Q Anon Has Said "You Are Watching A Movie." But COVID-19 Is Actually A TV Episode


Jan 25, 2014
I would think most people here have heard of Q Anon, or more simply, Q (not the Star Trek NG character).

One of the phrases he says a lot is "You are watching a movie." This drop was just from last weekend.

Trump Movie Ends.png

Well, I sure hope so, Mr. President. I have to say, I've been less than thrilled with you embracing the lockdowns and hanging out with the likes of Brix and Fauci. Those two shouldn't be on TV. They should (at the very least) be fired for incompetence and fraud, but I would prefer they stand trial. You, Mr. President, have seemed tone deaf to the massive unemployment and suicides and increased domestic violence and such, all caused by the lockdowns, not any "virus." I do hope this is cover for a much bigger op, but more on that later.

No, the main reason I created this thread is that, like so many attacks on this country, the script for this one was also released early. In this case, it was release 17 years early (I can already hear Q fans on Twitter going "kek" over that). Here's three minuted edited from an episode of "The Dead Zone" called "Plague."

Give it a watch-

Look at that.

-Mysterious Virus discovered by **someone**
-Stay inside, we'll call it a "lockdown"
- "You cannot lock the school doors!" "This is for your family's safety."
-Masks are useless! (early on)
-Political Pressure
-Blood tests and swabs are useless (just like Jon Rappoport details)
-CDC is incompetent (but shows up anyway)
-Oh, NOW we have to wear masks!
-It came from China. Just like "Flu Viruses."
-SARS and Corona Viruses gettin big shout outs here!
-Dork in a suit with no authority "authorizes" quarantines.
-Cholorquin, Cholorquin, Chloroquin! (No hydroxy, but hey, they wrote this a while ago)
-Oh, there's no cure!
-But, don't matter, the Anti Malaria drug that's NOT Methyelene Blue works wonders!
-CDC is still beyond useless, but we got to still praise them anyway

Pretty Well Followed. Even more so than 9-11 followed the pilot episode of "The Lone Gunman." Remember that?

Q (or the Q team) has said they monitor EVERYTHING on the internet, and can find anything posted anywhere. Does Q have the courage to link to the Ray Peat Forum?

Lastly, what I said about a "much bigger op..." According to Ben Fulford, what really triggered this stuff (at least in the West) was the default of the corporation known as "THE UNITED STATES," which should not be confused with the Republic known as The United States of America (but clearly, the two often are confused). I have heard about roundups of bad actors and rescuing of innocents that were being tortured, and other stuff. I can't prove any of it, but here is Fulford talking a little more about it-

As for Trump, I have been mostly a fan, but like I said earlier, think his handling of this has been awful. There have been good signs (like the WHO being defunded, signs that the Federal Reserve is now under total control of the treasury), but in the meantime, many are suffering. 30+ Million on unemployment, probably another 20 Million out of work who can't collect, the disastrous health costs of the lockdowns themselves, and, maybe worst of all, no seeming hope for the future.

It. Looks. BAD.

But, it doesn't have to be. After all, even if the dollar and stock market go to zero, things like houses, roads, fuel, food, and knowledge all still exist. It's just this stupid unbacked fiat system with fractional reserve banking and derivatives with 100x leverage that are sucking the life out of everyone. And useless work (note, I mainly meant "redundant" and "inefficient," certainly not all types of work). And fraud.

There will be a lull, no doubt, that's locked in with the supply chain disruptions, but several things could make it very short lived, and really spur this country (and maybe all the others) to a grand new era of wealth and prosperity. How? Some suggestions-

-Debt Jubilee
-Repayment of stolen money from people (either stolen by the income tax or inflation)
-A return to sound money, or some other economic reset
-End the Income Tax
-Abolish the IRS. Or better yet, just point out that it's an Offshore Trust, and label it a Terrorist Organization. The biggest one in history. Easily done by Executive Order and a Press Conference
-Release of hidden technologies
-Release of the secret space program (assuming it exists)
-Figuring out a way to implement the Bucky Fuller agenda (hint- Not thru government programs)

But most importantly, give people hope. Real hope. I could go on, but I'm sure I've rambled here enough.
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Jan 9, 2019
Sending billions to Israel needs to stop. Until then I don't take any president seriously.


Jan 25, 2014
Sending billions to Israel needs to stop. Until then I don't take any president seriously.

Out of all the outright fraud and violations of the constitution and natural law that goes on in THE UNITED STATES...... that's the only one you're concerned with?


Jan 9, 2019
Out of all the outright fraud and violations of the constitution and natural law that goes on in THE UNITED STATES...... that's the only one you're concerned with?

no absolutely not, it's just a disturbing commonality all Pres seem to share and US ties with Zionism has a big part in the fraud and violation. Trump sometimes gives them a slight slap on the wrist but their hands are in pretty much every lucrative thing you can think of.

a recommended read:



Mar 29, 2016
This is what democracy, after all the nice things sang in praise of it, becomes. No dictators in the form of a monarch to topple, but a dictator nonetheless that's impossible to topple. I'm talking about the system we are in. Even the elites are helpless against it. Tell me, is there one institution, just one, we can trust? No, everything has been taken over by the system. All we can do is beetch about it. Aren't we helpless when we see Google censor and we still watch it, knowing the futility of boycotting it. There's a term for that in Filipino vernacular "Kapit sa Patalim," which is a stronger term for "joined to the hips" in US parlance. It means you are hanging on to the edges of a sword for dear life.

Can you even have a classic revolution at all?
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