steadily and the ice caps were melting. Then there was a sudden dramatic return to colder conditions - even colder than at the peak of the Ice Age 21,000 years ago. This short, sharp deep freeze lasted for 1,300 years until 9,600 BC when the warming trend resumed, global temperatures shot up again and the remaining ice caps melted very suddenly dumping all the water they contained into the oceans.

"It is difficult," Natawidjaja says, "for us to imagine what life on earth must have been like during the Younger Dryas. It was a truly cataclysmic period of immense climate instability and terrible, indeed terrifying, global conditions. It's not surprising that many large animal species, such as the mammoths, went extinct during this precise time and of course it had huge effects on our ancestors, not just those 'primitive' hunter gatherers the archaeologists speak of but also, I believe, a high civilization that was wiped from the historical record by the upheavals of the Younger Dryas."

What has brought Natawidjaja to this radical view is the evidence he and his team have uncovered at Gunung Padang. When their drill cores began to yield very ancient carbon dates from clays filling the gaps between worked stones they expanded their investigation using geophysical equipment - ground penetrating radar, seismic tomography and electrical resistivity - to get a picture of what lay under the ground. The results were stunning, showing layers of massive construction using the same megalithic elements of columnar basalt that are found on the surface but with courses of huge basaltic rocks beneath them extending down to 100 feet and more beneath the surface. At those depths the carbon dates indicate that the megaliths were put in place more than 10,000 years ago and in some cases as far back as 24,000 years ago.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
^First earth age. We are in the second one now, one more to go.


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
There are some interesting alternative archaeology theories floating about that anatomically modern humans and organized societies have been around much longer than is currently accepted by mainstream academia/science. I have no earthly idea if any of that is true but found it interesting to read about. I used to spend a lot of time reading unimportant but entertaining material because I was too sick to do much else :!: One book was called Forbidden Archaeology. The authors put forward what they consider proof of anatomically modern human bones found at dig sites in levels supposedly contemporary with the dinosaurs. The book is definitely rejected by mainstream archaeology but who am I to judge? I'm no archeologists but I wouldn't be surprised if more advanced civilizations haven't come and gone and we know nothing about them. There could very well be many ruins buried beneath the sea (or not)?!?
It's good to see some proof of earlier human civilizations if only to debunk the paleo movement!
Thanks for another interesting post such_saturation.


Jun 25, 2013
Graham Hancock's book, "The Message of the Sphinx: A Quest for the Hidden Legacy of Mankind", delves into this kind of stuff. I'm sure his other books allude to similar messages, and I've heard of other researchers looking into the same thing. Basically, they put forward a rather evidence backed hypothesis that the pyramids in Egypt, among other structures, are thousands of years older than currently accepted by most. If I'm remembering correctly, some even have water damage from when the water sources they were built near were much higher, causing slight erosion to the material they were built from.

When I was younger, before I had much interest in nutrition, biology, etc. I used to read up about cryptozoology (Big Foot and similar creatures), ufology, and so forth, and came across alternative history/archaeology. Some of the alternative archaeology things tend to get connected with ideas of higher beings such as the Annunaki and other beings that are believed to have come from the heavens (when talking to indigenous cultures), or, the stars (when talking to some researchers, namely, those buying into the Ancient Astronaut hypotheses).

Really interesting stuff, though.


Jun 25, 2013
Wooops.. I didn't even click on the link before typing that, since Such_Saturation shared the text within it - It is in fact from Graham Hancock's blog/site! I'm gonna have to start reading it again, I used to love reading some of his old posts and watching/listening to him discuss things with Joe Rogan.
Nov 26, 2013
I love that stuff, frankly I don't find that "ancient astronaut" thing too out there. If anything they host great conventions. Nice website, Ancient Origins, collects all these things.


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
I read one of Hancock's books called Fingerprints of the Gods. It was very interesting.
I shouldn't have referred to the topic as unimportant, that was a poor choice of words. It is a very valuable subject and the importance of it depends on the person. I think these authors must be respected for going out on a limb to reveal what they believe is a truth that is being hidden from the public.
Nov 26, 2013
I enjoy their childlike enthusiasm. Of course not much comes of it when you don't have funds. Plenty of weird things around such as vault B under Padmanabhaswamy temple.


