Prepare for mandatory COVID vaccines in September

Rick K

Feb 18, 2019
It didn't sound like the plan is to go door-to-door to forcibly vaccinate anyone. Rather, to spread the good word of how Safe and Effective™ the vaccines are. If it happens here I'll just point to the No Soliciting sign and shut the door.
At this time it seems that's all it is. This would then be a good time to hit them upside the head with a sock full of nickels and thank them for stopping by.

Rick K

Feb 18, 2019
Yep, more "Avon Calling!" than forced vaccinations. Although Avon products have always been more popular.
Perhaps it will be Vicky Vaccine calling with her insipid smile and a tablet with a brief documentary. Then the sock full of nickels thing.

Rick K

Feb 18, 2019
From this article:

The departures came this week after a judge dismissed an employee lawsuit over the vaccine requirement. In the suit, filed by 117 Houston Methodist employees over the mandate, the staff members likened their situation to medical experiments performed on unwilling victims in Nazi concentration camps during World War II.

In his June 12 ruling, US District Judge Lynn Hughes called the comparison ‘reprehensible,’ and deemed lead plaintiff Jennifer Bridges’ contention that the vaccines are ‘experimental and dangerous’ to be false and otherwise irrelevant.

So...despite federal laws forbidding these pig effers not force experimental vaxxes on anyone and despite the Nuremburg Code forbidding it a judge calls it irrelevant and their concerns (backed by Vaers reports) of the danger and the FACT that these are experimental; this BOZO says those concerns are reprehensible and false.
Justice truly is blind.


I still don't know whether their goal is:

1) to kill most of the human population to have "more room" for themselves and who knows what other plans.

2) to keep the human count as it is but to control us with chips, ratings, and hold us by the balls in every department possible so as to derive more power from this control.

Whether it's reason 1) or reason 2) I still think they are fine having around 90% of the population comply and leave the remaining 10% alone.

When you think about it, the resisting 10% won't constitute a significant threat to the elite, they won't be able to join force and organize a coup even if they are like-minded.

That gives me hope as all of us Peatarians can totally be part of that resisting 10% which won't be a problem for the powers that be, and we might be left alone without a vaccine, without a mask, and without too much financial pressure as long as we don't want to travel or rebel.


Mar 15, 2018
So...despite federal laws forbidding these pig effers not force experimental vaxxes on anyone and despite the Nuremburg Code forbidding it a judge calls it irrelevant and their concerns (backed by Vaers reports) of the danger and the FACT that these are experimental; this BOZO says those concerns are reprehensible and false.
Justice truly is blind.
The Nuremburg Trials was an excuse to torture German soldiers to death, there wasn't much meaning beyond that. Things will not work out too well if you play their semantics game to 'play fair' when all they see it as is an excuse to gain power.
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Rick K

Feb 18, 2019
The Nuremburg Trials was an excuse to torture German soldiers to death, there wasn't much meaning beyond that. Things will not work out too well if you play their semantics game to 'play fair' when all they see it as is an excuse to gain power.
Well, there's always the fallback to that sock full of nickels I was talking about earlier. That will cure most people of what ails them.


The Law & Order Admin
Jan 4, 2012
Well, there's always the fallback to that sock full of nickels I was talking about earlier. That will cure most people of what ails them.
Please stop promoting violence. :hattip


Mar 29, 2021
1. When you sign up to any branch of the military you get stuck with about 5-10 vaccines and antibiotics. So adding a covid vaccine while their is covid going around is only prudent since military live and train in such close quarters.

2. This has nothing to do with the general public. There will never be mandatory vaccines, at least in the USA, it’s unconstitutional and as much as people fear government encroachment on the constitution, its actually being held up remarkably well.


Mar 15, 2018

Remarks by President Biden on the COVID-19 Response and the Vaccination Program​

And fifth and finally, we’re sending out more mobile clinic — more mobile clinic units out there to help people at special events, summer festivals, sporting events, as well as places of worship, wherever we can find people gathered.

In addition to these initiatives to continue to vaccinate the unvaccinated, we’re stepping up our preparations to respond to the outbreaks we’re going to see among the unvaccinated. For that, we’re mobilizing what I’m calling “COVID-19 Surge Response teams.” These teams are made up of experts from FEMA, the Federal Emergency Management Agency; the CDC, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; and elsewhere across our government — other groups. And they’re going to help states that have particular problems prevent, detect, and respond to the spread of the Delta variant among unvaccinated people in communities with low vaccination rates. And some states have very low vaccination rates.

They’re going to be able to do — we’re going to deploy things like testing to expand detection of the virus, medicines to help treat the infected, and we’re going to provide federal personnel to fill gaps in staffing, and technical experts to help investigate outbreaks — because they’re going to happen in states with very low vaccination rates.


