PUFA cravings gone


Jan 22, 2013
I started transitioning into Peat about 3months, maybe a little more ago...and just found it interesting how at first I would still crave peanuts, cashew, pistachio, avocado...ect, meat, eggs
I was eating a lot of PUFA's previous to this...as I started into this way of eating, I wasn't eating any dairy (thought I had intolerance...turns out I don't), and would eat a lot of coconut oil but still found I would crave those other fats time to time. Then I started eating more sugar and fruit juice...still had some of the cravings. Its been probably a month or 2 since reintroducing dairy back into my diet, and I literally have no cravings for anything fatty other than dairy, not even meat or eggs...but I never even let the craving arise as I include cream or ghee (I like sour cream also) with pretty much everything I consume, and a good amount of cheese. That's why its easy for me to joke about PUFA's now...its not even a matter of convincing anyone how bad they are, its just like...theyre pretty much tasteless and if you don't deny yourself the better, more satisfying fats, then you could care less about PUFA's and would never purposely choose to eat them


Nov 1, 2012
This is a very good observation/conclusion, Pboy. Mr. HDD consumes a lot of almond butter, Lara bars (nuts and dried fruits), and kashi bars (flax, pumpkin seed) but does not drink milk or eat cheese. Of course, this was probably my doing from the past 30 years of "healthy" eating and old habits die hard.


Nov 21, 2012
Yes,it is amazing how eating this way can alter some things.
I find most of the time when I walk past a fastfood place or just random stuff they have tastesamplers for in the supermarket the PUFA oils just smell rancid to me.(hadn't eaten nuts&avocado for quite some time anymore bc they for some reasons caused crying spells,fits of rage or whatever)
I also find that I don't think about pizza,bread and stuff most of the time anymore(apart from a convenience stance) and yesterday when I entered my building I smelled someone ordered one and than it got a bit tempting....but when this happens it's usually a sign for me that I haven't eaten enough/not the complete nutrient balance or hadnt eaten for a long time. (OMG...ps....have I found the juiciest dates ever!)

Oddly I also find that eating some of these foods bring back strong nostalgic (food) childhoodmemories! Like when I ripen banana in the oven till it's practically mush, I get these memories of my mom as a child feeding me&my sister this bananamush and when I would go stay at my aunt for the weekend,I had this favorite breakfast dish that she used to make on Sundaymorning: mini beefmeatballs in coffeesauce....


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
I still crave sushi. :(


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
I treat myself every couple of months. Yum!


Jun 12, 2013
I don't seem to crave a lot of the things I used to either, unless I let myself get really hungry and then just about anything sounds good, lol.

But if I have a taste for something I go ahead and make it at home. I make pizza as Peatish as possible about once per week, or a dish like mac n cheese. Even french fries can be made at home and cooked in coconut oil. Bread doesn't tempt me or hold any special appeal to me anymore and that is weird, but cool. :) Perhaps I do Peat a little looser than some, but I also don't have issue with wheat or any food allergy so if there's something I want, I just have it if I can make it at home, and try to balance it with the Peat essentials (saturated fat, coconut oil, salt, sugar, vit. E, etc.)

If I'm out and about, I try to keep to Peat as much as I can, but if there aren't great choices or I just really want something, I go ahead, but I use the Peat essentials. I don't like restaurant food that much because I like my own food at home better. But it happens maybe once per week that I'm out or at a friend/family home. And at their places, I just do the best I can and enjoy whatever.


Nov 21, 2012
Id been pufa ,grain,atarch etc.craving and temptation free....and now all of a sudden these cravings start,with a vengeance i migth say,again whenever ive eaten these small moist dark type of dates. I feel so tempted to go and stuff myself with mcnuggets,bic macs,croissants and all kinds of pufasauces :s i then must really force to hold myself together and not order.


May 7, 2013
I think it is important to differentiate psychological cravings (from the high reward signals that a processed McDonalds diet will give you) from biological cravings (craving from the body itself that it needs a certain macro/micronutrient).


