Stopping Kundalini


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Nov 23, 2013
Indiana USA
*This is my advice for Christians experiencing a kundalini awakening and feeling in crisis.*

As a Christian even if you haven't been active in your faith for some time I think saying The Lords Prayer is a good place to start. Pray for guidance, strength and comfort. It's the Holy Spirit working in you. I think recognizing this and surrendering to the process helps. Fighting it only further destabilizes things. Of course take care of your physical body the best you can too. This link might have some helpful information as well.
New book- The Kundalini Process: A Christian Perspective - Topic


Oct 6, 2012
Kundalini is a real thing for sure, but it is distinct from simply feeling disoriented due to weakening the body. The essential feature of a kundalini rising are feelings of bliss/ecstasy and intense pleasure, since it is basically a spontaneous re-channeling of sexual energy up throughout your nervous system, rather than the localized discharge that occurs with orgasm.

But the nature of the experience probably depends greatly on your attitude towards it, kundalini can feel like a foreign entity living in your body and if you resist it it might be unpleasant, it really depends on your ability to accept and totally give in to whatever is occurring inside you.

Its true it does develop a "serotonergic" mindset of being content and accepting rather than dissatisfied and constantly striving, as does all spiritual practice.


May 27, 2017
United Kingdom
I don't like to hear this; I'm sorry you are going through this. I'm a Christian. Getting it on with God and keeping your eyes (heart) on Jesus and that thing will flee. You must know a Christian. I advise a conversation with them. This will give you the spiritual view of what is happening.


Oct 11, 2016
Can you elaborate on what permanent damage will result from kundalini rising? I've had regular kundalini risings for the past 6 months but would describe the changes thus far as overall beneficial, aside from the risings themselves feeling awesome.

I am currently doing zero spiritual practices or anything else to "promote" Kundalini, and I still get regular risings about once a week or so, I dont think Kundalini can really be stopped once it has initiated, but it can be slowed down to only occur at a pace you can comfortably handle.

1. Make sure to get enough food, especially heavy energy-rich food that promote a parasympathetic/low stress state, this will help to keep you grounded. Eating a heavy meal and going to bed with a full stomach will make it unlikely that you'll have a strong kundalini rising that night.

2. Ejaculation can help retard kundalini, since it is basically an alternative channeling of your sexual energy, I typically dont get powerful risings if its been less than 4-5 days since I last orgasmed.

3. Keep busy, it helps if you have a mentally challenging, competitive job to keep the dopamine flowing and maintain your ego-based way of life as a counter-balance to the blissed out "stoner" mind state kundalini can put you in.

Obviously dont do any spiritual practices of any kind if you feel things are moving too quickly, kundalini risings are powerful spiritual experiences in their own right.

But, do read up on buddhist philosophy if you have no background in this, as it will help you make sense of what is occurring and it will seem less frightening.

So you're getting kundalini naturally? It is uncommon, but possible. Many people think they are raising kundalini - but are not. Though by some terminology people define any significant rising of energy to the head as kundalini... There are plenty of online accounts of ruined lives if you search of people messing around improperly (or properly according to Kundalini Yoga) and shorting themselves out.


Oct 6, 2012
So you're getting kundalini naturally? It is uncommon, but possible. Many people think they are raising kundalini - but are not. Though by some terminology people define any significant rising of energy to the head as kundalini... There are plenty of online accounts of ruined lives if you search of people messing around improperly (or properly according to Kundalini Yoga) and shorting themselves out.
Biggest problem is the lack of a cultural framework in the west to make sense of Kundalini awakenings and support those undergoing the process. It is a natural biological process not unlike puberty (although some here might argue that puberty is harmful), evolution has brought forth the dormant potential for kundalini awakening in us, as such it seems unlikely the ultimate consequence of allowing this process to unfold could cause damage to our organism or reduce our mental capacity in any objective sense, its purpose is rather to elevate our consciousness.

I do meditate sort of, but I found any active "doing" practice such as breathing exercises or sitting meditation was counter-productive since they carry with them an expectation of a particular outcome, and this expectation of a reward causes mental resistance to what is, whereas giving space for kundalini to rise requires total acceptance of what is. So I took to the "practice" of just lying in bed eyes closed and remain in open awareness and acceptance of whatever occurs, whether that means I end up falling asleep or just stare at my eyelids for the next 3 hours.


