TESTICULAR CANCER - Please Help Me, i dont have much time! - cynomel / cynoplus the cause??

Mar 24, 2018
Did you apply things to the testicles?


Nov 1, 2021
Did you apply things to the testicles?
I have applied pansterone on there before maybe 5 times, but haven't done so in well over a year, or even 18 months. I highly doubt a couple of drops of preg and dhea all that time ago would be a cause. A drop or two with c. 10% absorption seems like a very very low dose.

But playing guessing games probably won't help, just trying to look for a way forward.

I still haven't had an ultrasound yet. The doctor just assured me that they couldn't be sure from visual inspection but the ultrasound will definitely show the type of tissue and be able to confirm.


Aug 9, 2019
@BigShoes I'm doing a testicular ultrasound today, as I have low T issues. I examined my testicles, they visually seem fine, your post got me vigilant.
Have you had trouble with libido/ erections?


Nov 1, 2021
@BigShoes I'm doing a testicular ultrasound today, as I have low T issues. I examined my testicles, they visually seem fine, your post got me vigilant.
Have you had trouble with libido/ erections?
That's awesome that you're getting checked dude. I hope everything goes well for you.

Sorry to hear about the T issues. It must be awful.

My view on T had always been: "sort out everything else (estrogen, prolactin, cortisol, adrenalin, pth, tsh etc.) and the T should sort itself out." But at this point , I don't know anymore hahaha

Best wishes dude


Jun 7, 2016
@BigShoes what an ordeal.

I've been doing this ray peat stuff since before I joined the forum which is 7 years now and my health is still improving. If your concerned about the time you have put in, it may take longer so keep moving forward. I had some long awaited battles to face in the first 4 years of doing this.

As far as I can tell everything heals the way Ray says it does, it takes experimentation, time, energy and the right attitude.


Dec 8, 2016
Tumors can form very quickly e.g. radiation exposure.

I'm so tired. So loud here. It's 7:45am, so loud.
Ray would never recommend a substance like thyroid if it had any potential to do this.

Look at his work against estrogen et al.

Just because it makes sense or was something said on the forum; i always compare it against his work and the studies he sites.

With that
I still don’t endorse the use of thyroid- for the reason stated above
(I believe it exacerbates the stress response in stressed / underfed individuals)


Jun 19, 2016
There is a guy on Twitter @yoursimmo he had testicular cancer and follows a peat approach he has a natural testosterone of 900 or something with one testicle. Might be worth a look. Best of luck.


Nov 1, 2021
Ray would never recommend a substance like thyroid if it had any potential to do this.

Look at his work against estrogen et al.

Just because it makes sense or was something said on the forum; i always compare it against his work and the studies he sites.

With that
I still don’t endorse the use of thyroid- for the reason stated above
(I believe it exacerbates the stress response in stressed / underfed individuals)
Thanks for this. Yes I was really hoping thyroid would be the added secret weapon on top of everything I was already doing.

But gyno feelings in the first couple of weeks, still low temps, little symptom relief.. and now here I am 🫠

But yes, I've never seen anyone posting about significant negative effects of thyroid use - how many millions of women use thyroid?? Never once heard a case showing that it caused breast cancer (an estrogen based cancer) - as @Hans said, it would typically be beneficial for such a case.

Still, I worry that I've done this to myself.

There is a guy on Twitter @yoursimmo he had testicular cancer and follows a peat approach he has a natural testosterone of 900 or something with one testicle. Might be worth a look. Best of luck.
That's actually super interesting thanks so much. I thought that would be impossible without TRT.

I don't want to live without both ... and would want to hold off on the removal if it were just the one affected, to explore options. But seeing info like this makes me consider having just one may be better than dying.

Still waiting for an ultrasound.


Nov 1, 2021
@BigShoes I'm doing a testicular ultrasound today, as I have low T issues. I examined my testicles, they visually seem fine, your post got me vigilant.
Have you had trouble with libido/ erections?
Sorry, realised I didn't answer the last question. Yes I have.

