Jake's Journal

Jul 6, 2016
Well right now I get a lot of PUFA rich foods for free, and eating them is the best choice, otherwise I would have to fast.

Money and culture have very little to do with it.

Optimally I would be using high oleic sunflower seed oil but I've never actually tried it so who knows if it's better or worse than normal oils.

I have no idea whether the claims are overblown or not, in rats it definitely seems to be bad but in humans not as much.

I grew up eating generally shitty food too. That wasn't what broke me though.

I unintentionally fast a lot so I am not worried.


Mar 2, 2016
"Everyone should have the privilege of playing Russian Roulette if it's desired, but it is only fair to have the warning that with the use of polyunsaturated fats the gun probably contains live ammunition."
Jul 6, 2016

Okay this is an actual response.

I understand why people don't like PUFA.

Super unstable compared to MUFA and SFA.

Does not behave like normal fat should, burns like carbs, structures built out of it have odd properties and are super unstable.

I could write a page of pros and cons but irl doesn't seem to matter that much for me.

I use lots of uncouplers (caffeine, nicotine, aspirin) and some days might accidentally eat in caloric deficit (working on eating more), so in some ways this diet may be optimal for someone like me.

I have very low BF%. I eat tons of seed oils (which contain lots of oleic and some saturated, not all PUFA) + glucose in the form of starch.

During the day I access my fat stores due to exercise and fasting and uncouplers, and PUFA, courtesy of being more water soluble, is burned first.

If you can get the balance right, I bet you can burn the PUFA off and leave behind the oleic and more saturated fats.

Burning PUFA for energy also doesn't interfere with carb metabolism.

But if I ate like a jar of soybean oil a day, I'd have major problems. Keep calories low, and it doesn't really matter.


I'm more scared of not finding the truth than I am of PUFA haha.

The context decides whether PUFA is good or bad.
Jul 6, 2016

I don't make an effort to be antithetical, it just happens naturally I guess, I'm just enjoying the ride.


Mar 23, 2017
Sure nothing wrong with that.
I can empathize with the feeling of being scared of not finding the truth.

When my body broke down, for the first few months afterward I was trying so many different things that I was worried if I suddenly got better I wouldn't be able to pinpoint the helpful thing.
As I got worse and worse this feeling quickly eroded into 'I don't care if I know what helps me as long as I get better'.
In fact at my worst I would have gladly accepted amnesia in trade for good health.
But nobody offered me a choice like that. Life just doesn't work that way.
My fear of not finding the truth was unfounded because I wouldn't be able to get better WITHOUT finding the truth.
That's where our context is different.
I hope you never get to feel the way I felt when I didn't care about the truth.
Jul 6, 2016
Pizzagate is instantly labeled a conspiracy theory, so fast and hard that it's kinda obvious someone is trying to cover it up.

Seth Rich, labeled conspiracy theory, tons of surveillance cameras yet no footage.

The wiki page for Seth Rich is just like "stop asking questions, it's a crazy conspiracy theory, even his parents think it's dumb so stop asking questions".

What his girlfriend said: "There had been a struggle. His hands were bruised, his knees are bruised, his face is bruised, and yet he had two shots to his back, and yet they never took anything... They didn't finish robbing him, they just took his life."


Btw, Seth Rich was Jewish, without a doubt Ashkenazi Jewish ;)

And while everyone is angry at Trump for the "muslim ban", people don't ask why tf people want to leave their countries in the first place, answer being that the Obama regime destabilized the **** out of the Middle East and now they have no where to go. People don't want to leave their homes unless they don't have a home anymore.

The only reason the US is so "prosperous" in the first place, is because it takes advantage of less prosperous nations, so if you want free and open immigration, be prepared for a re-distribution of prosperity between nations (which is not necessarily a bad thing).

Propaganda is escalating.
Jul 6, 2016
I think it's odd we excrete so much calcium and magnesium when the supposed optimal intake is so high.

Maybe it's necessary for some function I don't understand, or maybe we need far less then we think.
Jul 6, 2016

The people in this photo aren't oblivious. They know how weird and disturbing this image looks, and they are well aware of what people will think of it.

This is not a candid shot of world leaders grasping an evil orb, there is probably something deeper going on (make the masses feel a certain way about a certain someone).

Like Trump has to know how this makes him look, this has to be intentionally evil looking, no way did Trump and friends think that a photoshoot with an evil orb was gonna improve his approval rating, maybe he wants people to think he's evil.

