The Fall of Man



Is tin foil estrogenic?

I kid I kid

Every Abrahamic religion is used to create the "matrix" of control.
From Rome to now it was a mix of Judaism and paganism which gave us Christianity. Add in more Judaic belief plus Mary devotion and you get Islam.
Modern day new age, with space brothers from the Pleiades to Reptiles from Zeta Ret are CIA covers.
Our space friends and foes are either an ancient and advanced Earth civilization or (involved in religion creation and matrix control) or a gov black project.
Does anyone wonder why,if Roswell were true, the USAF did not send the wreckage to White Sands/Sandia/Holloman AFB where we built the bomb but went to Ohio at Wright-Patterson?
It is all a distraction. Religion too. As is the belief in the "fall of man". Its fear based control.
Something that gov could give lessons to any reptile spaceman.

Religion uses god to control the two biggest drivers of human behavior- food and sex. No pork, no meat on Fridays, no masturbation, no sex...
Faith and fear are not how you escape the control mechanism. It is how you get wrapped into it.

My opinions align with your judgements here. I do believe religions and their bibles were created for population control, however nothing is for certain.

The big conspiracy of today is that the worlds elite are trying to or working towards mass depopulation to bring the number of humans on Earth to 500,000,000, according to the Georgia guidestone.

These people are supposedly a part of a secret society that has potentially existed or are descendants of previous elite societies from hundreds or thousands of years ago.

If this is true, the elites of 2000 years ago likely didn't have access to technology to easily cull the mass population if it got too big, so perhaps they invented a way to limit the growth of population via creation of religion and bibles. A maximum Earth population limit of 500,000,000 may have been on someone's agenda even 2000 years ago.

No sex before marriage
You may only marry one woman
No adultery, no cheating

All rules that limit rates of reproduction. But if this is one of the reasons for the bibles creation, why would they shun homosexuality? Would they not promote homosexuality and love for the fellow man if their goal was to limit reproduction?


Jan 6, 2019
No sex before marriage
You may only marry one woman
No adultery, no cheating

All rules that limit rates of reproduction. But if this is one of the reasons for the bibles creation, why would they shun homosexuality? Would they not promote homosexuality and love for the fellow man if their goal was to limit reproduction?
Indeed, let me offer you an answer to your conundrum: the foremost purpose of those tenets is to maximize pair-bonding and thus support the well-being of your children, which in turn builds a healthy foundation for the future of your people.

Nomane Euger

Sep 22, 2020
Indeed, let me offer you an answer to your conundrum: the foremost purpose of those tenets is to maximize pair-bonding and thus support the well-being of your children, which in turn builds a healthy foundation for the future of your people.
how does circumcision achieve that according to you?


Mar 15, 2014
and made up conspiracy nonsense tailored to distract the masses from simplier truths
I think he makes a lot of assumptions and goes overboard, but not all of it is conspiracy nonsense. There is real evidence of aliens, past advanced technology, etc.

it's not the evil lizard aliens trying to control the world, it's just a cabal of politicians, regular rich people and old money rich people)
Well, have you seen some of the things these "regular" old rich people do when they're among themselves? Some of it is very strange and unnerving.


Jul 31, 2020
I think he makes a lot of assumptions and goes overboard, but not all of it is conspiracy nonsense. There is real evidence of aliens, past advanced technology, etc.
For sure
Well, have you seen some of the things these "regular" old rich people do when they're among themselves? Some of it is very strange and unnerving.
Given their obsession with blood lines (and probable incest), their completely different upbringing to the rest of us, the ungodly amount of degeneracy they are exposed to from a young age and the resulting mental illness, they might as well be aliens and not the cool kind.


Dec 25, 2020
Homosexuality has existed well before the "Holy Books".
I believe in ancient Greek culture the older learned elder/young pupil relationship was well established.

By turning what was a temporary (for the younger one) relationship into a permanent label does exert a control.
1. Once gay always gay- with limited reproductive chances
2. More in line with social control in that bisexual "experimentation" and sexual release was banned .

The belief that global population is to be limited to 500 mil is a recent idea. Until about a hundred to 2 hundred years ago the global population was around 1 billion.

My thoughts are that the goal is not to reduce human population., but to increase control of that population. Technology, social media, food distribution and the benefits
of society and technology will be based on the level of control that you allow the elites to have. After a few years the new normal IS society and anything outside of that new normal is slowly dissolved.

The end game is cattle and owners. Not with force but willing, damn near loving compliance.
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