Jan 25, 2014
There will never be mandatory vaccines, at least in the USA, it’s unconstitutional and as much as people fear government encroachment on the constitution, its actually being held up remarkably well.

Lol, sure. The Gold Clause sure did prevent the Federal Reserve from ever coming into existence, right? Riiiight?

I don't know how anyone could say this with any sincerity after the past year. I'm sure the only reason the Framers didn't put an amendment in about government stopping people from going to work was that they never thought THAT would happen. Not that it matters. Government shut down churches all over the country, in clear violation of the first amendment.

Although, if you read the first amendment, it's clear its a restriction on congress. Which was yet another violation. Governors all across the union issued treasonous "Executive Orders," not even bothering to go to their respective legislatures.

The Constitution has been shredded. It's true that some of the remnants of Federalism hold up, but violations of the spirit of the original document have been rampant for the past century.


Jan 25, 2014
The Nuremburg Trials was an excuse to torture German soldiers to death, there wasn't much meaning beyond that. Things will not work out too well if you play their semantics game to 'play fair' when all they see it as is an excuse to gain power.

Agreed, it was a Kangaroo Court with zero authority, and I don't see the "Nuremburg Code" holding any sway over anyone or any country. Dr. Ewen Cameron was freely violating it (with ruthless MK Ultra experiments) less than a decade after testifying for the Allies, and helping put Rudolph Hess in jail for life for the "War Crime" of trying to broker Peace with Britain. It certainly didn't stop the Tuskeegee experiments in the US, nor did it prevent future radiation, mind control, or true "bioweapon" experiments afterwards, like Operation Sea Spray.

Gone Peating

Sep 16, 2018
I still don't know whether their goal is:

1) to kill most of the human population to have "more room" for themselves and who knows what other plans.

2) to keep the human count as it is but to control us with chips, ratings, and hold us by the balls in every department possible so as to derive more power from this control.

Whether it's reason 1) or reason 2) I still think they are fine having around 90% of the population comply and leave the remaining 10% alone.

When you think about it, the resisting 10% won't constitute a significant threat to the elite, they won't be able to join force and organize a coup even if they are like-minded.

That gives me hope as all of us Peatarians can totally be part of that resisting 10% which won't be a problem for the powers that be, and we might be left alone without a vaccine, without a mask, and without too much financial pressure as long as we don't want to travel or rebel.
Both 1 and 2 are goals of theirs


Jan 1, 2014
I still don't know whether their goal is:

1) to kill most of the human population to have "more room" for themselves and who knows what other plans.

2) to keep the human count as it is but to control us with chips, ratings, and hold us by the balls in every department possible so as to derive more power from this control.

Whether it's reason 1) or reason 2) I still think they are fine having around 90% of the population comply and leave the remaining 10% alone.

When you think about it, the resisting 10% won't constitute a significant threat to the elite, they won't be able to join force and organize a coup even if they are like-minded.

That gives me hope as all of us Peatarians can totally be part of that resisting 10% which won't be a problem for the powers that be, and we might be left alone without a vaccine, without a mask, and without too much financial pressure as long as we don't want to travel or rebel.
If its reason 1 then the sheep will be gone and it will just be the wolves and the elites left pretty much.

Sorry to say that, there are nice people who are taking the vaxxine but those who refuse would make for a serious problem for the elites if these "wolves" watch millions die from a vaxxine over say a couple year period.

Even the media would have a hard time covering this up if deaths continue from vaxxinations into the near future. The elites may have robots and AI but they need loyal servants to survive as they are useless, skill less criminals.

Reason 2 , controlling the masses with chips makes more sense to me.

I dont see how they will accomplish a massive depop event and not have a backlash for instituting what may end up as our largest war on our planet so far.
All of the events of the past few years have been somewhat surprising in that it's all quite obvious and plain to see criminality butmost people dont care to know.

I wondered what the NWO would roll out like when Bush 1 called for it.
I guess i didn't think the majority would go along with it so easily but we are much more divided culturally since Bush 1era thanks to the MSM and their masters.

Still i hold out some hope and i must say we are both blessed and cursed to live in interesting times.


1. When you sign up to any branch of the military you get stuck with about 5-10 vaccines and antibiotics. So adding a covid vaccine while their is covid going around is only prudent since military live and train in such close quarters.

You make it sound like you believe vaccines actually work and were designed for the good of humanity.
You were being sarcastic right?


Mar 15, 2018
You make it sound like you believe vaccines actually work and were designed for the good of humanity.
You were being sarcastic right?
He could be gloating about American federal militias being intentionally poisoned, I wouldn't be able to tell.
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