The Earth Is Flat, Intellectuals Weep


Jul 31, 2015
Could somebody take a poll?

Yes or no on likelihood of long term paid trolls on this forum.

Greg says

Nov 6, 2014
The Ray Peat Forum will lose all credibility if Durainrider finds out the Peatarians are flatearthers.



The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
The Ray Peat Forum will lose all credibility if Durainrider finds out the Peatarians are flatearthers.
Well that would prove his powers of observation are failing because I only see a couple people agreeing with this in the entire thread.

Yeah we better conform or else
"Shut it down or you are all crazy!" :roll:
Last edited:


Apr 28, 2016
A lunar eclipse proves that the Earth is round.

You can also view Saturn and other planets with a telescope and see that they are round.

Flat Earthers think we are so special. They think we are so important and unique. We're not. Astronomers are finding new planets every single day in our galaxy. Our planet isn't special.

We are a recent hominid species who, while clever, are not special. We are all African apes who evolved from a long chain of other hominids over a very long time.

There are no conspiracy theories. There is no illuminati. People who think that the music business is run by the illuminati do not understand how the music business works. Look up Max Martin and you'll see that he is just a guy who knows how to make hits. It's called music publishing. It's called hit songs. Not a cult. 911 was a Saudi attack. Building 7 fell because it burned for 7 hours. The gov't can't even deliver my mail on time yet you think they can do something like 911?

There is no Bigfoot. There are no reptilians. Yes people do bad things but it's not a conspiracy, it's just people doing things for money and or their religious beliefs. But most people are friendly and good people.

The world is tiny. It's a tiny ball floating through nothingness. It will be gone when the sun explodes or when Andromeda collides with our galaxy and knocks Earth out of orbit. But we won't be around for that so just enjoy your anywhere from 1 day to 70 years you have left.

I agree with you here in bold but regarding the rest of your post, I used to act like you and ended up thinking the opposite, that we actually are special. Please consider that your idea is common knowledge so it is very likely another dogma of our time period. It always bothered me that the majority of people thought like that and I hate the "we're all biological robots in a meaningless universe" meme. This is just an "I don't know but I'll rely on what smarter scientists and thought leaders can convince me with" smokescreen when you can't settle for a more simple, internal explanation.

Ray Peat knows that what professionals try to assert should not be trusted 100% of the time because it is almost always fallible and will be discarded in time. You're trying to answer the "What are we" questions with a more modern explanation.

Though your opinions sound more logical within this forum, if you said to a man on the streets "We are a recent hominid species... we aren't special" this wouldn't matter much to him, he's not going to be profoundly changed or leave his wife and kids to "enjoy his life" while he can.

You also think that life is just to be enjoyed, yet it is a short life on a "tiny floating ball in nothingness" (I guess you meant that life is insignificant because you were impressed by our planets comparably small size). This can't be true, if it is then I'd much rather be wrong. Life CANNOT be about maintaining healthy bodies, travelling to attractive places, using your beauty or power to have sex with beautiful people and avoiding suffering for as long as you can. This logic cannot explain why it is more pleasurable to do the opposite of these things, or why all religions (I.e. Islam, Christianity, smaller religions or mindsets) suggest that you do the opposite because God knows that it is worthless to avoid suffering in a short life filled with suffering.

As you said, "most people are friendly and good people", fortunately they are the majority of us. But as you can guess, the 2 extremes of this are bad & unfriendly and good & friendly. The bad people are wholly selfish and only want to enjoy themselves for their short lives, most likely because they are caught in a series of lowly passions that every religion I've seen condemns (except satanism, which promotes doing whatever you're in the mood for). Do you see why bad people are wrong and actually are more miserable despite always choosing to enjoy their lives?

From this perspective, maybe you'll agree that sinning is condemned by God for being a source of misery, not because you shouldn't have any fun in life. Your religion should be a guide for you towards God, who is 'love' and the only source of 'good' in my religion.

This paragraph is unrelated to your post: Hell is torture because bad people are already unhappy in life, they cannot tolerate love or goodness which makes the struggles of life more sweet. Since everything is enhanced when your body dies, this torture is enhanced. I'm sure this is not literally "eternal", but the brutality of hell drives people away while it motivates other people.

Therefor Science cannot be considered a normal religion, it is more of an "anti-religion". It is not a religion but people like you unknowingly treat it like one making it a "false religion". This may be why I've observed that MANY people on this forum have an obsession with being "non-dogmatic", you want to reject religious dogma but you still need some 'reasonable' spirituality because you're human.

You are likely indoctrinated in your own "anti-religion" based on Scientific knowledge that you have acquired throughout your lifetime. This is why so many 'logical' people violently reject the "flat earth" thread (because it challenges your beliefs very much). I can no longer be swayed by your logic (which will eventually be replaced with more clever theories later) becaude you cannot solve this question with knowledge you acquire reading books / online articles / studies. It'll change soon and you'll have to change your worldview someday. While all that a religious person needs is the simple advice found in their bible or whatever good dogma they follow.

I think this is why most people cannot be swayed away from their religion through philosophies such as your own. They would rather believe what they think must be true than accept the latest knowledge advertised by our times scientists and thought leaders. If you seek knowledge then it will satisfy you until further research is made.


Sep 9, 2015
I love the way that people are so skeptical of establishment and institutions and yet display ZERO skeptism towards their various self selected 'gurus'. I don't take any man's word for anything, not even Ray Peat. If you have good evidence and logic I'll certainly entertain an idea even if it contradicts a belief I hadn't previously questioned. But no one has earned infallibility in my eyes yet.