That is my opinion.
Jul 6, 2016
I think the reason government agencies wait to tackle illegal activity (like the silk road) is because they know that if they let it grow then they can cash out at a later date.

It's strange that crime is what pays the people stopping it... No crime no cash, thus an incentive to keep crime alive and healthy (until you slaughter it when it's growth plateaus).

Like livestock.
Jul 6, 2016

HCN channel - Wikipedia

Credit to LostFalco for the vid.

Amy Arnsten did a good job, seems like a nice person.

Simplified explanation of video:
-In layer iii of the dlPFC, cAMP triggers the opening of potassium channels (inhibitory) which leads to loss of firing and loss of connections, which is in contrast to the rest of the brain, where cAMP increases both (as far as we know).
-Receptors a2A, nicotinic a7, and dopamine 1 reduce cAMP and thus increases firing and connections.

My thoughts:

This is why I don't trust caffeine, which indiscriminately increases cAMP.

Low doses might increase dopamine/acetylcholine/norepinephrine enough to have a net positive effect on working memory.

High doses always destroy cognition though. Not only is the cAMP too high but the neurotransmitters themselves in high doses destroy the signal:noise ratio.

Nicotine works.
Jul 6, 2016
Most doctors are either harmful or useless. I'd rather see a naturopath than a doctor (because even though a naturopath would be useless, they would least not completely **** me up with some brand new shiny super drug that's being pushed).

The only use modern medicine has is for acute urgent emergencies (that includes acute problems that are a side effect of chronic conditions).

If you have a chronic condition, and this condition causes an acute crisis (like a heart attack or blood clot) then they can treat the acute crisis, but I would never trust a doctor for chronic care, ever.

And dentists...

Dentists only care about cosmetic appearance, it's a ******* joke, not one dentist has ever told me about xylitol, I had to find that on my own, dentists are eager to blast your face with x-rays (don't worry it's harmless *wink*wink*) and then drill holes in your teeth without ever trying anything else.

Remineralisation of teeth - Wikipedia

When the PH is above 5.5, calcium stops leaching into saliva, and is instead deposited onto the surface of teeth. Saliva is very rich in calcium and phosphorous ions. So why the **** don't dentists recommend rinsing the mouth with baking soda (to raise PH), followed by rinsing the mouth with a solution with calcium and phosphorous ions. Why has this not been done, why has it not been thought of, most dentists would call this quackery (because they are full of ***t), like what the ****.

A lot of dentists don't even believe in tooth remineralisation, it's something they were taught was impossible.

And sugar. People conflate sugar with acidic candy's and drinks, and think the sugar is the issue. I think it's far more likely the reason sugary foods hurt the teeth is because they are acidic as ****. Like for real, the reason sugary foods hurt is because they have citric and phosphoric acid added, and they are often sticky, idt sugar is the problem here.

Sugar is way more soluble in water than starch, simply rinsing the mouth with water should remove basically all of the sugar, yet starch is never mentioned (even though it is actually way more likely to stick to teeth), and most dentists would probably be eager to promote whole grains (yummy calcium stealing phytic acid).

I'm going to get some PH strips and see what effects starch and sugar have on my mouth/teeth's PH, this will be an actually well done n-1 experiment free of bull****.
Jul 6, 2016
My health issues have been very minor compared to most of the people here and on other forums.

I've never had any real allergies to foods (allergic to animals though), had some phsical trauma but my body seemed to handle it (moped crash), nothing that bad.

However, I did have mental issues. Depressed when I was in around 7-9. I've always suffered from HPPD and depersonalization disorder, when I was a kid it was very scary but also kinda cool to watch and experience, it was like forced mindfullness, it made me much more open later on in life to not believing I had any control (I realized I'm along for the ride), during a DPD episode I would sometimes just repeat to the people around me "It feels like I'm not in control of what I'm saying, these words are just coming out, it feels like I'm just watching myself speak".

After I hit my head a few years ago I developed insane OCD. At one point in my craziness I actually thought the CIA was reading my mind, haha.

INTENSIVE meditation cured almost all of it, I am very happy nowadays compared to how it used to be, still have some OCD, but intrusive thoughts are gone (the worst thing you can do is fight them), but HPPD is gone, or at least the dysphoria/anxiety associated with it, DPD is very much gone.

As well, intensive meditation made my mind operate a lot more efficiently. Absolutus was absolutely correct. If you don't see changes, keep pushing.