Aug 9, 2012
Gabriel said:
I think it is important to differentiate psychological cravings (from the high reward signals that a processed McDonalds diet will give you) from biological cravings (craving from the body itself that it needs a certain macro/micronutrient).

Is there a difference, though? After all, a McDs diet will provide plenty of useful things like protein and salt. Sugar too, if you throw in a coke.


Nov 21, 2012
@gabriel this had nothing to do with psychological cravings bc id been free of thT for quite a while. It wasnt McD perse,just happened to walk past it. It was. Just pure cravings for all kinds of fried foods,pizzas,chicken drumsticks,mcnuggets etc.with all kinds of sweet vegetable oily sauces.
It wasnt hunger bc i just had eaten an entire 500grams box full with those dates.

It was really really tempting to order pizza with veggie oil sauces or go to the chinese buffet restaurant and load up on these fried doughy stuff,chicken satay,all these sweet&sour pufa MSG rich dishes etc.
I really had to hold myself together today,which hasnt happened in a while....and i dont like it at all! I know lots of people are gonna say its all. Psychological stuff or in other words in my head,but i swear it sometimes feels like there's something within my mechanism thats constantly trying to prevent the body of getting stronger/building muscle,being energetic,steering me towards grains,pufas etc.if it somehow gets triggered by something....in this case,for some reason,those specific dates. Its almost as if im constantly have to battle 'a demon' inside or something.
Ok,i know you probably think im delussional by now,but it really bothers me that i dont know whats up with this. I mean,ai cant. Imagine a body wants to keep itself fatigued,weak,depressed,inflamed etc.bc it thrives its best that way?!

Weird thing is that i usually get these pufa&junkfood cravings on really sunny hot/humid days.

Funny thing is that in the afternoon i read a blogpost on 180Degrees basically about restaurant foods tasting awfull vs. homecooked.
I guess thats true If youre not a ccooking kitchen failure such as myself


Feb 7, 2013
I don't think it's an either or thing - rather when the entire organism is "depressed" and what I mean is lacking life force energy depressed (not the demeaning mental health definition) then the mind-body isn't able to function well and there are misfires going on everywhere.

The reason I say this is because I know this physiological condition very well - I also know what it is to not be in that state of being, to be what people call "in the zone," where you are high functioning on all levels - mentally, emotionally and physical - in a natural way (read: not artificially induced). I also know how incredibly difficult it is to understand the difference if you've never touched that sweet place. It is how we are supposed to live.

In such a state, cravings for foods that would further depress one's condition simply would not occur, rather food and and activity toward a stimulating life would be sought after and achieved.

For hypothyroid people, where energy is depressed due to a dysfunctional thryoid and a myriad of other symptoms, there is normally a need to play very close attention to what is happening within your entire being.

It seems to me Dutchie, that the dates may not be a good food source for you. The only time I saw your diet, it looked to me like you were not eating very much and not many foods that are usually recommended.

Do you regularly measure temps and pulse and log your food? This - I would suggest - would be a really good place to start.

I understand frustration but negative emotions and seeing yourself as a "kitchen failure" etc., are all things that work against you. Make sure to do something each day that makes you feel good inside - about yourself and your life. Maybe try a new recipe that is easy and build from there. I'm not a kitchen whiz either - but I can whip up cliff's homemade chocolate sauce and have chocolate milk and add gelatin and even add coffee. I can make a OJ-milk smoothie and I can make eggs. The great thing about Peat inspired eating is you don't have to be a great chef to make good, healthy nutrient dense food.

Above all - do your very best to banish - negative thinking and negative talk. It literally destroys life force energy and forces you to feel bad about yourself and your life. Also red light therapy of sitting in the sun each day for 20 minutes (no burning) is a tremendous uplifting boost. I don't mean to sound trite but if you expect bad things to happen - they will.

