Earthing/Grounding for health and conductive shoes - in the year of 1876


Mar 18, 2021
In the 1800s a doctor named Joseph Henry Shorthouse hypothesized that cholera and other epidemics were transmitted or caused by a morbid form of electricity in the atmosphere.
He made the observation that certain epidemics affect the young and active in particular, whose bodies generate a lot more electricity, similar to how the lightning strikes certain trees only, and never a dead tree.

Not a far fetched idea at all, considering that the total structural charge of SARS-Cov-2 is positive + and the highly transmissible Omicron variant had further increase in positive surface charge.
e.g. some studies 1 2 3 etc. In the cold season, when the air is dry, we attract more static electricity and the body collects extra electrons, having a net negative surface charge, which more readily attracts the positively charged viral particles.

As a preventative measure, J. H. Shorthouse advocated the use of grounded shoes using screws and metal foils on the soles, in order to discharge the excess electricity.

Here are some excerpts from his book "The Common Sense of Medicine; or, The Art of Healing in a Nutshell (1876)":

Like most other scourges, cholera is much more easily prevented than cured. If I did not believe most sincerely that it could be effectually prevented without calling in the aid or advice of the busy bodies of the Privy Council, I should not have enlarged upon it at the length I have done. I have attempted to show that a certain amount of vitality or activity is necessary before the evil influence — whatever be its precise nature- can exert itself disastrously upon living bodies; and inasmuch as I believe it is a sort of electricity in some morbid or eccentric condition, it requires its victims also to be surcharged with electricity, so that a sort of collision or shock may take place between the slayer and its victim. At this time of the year, * and more especially in dry weather, most robust and active persons are actually surcharged with electricity, and therefore in a fitting condition to become the recipients of the evil influence if it should happen to be floating in the atmosphere. They manufacture electricity faster than it escapes from their bodies to the earth or to the surrounding media. They consequently feel languid, tired, and oppressed. All this is to be counteracted in the easiest and cheapest manner possible. Its cost will not be a penny per head, or I ought rather to have said a penny per foot per annum. Let them eschew gutta-percha soles to their shoes and boots, and also elastic side-springs, and let them have their boots or shoes made in such a way that a flat-headed iron screw shall penetrate from the inside of the sole to the outside. One screw through the sole and another through the heel of each shoe will be sufficient. They must be flat-headed screws, of course, and the heads should be imbedded in the sole so as not to injure the sole of the foot. New shoes are easily made in this manner, and at no increased expense. Let the head of the screw be inside the shoe, and the point of the screw penetrate to the outside, so as to come in contact with the ground. In hot, dry, and sultry weather it is also advisable to wet the soles of the shoes several times a day, not sopping the soles sufficiently to give the wearer a cold, but damping them enough to increase their conducting power, as water is a good conductor, and facilitates the escape of electricity from the body. In this way the wearers of the conducting shoes will escape cholera and other serious epidemic diseases. The point of the screw which penetrates to the out sides of the soles and heels of the shoes comes in contact with the ground, and it naturally wears out in the same proportion as the leather. If it were a nail and not screw, it might be pressed upwards, so as to become inconveniently prominent in side the shoe . But screws do not rise up; they wear away along with the outer sole of the shoe.

When the sole is worn out, and the shoe requires a new one, a difficulty arises, which, however, is easily surmounted. It would not be an easy matter to put a new screw in the place of the old one which penetrates the sole (though that could be done with the heel), and it would be still more difficult and undesirable to attempt to insert a short screw from the outside, so that its point should come in contact with the worn - down extremity of the old screw , and so effect a continuity of metallic surface for the escape of the electricity. The best way to surmount the difficulty is to place a layer of common tinfoil between the new sole and the insole, or the padding which intervenes between the two, and then nail the new sole on from the outside with short iron nails. Although none of the points of these nails may come into direct apposition with the points of the worn-down screws, the tinfoil will afford a conducting medium between the two, and the metallic chain will hardly be broken, and it will be quite effective for the purpose for which it is required. These matters may appear very ludicrous and trivial when discussing so solemn and alarming a pestilence as cholera, but I can assure my readers that they are not so, and that life itself, or, at any fate, personal comfort and enjoyment of life, is made up in great part of trifles; and if those who are disposed to laugh at the simplicity of these preventive measures will only put them in practice for a few hours, they will be fully convinced of their value and importance. If any of my readers suffer from a state of lassitude and fatigue when a thunderstorm is impending, or the weather is very close and sultry, let them wear a pair of shoes made in the manner I have described, and wet the soles frequently with water during the day, and they will speedily be convinced that there is more importance in the ludicrous trifles than they imagine, or would now be disposed to admit. Gutta-percha soles and goloshes insulate the wearers, and prevent the escape of electricity from their bodies. Fortunately, these abominations are never worn in dry weather, or when the roads and pavements are hot and dusty, and but seldom at those periods of the year when thunderstorms are prevalent, or when the atmosphere is unusually sultry, other wise we should have some most serious effects resulting from their use.

