The barebones of COVID: do you agree with this?


Mar 15, 2014
Most people are so knee-deep in their own theories that they are no longer open to other theories. To remedy this, I think it's useful to distill our theories down to the basic, most barebone assumptions to find common ground. Here are mine, and I want you to post whether or not you agree with each one.

- In 2019, the US government (and possibly other international actors) were either testing, or had accidentally released, a new "agent" or "technology" that causes (but is not necessarily limited to) pneumonia-like illness.
- This novel "agent" or "technology" became present in greater numbers/intensity in March 2020 in the USA.
- This caused an abnormally large number of people to become abnormally sick.
- The government-proposed solution to this sickness is the "vaccine", which also contains the aforementioned agent, or at least something that produces similar effects.
- Being vaccinated causes one to shed the agent onto others and make them sick.

This is the stuff that I know to be 100% true--basically if there is heavy disagreement on any of these statements, I don't think any further discussion is possible. I am open to various theories on the cause of the these things, like whether it was viral or not, or caused by 5G, or something else still, but what I'm not open to is the suggestion that "nothing happened".

Perry Staltic

Dec 14, 2020
This is the stuff that I know to be 100% true
- This caused an abnormally large number of people to become abnormally sick.

An abnormally large number of people were given aggressive mechanical ventilation as early treatment, which deviated from established safe practice and protocol. Prior to this time mechanical ventilation was only used as a last resort. They changed the treatment protocol because of fear of aerosolized virus and some bad info out of China. That along with experimental drugs is what caused people to become abnormally sick.


Sep 9, 2019
This is the stuff that I know to be 100% true--basically if there is heavy disagreement on any of these statements, I don't think any further discussion is possible.
Depending on what you mean by "heavy disagreement" I'm sorry you feel this way.

All these statements are questionable at best.

Is anyone around here saying "nothing happened"? I don't think they are.


Mar 15, 2014
An abnormally large number of people were given aggressive mechanical ventilation as early treatment
I wasn't
and I doubt any of the 20-somethings I saw walking at a snail's pace were either

Yes, it is definitely related to the Ft. Detrick shutdown. And the July 2019 pneumonia pandemic in retirement homes next to Ft. Belvoir. As well as the mystery vaping illness of August 2019.

Perry Staltic

Dec 14, 2020
I wasn't
and I doubt any of the 20-somethings I saw walking at a snail's pace were either

You weren't seriously ill, that's why. Didn't you have a history of fatigue-type illness before covid?
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Oct 6, 2020
I disagree in the sense that all these illnesses and sick people are from this virus or from this labexpreiment. Some maybe, but not all and the numbers are inflated in ridiclious proportions.

What i do know to be true for 100% is

World wide experiments happening that compromise immunity, health, stress and mental sanity:

- 24/7 fearporn on every media and newsoutlet
- Constant mask wearing which can cause their own host of health issues
- experimental MRNA technology pushed into peoples upper arm known to cause many of the symptoms attributed to the virus
- Ruined buisnesses by yours truly, the goverment
- People loosing their job because of the goverment who imposing ridiclious unscientific rules on to the citizens and companys
- Nasal and throat swabs irritating the mucosa and tissue along with questionable components on them/in them
- Social isolations
- Increased suicide rates
- reduced staff in clinics and healthcear facilities by the goverments measures
- people dying because they do not get adequate care which they would've if it werent for the goverments
- destroyed friendships and families trough the media/goverment induced scapegoating (buhh evil antivaxxers)
- coercion
- discriminization
- biased, corrupt and borderline psychopathic medical professionals and politicians
- inflated numbers
- artificially raised covid deaths and hospitilizations
- blackmail across the board

I think that is something we can be 100% sure about (justified or not), unlike the whole virus thing which is something people can argue all day until we actually have conclusive proof (which we don't)

Before you stone me for not agreeing, that anecdote might be of interest:

In 2020 February my brother and coworker got misteriously sick and it took them somewhere between 2-4 weeks to get back on the horse. After that i "got it" and i was - due to my awfu health history - dragging it with me for almost 6-7 weeks.

