Heather Is Eating Potatoes And Losing Weight


Jan 17, 2013
I'm Heather, and this is not my first attempt to lose weight, though it's the most recent one that's working. It's pretty stupidly simple, and it would be even more effective if I stick with it just a little harder. That part will happen this week. But for now! Here's what I've been doing.

36/F/SW 174/CW 169 (Lightest adult weight! Yeah!)/GW 145ish, I want to be strong and lean.

The 174lb weigh in was two weeks ago, when I decided to really give this theory a go. See, I love potatoes. And I wanted to do the potato hack. But I also love coconut oil. And I know that several people have had some good success here losing weight by cutting severely down on fats. But...I think coconut oil is magical and I wanted to eat more of it.

So, to make this a Best Of All Worlds scenario, I'm eating mostly potatoes for lunch and dinner, which have been roasted in the oven in a good bit of coconut oil, and seasoned boldly with salt and a bbq dry rub that rocks my socks.

Breakfast is 8-12oz of orange juice with gelatin and unflavored whey isolate. Second breakfast (yes, really, I work an early as **** shift and eat on my first break) is a fruit like an apple or grapes and some protein like sliced turkey or lean ham, or a couple of hb eggs. Sometimes I have a bit of halo top ice cream for a snack later (and only if I also take digestive enzymes, because dairy and I aren't really friends). Proteins with lunch and dinner vary, from chicken breast to eggs to salmon, or really whatever lean-ish meat I have on hand. Veggies happen sometimes, and only if I really feel like it, and only well cooked. It would be things like bell peppers or zucchini.

I'd like to fit in more raw carrots.

I work doing stock at a warehouse, so I burn a good bit of extra calories there, and work out (lift heavy with a bit of cardio) 2-3 times a week. I track obsessively with Lose It! I occasionally supp with turmeric and shilajit, and nootropics when I need some extra brain.

Feedback is more than welcome, if I can tweak this to lose even faster I would LOVE to, but I've stuck with it for about 2 weeks now with consistent success, it's easy, and I'm happy doing it, which is three big points I don't usually get to have in the same sentence. (Keto, anyone?) Also happy to answer questions. I want to keep posting my progress here, so this might be able to help others who are struggling.


Jan 17, 2013
I can't say I really left, just lurked and read while I focused on other parts of life for a while. I always check out anything Haidut and Tyw have to say especially, and I'm often enlightened by Westside PUFA and Such Saturation, so I can't stay away for long. ;)

Ecstatic, keep me posted on how your journey goes!


Jan 17, 2013
Today's update, 168lb! :D Effing thrilled, over here. Sticking with the same basic plan with minor variations for schedule and availability. Today was cottage cheese with collagen and unflavored protein, and a side of fresh strawberries dipped in sugar for breakfast. I have also learned that my current tolerance for MCT oil is below 2tbsp in one dose.

I've picked up carrots, and that will be my "I crave crunchy" snack, so probs 2 carrots a day. Not bothering to grate or any of that nonsense, just eating the darned thing.


Jul 29, 2014
Today's update, 168lb! :D Effing thrilled, over here. Sticking with the same basic plan with minor variations for schedule and availability. Today was cottage cheese with collagen and unflavored protein, and a side of fresh strawberries dipped in sugar for breakfast. I have also learned that my current tolerance for MCT oil is below 2tbsp in one dose.

Keep it up!

I've picked up carrots, and that will be my "I crave crunchy" snack, so probs 2 carrots a day. Not bothering to grate or any of that nonsense, just eating the darned thing.

Haha, yah if I have to grate it I won't bother with the bloody thing. What I do is just eat a carrot and pickle together. Take a bite of each and chew. The pickle adds flavour.


Jan 17, 2013
Haha, yah if I have to grate it I won't bother with the bloody thing. What I do is just eat a carrot and pickle together. Take a bite of each and chew. The pickle adds flavour.

That's a brilliant idea! I like pickles anyway, that's a great way to have more of them. Thanks!


Oct 18, 2013
Yay for potatoes!

