How To Run Tren


May 6, 2020
I'm currently running the following every day:

50 mg IM testosterone propionate
100 mg oral pregnenolone
100 mg oral DHEA
600 mg Ashwagandha
250 mg magnesium
2 pills of Thorne Multivitamin

As of now I'm experimenting with the Peat DHEA Pregnenolone stuff and I've noticed a bit better sleep after my first couple days of DHEA, then had my first T injection and I had knockout sleep last night. It seems now I'm incapable of sleeping less than 12h (before when I was super sleep deprived I couldn't sleep for more than 6h even if I wanted to). My concern here is that test isn't androgenic enough to accomplish voice deepening and beard growth after puberty, hence why I want to run a tren cycle. The topic of this post is, if test doesn't work and I end up doing tren, how do I do it and remain fertile and in good health on cycle? @haidut 's post here provides a clue:

Pregnenolone (P5) Fully Prevents Testicular Atrophy Due To Steroid (ab)use Or High Estrogen

I'm hoping the discussion here will address the questions I posed to @haidut on the below thread, as well as some other things I will mention now:

Estrogen Is NOT Needed For Muscle / Bone Growth And Anabolism

Why does tren suppress your testosterone if:

1. We established that estrogen is responsible for negative feedback to the hypothalamus, and thus we use an AI as part of PCT,
2. Tren is non-aromatizable, non-estrogenic, highly androgenic and thus suppresses estrogen, and has progestogenic effects (I don't know if it acts like a 'progestin' poison like medroxyprogesterone acetate... but it may very well be the case since people DO complain of 19-nor (tren) **** and gyno from elevated prolactin, which is an estrogenic effect, not progesteronic)
3. Progesterone is anti-estrogenic, and so tren's PR activation suggests that it shouldn't produce prolactin effects, so you shouldn't even need to run a dopamine agonist like cabergoline with it,
4. In another thread you stated the following:

"The estrogen role in gonadal atrophy caused by T is suggested by one of the studies showing that while "lower" doses T (in the range of HED 1mg/kg daily) were suppressible and caused gonadal atrophy, VERY high doses (equivalent to 1g+ daily in humans) increased gonadal size. .... It will also be recalled that small doses of testosterone cause a testis atrophy which is not seen at high dose levels (1 1). This fact could best be explained by the assumption that comparatively low doses of testoids inhibit the gonadotropic hormone secretion of the pituitary and thus cause a secondary testis involution which, in the case of high doses, is over-compensated by the direct testis-stimulating effect of these compounds."

The only explanation I can think of that reconciles some of this is that testosterone / AR activation ALSO feeds back to the hypothalamus (edit: to the Leydig cells). Otherwise past a certain threshold of AR activation estrogen would become totally suppressed forever and the release of androgens would become a positive feedback loop. "VERY high doses increased gonadal size"... so if it turns out that the progesteronic effect of tren is actually progesteronic and not estrogenic, why doesn't blasting tren give you massive balls? Even if there is some estrogenic effect from tren (there must be if there's gyno and tren ****) then doesn't the same logic apply - just run it in a high enough dose and the androgenicity will beat the estrogenicity into submission?

So I will go through the above and list my further questions:

5. @haidut has said that there may be a secondary feedback loop in cases of pituitary unresponsiveness in the case of a tumor. This exists inside the Leydig cells and keeps test levels in a physiological range by responding directly to AR receptor activation. However, he also says what I quoted above about low dose T causing testicular atrophy but super high dose T increasing testicle size. So how does super high dose exogenous T have a "direct testis-stimulating effect" that makes your balls bigger if there's an AR feedback loop internal to the Leydig cells themselves? It's reasonable to surmise that the former idea is true, i.e., being a strong dominant masculine man is called "being ballsy" for a reason. High T = big balls. But the suppression and atrophy people see doing highly androgenic/antiestrogenic AAS like tren stumps me.

6. I've also seen @haidut say progesterone at low doses is androgenic but at higher doses is antiandrogenic. Why, if at all doses it acts as an antiestrogen/antiserotonin/anticortisol agent?

7. Let's assume progesterone is somewhat antiandrogenic at higher doses. If so, why does using 12-15x the oral dose of pregnenolone as injected testosterone prevent atrophy? I know administering DHEA pushes most coadministered pregnenolone to become progesterone, so I'd imagine the same would be true for at least T and DHT since they're part of Route C (endogenous androgens and estrogens), if not for any androgenic steroid. My potential explanation is progesterone inhibits the Leydig cell feedback by acting as an antiandrogen there, allowing the testicles themselves to produce their own testosterone. But if that were the case, then estrogens, which act as systemic antiandrogens, should make your balls bigger and improve sperm count, which we know to be false - or at least this should counteract the negative feedback estrogen has on the HPGA.