Testosterone came back 666ng/dl last time which seems okay (apart from the number of the beast parallels), but prolactin was 16ng and estrogen was 33pg - both quite elevated at 2-3 times normal.

Also been chronically stressed and haven't slept well most of my adult life, so I figured that was the reason rather than T issues.


Aug 17, 2018
It must be truly awefull and I hear your pain. Unsure how this can help but I read many anecdotes of fenbendazole curing cancer.

Also it does take time to reverse health issues so please be patient with yourself.


Jul 17, 2021
Cancer tumors should be looked at as a canary in the coal mine in regard to metabolic function as a whole but there may be some more factors that contributed to its development. Off the top of my head these can include:

-Synthetic fabric underwear
-EMF exposure from cell phones in pockets or laptops on lap
-Synthetic soaps
-Chronic compression from tight clothing
-Excessive heat exposure from being too close to the body (from clothing)
-Lack of natural sunlight

If your testes are chronically compressed, hot, and exposed to artificial soaps, EMF, and fabrics it could easily cause them to become metabolically compromised, leading to tumor formation.


Jul 27, 2022
That basically leaves one option - testicular cancer. Especially since there are 4.

Cause - cynomel and cynoplus??
I have been ill for a long time. General hypothyroid symptoms and low virility etc. Etc. I have been using Ray Peats ideas around nutrition since c. Early 2020 I would guess.

I tried everything under the sun before thyroid supplementation because I was scared to take it. I did my best to improve for around 2 years - but my symptoms only got worse.

After speaking with members here, I finally made the decision to try thyroid hormone supplementation - cynomel and cynoplus. I started with 1/6 of a cynomel and 1/6 (c.10mcg t3 20mcg t4) of a cynoplus and tapered up from there to 1/3 of each (c. 20mcg t3 and 40mcg t4)

In a previous thread I made, I asked whether exogenous thyroid could cause gynecomastia (an estrogenic symptom) and why - because I was experiencing nipple itching upon commencing use of cynomel/plus. There wasn't much conclusion, but @EustaceBagge hypothesised an interesting theory (loose explanation) that the increase in metabolism caused a release in tissue bound estrogen which then entered the blood stream. If the liver function is not good enough to clear this estrogen boost, estrogenic symptoms may occur. Interesting point, over time, the nipple itch disappeared though... and I forgot about this.

How to treat or manage??

T4 might stimulate growth of some already existing tumors , going by cell studies it activates PD-L1 which is overexpressed in cancers. so might block T cell immune response to them and allow for faster growth
(you mentioned already having estrogen / prolactin problems for around 10 years , so theorizing maybe the T4 impaired immunity for existing tumors u had due to the already elevated estrogen for so long. but havent seen this confirmed in vivo yet, i would avoid t4 just in case.
But the main effect is likely a progression that hit either way with growth acceleration from having so much estrogen. thats the main problem

and the elevated prolactin can increase estrogen receptors , so compounded effect
estradiol is the hormone they use to study cancer growth in studies
estrogen stimulates prolactin. progesterone lowers prolactin

some people here mentioned Artemisinin helping end their cancer / extend living
theres some papers backing anti cancer effects (i would watch hemoglobin levels while on it if taking tho)

Artemisinin targets estrogen receptor in cancer , and blocks growth response to estrogen nicely --> Artemisinin selectively decreases functional levels of estrogen receptor-alpha and ablates estrogen-induced proliferation in human breast cancer cells

anti estrogen stuff seems vitally important target to focus on , testicular cancer has apparently slow death rate & high cure rate.
but sustaining high estrogen could cause further problems so tackling that seems key

& supporting immunity

possibly selenium as selenomethione? would need to look into it

progesterone might be worth looking into
Progesterone's opposition to those early excitatory effects of estrogen are so basic, that there shouldn't be any difficulty in thinking of it as an antiestrogen, that stops cell division primarily by opposing the excitatory effects of estrogen and other mitogens. Progesterone's opposition to the calcium-activating and phosphorylating effects of estrogen affects everything in the cell, according to the cell's specific nature.

