The Earth Is Flat, Intellectuals Weep

Aug 21, 2013
Every "planet" is photoshopped garbage from NASA. Look through a regular telescope. Stars and planets are not what they say. They are something very different.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
Nov 26, 2013
Easy. The north pole is still magnetic north. Go east and you will end up coming around like going around a dinner plate. At least look up how the logistics work before making a stupid and condescending comment.

So we can't go around the world going north to south in this configuration.


Feb 2, 2016
Would that would explain the mountain ranges made by,,,,,,,,,err electricity. Just to confirm the moon is still a sphere, or is that flat too. Maybe made of that processed sliced "flat"cheese (hopefully low fat)

This forum does tend to attract its fair share of,,,,,,,, how do you put it........maybe its the emphasis on science that attracts them.

Fav comedy,,,,,,,Big Bang Theory???,,, films,,,,,, Star Wars, Star Trek???,, ,,,,heavy rock????,,,,,,, just a hunch


Mar 8, 2016
Santa Barbara Ca.
Clouds don't form in straight lines and neurotoxins don't get put into water supplies by accident.
Most men cower when they catch a glimpse of the magnitude of the deception being perpetrated on humanity.

We were born enslaved in a system created by the few, designed specifically to keep the majority down.
We are at war. Three corporations controlling everything in the media and an unthinking majority willing to believe whatever they see on the truth box - is a dream come true for those who seek ultimate control of the thoughts and actions of the rest. The enemy is anybody with a billion dollars or more.

There are medicines that can eliminate cancer, energy technologies that can take every human being off the grid, allow for virtually free travel and eliminate most of the cost of living.
Addicted to a life of luxury, the 'elite' will do anything to avoid having to stand in line with the rest of us at the airport as we fly from place to place on the flat earth.

The shape of the earth is the 'globalists' greatest lie.
Approached from a completely evidence-based perspective, it becomes one of the most obvious truths.
Everything about your own experience has told you that you are on a flat, motionless surface and yet the power of fear, repetition and mind control have convinced you to reject your experience and instead believe what you're told by authorities unquestioningly.

There are at least a couple hundred experientially-derived evidences for this but one of the most obvious examples of the flatness of the surface beneath your feet is the horizon line.

-The Horizon-
If it were true that we were living on a globe, as one ascended in elevation the horizon line would drop in exponential proportion to greater altitudes. This is never the case; even at 120,000 feet (or over 36km) above the surface, the horizon line remains at eye level.

Additionally, in the video footage below, the horizon line curves up equally as much as it curves down, demonstrating clearly the geocentric model of earth is correct.

Clouds don't form in straight lines and neurotoxins don't get put into water supplies by accident.
Most men cower when they catch a glimpse of the magnitude of the deception being perpetrated on humanity.

We were born enslaved in a system created by the few, designed specifically to keep the majority down.
We are at war. Three corporations controlling everything in the media and an unthinking majority willing to believe whatever they see on the truth box - is a dream come true for those who seek ultimate control of the thoughts and actions of the rest. The enemy is anybody with a billion dollars or more.

There are medicines that can eliminate cancer, energy technologies that can take every human being off the grid, allow for virtually free travel and eliminate most of the cost of living.
Addicted to a life of luxury, the 'elite' will do anything to avoid having to stand in line with the rest of us at the airport as we fly from place to place on the flat earth.

The shape of the earth is the 'globalists' greatest lie.
Approached from a completely evidence-based perspective, it becomes one of the most obvious truths.
Everything about your own experience has told you that you are on a flat, motionless surface and yet the power of fear, repetition and mind control have convinced you to reject your experience and instead believe what you're told by authorities unquestioningly.

There are at least a couple hundred experientially-derived evidences for this but one of the most obvious examples of the flatness of the surface beneath your feet is the horizon line.

-The Horizon-
If it were true that we were living on a globe, as one ascended in elevation the horizon line would drop in exponential proportion to greater altitudes. This is never the case; even at 120,000 feet (or over 36km) above the surface, the horizon line remains at eye level.