8. @haidut also mentions in the P5 article that pregnenolone administration in 12-15x the dose of an androgen it is coadministered with should potentiate the effects of that androgen. I can see this making sense if progesterone, its main metabolite under such conditions, is a pure antiestrogen at all doses. But as we see above, it isn't that simple. If it's true that progesterone is an antiandrogen at high doses (which we would inevitably achieve by taking 12-15x the dose of pregnenolone as of the androgen in question) then shouldn't it cancel out, instead of potentiate, the effects of the androgen? I know progesterone itself is half as anabolic as testosterone, so that would pick up some of the slack, but as people have figured out, tren turns you into a ******* beast, so it appears the idea that PR activation is antiandrogenic might be wrong. And if it's wrong, see questions 2 and 3 again.

9. Finally, for those of you who do run gear while incorporating Peat concepts, have any of you experienced the effects I'm looking for (voice deepening, filling out the beard)? If so, could you please share your stack?

TLDR for my most important question: how do I do (and maybe even potentiate the effects of) tren and keep my balls plump and healthy at the same time using Peat technology?
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Dec 8, 2018
The Netherlands
Isn't DHT a safer way to achieve this (voice deepening and beard fillout)? Neither DHT nor tren have I used, so from personnal experience I cannot speak. However, there are a number of posts about DHT on this forum, and, as I recall, the benefits overlap with your goals.


May 6, 2020
Isn't DHT a safer way to achieve this (voice deepening and beard fillout)? Neither DHT nor tren have I used, so from personnal experience I cannot speak. However, there are a number of posts about DHT on this forum, and, as I recall, the benefits overlap with your goals.
Yeah DHT could work but it's weaker than tren androgenically, though what I'm hoping this discussion can address scientifically is the proper protocol for doing a steroid cycle the Peat way.


Nov 28, 2017
Yeah DHT could work but it's weaker than tren androgenically, though what I'm hoping this discussion can address scientifically is the proper protocol for doing a steroid cycle the Peat way.
ive seen haidut talk about masteron being potentially good. its a dht derivative so it may help. i havent tried any aas so cant recommend


Jul 11, 2019
ive seen haidut talk about masteron being potentially good. its a dht derivative so it may help. i havent tried any aas so cant recommend
drostanolone is basically an anabolic form of DHT, the reason it's used instead of straight-up DHT in bodybuilding is that it's not a substrate for 3a-hydroxysteroid-dehydrogenase, therefore it can act anabolically within muscle tissue whereas endogenous DHT is deactivated rapidly.


Dec 17, 2018
I'm currently running the following every day:

50 mg IM testosterone propionate
100 mg oral pregnenolone
100 mg oral DHEA
600 mg Ashwagandha
250 mg magnesium
2 pills of Thorne Multivitamin

As of now I'm experimenting with the Peat DHEA Pregnenolone stuff and I've noticed a bit better sleep after my first couple days of DHEA, then had my first T injection and I had knockout sleep last night. It seems now I'm incapable of sleeping less than 12h (before when I was super sleep deprived I couldn't sleep for more than 6h even if I wanted to). My concern here is that test isn't androgenic enough to accomplish voice deepening and beard growth after puberty, hence why I want to run a tren cycle. The topic of this post is, if test doesn't work and I end up doing tren, how do I do it and remain fertile and in good health on cycle? @haidut 's post here provides a clue:

Pregnenolone (P5) Fully Prevents Testicular Atrophy Due To Steroid (ab)use Or High Estrogen

I'm hoping the discussion here will address the questions I posed to @haidut on the below thread, as well as some other things I will mention now:

Estrogen Is NOT Needed For Muscle / Bone Growth And Anabolism

Why does tren suppress your testosterone if:

1. We established that estrogen is responsible for negative feedback to the hypothalamus, and thus we use an AI as part of PCT,
2. Tren is non-aromatizable, non-estrogenic, highly androgenic and thus suppresses estrogen, and has progestogenic effects (I don't know if it acts like a 'progestin' poison like medroxyprogesterone acetate... but it may very well be the case since people DO complain of 19-nor (tren) **** and gyno from elevated prolactin, which is an estrogenic effect, not progesteronic)
3. Progesterone is anti-estrogenic, and so tren's PR activation suggests that it shouldn't produce prolactin effects, so you shouldn't even need to run a dopamine agonist like cabergoline with it,
4. In another thread you stated the following:

"The estrogen role in gonadal atrophy caused by T is suggested by one of the studies showing that while "lower" doses T (in the range of HED 1mg/kg daily) were suppressible and caused gonadal atrophy, VERY high doses (equivalent to 1g+ daily in humans) increased gonadal size. .... It will also be recalled that small doses of testosterone cause a testis atrophy which is not seen at high dose levels (1 1). This fact could best be explained by the assumption that comparatively low doses of testoids inhibit the gonadotropic hormone secretion of the pituitary and thus cause a secondary testis involution which, in the case of high doses, is over-compensated by the direct testis-stimulating effect of these compounds."

The only explanation I can think of that reconciles some of this is that testosterone / AR activation ALSO feeds back to the hypothalamus (edit: to the Leydig cells). Otherwise past a certain threshold of AR activation estrogen would become totally suppressed forever and the release of androgens would become a positive feedback loop. "VERY high doses increased gonadal size"... so if it turns out that the progesteronic effect of tren is actually progesteronic and not estrogenic, why doesn't blasting tren give you massive balls? Even if there is some estrogenic effect from tren (there must be if there's gyno and tren ****) then doesn't the same logic apply - just run it in a high enough dose and the androgenicity will beat the estrogenicity into submission?

So I will go through the above and list my further questions:

5. @haidut has said that there may be a secondary feedback loop in cases of pituitary unresponsiveness in the case of a tumor. This exists inside the Leydig cells and keeps test levels in a physiological range by responding directly to AR receptor activation. However, he also says what I quoted above about low dose T causing testicular atrophy but super high dose T increasing testicle size. So how does super high dose exogenous T have a "direct testis-stimulating effect" that makes your balls bigger if there's an AR feedback loop internal to the Leydig cells themselves? It's reasonable to surmise that the former idea is true, i.e., being a strong dominant masculine man is called "being ballsy" for a reason. High T = big balls. But the suppression and atrophy people see doing highly androgenic/antiestrogenic AAS like tren stumps me.

6. I've also seen @haidut say progesterone at low doses is androgenic but at higher doses is antiandrogenic. Why, if at all doses it acts as an antiestrogen/antiserotonin/anticortisol agent?

7. Let's assume progesterone is somewhat antiandrogenic at higher doses. If so, why does using 12-15x the oral dose of pregnenolone as injected testosterone prevent atrophy? I know administering DHEA pushes most coadministered pregnenolone to become progesterone, so I'd imagine the same would be true for at least T and DHT since they're part of Route C (endogenous androgens and estrogens), if not for any androgenic steroid. My potential explanation is progesterone inhibits the Leydig cell feedback by acting as an antiandrogen there, allowing the testicles themselves to produce their own testosterone. But if that were the case, then estrogens, which act as systemic antiandrogens, should make your balls bigger and improve sperm count, which we know to be false - or at least this should counteract the negative feedback estrogen has on the HPGA.

8. @haidut also mentions in the P5 article that pregnenolone administration in 12-15x the dose of an androgen it is coadministered with should potentiate the effects of that androgen. I can see this making sense if progesterone, its main metabolite under such conditions, is a pure antiestrogen at all doses. But as we see above, it isn't that simple. If it's true that progesterone is an antiandrogen at high doses (which we would inevitably achieve by taking 12-15x the dose of pregnenolone as of the androgen in question) then shouldn't it cancel out, instead of potentiate, the effects of the androgen? I know progesterone itself is half as anabolic as testosterone, so that would pick up some of the slack, but as people have figured out, tren turns you into a ******* beast, so it appears the idea that PR activation is antiandrogenic might be wrong. And if it's wrong, see questions 2 and 3 again.

9. Finally, for those of you who do run gear while incorporating Peat concepts, have any of you experienced the effects I'm looking for (voice deepening, filling out the beard)? If so, could you please share your stack?

TLDR for my most important question: how do I do (and maybe even potentiate the effects of) tren and keep my balls plump and healthy at the same time using Peat technology?

First of all, Deeper voice and beard is a job for DHT... Not this other crap. Second of all, don't know why do you want either of these things and are willing to mess with all kinds of hormones to do it. Do you literally sound like a woman? Otherwise I don't understand why you want a deeper voice.