I think that trying your best to be moral/ethical, trying to create good karma (even if you don't believe in it), is helpful to you and those who you help, and ultimately the world (but don't catch a messiah complex like I did lol).

For a while I did that (created good karma) and I think I am now seeing a return on investment (and the profits will all be reinvested if you catch my drift). Things aren't great and fantastic but life isn't bad anymore, which is enough.

A major dfference now is that instead of suffering all the time, my suffering nowadays usually happens in short and very intense bursts, which is a good oppurtunity for mindfulness.
Jul 6, 2016
Okay, I'm done with this self indulgent journal.

I'll probably make a self indulgent blog instead and post the link here.

Jul 6, 2016
I agree. I do not think that it will do serious harm if you know exactly when to use some isolated substances. Problem is because many people want to make routine when taking isolated subs. Environment is alway shaping secretion of hormones. And we try to opose it without knowing exactly why some hormones are dowregulated.But how to know exactly what is in disbalance and what is cause??? That is the problem because everything have a many to many relationships. And here I found some different contradictory quotes from his articles that will make you think. He know that everything is complex and that many thing are not yet determined and yet he make some very static conclusions and potential bad recommendations.

" But the hereditary effects of nutrients are so complex that their recognition would force nutrition to be recognized as one of the most complex sciences, interwoven with the complexities of growth and development.

We still have to determine basic things such as the optimal rate of growth, and the optimal size.

Definitions have rarely distinguished clearly between nutrients and drugs, and new commercial motives are helping to further blur the distinctions.

Essential nutrients, defensive (detoxifying, antistress) nutrients, hormone-modulating nutrients, self-actualization nutrients, growth regulating nutrients, structure modifiers, life extension agents, transgenerationally active (imprinting) nutrients--the line between nutrients and biological modifiers often depends on the situation. Vitamins D and A clearly have hormone-like properties, and vitamin E’s effects, and those of many terpenoids and steroids and bioflavonoids found in foods, include hormone-like actions as well as antioxidant and pro-oxidant functions. The concept of “adaptogen” can include things that act like both drugs and nutrients.

Nutrition textbooks flatly describe caffeine as a drug, not a nutrient, as if it were obvious that nutrients can’t be drugs. Any of the essential nutrients, if used in isolation, can be used as a drug, for a specific effect on the organism that it wouldn’t normally have when eaten as a component of ordinary food. And natural foods contain thousands of chemicals, other than the essential nutrients. Many of these are called nonessential nutrients, but their importance is being recognized increasingly. The truth is that we aren’t sure what they “aren’t essential” for. Until we have more definite knowledge about the organism I don’t think we should categorize things so absolutely as drugs or nutrients. ???? What??? Definite knowledge is possible only with dead static matter.( pure physical rules) imo

Plant defensive chemicals can have beneficial uses as drugs. Plants are important sources for chemicals used in chemotherapy of cancer, with the purpose of stopping cell division. Other plant drugs can stimulate cell division. The drug from one plant will sometimes protect cells against the toxic effects of another plant. The use of any drug that isn’t a natural part of animal physiology will have many biological effects, so that a beneficial drug action will usually be accompanied by unwanted side-effects. An antioxidant may turn out to disrupt the endocrine system, an antiinflammatory drug may be mutagenic or carcinogenic.

Some plants have specific “pests,” such as insects, that have adapted to be resistant to that plant’s toxins, but if the plant and its predator are to survive, there has to be a balance between the plant tissue’s digestibility and its toxicity. Injury of a plant stimulates it to make increased amounts of its defensive chemicals. Plant toxins are known to be specific for animal tissues; for example, a toxin will inhibit the action of an enzyme from an animal, but a plant enzyme that catalyzes the same reaction won’t be affected.

A particular plant will have a variety of defensive chemicals, with specific functions. Underground, the plant’s roots and tubers are susceptible to attack by fungi and nematodes. The leaves, stems, and seeds are susceptible to attack by insects, birds, and grazing animals. Since the plant’s seeds are of unique importance to the plant, and contain a high concentration of nutrients, they must have special protection. Sometimes this consists of a hard shell, and sometimes of chemicals that inhibit the animal’s digestive enzymes. Many plants have evolved fruits that provide concentrated food for animals, and that serve to distribute the seeds widely, as when a bird eats a berry, and excretes the undigested seed at a great distance. If the fruit were poisonous, it wouldn’t serve the plant’s purpose so well. In general, the plant’s most intense toxins are in its seeds, and the fruits, when mature, generally contain practically no toxins. Roots contain chemicals that inhibit microorganisms, but because they aren’t easily accessible by grazing animals and insects, they don’t contain the digestive inhibitors that are more concentrated in the above-ground organs of the plant.