I have now fulfilled the promise which I gave when I began to write upon this theme. I have pointed out an easy, inexpensive, and effectual preventive, not only of cholera, but of several other serious pestilences. I have also indicated a mode of curing cholera, which is not only rational, but if put in practice will be found more efficacious than any or all the other systems so much in vogue, so highly lauded, but so disastrously faulty. If my readers choose to make use of the preventive measures, they may laugh at cholera; and if those of my brethren who are called upon to treat sufferers who have neglected such precautions, adopt the rational method of treatment, both alike may triumphantly approach the King of Terror, and ask , “Oh, death, where is thy sting? ” and may, tauntingly address his shadow , “Oh, grave, where is now thy victory!"


Nov 29, 2017
Honestly man, your threads are 🔥. Thanks for another good one


May 4, 2022
Excellent information. I'm bookmarking it.


Sep 12, 2015
Do barefooted forest-dwellers have greater health and vitality than the ungrounded?


May 11, 2022
Europe, Ger.
Interesting indeed.


Great post! I wonder if you can get grounding socks :pompous:

I have noticed this. On dry days in my home gym I will zap myself constantly on everything, and if I get zapped too much, it for some reason gives me allergies, to which I would not get if I didn't exercise and become more static.


Mar 18, 2021
Thanks guys. I collected a lot of interesting stuff that deserve their own threads but most of it needs to be put in the right context first, and I'm a very slow writer.


Jan 9, 2019
I bought the Wein 3500 (ozone free/ very low ozone negative ion generator, it's true I don't smell any ozone and I can usually smell it instantly) as per Rays recommendation and it can cover up to 800sqft in 25 minutes. I'm hoping this winter I won't shock my cats as much (or they to me). I will also ground in the snow, in theory there is much more ground to "earth" on since its completely covered in snow.

The problem, it's very cold out and it's hard to be out for more than 15 minutes usually. The rod in the ground sketches me out. If I'm not doing it in pristine environments I feel off.

One last thing on the grounding shoe recommendation. To me it's a bit confusing how a nail could ever be comfortable in a shoe, I'm not comprehending the way in which he is suggesting to do it.

Regardless I have a much simpler solution that I've been using for years. I get a copper pipe at the hardware store and use it as a walking stick. Problem solved.
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Jan 9, 2019
Do you have any resources of geopathic stress neutralization through copper rods placed at the origin of entry to the house? It's efficacy is what I'm curious of. I use dowsing rods to find them and I always get the same areas of the house. I guess I'm good at it, I don't try to be, I can just do it easily I guess.

I just bought some 8 gauge copper wire to try and ground the stress and see if my rods still intersect (they shouldn't.)

Sounds woo woo I know.


Mar 18, 2021
Do you have any resources of geopathic stress neutralization through copper rods placed at the origin of entry to the house? It's efficacy is what I'm curious of. I use dowsing rods to find them and I always get the same areas of the house. I guess I'm good at it, I don't try to be, I can just do it easily I guess.

I just bought some 8 gauge copper wire to try and ground the stress and see if my rods still intersect (they shouldn't.)

Sounds woo woo I know.
I looked into briefly geopathic stress at some point but not thoroughly enough and haven't saved anything notable.
Try to ground your body using the copper wire but use two wires instead. One around each ankle, or attached to the soles if you have electrode patches that you can use for endings. If you take your multimeter outside and stick the probes into the ground a couple feet apart, you will see there is a difference in potential, a flow of current through the earth, generally (unless there is some electropollution) from east to west due to the earth's magnetic field, its rotation and the exposure to the solar rays.
When the earth rotates on its axis its surface gets cooled and then heated by the sun in succession, which generates electricity on the thermoelectric principle.
When you ground yourself indoors you need to make two contact points with the ground, so that this energy flows in and out of your body.
All grounding accessories use a single point of contact, through the wall outlet ground, which doesn't allow the free flow of current. Even if you put both of your feet on a grounding mat, it is still connected in a single point to the earth. You can test two points on a mat with the multimeter and you won't see any difference in potentials, but you will when you test two points on the ground outdoors. So you have to use two rods in the ground, a few ft apart. I live in apt building and can't use rods, so I use one water pipe and the wall outlet ground. There is a difference in potentials of approx ~50 millivolts, and this varies during day/night and depending on location as well. When used like this it is profoundly relaxing and energizing at the same time compared to a single point of contact.


Mar 18, 2021
I posted this a while ago in another grounding thread.




Nov 29, 2017
In winter, get some wool socks for grounding outside.
I was just going to ask what we should do in northern climates that can’t get our feel on the earth during Winter :)

Any other suggestions from any grounding experts?