Nov 29, 2017
How does kundalini relate to depersonalization/derealization syndrome? As someone who battled DPS/DRS years ago it was probably the most terrifying experience of my life and I wouldn't wish it on anyone, so I have a hard time believing it's a state someone would actually desire. I've heard of people having similar issues when beginning transcendental meditation practices. Are they similar in nature but one comes from a place of desire and bliss, and the other from panic and breakdown? I personally have realized I'm incredibly egocentric and even small breaks from reality i.e. THC tend to be very unsettling.


Oct 11, 2015
I don't like to hear this; I'm sorry you are going through this. I'm a Christian. Getting it on with God and keeping your eyes (heart) on Jesus and that thing will flee. You must know a Christian. I advise a conversation with them. This will give you the spiritual view of what is happening.

Liz, believe or not, Pegasus-Kundalini is a very Pure and Powerful thing. It is the greatest weapon Ag-ainst the Devil/Demiurge. Unfortunately the East India Company and "California spirituality" have desecrated everything.


I think that Ashtanga and a good basic Hatha practice are both really peaty in that both really lower cortisol if you are doing it correctly. I have never done well on Kundalini because it feels like it is making my body do something that it might not want to do. In a good basic Hatha practice, the alignment and the breath work, work together to create a blended mind/ body experience - after all that is what the word YOGA means. :)

x-ray peat

Dec 8, 2016
*This is my advice for Christians experiencing a kundalini awakening and feeling in crisis.*

As a Christian even if you haven't been active in your faith for some time I think saying The Lords Prayer is a good place to start. Pray for guidance, strength and comfort. It's the Holy Spirit working in you. I think recognizing this and surrendering to the process helps. Fighting it only further destabilizes things. Of course take care of your physical body the best you can too. This link might have some helpful information as well.
New book- The Kundalini Process: A Christian Perspective - Topic
agree with the prayer aspect but I am not so sure that this is the Holy Spirit working. Biblically speaking God's presence is elevating and nurturing among other things and should not be this troubling.

I remember listening to ex witch/ christian convert John Todd say that meditation was dangerous because of the potential for demons to enter the body/mind when you are in an altered state. Not to scare anyone but there are some similarities between a Kundalini crisis and a demonic possession.
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Oct 11, 2016
Funny how many people speak as if they're an authority on a topic without even addressing the basics of what a cursory review reveals.


Oct 6, 2012
agree with the prayer aspect but I am not so sure that this is the Holy Spirit working. Biblically speaking God's presence is elevating and nurturing among other things and should not be this troubling.

I remember listening to ex witch/ christian convert John Todd say that meditation was dangerous because of the potential for demons to enter the body/mind when you are in an altered state. Not to scare anyone but there are some similarities between a Kundalini crisis and a demonic possession.
But what are demons? Some would argue demons are a manifestation of the dark side of our subconscious, and confronting them ultimately leads to psychological growth and greater resilience.

Is not spiritual crisis also very common among christians whose only practice is prayer?

x-ray peat

Dec 8, 2016
But what are demons? Some would argue demons are a manifestation of the dark side of our subconscious, and confronting them ultimately leads to psychological growth and greater resilience.
That would be the materialist view on the matter. However there are a lot of occult phenomenon that cant be explained away by that. I am not sure what to believe but I have read/watched lots of testimony from very credible sources that there is something very real about the spiritual world and that demonic possession and spiritual warfare may be very real after all.
Is not spiritual crisis also very common among Christians whose only practice is prayer?
That is absolutely true. But I would say that the Pentecostal/Charismatic preachers who have brought these practices into the Church are not agents of God but rather agents of his adversary. Here is an interesting video on the subject.


Oct 6, 2012
That would be the materialist view on the matter. However there are a lot of occult phenomenon that cant be explained away by that. I am not sure what to believe but I have read/watched lots of testimony from very credible sources that there is something very real about the spiritual world and that demonic possession and spiritual warfare may be very real after all.
I dont know what to make of demonic possession or spiritual warfare, I do believe the spiritual world is very real and is composed of both light and dark forces, creation and destruction, but rather than be afraid of and avoid one side of reality, I believe we must know and embrace both sides, recognize that within us is the capacity for both good and evil.

That is absolutely true. But I would say that the Pentecostal/Charismatic preachers who have brought these practices into the Church are not agents of God but rather agents of his adversary. Here is an interesting video on the subject.

The video you posted seems very antagonistic to all spiritual traditions other than christianity, would you say you believe christianity represents something fundamentally different than say hinduism or buddhism?

I wouldnt necessarily take anything that happens in a group cult meeting as representative of a spiritual phenomenon since people are known to be capable of acting very strangely in any closed group setting. I've never had spontaneous head spasms while awake but maybe I am just not gone far enough. It mostly just fills me with a feeling of love and acceptance, like a benevolent force simultaneously inside and outside of myself that tells me there is nothing to be afraid of.


