A Carrot Salad Recipe + Write-up For The Uninitiated

Apr 22, 2019
###The antifungal, antibacterial, antiseptic carrot salad inspired by Ray Peat, PhD

&&&Powerfully polices gut bacteria in a positive way & helps bowel regularity.

-1 to 2 whole, raw, organic carrots
-potato peeler
-olive oil (organic is better but as long as it doesn't pour bright yellow)

-ground ginger
-ground turmeric
-(possibly) minced garlic if you can both digest it and want don't mind insulting your taste buds
-1-2 tablespoons of Apple cider vinegar (organic 'with mother apple' is an infallible prerequisite for this food)
-salt (anything but iodized table salt)

-shave carrots with potato peeler as much as possible to make a salad-like texture
-add 1 to 4 teaspoons of olive oil
-optional: add 1/4 to 1/2 teaspoon of ground ginger and/or ground turmeric, 1-2 tablespoons of Apple cider vinegar, salt to taste


*Consume during 7 to 9 p.m. solar time during circulation sex time/triple heater meridian for easiest assimilation. Hint: solar time apps are available on the app store.
*Consuming in the morning is better than not consuming at all.


///What's the idea here?

The carrot, as a unique tuber, is especially resilience 2 being overtaken by bacteria, viruses, and parasites around it under the soil. The insoluble fiber content of the carrot is indigestible by the human body and will push stool through the bowels quickly upon consumption. This is the case because this fiber cannot absorb water. Soluble fiber, the counterpart to insoluble fiber, May absorb water many times greater than its weight, even up to a 10 x capacity in some instances such as a acacia fiber.

Since the insoluble fiber is indigestible, the amount of insoluble fiber that passes through the digestive tract it's going to depend on the total surface area of the vegetable consumed. The acidic chemical breakdown of vegetables is significantly more dependent on how well we masticate our food compared to animal flesh or by-products. The high acidity of the animal products makes it more compatible with our extremely acidic, borderline scavenger (pH 1.5 for us, 1.0 for vultures, 8.0 for cow's rumen) stomach. Our stomach has a pH of 1.5, a vulture's stomach has a pH of 1.0, and a cow's rumen has a pH of 8.0. We can scarf meat down with little consequence compared to unchewed vegetables.

It's important to use raw carrot and not cooked carrot. Cooked carrot (and moreover all cooked vegetables) will challenge the immune system. If someone suffers from an autoimmune condition, the immune system should be allowed to rest, not called upon. Eating raw vegetables is therefore preferential to repair an autoimmune condition where it can then be used as a tool to challenge the immune system so as to keep it in fighting shape. The ideal ratio of raw:cooked vegetables is 80:20 percent.

Back to the carrot. The fine peeling of the carrot is imperative as a pre-digestion ritual that grants the digestive tract several times more access to insoluble fiber.

When adding other antiseptic compounds found in olive oil, garlic, ginger, turmeric, and apple cider vinegar to this indigestible surface area, it allows them to be carried further down the digestive tract, beyond the small intestine.

It will impact the small intestine with the greatest magnitude, but the further past the small intestine these antiseptic agents get, then the more they will markedly sterilize the gut while omitting destruction at the end of the line known as the colon. The colon has a dense floral population and this can be made more robust through the natural, upper intestine sterilization properties that are received from the carrot salad.

+It's important to note that antibiotics also sterilize the colon, but the indiscriminate bacterial annihilation of synthetic chemical isolates produce undesirable results, suffice it to say. It's said that bacterial cells outnumber viral cells 10:1, so I'd wager it's a safer bet to allow Mother Nature to wage this war on our intellectual behalf, regardless of how accurate our mathematical equations repeatedly come out to be; waging war against bacterial cells is to bet against a factor of 10.

That's just bacteria. The fungal kingdom has it's own network of heroes and baddies that coexists in lesser numbers alongside the overwhelming bacteria. The antiseptic agents wage their own war at this level simultaneous to the level of the bacteria. This is something that modern medicine has yet to replicate. A prescription drug will be manufactured with the intent to eliminate a specific fungus, group of fungi, or group of bacteria in isolation. With both fungus and bacteria there exists opportunistic characters that will readily overpopulate when their respective police officers are precisely eradicated. This oftentimes leaves a patient that was looking to eliminate a fungal infection with a newfound bacterial imbalance, sometimes clinically referenced as "gut dysbiosis." The most common overgrowth of bacteria exists as candida and it's substrates which vary depending on what part of the digestive tract is being observed. For instance, candida albicans may reside in the mouth and candida krusei may exist in the small intestine. Killing just candida alone would be great if it didn't subject someone to a new colonization of opportunistic fungal species. Only compounds in nature are jointly antibacterial (not antibiotic), antiviral, and antiparasitic.

{}Antibiotics = anti/against + biotic/life, against life. This word, 'antibiotic,' should give inherent cause for concern with such a meaning.

An alternative to the raw carrot is activated charcoal in the amount of 1-2grams. Take away from food because it binds to a wide spectrum of fungus, bacteria, and heavy metals. If activated charcoal is consumed around meals or other supplements, it will dim their nutrient assimilation or outright limit their effect, respectively.

Through binding of unwanted bacteria, fungus, and heavy metals, the activated charcoal will allow excretion of these compounds through the bile with a comparable effect to the raw carrot.

Revised 10/20/19
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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