Many types of phytochemicals are mutagenic, and some of those are carcinogenic

To talk about caffeine, it’s necessary to talk about uric acid. Uric acid, synthesized in the body, is both a stimulant and a very important antioxidant, and its structure is very similar to that of caffeine. A deficiency of uric acid is a serious problem. Caffeine and uric acid are in the group of chemicals called purines.

Purines (along with pyrimidines) are components of the nucleic acids, DNA and RNA, but they have many other functions. In general, substances related to purines are stimulants, and substances related to pyrimidines are sedatives.

Caffeine has remarkable parallels to thyroid and progesterone, and the use of coffee or tea can help to maintain their production, or compensate for their deficiency.

The historical economic importance of cereals and beans is reflected in the nutritional and biochemical research literature, which has paid relatively little attention to basic questions about human adaptation to the ecosystems. From the early petrochemical “Green Revolution” to the contemporary imposition of genetically altered seeds, the accumulated economic power of the food industry has taken control of the food culture.

Since milk's primary biological function is to support the growth of a young animal, some of its features make it inappropriate as a sole food for an adult. To support cell division and growth, the methionine and tryptophan content of milk is higher than would be optimal for an adult animal, and the phosphate might be slightly more than needed, in relation to the calcium. Since the fetus stores a large amount of iron during gestation, the iron content of milk is low, and when a young animal has used the stored iron, its continuing growth requires more iron than milk provides. However, for an adult, the low iron content of milk and cheese makes these foods useful for preventing the iron overload that often contributes to the degenerative diseases."

Sorry I never replied to you, I might've been busy at the time.

We definitely need a way to test whether something will have good or neutral or bad health consequences. Right now virtually all health treatments (mainstream and alt) are basically playing russian roulette, just taking supps hoping for the best, it is insane.

Sometimes it works, a lot of the times it's neutral, sometimes it's negative.

I don't trust how I feel on whether something is good for me or not.

Morphine feels good, is it good for my health?

Lithium lowers my mood, is it good for my health?

The key right now is not the invention of new treatments/drugs/strategies/biohacks, the most important thing now is finding a diagnostic tool that repeatedly works, that shows a high degree of accuracy, that is affordable and easy to use.

Ray is good at pointing out others bull****, but I think he's too confident.
Jul 6, 2016
I only looked at my 23nMe, run through Prometheus, results with a somewhat disinterested glance. There's just too many other rabbit holes I want to scurry around. But I remember I had some weird COMT, HLA-DQ celiac genes, APOE-4, AND hemochromatosis. I prefer to just throw my hands up and ignore it.
fwiw, I don't think I respond that great to Progesterone. But pregnenolone has been my favorite all time supplement. I was doing 100mg daily plus added 4 drops Pansterone. I am backing off now. Just to 6 drops Stressnon in the morning and maybe a couple of drops of pansterone later in the day.
...the adventure continues

Yeah, I got it wrong about sodium channels, progesterone actually increases them due to sigma receptor activation, pregnenolone and dhea lower them.

I agree about progesterone/preg/dhea. A few months back I got a viral respitory infection (which keeps coming back, like rn), I took 100mg progesterone daily (up my **** for better absorption :vomit:;)) for like a week, it made my illness WAY worse - NEVER will I play around with ***t like that again, shortly after this happened the progesterone immunosuppresant thread was made, and I realized my mistake. Real dumb of me. That's the most sick I've gotten in like a decade. I never get sick like I did a few months ago.

Jake's Journal

That's the day I got the fever, I hit my head and passed out for like two days, took progesterone, body was like "????WTF IS GOING ON!!!!!!"

I love preg and dhea too though, I take like 300mg preg every couple of days, and like 75mg DHEA sometimes too. I trust them way more based on what I've read.
Last edited:
Jul 6, 2016
Sure nothing wrong with that.
I can empathize with the feeling of being scared of not finding the truth.