Both me and my brother agree that this was the worst kind of flu we've ever had and we realy felt like "dying". White blood cell count was insanely low and doctors had no idea "what that is" or was.

Was that what they call covid 19? Was that the flu? Was it one of the thousands of other pathogens that possibly could do this? I have no idea. I just know that my health compromised mother visited me alot during that time and helped me out because thats how bad me and my brother had it and she didn't even get as much as a hickup eventho she hugged and kissed us.

Would i shut down the world because of it? Would i lock healthy people away, quaranteen, contact trace, force choke people with swabs? Have them wear health hazardoures face diapers all day long and shrub their hands with disinfectants till they bleed? Hell nooo. People are insane and goverments have gone mad. Not sure why we need to discuss the validity of corona anymore and instead use our energy and time to start stopping the madness that is our society and politics and change the world into something that is not akin to klaus schwabs retarded vision of "you'll own nothing and be happy"


Jan 25, 2014
Here are mine, and I want you to post whether or not you agree with each one.
- In 2019, the US government (and possibly other international actors) were either testing, or had accidentally released, a new "agent" or "technology" that causes (but is not necessarily limited to) pneumonia-like illness.
Disagree. I have seen no proof that any sort of "Novel Corona Virus" was released, nor that one was discovered.

Even if there some "virus on the loose," there's no proof that it caused any pneumonia. I want to know how this "virus" cut through the insane Wuhan air pollution to make ANYONE sick. A video should be worth a million words, right?


Wuhan's Air Quality even today still sucks-

You don't need a "Novel Corona Virus" to get pneumonia in Wuhan. You just need to go outside and breathe.

I think the only thing that was launched at this time was the propaganda campaign.
- This novel "agent" or "technology" became present in greater numbers/intensity in March 2020 in the USA.
Disagree. Again..... how? "Operation Sea Spray" took a full week of spraying aerosolized bacteria non-stop to cover the city of San Francisco, which is tiny. And no one really noticed, although there were a few cases of bacterial infections that puzzled some doctors. It was a minor, minor effct-

The only thing that became present in the USA is obvious unconstitutional mandates and restrictions from corrupt Mayors, Governors and so called "Health Officials."
- This caused an abnormally large number of people to become abnormally sick.
Disagree. No one became "Abnormally Sick." The symptoms of so called "Covid" are 100% those of the common cold and flu, as anyone can verify by checking the CDC webisite-

Of course, we know other, more serious conditions were being rebranded as so called "Covid" in this country, because Coronavirus Task Force members Brix and Fauci told everyone that's what they were doing on April 8th, 2020-

DR. DEBORAH BIRX: So, I think in this country we've taken a very liberal approach to mortality. And I think the reporting here has been pretty straightforward over the last five to six weeks. Prior to that when there wasn't testing in January and February that's a very different situation and unknown.

There are other countries that if you had a preexisting condition and let's say the virus caused you to go to the ICU and then have a heart or kidney problem some countries are recording as a heart issue or a kidney issue and not a COVID-19 death. Right now we are still recording it and we will I mean the great thing about having forms that come in and a form that has the ability to market as COVID-19 infection the intent is right now that those if someone dies with COVID-19 we are counting that as a COVID-19 death.
Also, the late season "Covid Spike" in deaths was very likely due to lockdown and other homicidal measures taken by various levels of government-

And don't forget, Peat said he was following death trends, and saw a reduction to about 90-95% of normal from July 2019 to February of 2020, and things that all of those deaths were dropped in about April to make things look worse than they really were.
- The government-proposed solution to this sickness is the "vaccine", which also contains the aforementioned agent, or at least something that produces similar effects.
Lol, you just described a "traditional vaccine," and the COVID shots are NOT that. Traditional Vaccines use a weak or dead version of the pathogen to stimulate the body's immune response, a practice that has been around at least 200 years, though some claim it may date back over 1,000. Pfizer and Moderna released mRNA drugs, which may alter your genes (no one is sure, this hasn't been tested), and make the alarming and dubious claim that they first cause YOUR CELLS to make the Spike Protien, and then trigger your immune system to make antibodies.