About a year ago I was going through a major metabolic/digestive crisis (literally anytime I put food in my mouth, I bloated like a beach ball), and I decided to do the potato hack for a few days. After the first day, I woke up with the flattest stomach I'd had in a month, and it stayed like that the whole time. Of course, 2 days after I started adding regular food, it came back, but still, those were a glorious three days.... I probably could have kept on longer, but I was starting to get a nasty lingering taste in my mouth--I don't know if it was because of the solanine or if I was in ketosis (I've heard that can happen) or what, but it made it impossible to stick with it longer, and I haven't done it since (though I've thought about it many times). Last's years crisis helped deposit 30 pounds on my person, and I'm about ready to see what I can do to get it to go away again. When I do, I'll probably try something very similar to what you're doing.
May 26, 2016
Interesting. Potatoes never really earned the 'Peat seal of approval' so to speak, though some on these forums do seem to swear by them. We may never reach a consensus but I'm nonetheless enthralled by stories like this.


Jul 23, 2012
Interesting. Potatoes never really earned the 'Peat seal of approval' so to speak, though some on these forums do seem to swear by them. We may never reach a consensus but I'm nonetheless enthralled by stories like this.

Peat has written often about how good white potatoes are. We recently discussed it over email again. IF you are going to eat starch, it is an excellent choice.
Feb 4, 2015
I always check out anything Haidut and Tyw have to say especially, and I'm often enlightened by Westside PUFA and Such Saturation, so I can't stay away for long. ;)

Thanks and keep up the good work and stay inspired. Just take it one day at a time and live in the day.

The biggest problem in eating so much potato is preparing and cooking it. But once you become a potato master, it becomes very easy. I've dramatically upped my knife skills over the last 3 years. You learn which potatoes are "ripe." You learn which ones will come out the best. I like russets and yellow. Yellow potatoes are naturally "buttery" without butter added. There's also other kinds too. I liked baked sometimes but I mostly stovetop steam.



Apr 13, 2014
Peat calls the potato an almost perfect food, like milk. Here are a few quotes:

“Potato protein is high in quality, if the potato is very well cooked and eaten with butter or cream. Although potatoes contain only about 2% protein, a kilogram of potato has roughly the protein value of a liter of milk (which is 3% protein), because of its high quality.”

“The protein of potatoes is extremely high quality, and the quantity, in terms of a percentage, is similar to that of milk.”

“Two pounds of well-cooked mashed potato has the protein value similar to a liter of milk, about 33 grams of protein. A person would be able to live for a long time on two or three liters of either milk or 4-6 pounds of potatoes per day. The milk drinker would eventually need to supplement iron, the potato eaters would need to supplement vitamin A, possibly B12, but both of them are nearly perfect foods.”


Nov 20, 2016
Adding fat to potatoes will help to gain weight? Because I want to gain weight
Today I will eat approx.4 cups of cooked potatoes.


Jan 17, 2013
I got down to 166, then started eating normally (leaning towards lower carb) and am back to 172, though I've been at 172 for a month now. I've been thinking about going back to the potato hack, but the complication is that I'm a freelance writer, and one of my biggest clients is a keto person, and wants keto articles and posts. It makes it hard to justify the potatoes right now, unfortunately.


Jan 17, 2013
Really thinking though that I need to go back to the coconut-oil-as-only-fat route, with potatoes, cottage cheese, milk, shrimp, salmon, eggs, gelatin, OJ, sugar, etc.

Not together, obviously!!


Apr 9, 2015
I got down to 166, then started eating normally (leaning towards lower carb) and am back to 172, though I've been at 172 for a month now. I've been thinking about going back to the potato hack, but the complication is that I'm a freelance writer, and one of my biggest clients is a keto person, and wants keto articles and posts. It makes it hard to justify the potatoes right now, unfortunately.
So you have gained weight eating lower carb?


Jan 17, 2013
Yes. I largely credit that to the vast quantities of fat in my favorite meal, pulled pork, that I consume with wanton abandon, among other pretty fatty meals. Like...I'm absolutely certain I've been eating way more than maintenance calories for...months.


Apr 21, 2015
Thanks for the update @gnosisphoenix. I am intrigued by the concept of a potato diet to lose weight but not sure I could carry it out. However, I do consume a fair amount of potato chips cooked in coconut oil. I never gain weight on them and, in fact, I notice that if my temperature is dipping and I know it's because I have not eaten enough, I can eat some potato chips and my temperature perks up! Cheese with potato chips is my travel food and easy snack.
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