I hope you are having a better day!


May 7, 2013
Thinking about it twice, you're right there is no big difference. I guess that is the core of the problem. McDonalds designed food that maximally activates your biological craving systems. They do it by combining sugar, fat and salt in such a clever way that your sensory specific satiety system is knocked out and you end up eating too much of it. The problem is that McDonald's food is filled with silent toxic compounds such as damaged PUFAs and is largely devoid of minerals and vitamins. I think when a body is yearning for meat, it is doing so expecting to also get the marrow, liver and such. Maybe the problem is that we have no good sub-signals (i.e. just for b12) but just the big signals. And with the big signal, the body expects to also get all the nutrients that come with it.


Nov 21, 2012
@4Peatssake That's not what I meant.....it's not that I'm fatigued,weak or whatever now and I havent gone or felt like going astray for quite a while. But somehow it's like I have this silent invisible thing inside,that if it gets triggered or the chance,will try anything to downgrade my physical&mental functioning. I don't believe i that,but it's almost like this demon inside.
And my mood&thinking is largely very dependent upon what I ate,mineral&vitamin balances,fluid metabolism etc.so it seems.
Regular medjool dates from various sellers don't have that effect,it's just these small dates and I've tried different companies but they have that effect.(What I find odd is that these,according to the box,are quie high proteine for a fruit 6grams per 100grams).

@Gabriel It's not just McD its the entire processed food industry thats manipulating our food. There've been various programs and documentaries about that.Companies paying testpanels to taste their products in order to find out 'the magic ratio' of sugar,salt,fat in a specific product that causes people to overeat from it.


Jun 12, 2013
Dutchie, do you check your blood sugar? I ask because I imagine those dates pack a wallop, especially if you are eating them alone without protein food.

I'm not diabetic and don't check my blood sugar often, but I can tell when it gets low - one of the symptoms is, I start craving just about anything and everything and that's when fast food becomes tempting.

Just another idea to consider.


Nov 21, 2012
Peata said:
Dutchie, do you check your blood sugar? I ask because I imagine those dates pack a wallop, especially if you are eating them alone without protein food.

I'm not diabetic and don't check my blood sugar often, but I can tell when it gets low - one of the symptoms is, I start craving just about anything and everything and that's when fast food becomes tempting.

Just another idea to consider.

I don't have anything to check bloodsugar, but I'm thinking if that were to be the case all the other types of dates would cause the same thing....which they don't.
And like said,these are really high in protein,when I eat a box of these I had about 30grams of proteine compared to (according to the label) the Medjool dates. (which are supposed to be between 1.5 and 2grams per 100grams.

But what I do find odd is that these pufa junkfoodcravings come out of nowhere on really hot humid days and thats regardless of the dates bc I've had it last year and years prior to it too.....


Aug 9, 2012
Gabriel said:
I think when a body is yearning for meat, it is doing so expecting to also get the marrow, liver and such. Maybe the problem is that we have no good sub-signals (i.e. just for b12) but just the big signals. And with the big signal, the body expects to also get all the nutrients that come with it.

People don't have signals for marrow and liver because they have never eaten those at all, and thus their bodies don't know what nutrition they provide.

I can also definitely believe that the body is capable of sabotaging the increasing metabolism simply out of inertia.


kiran said:
People don't have signals for marrow and liver because they have never eaten those at all, and thus their bodies don't know what nutrition they provide.

What do you mean not getting signals for liver? When I don't eat liver for a week or so, I get a desire to eat it, isn't that a signal?


Aug 9, 2012
j. said:
kiran said:
People don't have signals for marrow and liver because they have never eaten those at all, and thus their bodies don't know what nutrition they provide.

What do you mean not getting signals for liver? When I don't eat liver for a week or so, I get a desire to eat it, isn't that a signal?

Sure, but if you'd never had liver before, how would your body know to ask for it?
Today, most Americans probably haven't eaten much liver/marrow in their lives.
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