Forum Supporter
Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
Such_Saturation said:
I enjoy their childlike enthusiasm. Of course not much comes of it when you don't have funds. Plenty of weird things around such as vault B under Padmanabhaswamy temple.
It's sort of off topic but I'm intrigued (not convinced) by the aquatic ape theory/hypothesis. There are all kinds of interesting things that don't seem to get taken seriously. I'm sure lack of funds is a big part of this and if something might require the rewriting of text books or could shake the foundation our civilization is built upon that could spell trouble.... :roll:
Nov 26, 2013
Blossom said:
Such_Saturation said:
I enjoy their childlike enthusiasm. Of course not much comes of it when you don't have funds. Plenty of weird things around such as vault B under Padmanabhaswamy temple.
It's sort of off topic but I'm intrigued (not convinced) by the aquatic ape theory/hypothesis. There are all kinds of interesting things that don't seem to get taken seriously. I'm sure lack of funds is a big part of this and if something might require the rewriting of text books or could shake the foundation our civilization is built upon that could spell trouble.... :roll:

Lack of metabolism :cool:


Jul 4, 2016
Interesting post, old but just read it now, I liked it!
Just dreaming(joking): we are the descendants of the gods, the giants (Annunaki), we have the same genes, epigenetic changes, maybe different atmosphere and climate (more co2), different food, different sun (a younger one with a spectrum running towards the red-infrared without so much blue-violet UV) but this would be millions of years out of the archaeological calculations. LOL
Last edited:


Oct 27, 2016
From Indonesia To Turkey New Archaeological Discoveries Uncover The Mysteries Of A Lost Civilisation

The established archaeological view of the state of human civilization until the end of the last Ice Age about 9,600 BC was that our ancestors were primitive hunter gatherers incapable of any form of civilization or architectural feats. In the following millennia settled agriculture was very gradually developed and perfected. Around 4,000 BC the increasing sophistication of economic and social structures, and growing organizational abilities, made possible the creation of the earliest megalithic sites (such as Gigantija on the Maltese island of Gozo for example) while the first true cities emerged around 3500 BC in Mesopotamia and soon afterwards in Egypt. In the British Isles Callanish in the Outer Hebrides and Avebury in southwest England, both dated to around 3,000 BC, are the oldest examples of true megalithic sites. The megalithic phase of Stonehenge is thought to have begun around 2,400 BC and to have continued to around 1,800 BC.

Within this well worked out and long-established chronology there is no place for any prehistoric civilization such as Atlantis. But interestingly the Greek philosopher Plato, whose dialogue of Timias and Critias contains the earliest surviving mention of the fabled sunken kingdom, dates the catastrophic destruction and submergence of Atlantis by floods and earthquakes to "9,000 years before the time of Solon" - i.e. to 9,600 BC, the end of the last Ice Age. Since the Greeks had no access to modern scientific knowledge about the Ice Age and its rapidly rising sea levels (often accompanied by cataclysmic earthquakes as the weight of the melting ice caps was removed from the continental landmasses) the date Plato gives is, to say the least, an uncanny coincidence.

In Danny Natawidjaja's view, however, it is no coincidence at all. His research at Gunung Padang has convinced him that Plato was right about the existence of a high civilization in the depths of the last Ice Age - a civilization that was indeed brought to a cataclysmic end involving floods and earthquakes in an epoch of great global instability between 10,900 BC and 9,600 BC.

This epoch, which geologists call the "Younger Dryas" has long been recognized as mysterious and tumultuous. In 10,900 BC, when it began, the earth had been emerging from the Ice Age for roughly 10,000 years, global temperatures were rising steadily and the ice caps were melting. Then there was a sudden dramatic return to colder conditions - even colder than at the peak of the Ice Age 21,000 years ago. This short, sharp deep freeze lasted for 1,300 years until 9,600 BC when the warming trend resumed, global temperatures shot up again and the remaining ice caps melted very suddenly dumping all the water they contained into the oceans.

"It is difficult," Natawidjaja says, "for us to imagine what life on earth must have been like during the Younger Dryas. It was a truly cataclysmic period of immense climate instability and terrible, indeed terrifying, global conditions. It's not surprising that many large animal species, such as the mammoths, went extinct during this precise time and of course it had huge effects on our ancestors, not just those 'primitive' hunter gatherers the archaeologists speak of but also, I believe, a high civilization that was wiped from the historical record by the upheavals of the Younger Dryas."

What has brought Natawidjaja to this radical view is the evidence he and his team have uncovered at Gunung Padang. When their drill cores began to yield very ancient carbon dates from clays filling the gaps between worked stones they expanded their investigation using geophysical equipment - ground penetrating radar, seismic tomography and electrical resistivity - to get a picture of what lay under the ground. The results were stunning, showing layers of massive construction using the same megalithic elements of columnar basalt that are found on the surface but with courses of huge basaltic rocks beneath them extending down to 100 feet and more beneath the surface. At those depths the carbon dates indicate that the megaliths were put in place more than 10,000 years ago and in some cases as far back as 24,000 years ago.

Article mentioned Atlantis- As far as Atlantis goes, it is buried in the Atlantic ocean, under the Bermuda Triangle and surrounding areas and stretches as far north as the Canary Islands. But the original headquarters for Atlantis is under the Sargasso Sea.
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