May 6, 2020
First of all, Deeper voice and beard is a job for DHT... Not this other crap. Second of all, don't know why do you want either of these things and are willing to mess with all kinds of hormones to do it. Do you literally sound like a woman? Otherwise I don't understand why you want a deeper voice.
Because if you know anything about the blackpill you'd understand that voice alone is a true signal of dominance to men and mate value to women. Doesn't matter if I have a girl voice or not, if I can deepen it without sides I will.


Aug 28, 2018
As previously mentioned, I would use Drostanolone/Masteron if you want to increase certain male characteristics related to DHT.


Jun 16, 2016
Some things to consider more foundational to just steroid hormones is

Zinc status
Glycine which enhances AR
NAD/NADH ratio, thyroid status, general energetic reserves
Body fat percentage and how the hormones associated with it like aromatase, as well as DHT converting enzymes can cause less than optimal results.


May 6, 2020
Some things to consider more foundational to just steroid hormones is

Zinc status
Glycine which enhances AR
NAD/NADH ratio, thyroid status, general energetic reserves
Body fat percentage and how the hormones associated with it like aromatase, as well as DHT converting enzymes can cause less than optimal results.
I'm muscular and low body fat so aromatase isn't a problem. I have a lot of chest hair so I think I have DHT too, but not enough for sufficient voice deepness it looks like. How do you know if your 3a-HSD is high or 5ar is low?


May 6, 2020
why 100mg oral dhea? waaay to high
Because this was the minimum dose available at the first pharmacy I walked into. Anyway, I looked here Bioavailability and Pharmacokinetics of Dehydroepiandrosterone in the Cynomolgus Monkey - PubMed and it says the oral bioavailability is 3.1 +- 0.4% on a 50mg dose. Now I don't know if that's 3.1% +- 0.4%, but assuming it's 3.1mg +- 0.4% you get around 6.2mg available. Pregnenolone based on the P5 post I cited above has 70-80% oral bioavailability and Peat says don't go over 300mg a week so if I take it EOD I'll be fine. However for the purposes of testicular atrophy suppression, @haidut says a 12-15x oral dose of what mg amount you're taking of test will fully prevent it, so technically if I'm doing 50mg ED test I should be taking 600mg ED pregnenolone, which to me seems excessive but if it works I'll do it. For TRT dose purposes (100mg test a week) taking 100mg preg daily should be fine.
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May 6, 2020
As previously mentioned, I would use Drostanolone/Masteron if you want to increase certain male characteristics related to DHT.
What dose gets the job done for people that have gotten voice/beard gains and on what timeframe?


May 6, 2020
Probably a fairly low dose of 100-200 mg / week for 10-12 weeks.
I'll report back if I do it, but I'd like to see a verified dose that has worked in someone's personal experience, not just what could work.
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Feb 18, 2018
As previously mentioned, I would use Drostanolone/Masteron if you want to increase certain male characteristics related to DHT.
I've used Masteron up to 600mg week no voice deepening or male characteristics perhaps just beard comes in quicker and abit more body hair but nothing special. I still can't grow a proper beard on my cheeks. I don't think any steroids are going to deepen the voice otherwise all bodybuilders would have deep voices.

I've also been on testosterone for nearly a year 600mg for couple months , then cruising at 300mg,ATM on 400mg still no male characteristics.


May 6, 2020
I've used Masteron up to 600mg week no voice deepening or male characteristics perhaps just beard comes in quicker and abit more body hair but nothing special. I still can't grow a proper beard on my cheeks. I don't think any steroids are going to deepen the voice otherwise all bodybuilders would have deep voices.

I've also been on testosterone for nearly a year 600mg for couple months , then cruising at 300mg,ATM on 400mg still no male characteristics.
Finally a useful reply. But Jing, you're oriental, which means you have a genetic propensity for low androgenicity. Steroids won't have much of an effect on secondary male characteristics in your case (not trying to be a **** but some people respond better to steroids). I HAVE heard many anecdotes of steroids deepening male voices before, just look on the internet, so I'm convinced it can be done somehow.


Feb 18, 2018
Finally a useful reply. But Jing, you're oriental, which means you have a genetic propensity for low androgenicity. Steroids won't have much of an effect on secondary male characteristics in your case (not trying to be a **** but some people respond better to steroids). I HAVE heard many anecdotes of steroids deepening male voices before, just look on the internet, so I'm convinced it can be done somehow.
Yh you are not wrong lol I don't feel I respond to well to steroids I think I may have a problem with my AR receptors or something. Tren could be a different story as it's much more potent. I'm planning on giving tren a go sometime if you give it a go post your results please.
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