When my body broke down, for the first few months afterward I was trying so many different things that I was worried if I suddenly got better I wouldn't be able to pinpoint the helpful thing.
As I got worse and worse this feeling quickly eroded into 'I don't care if I know what helps me as long as I get better'.
In fact at my worst I would have gladly accepted amnesia in trade for good health.
But nobody offered me a choice like that. Life just doesn't work that way.
My fear of not finding the truth was unfounded because I wouldn't be able to get better WITHOUT finding the truth.
That's where our context is different.
I hope you never get to feel the way I felt when I didn't care about the truth.

I think I understand but I would appreciate it if you rephrased what you said in this message.


Jul 23, 2015
Portland, Oregon
Ashkenazi Jewish people seem to like cannabis; IIRC, low CB1 receptor density grants better memory, probably from higher LTP.
Because it's anxiolytic.


Feb 27, 2017
Most doctors are either harmful or useless. I'd rather see a naturopath than a doctor (because even though a naturopath would be useless, they would least not completely **** me up with some brand new shiny super drug that's being pushed).

The only use modern medicine has is for acute urgent emergencies (that includes acute problems that are a side effect of chronic conditions).

If you have a chronic condition, and this condition causes an acute crisis (like a heart attack or blood clot) then they can treat the acute crisis, but I would never trust a doctor for chronic care, ever.

And dentists...

Dentists only care about cosmetic appearance, it's a ******* joke, not one dentist has ever told me about xylitol, I had to find that on my own, dentists are eager to blast your face with x-rays (don't worry it's harmless *wink*wink*) and then drill holes in your teeth without ever trying anything else.

Remineralisation of teeth - Wikipedia

When the PH is above 5.5, calcium stops leaching into saliva, and is instead deposited onto the surface of teeth. Saliva is very rich in calcium and phosphorous ions. So why the **** don't dentists recommend rinsing the mouth with baking soda (to raise PH), followed by rinsing the mouth with a solution with calcium and phosphorous ions. Why has this not been done, why has it not been thought of, most dentists would call this quackery (because they are full of ***t), like what the ****.

A lot of dentists don't even believe in tooth remineralisation, it's something they were taught was impossible.

And sugar. People conflate sugar with acidic candy's and drinks, and think the sugar is the issue. I think it's far more likely the reason sugary foods hurt the teeth is because they are acidic as ****. Like for real, the reason sugary foods hurt is because they have citric and phosphoric acid added, and they are often sticky, idt sugar is the problem here.

Sugar is way more soluble in water than starch, simply rinsing the mouth with water should remove basically all of the sugar, yet starch is never mentioned (even though it is actually way more likely to stick to teeth), and most dentists would probably be eager to promote whole grains (yummy calcium stealing phytic acid).

I'm going to get some PH strips and see what effects starch and sugar have on my mouth/teeth's PH, this will be an actually well done n-1 experiment free of bull****.
You don't want calcium deposited onto the teeth. You want a strong, crystalline structure, containing calcium surrounding the dentine. That require vitamin D and K2, not just calcium and PH per se.
My dentist didn't mind me cleaning with baking powder but said he wouldn't recommend it due to other potential problems that may come from the ingestion of baking powder. He did, however, after testing it himself (reluctant because of the 'ick' factor)finally recommend oil-swilling to one patient who hated dentist and cleaning her teeth so much he had to anaesthetise her to clean her teeth. She would not use a toothbrush out of fear.
She loved it and it improved her dental health so massively she was down to yearly touch-ups. It revolutionise her life. She got her husband to do it as well. My dentist was afraid he could not get people passed the 'ick' factor and would lose patients.

It's all context.
Jul 6, 2016
You don't want calcium deposited onto the teeth. You want a strong, crystalline structure, containing calcium surrounding the dentine. That require vitamin D and K2, not just calcium and PH per se.
My dentist didn't mind me cleaning with baking powder but said he wouldn't recommend it due to other potential problems that may come from the ingestion of baking powder. He did, however, after testing it himself (reluctant because of the 'ick' factor)finally recommend oil-swilling to one patient who hated dentist and cleaning her teeth so much he had to anaesthetise her to clean her teeth. She would not use a toothbrush out of fear.
She loved it and it improved her dental health so massively she was down to yearly touch-ups. It revolutionise her life. She got her husband to do it as well. My dentist was afraid he could not get people passed the 'ick' factor and would lose patients.

It's all context.

Where did you read that?

I think K2 and D are important for bone maintence, but enamel is very different, I don't think those things are really required, it seems pretty straightforward.
EMF Mitigation - Flush Niacin - Big 5 Minerals

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