Additionally, in the video footage below, the horizon line curves up equally as much as it curves down, demonstrating clearly the geocentric model of earth is correct.

Not sure about flat earth, have to check it out before I leave a smartass, condescending ad hominem answer... Wow! True authoritarian colors came out of people on this post. Interesting...


Feb 18, 2016
Not sure about flat earth, have to check it out before I leave a smartass, condescending ad hominem answer... Wow! True authoritarian colors came out of people on this post. Interesting...

Authoritarian like breaking a horses spirit , holding it captive,whipping it, feeding it poor diet,nailing metal into its hoof, etc etc ?
Feb 4, 2015
A lunar eclipse proves that the Earth is round.

You can also view Saturn and other planets with a telescope and see that they are round.

Flat Earthers think we are so special. They think we are so important and unique. We're not. Astronomers are finding new planets every single day in our galaxy. Our planet isn't special.

We are a recent hominid species who, while clever, are not special. We are all African apes who evolved from a long chain of other hominids over a very long time.

There are no conspiracy theories. There is no illuminati. People who think that the music business is run by the illuminati do not understand how the music business works. Look up Max Martin and you'll see that he is just a guy who knows how to make hits. It's called music publishing. It's called hit songs. Not a cult. 911 was a Saudi attack. Building 7 fell because it burned for 7 hours. The gov't can't even deliver my mail on time yet you think they can do something like 911?

There is no Bigfoot. There are no reptilians. Yes people do bad things but it's not a conspiracy, it's just people doing things for money and or their religious beliefs. But most people are friendly and good people.

The world is tiny. It's a tiny ball floating through nothingness. It will be gone when the sun explodes or when Andromeda collides with our galaxy and knocks Earth out of orbit. But we won't be around for that so just enjoy your anywhere from 1 day to 70 years you have left.
Last edited:
Nov 26, 2013
Essential fatty acid deficiency proves that cells have a fatty membrane.

You can also view the membrane and other organelles by freezing a cell and using an electron microscope.

Intelligent Designers think we are so special. They think we are so important and unique. We're not. Biologists are finding new receptors every single day in our laboratory. Our body isn't special.

We are a recent hominid species who, while clever, are not special. We are all biological Turing machines who formed something that only looks like consciousness over a very long time.


Jul 23, 2015
Portland, Oregon

Essential fatty acid deficiency proves that cells have a fatty membrane.

You can also view the membrane and other organelles by freezing a cell and using an electron microscope.

Intelligent Designers think we are so special. They think we are so important and unique. We're not. Biologists are finding new receptors every single day in our laboratory. Our body isn't special.

We are a recent hominid species who, while clever, are not special. We are all biological Turing machines who formed something that only looks like consciousness over a very long time.
If PUFA's are so bad, then how come peanut butter tastes so good? It's natural; God wouldn't have made something bad taste good. Morons.
Feb 4, 2015

If PUFA's are so bad, then how come peanut butter tastes so good? It's natural; God wouldn't have made something bad taste good. Morons.

PB has other nutrients besides pufa though. But pufa oil by itself doesn't taste good. Flour, sugar, and salt deliver pufa oil.


Apr 30, 2015
How can we drive on roads that are flat if the earth is round?
How can gravity work if the world is round? Everything always falls downwards
How can plants grow up if the earth is not flat?


Aug 15, 2015
A lunar eclipse proves that the Earth is round.

You can also view Saturn and other planets with a telescope and see that they are round.

Flat Earthers think we are so special. They think we are so important and unique. We're not. Astronomers are finding new planets every single day in our galaxy. Our planet isn't special.

We are a recent hominid species who, while clever, are not special. We are all African apes who evolved from a long chain of other hominids over a very long time.