Can your cells even MAKE a protein of a foreign life form when there are some simple amino acids we can't even produce? Why go through this "Rube Goldberg Machine" like process, and just stimulate cells to make antibodies with mRNA directly? Like, you know, traditional vaccines claim to do?

Also, while there might be some "similar effects," since things like fever, coughing and headache happen in hundreds of conditions, clearly, the demonvax is having other effects. Things like Bell's Palsy, Myocarditis, Swollen Testicles, and such. There is obviously something very dangerous in the vaxxxines.
- Being vaccinated causes one to shed the agent onto others and make them sick.
Disagree, again. This "shedding" theory doesn't have a whole lot to back it up. Pretty much only anecdotal evidence, and features mechanisms that is the official and well accepted explanation of how people normally catch colds. The few studies I've seen that have measured the "Spike Protein" in people who have taken one of the vaccines always had very low levels of it (if it was detected at all), involved a very small number of people (one study featured 13 people, and another only 3), and all involved healthcare workers.

If anyone was going to be exposed to Spike Protein regularly through their environment, it would be healthcare workers.

So, there's very little to even suggest that these shots create the Spike Protein in the first place. There is even less to suggest that it would be enough to noticeably affect someone who just has casual contact with someone else.
This is the stuff that I know to be 100% true--
How? What is your basis for any of this? You never cite a source for your beliefs that back any of them up.
basically if there is heavy disagreement on any of these statements, I don't think any further discussion is possible.
You are likely correct, but mainly because you have already made up your mind, even though you haven't presented any evidence to back up your position.
I am open to various theories on the cause of the these things, like whether it was viral or not, or caused by 5G, or something else still, but what I'm not open to is the suggestion that "nothing happened".
Of course "something happened." Something is ALWAYS happening. People are always getting sick and dying for a multitude of reasons, and none of this stopped happening in December 2019. In the two years since this started, for example, about 110 Million people worldwide have died from all causes. And yet, only 5.3 Million have been attributed to this "Novel Corona Virus." Why all the focus on something that is involved in less than 5% of all deaths? Are the other 95% just not important?

Obviously, there have been massive changes over the past two years. From things like lockdowns, forced poverty, increased suicides, mass scale drug experimentation, rampant business closures, the most extensive propaganda campaign ever in the history of humanity, and so one. But there is no evidence whatsover that anything unique happened from a germ perspective.


Jun 22, 2021
- In 2019, the US government (and possibly other international actors) were either testing, or had accidentally released, a new "agent" or "technology" that causes (but is not necessarily limited to) pneumonia-like illness.
This is the only thing I disagree with - I don't think anything that has happened was an accident - I even saw this normie-friendly Youtube video the other day - a 2 hour explanation for why this entire thing was a scam and a cover-up for some time in the making - the NIH, Moderna, and certain parts of the US government seem to have been working with this MRNA vaxxx for coronaviruses for some time now and it seems Gates is quiet good at predicting these types of events years before they are happening


I don't think any of this was by accident - there seems to be a lot of parties involved and because of the people involved I am more inclined to say this was a scam years in the making and even has been done before in smaller scales


I noticed an increase of this in the past year


Sep 9, 2019

The suggestion that something emitted from planes is making people sick is always going to result in a speculatory circle jerk that turns wondering minds away. I wouldn't bother if I were you.


Aug 10, 2018
The only thing I know for a fact is that the COVID-19 shots are priming the immune systems of billions of people (and it will be particularly deadly in children, alas) towards a potentially deadly immune response known as ADE to ANY KIND of coronavirus, even the age-old common ones. There is no need for a "novel coronavirus" at all. The initial deaths during the first two waves, before mass vaccination began, could easily have been caused by a particularly bad flu season during which medical malpractice murdered a lot more people than whatever respiratory virus it was alone.