Jan 9, 2019
I looked into briefly geopathic stress at some point but not thoroughly enough and haven't saved anything notable.
Try to ground your body using the copper wire but use two wires instead. One around each ankle, or attached to the soles if you have electrode patches that you can use for endings. If you take your multimeter outside and stick the probes into the ground a couple feet apart, you will see there is a difference in potential, a flow of current through the earth, generally (unless there is some electropollution) from east to west due to the earth's magnetic field, its rotation and the exposure to the solar rays.
When the earth rotates on its axis its surface gets cooled and then heated by the sun in succession, which generates electricity on the thermoelectric principle.
When you ground yourself indoors you need to make two contact points with the ground, so that this energy flows in and out of your body.
All grounding accessories use a single point of contact, through the wall outlet ground, which doesn't allow the free flow of current. Even if you put both of your feet on a grounding mat, it is still connected in a single point to the earth. You can test two points on a mat with the multimeter and you won't see any difference in potentials, but you will when you test two points on the ground outdoors. So you have to use two rods in the ground, a few ft apart. I live in apt building and can't use rods, so I use one water pipe and the wall outlet ground. There is a difference in potentials of approx ~50 millivolts, and this varies during day/night and depending on location as well. When used like this it is profoundly relaxing and energizing at the same time compared to a single point of contact.
So my idea of using a copper pipe as a walking stick would work better if I had two walking sticks, one in each hand? They are copper so when they get a patina it looks like wood and not too weird from a distance.


Mar 18, 2021
So my idea of using a copper pipe as a walking stick would work better if I had two walking sticks, one in each hand? They are copper so when they get a patina it looks like wood and not too weird from a distance.
In theory yes, but I am not sure if it's okay to be permanently in touch with large pieces of metal, both in terms of mass and surface area. I believe that they can drain you of energy.
I have no training and only minimal experience with electricity and I imagine most of this is common knowledge so forgive me if it sounds too obvious.
A piece of metal acts like a capacitor and stores energy. The larger the piece of metal, the greater the capacitance and also the larger the surface area of the metal, the greater the capacitance. And not just metals, but pretty much any object can store energy.
If you look at Qigong studies they use all kinds of materials - paper, metals, glass, stone, water, drugs, they all can be charged and store Qi.
Some practitioners often use aluminum foil for demonstrations, which has a high capacitance.
If you have a multimeter around try a small experiment:
- set it to DC voltage mode, in a lower threshold like 2 Volts maximum
- then hold both probes in your hands, between your thumb and index fingers
- you should see a small difference in potentials between your hands, it can be anything from 20 to 150 millivolts
- now take a piece of aluminum foil approximately the size of a standard sheet of paper and attach one probe to a corner of it (wrap it somehow around the probe so that it makes decent contact without slipping out)
- then hold again the other probe between your thumb and index finger and with the other hand pinch the opposite corner of the foil using the thumb and index
- the difference in potentials should increase up to 10x, and show something in the range of ~ 500 - 600 millivolts


Jan 9, 2019
In theory yes, but I am not sure if it's okay to be permanently in touch with large pieces of metal, both in terms of mass and surface area. I believe that they can drain you of energy.
I have no training and only minimal experience with electricity and I imagine most of this is common knowledge so forgive me if it sounds too obvious.
A piece of metal acts like a capacitor and stores energy. The larger the piece of metal, the greater the capacitance and also the larger the surface area of the metal, the greater the capacitance. And not just metals, but pretty much any object can store energy.
If you look at Qigong studies they use all kinds of materials - paper, metals, glass, stone, water, drugs, they all can be charged and store Qi.
Some practitioners often use aluminum foil for demonstrations, which has a high capacitance.
If you have a multimeter around try a small experiment:
- set it to DC voltage mode, in a lower threshold like 2 Volts maximum
- then hold both probes in your hands, between your thumb and index fingers
- you should see a small difference in potentials between your hands, it can be anything from 20 to 150 millivolts
- now take a piece of aluminum foil approximately the size of a standard sheet of paper and attach one probe to a corner of it (wrap it somehow around the probe so that it makes decent contact without slipping out)
- then hold again the other probe between your thumb and index finger and with the other hand pinch the opposite corner of the foil using the thumb and index
- the difference in potentials should increase up to 10x, and show something in the range of ~ 500 - 600 millivolts
Got it, so I'll decrease the size of the rods as much as possible. The shoe stuff is just not practical in a place that's usually -20 at least and covered in snow and ice. I know that in TCM even too much wool is not recommended. But wool is such a good material for the cold winters here and I prefer it to polyester which sheds and has chemical and heavy metal contamination. Maybe I'll get more organic cotton filler for pillows etc. I'll try your measuring method.
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