The NCI researchers (Hertz, et al., 1951) treated 17 women with visible cancers of the uterine cervix that had been confirmed by biopsies. They were given daily intramuscular injections of 250 mg of progesterone in vegetable oil. Although they described the treatment as "massive dosage with progesterone," it didn't prevent menstruation in any of the women who had been menstruating before the treatment began. During a healthy pregnancy, a woman produces more progesterone than that.

Their article includes some photographs of cervical tumors before treatment, and after 31 days, 50 days, and 65 days of progesterone treatment. The improvement is clear. The examining physicians described softening of the tumor, and stopping of bleeding and pain.

"In eleven of the 17 treated patients visible and palpable evidence of regressive alteration of the tumor mass could be demonstrated. This consisted of (a) distinct reduction in size of the visible portion of the cancer as well as reduction of the palpable extent of the mass, (b) reduction in vascularity and friability of the visible lesion with a clearly demonstrable epithelization of previously raw surfaces and (c) markedly increased pliability of the previously rigid and infiltrated parametria."

but it may not be suitable for some cancers (lowers effectiveness of a treatment for prostate cancer , but idk if actually worsens prostate cancer)

There is a guy on Twitter @yoursimmo he had testicular cancer and follows a peat approach he has a natural testosterone of 900 or something with one testicle. Might be worth a look. Best of luck.
rays advice on an approach for after removal, if gonna remove,
the guy with 1 testicle in this call also mentioned his testosterone increased
50 minutes in

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kEabhWZETZM&t=3010s

watching comedies , masterpiece movies , taking in art , listening to music , setting intention each day for low stress sloth mode light stuff in evenings to prevent lowering immunity , then flipping switch to active solution merkage mode in daytime is probably helpful
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Jun 21, 2018

The best advice I can give you is to take MMS and start protocol 1000. Forget about supplements, hormones, this and that. You have toxicity and this needs to be addressed.

MMS can be hard to purchase since the government clamps down on it hard, but its cheap and it works for all sorts of cancers and tumors. I suggest you watch the original MMS documentary to understand it more and see its effects. This is your best option in my opinion.

Best of luck. I'm not worried for you, not because I don't care, but because I know if you take MMS, your issue will resolve.

View: https://www.bitchute.com/video/GVDStmSb6uhI/


Sep 27, 2015
So sorry to hear about this very stressful situation. I certainly don't feel qualified to offer any advice as to how to proceed regarding removal vs not.

What I can suggest might be helpful to think about, regardless of what you end up doing in terms of treatment:
I don't know how big a part of the puzzle this is in your case but Arthur Firstenburg has suggested that all cancer is at least partially related to electromagnetic pollution. I would think it could be useful to do a very serious audit of all of your EMF exposure, for example as detailed in this thread: Nothing in life comes free (not everything written there agrees with my personal experience, such as wired internet vs low power wifi, but most seems very solid) Maybe even something like a long camping trip with little or no electrical stuff in a place with low cell phone/radio signal. The hospital is probably EMF hell I would imagine. Long term it would be important to pay extra attention to keeping cell phones completely away from the pocket/testicle area, even in airplane mode the cell signal is turned off but there is lower frequency RF emitted by the circuitry of the phone, all of which is linked to cancerous changes of cell metabolism. Some animal experiments even showed damage even with the phone off as long as the battery is connected.

In this vein, it's somewhat possible the thyroid supplement could be related to increasing the development speed of a long standing problem, since it seems that for some people higher metabolism may make one more susceptible to some effects of EMF (as suggested by Firstenburg in "The Invisible Rainbow") For example, when I take more than a certain thyroid dose, I react more quickly and strongly to cellphone signals, wifi and bluetooth, even though it makes me feel better in places with less EM pollution.