Dec 16, 2014


Feb 18, 2016
Cube into a sphere.
The earth is not a perfect sphere either way,more oblong shape by all accounts?



Feb 18, 2016

Seems legit.

This guy is the reason the illuminati want most of the population destroyed, him,Tony Robbins and the hip hop preacher who offer such advice as not sleeping for 3 days because you have an opportunity to be successful, their is also an opportunity for a stroke from said behaviour.
"You have to want success as bad as you want to breath" ,a paradox?

Arnold Schwarzenegger rules for success also did not include have an affair with the housekeeper and father a secret child for some reason....


Feb 18, 2016
Arnold Schwarzenegger in his tips for success mentions something about thinking outside the box, does he know something we don't,being high up in society an all,perhaps he is alluding to a square earth of sort,flat on four sides?
Feb 4, 2015
I agree with you here in bold but regarding the rest of your post, I used to act like you and ended up thinking the opposite, that we actually are special. Please consider that your idea is common knowledge so it is very likely another dogma of our time period. It always bothered me that the majority of people thought like that and I hate the "we're all biological robots in a meaningless universe" meme. This is just an "I don't know but I'll rely on what smarter scientists and thought leaders can convince me with" smokescreen when you can't settle for a more simple, internal explanation.

Ray Peat knows that what professionals try to assert should not be trusted 100% of the time because it is almost always fallible and will be discarded in time. You're trying to answer the "What are we" questions with a more modern explanation.

Though your opinions sound more logical within this forum, if you said to a man on the streets "We are a recent hominid species... we aren't special" this wouldn't matter much to him, he's not going to be profoundly changed or leave his wife and kids to "enjoy his life" while he can.

You also think that life is just to be enjoyed, yet it is a short life on a "tiny floating ball in nothingness" (I guess you meant that life is insignificant because you were impressed by our planets comparably small size). This can't be true, if it is then I'd much rather be wrong. Life CANNOT be about maintaining healthy bodies, travelling to attractive places, using your beauty or power to have sex with beautiful people and avoiding suffering for as long as you can. This logic cannot explain why it is more pleasurable to do the opposite of these things, or why all religions (I.e. Islam, Christianity, smaller religions or mindsets) suggest that you do the opposite because God knows that it is worthless to avoid suffering in a short life filled with suffering.

As you said, "most people are friendly and good people", fortunately they are the majority of us. But as you can guess, the 2 extremes of this are bad & unfriendly and good & friendly. The bad people are wholly selfish and only want to enjoy themselves for their short lives, most likely because they are caught in a series of lowly passions that every religion I've seen condemns (except satanism, which promotes doing whatever you're in the mood for). Do you see why bad people are wrong and actually are more miserable despite always choosing to enjoy their lives?

From this perspective, maybe you'll agree that sinning is condemned by God for being a source of misery, not because you shouldn't have any fun in life. Your religion should be a guide for you towards God, who is 'love' and the only source of 'good' in my religion.

This paragraph is unrelated to your post: Hell is torture because bad people are already unhappy in life, they cannot tolerate love or goodness which makes the struggles of life more sweet. Since everything is enhanced when your body dies, this torture is enhanced. I'm sure this is not literally "eternal", but the brutality of hell drives people away while it motivates other people.

Therefor Science cannot be considered a normal religion, it is more of an "anti-religion". It is not a religion but people like you unknowingly treat it like one making it a "false religion". This may be why I've observed that MANY people on this forum have an obsession with being "non-dogmatic", you want to reject religious dogma but you still need some 'reasonable' spirituality because you're human.

You are likely indoctrinated in your own "anti-religion" based on Scientific knowledge that you have acquired throughout your lifetime. This is why so many 'logical' people violently reject the "flat earth" thread (because it challenges your beliefs very much). I can no longer be swayed by your logic (which will eventually be replaced with more clever theories later) becaude you cannot solve this question with knowledge you acquire reading books / online articles / studies. It'll change soon and you'll have to change your worldview someday. While all that a religious person needs is the simple advice found in their bible or whatever good dogma they follow.

I think this is why most people cannot be swayed away from their religion through philosophies such as your own. They would rather believe what they think must be true than accept the latest knowledge advertised by our times scientists and thought leaders. If you seek knowledge then it will satisfy you until further research is made.

Welp, too many things to respond to here. I don't feel like typing it all out. It would be a waste of time because our views are essentially the opposite and this isn't the thread for that. But don't put words on my keyboard. I didn't assert many things you assert I asserted.


This whacko stuff is unfortunately all too common among "alternative" venues. It's too bad because it gives normal discourse a bad name.

It's ironic that it's considered "anti-authoritarian", because as far as I can tell it's one of the most authoritarian mindsets possible: instead of looking honestly at the world and its issues, they've created this massive 'daddy' complex, where "they" are all-powerful and untouchable, and "'they' don't want us to see the Truth". And the anti part is just an infantile rebellion against a mythical "them"

Rather then obsessing over what "they" are doing to "us", why not actually look at what WE are doing to OURSELVES?


Jul 1, 2013
United States
I've put an email together to finally settle this...

Dear Ray Peat,

Is the earth flat?


The Ray Peat Forum.

Did you actually email and ask him? I'm so curious as to how he would respond to a question like this :lol:
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