Jun 22, 2021
I think this is a good way to think about the scam:

Step 1) Make everyone wear a mask - especially an N95 - a mask made from plastic and filled with toxic particles and glue holding it together - everyone feels sick because they are wearing an estrogenic piece of plastic over their breathing - as Dr. Peat has said in the email advice depository - the stress of breathing (stretch and compression) increases nitric oxide and other inflammation signals from wearing a mask for long periods of time

Not only that but the mere act of holding something over your nose and mouth increases serotonin and subordinate behavior - there is a reason this practice was so popular with slaves

Step 2) person feels sick from hurting themselves - ring up a false positive on a PCR test because why not the cycles are over 40 - you'll test positive for just about anything

Step 3) now person is concerned and worried they will die so they enter the hospital - "Oh sir you must wear this mask and never take it off even though you already can barely breathe" - now person is dying because of course they expose themselves to so much inflammation - "why does he keep getting worse? we must save him with this ventilator"

Step 4) Ventilator finishes the job. Not only that - many doctors in hospitals say that the hospitals take people dying from something completely different and ring up the death from covid so they can milk an extra 100k from the government - hospitals are businesses and nothing stops them from doing it if they know they'll get away with it

Perry Staltic

Dec 14, 2020
As well as the mystery vaping illness of August 2019.

I hope you're not trying to imply or suggest that VALI (Vaping associated lung injury) was caused by a virus? Clearly it was the opposite: VALI patients were misdiagnosed with covid because very few doctors at the time knew about VALI, much less how to diagnose it.
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Jan 26, 2021
No need to search so far…it’s only the last flu vaccines since 2019, all boosted with graphene oxyde, and EMF activation through 5g antennas…



Jan 25, 2014
The only thing I know for a fact is that the COVID-19 shots are priming the immune systems of billions of people (and it will be particularly deadly in children, alas) towards a potentially deadly immune response known as ADE to ANY KIND of coronavirus, even the age-old common ones.
How do you "know" this? Especially since you use the future tense?

I think this is plausible, but it's certainly not written in stone. As soon as you go to the future tense, you are engaging in prophecy, especially since these drugs are so poorly studied, and no one is even really sure what's in them. It's not simple "cause and effect" that you are suggesting. It's mechanisms, even in your own explanation, that have yet to be proven.

People seem to be good at surviving all sorts of toxins. I certainly wouldn't take any of these drugs, and would advise everyone else to steer clear as well, but "Winter Doomsday" predictions simply haven't materialized, and with short and cold days right now, we would be at least seeing the start, if not be totally in the thick of it.


Jan 25, 2014
It's not winter yet,
Not technically, since it starts on the Solstice, but regardless, we are in the shortest and coldest days of the year already. There's only 25 days or so with less daylight..... the week and half leading up to the Solstice, the Winter Solstice itself, and the week and a half after the Solstice.
and we're barely into coronavirus season (Dec-May), so give it some time.
Flu season starts in October, and the Worst months are usually thought to be December, January, and February. Two and half months of a six month season isn't "barely into," we're almost at the midpoint. We are in the thick of it.

While seasonal influenza (flu) viruses are detected year-round in the United States, flu viruses are most common during the fall and winter. The exact timing and duration of flu seasons varies, but influenza activity often begins to increase in October. Most of the time flu activity peaks between December and February, although significant activity can last as late as May.
This is so well known, even Theraflu puts it on their webpage-

It's OK to speak with certainty about the future sometimes
Sure, but not when you don't have anything to base that certainty on. If you've been to a local grocery store hundreds of times, you can speak with certainty about getting there in 20 minutes. If you are talking about experimental drugs that have never been tested on a mass scale, you can't.

Perry Staltic

Dec 14, 2020
Sure, but not when you don't have anything to base that certainty on. If you've been to a local grocery store hundreds of times, you can speak with certainty about getting there in 20 minutes. If you are talking about experimental drugs that have never been tested on a mass scale, you can't.

I can predict with 100% certainty the collapse of the US financial system. If that hasn't happened yet, how can I do that? There's more to certainty than simply empirical knowledge.
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