Also, this is unlikely to be the problem in your case, but to you have any root canals or known dental issues?


I very strongly advise remaining calm, leaving now, and not getting surgery. It’s easy to overlook some basic solutions because of the panic state that the medical system puts us under with cancer.

1.) Consider Peat’s own advice for cancer: up to 120 grams of urea a day. A quick backup if you don’t have urea is small doses of fully dissolved baking soda throughout the day.

2.) Haidut wrote an article on baking soda and cancer. He notes 20 grams of baking soda daily is most commonly used in studies (I’ve heard it suggested elsewhere, to fully dissolve to remove risk of serious intestinal damage):

Extracellular acidity is necessary and sufficient for the induction of candidate splicing events“. Those candidate splicing events are what drives aggressive cancer phenotypes and even initial cancerization. Second, it demonstrates that administering baking soda orally retards tumor growth by effectively acidifying the inside of the tumor (by raising CO2 levels) and alkalizing the outside (by neutralizing lactic acid).”

3.) Also, unless you have coaching from somebody (I strongly suggest getting Danny’s patreon for just a month for the two 45 minute phone calls), maybe consider backing down to low thyroid doses. Ray himself suggests very low doses for most people, often no more than 4mcg per t3 and t4.

4.) you may consider being vitamins A, D, and K deficient in the tissues. Vitamin A is incredibly anti-estrogenic. What you can do to raise vitamin levels in the testes is absorb them through the belly button. I got insane test level increases when I did that with vitamin K. I’d get idealabs’ A, and K, in alcohol. It absorbs fast.

PS, we pm’d years ago when you got on, I left for a year, but got back on when I saw this. I’m committed to this with you.

PPS, I’m intrigued by the “thyroid releasing tissue-bound estrogen” theory. I began supplementing t3 late last year, and about two months ago estrogenic symptoms have risen noticeably (without tests).
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Dec 1, 2021
This must all be so overwhelming man. All the advice, what to do, whether it's going to work. I wish you the best of luck BigShoes. Follow your heart, and don't despair, rest easy with the fact that you can do whatever you can, and your body is doing so as well even though you might've gotten the impression that it has turned against you.

I'm scared of giving advice rn, so I'll just say that besides what is meant to improve your health, make sure your happy in a good way. Maybe exercise (some sick pullups?), or nice cooking, time spent in nature. Don't forget to be happy man!


Nov 1, 2021
Hi everyone

I need to apologise to you all. I've gotten the ultrasound results and they've told me its NOT cancer.

First, incredibly relieved. Happy. Laughing my **** off.

Second, incredibly embarrassed that I've made so many people worry and show so much kindness and concern. I told my parents and my brother (who came to visit me ....... the things I said to them, my goodness). I told one friend, who was unbelievably supportive and kept in contact through the whole ordeal. I told a girl I'd been out with. And I wrote this forum post asking you all for help - and you were all so incredibly kind, helpful, and caring.

Thirdly, I'm absolutely furious with the nurses, and completely traumatised by the whole ordeal. They told me the wrong thing. They told me the irregularities were on the testicle itself, not the cord, and that was categorically WRONG. When I said "hold on, if they're on the testicle and not the cord or surrounding tissue that means the c word right?" And I was met with "survival rates are very high. At least you may still have one. There's other things in life besides having a family." etc. etc.

I worked myself up into a frenzy for nothing.

I should be overjoyed that I'm okay. I'm somewhat relieved. But also traumatised.

I'm so sorry everyone.

I'm currently lying around and trying to process everything. My hair is falling out like autumn leaves ... I should be happy, and am going to try to focus on the positives. But what an awful 3 days... Still in pain from the exploratory surgery, but that should be okay soon. I just need to restructure my mind.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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