Oct 11, 2015
Why not share it in the thread, if its relevent to the discussion?

All sanskrit texts come from the British occupation in India. Everything should be observed with a bit of malice, at the very least.

x-ray peat

Dec 8, 2016
I dont know what to make of demonic possession or spiritual warfare, I do believe the spiritual world is very real and is composed of both light and dark forces, creation and destruction, but rather than be afraid of and avoid one side of reality, I believe we must know and embrace both sides, recognize that within us is the capacity for both good and evil.
I think before you make any choice either way you should research the hell out of it and then make an informed opinion. What you are saying may be true, or it could be that God has allowed a negative/evil spiritual side to exist in order to give us a greater opportunity to manifest our humanity, in having the free will to choose what side if any we wish to align with. A world that was only made up of angelic beings and angelic forces would not give much free choice to anyone in how they should live their life.

The video you posted seems very antagonistic to all spiritual traditions other than christianity, would you say you believe christianity represents something fundamentally different than say hinduism or buddhism?
I believe in Jesus and God but I don't necessarily believe that any of the organized religions are designed to serve God. They are all fundamentally designed to control us.

Hinduism and Buddhism were developed by a society whose dominant feature was its rigid caste system in which the majority of people were treated as slaves if not worse. It's no accident that Hinduism developed the idea of reincarnation and Karma so that if you happened to be born in a lower caste you were taught to just accept it, so that the next time around you may be born in a higher caste. The main teaching of Buddhism is that suffering is an illusion and that you just need to look at your life with a different perspective and accept it. Christianity likewise was filtered through the Roman Empire and who knows how much of it was changed to support their desire for control. Many of the teachings in the New testament and especially the teachings of Paul are equally self-serving to the ruling powers.

I think the best religion is one were you establish a personal relationship with God and then follow where he leads you.

I wouldnt necessarily take anything that happens in a group cult meeting as representative of a spiritual phenomenon since people are known to be capable of acting very strangely in any closed group setting. I've never had spontaneous head spasms while awake but maybe I am just not gone far enough. It mostly just fills me with a feeling of love and acceptance, like a benevolent force simultaneously inside and outside of myself that tells me there is nothing to be afraid of.
Like I said, I dont really know what to make of it all except that there are so many testimonials of people on youtube who have suffered through a Kundalini Crisis or were once practitioners of the Occult, and they all ascribe it to demonic forces. It just doesn't look very Godly to me and that includes all the Pentecostal Speaking in Tongues craziness as well.
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Oct 6, 2012
I think before you make any choice either way you should research the hell out of it and then make an informed opinion. What you are saying may be true, or it could be that God has allowed a negative/evil spiritual side to exist in order to give us a greater opportunity to manifest our humanity, in having the free will to choose what side if any we wish to align with. A world that was only made up of angelic beings and angelic forces would not give much free choice to anyone in how they should live their life.
I am starting to believe that good and evil, creation and destruction, are simply partners in the cosmic dance. Both are necessary forces of reality, if one were lacking the evolution of life would stop. "Evil" forces always arise out of a diseased and stagnated state and do not persist for longer than it takes for the diseased state to destroy itself and sow the seeds for creation.

I'm partial to Eckhart Tolles view that all spiritual traditions are based on the same experiential realization about our connection to God/Unity, but then the way the message of the original prophets have been distorted and evolved into the different organized religions is as you say more about social control. I try to "research" religious views as little as possible lately because I think the only way to establish a personal relationship with God is through personal experience.

x-ray peat

Dec 8, 2016
I am starting to believe that good and evil, creation and destruction, are simply partners in the cosmic dance. Both are necessary forces of reality, if one were lacking the evolution of life would stop. "Evil" forces always arise out of a diseased and stagnated state and do not persist for longer than it takes for the diseased state to destroy itself and sow the seeds for creation.

I'm partial to Eckhart Tolles view that all spiritual traditions are based on the same experiential realization about our connection to God/Unity, but then the way the message of the original prophets have been distorted and evolved into the different organized religions is as you say more about social control. I try to "research" religious views as little as possible lately because I think the only way to establish a personal relationship with God is through personal experience.
Well that seems to be the Gnostic view and is ironically what many in the Occult also believe. However just because both are necessary, it doesnt mean that you don't have to take a side or that you can welcome both into your life. A house divided cannot stand.

The Occult actually teaches that Lucifer is the Good God and Yahweh is the Evil one who tried to enslave us in ignorance. They believe that Lucifer, the Light Bringer, freed us from the Garden by giving us knowledge.
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