There are no conspiracy theories. There is no illuminati. People who think that the music business is run by the illuminati do not understand how the music business works. Look up Max Martin and you'll see that he is just a guy who knows how to make hits. It's called music publishing. It's called hit songs. Not a cult. 911 was a Saudi attack. Building 7 fell because it burned for 7 hours. The gov't can't even deliver my mail on time yet you think they can do something like 911?

There is no Bigfoot. There are no reptilians. Yes people do bad things but it's not a conspiracy, it's just people doing things for money and or their religious beliefs. But most people are friendly and good people.

The world is tiny. It's a tiny ball floating through nothingness. It will gone when the sun explodes or when Andromeda collides with our galaxy and knocks Earth out of orbit. But we won't be around for that so just enjoy your anywhere from 1 day to 70 years you have left.
dude I think humans are special, why do you belittle the human beings? We are among the most beautiful creatures out there and we might be the smartest living beings. It also saddens me to see people make fun of their earth that has given them everything to live. It has given them food, air, and water. I believe we are not floating through nothingness. Everything has purpose. To emphasis, we are important and unique. In fact, almost everything on the planet from huge trees to algae is important and unique.

If you think you evolved from african apes, not everybody subscribes to that theory. It's a "theory" for god's sake but believe whatever you want to believe. No judgment.

Do you really believe there are no conspiracy things going on? Do you believe everything your american channels tell you? give me a break. A tiny illegal country in the middle east below Lebanon and west of Jordan is most definitely behind that attack, but since that tiny illegal country is controlling your big country's government and its media, it will lead you to a different wrong conclusion. Again, you believe whatever you want to believe, but please don't think your opinion is the most correct one and everyone's opinion is trash because it is different from what you believe in.

Regarding flat earth theory, I don't dismiss it and I don't approve it. I need more evidence. But I like that people question stuff. It's healthy. Illuminati is just a fancy name for certain cult who has control over many things.
Nov 26, 2013
There are no conspiracy theories. There is no "Big Pharma". People who think that the drug business is run by the DEA do not understand how the drug business works. Look up Martin Shkreli and you'll see that he is just a guy who knows how to make money. It's called price hike. It's called supply and demand. Not a criminal. Brazil was a Zika breakout. Cancer incidence grew because we started eating more sugar for 30 years. The health industry can't even deliver my citalopram on time yet you think they can do something like Obamacare?

There is no Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. There are no vaccine deaths. Yes people do bad things but it's not a conspiracy, it's just people doing things for money and or their corporate beliefs. But most people are friendly and good people.

The world is tiny. It's a tiny ball floating through nothingness. It will gone when the sun explodes or when Andromeda collides with our galaxy and knocks Earth out of orbit. But we won't be around for that so just enjoy your anywhere from 1 day to 70 years you have left because living things must get cancer eventually, it is high school level statistics.
Feb 4, 2015
Get on a plane and fly from NYC to Los Angeles. Bring a compass with you. Observe how you are flying west towards the sunset. Go to the Holllywood walk of fame. Get on another plane and fly from LA to Hawaii, still traveling west. Spend some time on the beach. Go to the observatory on the big island and look at the galaxy in that pristine Pacific Ocean sky. Then get on a plane and fly from Hawaii to Bangkok. Still traveling west. Then fly from Bangkok to Rome. Go see the colosseum. Then fly from Rome back to NYC. Debunked.

Greg says

Nov 6, 2014
There are conspiracies and conspiracy theories. I agree, conspiracy theories are being discredited so we cannot discern between the crazy ones and the actual ones.

"The general population doesn’t know what’s happening, and it doesn’t even know that it doesn’t know." - Noam Chomsky

The earth is probably neither flat nor round. We are simply a part of the whole, something so bizarre, that we wouldn't be able to comprehend what we are a part of. If life was explained to us we wouldn't understand, our senses are so limited (round or flat is pretty limited). And if we did, it would blow our minds more than finding out the earth is flat.

Try explaining your LSD trip to someone who has never taken LSD.

"True authoritarian colors came out of people on this post. Interesting..." agree.

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